Featured research (42)

Importance Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) is included as a new diagnosis in international classification systems. Treatments following a cognitive behavioral model are most effective, but comparisons with active control treatments are scarce. Objective To examine whether integrative cognitive behavioral therapy for prolonged grief (PG-CBT) is superior to present-centered therapy (PCT). Design, Setting, and Participants This was a rater-blinded, multicenter, randomized clinical trial (stratified by center and relationship to the deceased) with enrollment from April 2017 to May 2022. The setting included 4 university outpatient clinics in Germany. Eligible participants were aged 18 to 75 years and had PGD based on the Prolonged Grief Disorder 13 (PG-13) interview. Participants were randomized 1:1 to PG-CBT and PCT. Interventions PG-CBT focused on the exposure to the worst moment of the loss and cognitive restructuring of grief-related cognitions in combination with solution-focused and experiential methods (eg, walk to the grave exercise). PCT was adapted in session length and number to PG-CBT and focused on a supportive relationship and coping with daily problems that may have arisen from the loss or grief symptoms. Main Outcomes and Measures All outcomes were assessed at baseline, after treatment, and 12 months after randomization at follow-up. The primary outcome was a blinded assessment of the PG-13 severity score at follow-up. Secondary outcomes were self-reported depressive, somatic, and overall psychopathological symptoms. Results Of 544 treatment-seeking individuals experiencing bereavement, 212 eligible participants (mean [SD] age, 51.8 [13.3] years; 173 female [82%]) with PGD based on the PG-13 interview were randomized to PG-CBT and PCT (n = 106 in each condition). In the intention-to-treat analysis, both treatments yielded high reductions in PGD severity at follow-up (PG-CBT: Cohen d = 1.64; 95% CI, 1.31-1.97; PCT: Cohen d = 1.38; 95% CI, 1.09-1.66). After treatment, participants receiving PG-CBT demonstrated significantly greater reductions in PGD severity than those receiving PCT (Cohen d = 0.31; 95% CI, 0.03-0.57). At follow-up, this effect was only visible on a trend level (Cohen d = 0.28; 95% CI, −0.02 to 0.57), whereas participants in the PG-CBT group had significantly less depressive and general psychopathological symptoms. Twenty-three participants (20%) discontinued PG-CBT treatment, and 17 participants (16%) discontinued PCT. Conclusion and Relevance This randomized clinical trial demonstrates that PG-CBT was superior to PCT after treatment and at follow-up with regard to comorbid symptoms. Both treatments were shown to be effective and acceptable, showing the potential for dissemination and increasing patient choice. Trial registration German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS) identifier: DRKS00012317
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die in der ICD-11 enger gefassten Kriterien der posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS) und die Einführung der komplexen PTBS (kPTBS) mit zusätzlichen Schwierigkeiten in der Selbstorganisation und -regulation (SSO) können deutliche Auswirkungen auf die Diagnosehäufigkeit haben. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde untersucht, aufgrund welcher ICD-11-Cluster Kinder und Jugendliche die Diagnose verfehlen und ob Bezugspersonen Veränderungen im SSO-Bereich eher auf den Entwicklungsstand oder das traumatische Ereignis attribuieren und wie diese Attributionen wiederum mit der Symptomschwere zusammenhängen. Methoden N = 88 deutschsprachige Kinder und Jugendliche (Alter: 7–17) mit traumatischen Ereignissen sowie N = 79 Bezugspersonen wurden zwischen September 2019 und November 2020 zur (k)PTBS-Symptomschwere (CATS-2) und der Attribution der SSO-Symptome (Fragebogen für Bezugspersonen) befragt. Ergebnisse Die ICD-11-Kriterien (CATS‑2 und eine entwicklungsangepasste Version) ergaben geringere Häufigkeitsraten der PTBS als DSM‑5 und ICD-10. Am seltensten wurden die ICD-11-Cluster „Wiedererleben“ und „Übererregung“ erfüllt. Veränderungen der SSO-Symptome wurden vorwiegend als ereignisbedingt eingeschätzt. Diese Attribution hing mit höherer PTBS- und SSO-Symptomschwere im Fremdbericht zusammen. Die entwicklungsbedingte Attribution hing mit einer höheren SSO-, jedoch nicht PTBS-Symptomschwere im Fremdbericht zusammen. Diskussion Im Rahmen der Diagnostik und bei der Überarbeitung von Diagnoseinstrumenten für ICD-11-(k)PTBS sollten auch entwicklungsspezifische Symptomausprägungen berücksichtigt werden. Eine Herausforderung stellt die Abgrenzung von Veränderungen im SSO-Bereich als „traumabezogen“ gegenüber „entwicklungsbedingt“ dar und erfordert mehrere Informationsquellen.
Background The treatment of traumatized refugee minors is often challenging because of language barriers. International guidelines, therefore, recommend the use of language mediators. However, there is a scarcity of evaluated training programs that prepare language mediators to translate during psychotherapy developed specifically for this patient group, for instance trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). Methods Based on an extensive literature review and in collaboration with an expert focus group, a one-day TF-CBT-specific online training program was developed for language mediators willing to work with minor refugees, and delivered on nine occasions between November 2020 and June 2021. The participants answered pre- and post-training questions about trauma- and TF-CBT-related knowledge and attitudes relevant to therapy, as well as the perceived usefulness of the training. Bayesian estimation was used to determine pre-post changes. Results A total of 129 participants speaking 35 different languages participated in the training program. Analyses revealed 95% highest density intervals not containing the null with respect to knowledge gain (effect size median 0.28) and change in treatment-appropriate attitudes (effect size median 0.31). The participants rated the training as useful. Conclusion The TF-CBT-specific training course was successfully carried out. It was likely to disseminate both knowledge gains and a shift toward more treatment-appropriate attitudes. It was perceived as useful by the participants. Given the scarcity of evaluated training programs for language mediators working with minor refugees, the results are promising. The limitations include the lack of both a control group and the verification of the results using an external outcome measure.
