
Thomas A Reh's Lab

Featured research (4)

The neural retina of mammals, like most of the rest of the central nervous system, does not regenerate new neurons after they are lost through damage or disease. The ability of nonmammalian vertebrates, like fish and amphibians, is remarkable, and lessons learned over the last 20 years have revealed some of the mechanisms underlying this potential. This knowledge has recently been applied to mammals to develop methods that can stimulate regeneration in mice. In this review, we highlight the progress in this area, and propose a "wish list" of how the clinical implementation of regenerative strategies could be applicable to various human retinal diseases.
Many neurodegenerative diseases cause degeneration of specific types of neurons. For example, glaucoma leads to death of retinal ganglion cells, leaving other neurons intact. Neurons are not regenerated in the adult mammalian central nervous system. However, in nonmammalian vertebrates, glial cells spontaneously reprogram into neural progenitors and replace neurons after injury. We have recently developed strategies to stimulate regeneration of functional neurons in the adult mouse retina by overexpressing the proneural factor Ascl1 in Müller glia. Here, we test additional transcription factors (TFs) for their ability to direct regeneration to particular types of retinal neurons. We engineered mice to express different combinations of TFs in Müller glia, including Ascl1, Pou4f2, Islet1, and Atoh1. Using immunohistochemistry, single-cell RNA sequencing, single-cell assay for transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing, and electrophysiology, we find that retinal ganglion-like cells can be regenerated in the damaged adult mouse retina in vivo with targeted overexpression of developmental retinal ganglion cell TFs.
To better understand the roles of microRNAs in glial function, we used a conditional deletion of Dicer1 (Dicer-CKOMG) in retinal Müller glia (MG). Dicer1 deletion from the MG leads to an abnormal migration of the cells as early as 1 month after the deletion. By 6 months after Dicer1 deletion, the MG form large aggregations and severely disrupt normal retinal architecture and function. The most highly upregulated gene in the Dicer-CKOMG MG is the proteoglycan Brevican (Bcan) and overexpression of Bcan results in similar aggregations of the MG in wild-type retina. One potential microRNA that regulates Bcan is miR-9, and overexpression of miR-9 can partly rescue the effects of Dicer1 deletion on the MG phenotype. We also find that MG from retinitis pigmentosa patients display an increase in Brevican immunoreactivity at sites of MG aggregation, linking the retinal remodeling that occurs in chronic disease with microRNAs.
Many retinal diseases lead to the loss of retinal neurons and cause visual impairment. The adult mammalian retina has little capacity for regeneration. By contrast, teleost fish functionally regenerate their retina following injury, and Müller glia (MG) are the source of regenerated neurons. The proneural transcription factor Ascl1 is upregulated in MG after retinal damage in zebrafish and is necessary for regeneration. Although Ascl1 is not expressed in mammalian MG after injury, forced expression of Ascl1 in mouse MG induces a neurogenic state in vitro and in vivo after NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) damage in young mice. However, by postnatal day 16, mouse MG lose neurogenic capacity, despite Ascl1 overexpression. Loss of neurogenic capacity in mature MG is accompanied by reduced chromatin accessibility, suggesting that epigenetic factors limit regeneration. Here we show that MG-specific overexpression of Ascl1, together with a histone deacetylase inhibitor, enables adult mice to generate neurons from MG after retinal injury. The MG-derived neurons express markers of inner retinal neurons, synapse with host retinal neurons, and respond to light. Using an assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high-throughput sequencing (ATAC-seq), we show that the histone deacetylase inhibitor promotes accessibility at key gene loci in the MG, and allows more effective reprogramming. Our results thus provide a new approach for the treatment of blinding retinal diseases.

Lab head

Members (9)

Rachel O L Wong
  • University of Washington Seattle
Edward M Levine
  • Vanderbilt University
Nikolas L Jorstad
  • Allen Institute for Brain Science
William N Grimes
  • National Institutes of Health
Stefanie Gabriele Wohl
  • State University of New York College of Optometry
Marina Pavlou
  • University of Washington Seattle
Juliette Wohlschlegel
  • University of Washington Seattle
Nicholas Radulovich
  • Washington State University
Fred Rieke
Fred Rieke
  • Not confirmed yet
Levi Todd
Levi Todd
  • Not confirmed yet
Matthew S. Wilken
Matthew S. Wilken
  • Not confirmed yet
Nikolas L. Jorstad
Nikolas L. Jorstad
  • Not confirmed yet
Wesley Jenkins
Wesley Jenkins
  • Not confirmed yet