Rohali Rohali's Lab
Institution: Yogyakarta State University
Department: Department of French Language Education
Featured research (8)
The French Department at UNY has integrated the MBKM program since 2020
to enhance the KKNI framework. This research evaluates the program's
effectiveness and explores the views of educators and students. Data were
collected through a questionnaire involving 87 students and 14 teachers. Results
show a very positive perception of the MBKM implementation by both teachers
and students. Current MBKM initiatives include intra-faculty and interfaculty studies at UNY, credit acquisition, teaching assistance in elementary
schools, thematic community service (KKN), and regular community service
Cette recherche vise à atteindre deux objectifs principaux : (1) décrire la stratégie de civilité linguistique et (2) identifier les aspects linguistiques utilisés dans la représentation de la civilité linguistique. Les données de cette recherche ont été collectées de six groupes de WhatsApp de professeurs-étudiants On a utilisé la méthode distributionnelle pour analyser les représentations de civilité linguistique, tandis que la méthode d'identité a été utilisée pour analyser les stratégies de civilité
linguistique. Les résultats de l'analyse des données indiquent que les stratégies de civilité utilisées sont (1) parler gentiment (24 %), (2) s'excuser sérieusement et de manière réfléchie (19 %), (3) respecter le temps des autres (17 %), (4) respecter les opinions des autres (8 %), (5) s'affirmer (8 %), (6) ne pas rejeter la responsabilité et le blâme (8 %), (7) écouter activement (6 %), (8) respecter un « non » subtil (4 %), (9) accepter et féliciter (3 %), et (10) accepter et formuler des critiques
constructives (3 %). Pour représenter les stratégies de civilité
linguistique, les étudiants utilisent une variété de langages : (1) exprimer
des salutations, (2) s'excuser, (3) exprimer des regrets, (4) se présenter
avant de communiquer leurs intentions, (5) écouter et attendre que le
professeur ait fini de communiquer avant de répondre, (6) féliciter et
recevoir des éloges avec un langage agréable, (7) exprimer poliment son
désaccord ou dire non indirectement, et (8) Accepter et formuler des
critiques constructives.
Keeping the environment clean is an inherent part of people's lives. Various discourses on maintaining cleanliness, both in the form of posters, advertisements in the form of impressions in visual media and in print are widely found, with the aim of conveying a message to the public about the importance of protecting the environment. Several posters on the official website of the Ministry of Health provide an overview of keeping the surrounding environment clean and beautiful to look at. In this paper, the author wants to analyze the discourse on maintaining
cleanliness, a discourse which is part of a problematic area with broad implications for society. Critical discourse analysis was carried out on posters calling for cleanliness found on the Google search engine using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis as an analytical tool.
This study aims to describe the themes and attitudes of the community towards news about the Covid-19 pandemic on WhatsApp. By conducting critical discourse analysis, it is hoped that an understanding will be formed that can enlighten the public on how to interpret and understand the information about the COVID-19 pandemic that they receive through the WhatsApp application and be selective in sending this information to others. The results of the study show the following. Fisrt, the attitude of affection contains 4 themes, namely religious, health, education, and economic themes. There are two functions of a religious theme, namely a request to God and an expression of gratitude. The health theme has three functions, namely an invitation to maintain progress, vaccination recommendations, and health humour. The theme of education is represented in the form of public attitudes regarding the readiness of universities for offline learning. The function of the economic theme is related to expressions of concern and ironism towards the deteriorating Indonesian economy. Second, the attitude of the community's cognition is realized with the theme of health which has the function of protest, fake news, and health humour. Thirth, dehavioral attitudes carry three themes, namely health, education, and economy. The function of the health theme is behaviour in responding to the funeral process for Covid-19 victims and vaccination. The function of the educational theme is related to the behaviour of the community towards the preparation of offline