About the lab

Non governmental Organization «Th. VOVK CENTER FOR PALEOETHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH» is association of scientists, Ph.D. students and students who with the aim of solving the scientific, educational and heritage protection problems in the areas of contemporary archaeology, anthropology, ethnology and other related sciences are united.
Center was founded and based on a voluntary basis, equality of the members, self-government, legitimacy, mutual aid and cooperation, electivity and accountability of governance, clearness in work. The Center collaborates with research institutions, institutions of culture and education, public
organizations that interested in archaeological and anthropological research.

Featured research (23)

Rock Art, Landscape, and Settlements - Study of context and placement
У звітний сезон було проведено археологічні розвідки в межах сіл Межиріч, Лука, Гамарня і Бабичі та в їх околицях. ці населені пункти належать до Канівської об’єднаної територіальної громади Черкаської обл. й знаходяться в межиріччі Росі та Росави. Вдалося відкрити й обстежити кілька невідомих раніше пам’яток.
In the basin of the Middle Dnieper and its tributaries, a large number of Upper Palaeolithic sites and palaeontological deposits have been uncovered. The archaeological settlements are attributed to various chronological and cultural complexes: Gravettian, Epi-Aurignacian, Epigravettian, and Final Palaeolithic. A part of Epigravettian vestiges refers to the Mezhyrichian type of industry, and is dated to the rather limited time span of 15–13 ka 14C uncal. BP. The conducted typological-technological analysis of lithic assemblages allows us to assert the unity of processing techniques within this type. Such technological, territorial, and chronological unity of sites represents the remnants of activity of single society. These objects have different functional and seasonal characteristics, which offer the unique opportunity to reconstruct certain aspects of life, seasonal mobility cycles, and group hunting strategies within a common ecological niche. The spatial distribution of sites and objects indicates the presence of a logistic structure of seasonal mobility, which manifests itself at different hierarchical levels: dwelling, residential assemblage, base camp, and subsistence territory. The base camps were mainly settled during the cold season, while during the warm season there was a wider activity associated with topographically high relief areas. Key words: Upper Palaeolithic, Eastern Epigravettian, Mezhyrichian, mammoth bone dwelling, seasonal mobility, lithic assemblage.
The collection of scientific works is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of Prof. Mykhailo I. Gladkikh, a well-known Ukrainian archaeologist, prehistorian, teacher and world-class scientist. The issue of the collection is related to the field of scientific research of the jubilee – the interaction of human and the environment in prehistory. The articles are devoted to modern research and interpretations of living space in the prehistoric cultures of Europe, as a system of human adaptation to changing natural conditions. The proposed collection will be useful for anyone interested in the prehistory, archaeology and paleoecology of Europe – archaeologists, prehistorians, paleogeographers, local historians, museum workers, cultural heritage researchers, and students of higher education.
The Upper Palaeolithic settlement of Mezhyrich is located on the territory of Mezhyrich village of Kaniv district, Cherkasy region. The settlement is located on the cape formed by the valleys of the rivers Ros’ and Rosava. Palaeolithic cultural layers of the site lies 2.5—3 m below the modern surface. The site is radiocarbon dated to 15—14.3 kyr BP. using bones of several animal species, including mammoth. The remains of the structures and objects are well-preserved in the cultural layer, they contain bone, antler and ivory. In the last years pit 6 is household object of a particular interest. It belongs to the second household unit and is situated to the south of the second dwelling’s structure. The microstratigraphic studies of the object indicate three episodes of sediment occumulation in the pit, which correspond to the three cultural horizons of the site. As a result of the excavation we have a bright series of bone, tusk and antler artifacts. According to the cross-sections of the north and east walls, the pit is a lens-shaped (lens-like) depression with a diameter of about two meters and a depth of one meter. There were large mammoth bones by the edges of its filling. For the study we have chosen samples of osteological material which bear traces of human processing. As a result of the zooarchaeological analysis several main categories of the material were chosen (identified): blanks of mammoth ribs, bone tools of long bones of small/medium-sized mammals and ornaments of teeth. It allowed to find out some technological traits and to deepen the understanding of household and everyday life of Upper Palaeolithic hunters-gatherers from the Mezhyrich site. The study of the collection allows to widen the description of this site and to conclude about the life of its inhabitants. Стаття присвячена історії дослідження та опису остеологічного матеріалу з гоподарської ями 6 Межиріцької пізньопалеолітичної стоянки. На основі вивчення архівних матеріалів про поперед-ні розкопки, а також безпосереднього дослідження вмісту заповнення об'єкту, подається узагальнений опис фауністичних решток. Особливу увагу приді-лено знахідкам кісток та бивню, які мають сліди цілеспрямованої людської обробки. У результаті застосування археозоологічного та технологічного аналізів було виділено кілька основних категорій оброблених предметів з органічних матеріалів. Це дозволило виявити деякі технологічні тенденції та поглибити розуміння господарства і побуту палеолітичних мисливців Межиріцької стоянки.

Lab head

Pavlo Shydlovskyi
  • Department of Archaeology

Members (6)

Marharyta Chymyrys
  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Diana Dudnyk
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Bohdan Mamchur
  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Liubov Samoilenko
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Veronika Unhurian
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Yevhenii Synytsia
Yevhenii Synytsia
  • Not confirmed yet
Diana Smirnova
Diana Smirnova
  • Not confirmed yet