Background: Most individuals seeking asylum in Germany live in collective housing and are thus exposed to a higher risk of contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: In this study, we aimed to test the feasibility and efficacy of a culture-sensitive approach combining mobile app–based interventions and a face-to-face group intervention to improve knowledge about COVID-19 and promote vaccination readiness among collectively accommodated Arabic-speaking adolescents and young adults. Methods: We developed a mobile app that consisted of short video clips to explain the biological basis of COVID-19, demonstrate behavior to prevent transmission, and combat misconceptions and myths about vaccination. The explanations were provided in a YouTube-like interview setting by a native Arabic-speaking physician. Elements of gamification (quizzes and rewards for solving the test items) were also used. Consecutive videos and quizzes were presented over an intervention period of 6 weeks, and the group intervention was scheduled as an add-on for half of the participants in week 6. The manual of the group intervention was designed to provide actual behavioral planning based on the health action process approach. Sociodemographic information, mental health status, knowledge about COVID-19, and available vaccines were assessed using questionnaire-based interviews at baseline and after 6 weeks. Interpreters assisted with the interviews in all cases. Results: Enrollment in the study proved to be very challenging. In addition, owing to tightened contact restrictions, face-to-face group interventions could not be conducted as planned. A total of 88 participants from 8 collective housing institutions were included in the study. A total of 65 participants completed the full-intake interview. Most participants (50/65, 77%) had already been vaccinated at study enrollment. They also claimed to comply with preventive measures to a very high extent (eg, “always wearing masks” was indicated by 43/65, 66% of participants), but practicing behavior that was not considered as effective against COVID-19 transmission was also frequently reported as a preventive measure (eg, mouth rinsing). By contrast, factual knowledge of COVID-19 was limited. Preoccupation with the information materials presented in the app steeply declined after study enrollment (eg, 12/61, 20% of participants watched the videos scheduled for week 3). Of the 61 participants, only 18 (30%) participants could be reached for the follow-up interviews. Their COVID-19 knowledge did not increase after the intervention period (P=.56). Conclusions: The results indicated that vaccine uptake was high and seemed to depend on organizational determinants for the target group. The current mobile app–based intervention demonstrated low feasibility, which might have been related to various obstacles faced during the delivery Therefore, in the case of future pandemics, transmission prevention in a specific target group should rely more on structural aspects rather than sophisticated psychological interventions.
The efficacy of trauma-focused treatments for children and adolescents is well researched. However, less is known about the long-term and caregiver-reported effects. Searched databases were PsychInfo, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, PTSDPubs, PubMed, Web of Science, and OpenGrey. Treatment effects of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) were computed at 12-month follow-up with posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) as primary outcome and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and grief as secondary outcomes. Concordance between participant and caregiver ratings were investigated. TF-CBT showed large improvements across all outcomes from pre-treatment to 12-month follow-up (PTSS: g = 1.71, CI 1.27–2.15) and favorable results compared to active treatments and treatment as usual at 12-month follow-up (PTSS: g = .35, CI .13–.56). More pronounced effects were found in group settings. No significant differences were detected between participant and caregiver ratings with high reliability across almost all outcomes and assessment points. TF-CBT is a reliable treatment for pediatric PTSS and secondary symptoms with stable results at 12-month follow-up.

Lab head

Rita Rosner
  • Department of Psychology

Members (18)

Julia König
  • Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Hannah Comtesse
  • FernUniversität in Hagen
A. Nocon
  • Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg
Johanna Unterhitzenberger
  • Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences
Anna Vogel
  • Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Rebekka Eilers
  • Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Eline Rimane
  • Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Lauritz Müller
  • Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Anna Vogel
Anna Vogel
  • Not confirmed yet
Anna Vogel
Anna Vogel
  • Not confirmed yet