learning. The economic theme is represented by behavioural deviations from health protocols during the implementation of PPKM.Keywords: discourse analysis, attitude, covid-19, WA SIKAP MASYARAKAT TERHADAP BERITA PANDEMI COVID-19 ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskipsikan tema dan sikap masyarakat terhadap berita tentang pandemi Covid-19 di WhatsApp. Dengan melakukan analisis wacana kritis, diharapkan akan terbentuk pemahaman yang dapat mencerahkan masyarakat bagaimana memaknai dan memahami informasi tentang pandemi covid-19 yang mereka terima melalui aplikasi WhatsApp dan selektif dalam mengirimkan informasi tersebut ke orang lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hal-hal sebagai berikut. Pertama, sikap afeksi memuat 4 tema yaitu tema religius, kesehatan, pendidikan, dan ekonomi. Ada dua fungsi tema religius yaitu permohonan kepada Tuhan dan ungkapan syukur. Tema kesehatan memiliki tiga fungsi yaitu ajakan menjaga prokes, anjuran vaksinasi, dan humor kesehatan. Tema pendidikan direpresentasikan dalam bentuk sikap masyarakat terkait kesiapan perguruan tinggi dalam pembelajaran luring. Fungsi tema ekonomi berkaitan dengan ungkapan kekhawatiran dan ironisme terhadap ekonomi indonesia yang semakin memburuk. Kedua, sikap kognisi masyarakat diwujudkan dengan tema kesehatan yang memiliki fungsi protes, berita bohong, dan humor kesehatan. Ketiga, sikap perilaku mengusung tiga tema yaitu kesehatan, pendidikan, dan ekonomi. Fungsi tema kesehatan adalah perilaku menyikapi proses pemakaman korban Covid-19, dan vaksinasi. Fungsi tema pendidikan berkaitan dengan perilaku masyarakat terhadap persiapan pembelajaran luring. Tema ekonomi direpresentasikan dengan penyimpangan perilaku terhadap protokol kesehatan di tengah pemberlakuan PPKM.Kata kunci : analisis wacana, sikap, covid-19, WA
The use of language styles has a widely varied purpose to convey information that is not explicitly expressed by the speaker. This study is aimed at describing the form and function of the styles contained in the French media. The subjects of this research are phrases and sentences contained in the CDP Lyrics in the Blonde albums, alcoholic beverages and advertisement aplle in French-language magazines, and in the speech by François Hollande in ‘Le Figaro’ newspaper. Data collection is done by observation and recording techniques using data tables. Data analysis uses the agih method. The analysis of the language style functions is done by using the speech components of SPEAKING. The validity is obtained through semantic validity and reliability through intra-rater reliability. The results of the study show that the style of language in the media is necessary for speech so that the content of communication is more beautiful and attractive. Language style functions depend on the context and purpose of the speech. The most dominant function in the lyrics of the song is the poetic, which prioritizes beauty. In Alcoholic Beverage Ads, the expressive function becomes dominant to make the advertisement more alive. In the Apple Product Advertising on the Internet, the language function is referential for emphasizing the topics described.
Keywords: language style, form and function
Penggunaan gaya bahasa mempunyai tujuan yang sangat bervariasi untuk menyampaikan informasi yang tidak akan dinyatakan secara eksplisit oleh si penutur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk dan fungsi gaya bahasa pada media komunikasi yang berupa lagu, iklan, dan Surat Kabar berbahasa Prancis. Subjek penelitian ini adalah frasa dan kalimat yang terdapat dalam Lagu CDP pada album Blonde, iklan minuman beralkohol, iklan aplle dalam majalah berbahasa Prancis, dan Pidato François Hollande dalam Surat Kabar Le Figaro. Pengumpulan data dengan metode simak dan teknik catat dengan tabel data. Analisis data menggunakan metode agih. Penentuan fungsi gaya bahasa menggunakan metode padan referensial. Fungsi penggunaan gaya bahasa dianalisis dengan komponen tutur SPEAKING. Keabsahan data melalui validitas semantis, reliabilitas dengan intra-rater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahasa gaya bahasa yang paling menonjol pada lagu adalah asonansi dan hiperbola, pada iklan minuman beralkohol adalah aliterasi dan hiperbola, pada pidato François Hollande adalah repetisi dan hiperbola, pada iklan apple adalah asonansi dan aliterasi. Fungsi bahasa yang sering muncul adalah referensial kecuali pada iklan minuman beralkohol, yang dominan adalah fungsi emotif. Fungsi gaya bahasa tergantung pada konteks dan tujuan. Gaya bahasa di media diperlukan agar konten indah dan menarik.
Kata kunci : Gaya Bahasa, Bahasa Prancis, Bentuk dan Fungsi