

Featured research (27)

In this paper, an RF harvester along with a power conditioning unit is presented. The proposed solution is tuned to work at 2.42 GHz. RF harvested front-end is simulated, and its supporting back-end power conditioning unit is discussed in detail. The variation in the harvester's Gain, Directivity and Efficiency at different frequencies is analyzed. Different power conditioning units are proposed, and the best one for the proposed RF harvester is discussed in detail. The proposed low-cost solution is highly suitable for far-field RF power harvesting, especially for small portable gadgets.
The performance of photovoltaic panels is affected by the accumulation of dust particles on their surface. Regular cleaning of these photovoltaic panels is required, which increases the overall system cost and solution complexity. In remote areas, especially in water-stressed areas like deserts, water availability is an issue that double-folds the problem's complexity. Few automatic or manual dust cleaning methods through dry brushing are still there, which damages the glass layer at the top of photovoltaic panels. Here the availability of water for cleaning is not only a piece of the puzzle, but the required power to generate water in case of water harvesting is also equally important. This work proposes a novel artificial intelligence-enabled, wind turbine-driven air-water harvester. The air-water harvester is designed to operate in three different modes depending on the amount of dust on the surface of the solar panel. The system can produce more than two liters of water per day at the expense of a maximum of 100 W. In the end, the increase in the performance of the photovoltaic panel with and without the proposed cleaning solution is tested by cleaning its surface with water produced by the air-water harvester.
In this paper, an off-grid energy Wi-Fi mesh system for remote areas is proposed. The system is self-powered, and to ensure 24 hours energy production, a hybrid solution of vertical wind turbine and the solar cell is used. Dedicated routers are designed using Raspberry Pi, and other supporting electronic circuitry and results are analyzed. To avoid bandwidth issues, the network off-loading concept is exploited using a novel concept of power used by each node. The proposed system is portable and suitable for remote areas where grid-connected energy availability is an issue.
Communication in remote areas is challenging. LoRa is a promising wireless technology for low-power communication in remote areas. LoRa can transmit data over greater distances using very little energy. This research has been motivated by the need for versatile, low-power consumption technology that enables GPS tracking. The proposed mesh network uses LoRa technology to build an architecture that can track and monitor the location of nodes across extensive regions. Within a range of more than 30 kilometres, it can identify the position of the connected device. By establishing a LoRa network, an individual with access to the LoRa Network can monitor the location and routes of end devices.

Members (19)

Husnain Siddique
  • Technosense21 Private Limited
Muhammad Taha
  • Nazarbayev University
Suffian Zaman
  • University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
Saad Khalid
  • Lappeenranta – Lahti University of Technology LUT
Khola Azhar
  • TechnoSense21
Ahmed Arif
  • Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Muhammad Fahad Naveed
  • Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Zainab Chaudhry
  • University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
K. Tajamal
K. Tajamal
  • Not confirmed yet