
Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi's Lab

Featured research (3)

The primary objective of this study was to investigate the densities and age structure of Christmas tree worms Spirobranchus sp. (Serpulidae, Polychaeta), on colonies of massive stony corals of the genus Porites, which have not been reported before in the region. Pulau Sempu, East Java, Indonesia. Pulau Sempu is a small island and also the sole remaining nature reserve within the region of. This small island is encompassed by shallow and narrow fringing reefs, characterized by a composition of algae and an occurrence of hard corals, specifically from genera Porites, Pocillopora, and Coelastrea (formerly known as Goniastrea). The majority of Porites specimens creating a narrow reef encompassing the island is colonized by boring polychaets known as the Christmas tree worms, Spirobranchus sp., which inhabit the interior of coral skeletons. Studies were carried out in two specific locations within the nature reserve Pulau Sempu, i.e., Watu Mejo and Waru-Waru. Two species: Spirobranchus corniculatus and Spirobranchus cruciger, have been identified dwelling on corals. Our findings indicated that the density of the worms residing in large Porites was 8.62 individuals/ m2 in Watu Mejo and 9.02 individuals/m2 in Waru-Waru. The age of the worms found on Pulau Sempu, as determined by operculum size, ranged between 14 and 22 years. Worm age differ among study sites with older individuals observed at Waru-Waru.
The exact number of coral species in Indonesia is not unclear yet, in 2002 the coral taxonomist, JEN Veron, stated 590 species, and it was supported by an Indonesian coral taxonomist, Suharsono, eight years later. The current coral species data is 605 but it is from Coral Triangle Region area (CT). The eastern of Indonesia, which is located in the Coral Triangle Region, has received a lot of attention from coral researchers, due to coral species that have been described. On the other hand, the coral reef from the western part of Indonesia, including in the East Kalimantan, has not been explored much in recent times. Through the ecoregion view, E. Kalimantan region is clustered into ecoregion 43 (Sulu Sea) which has 540 coral species. Miang Island is one of the inhabited islands from E. Kalimantan, and has an unexplored coral reef ecosystem. The method had been used in this research is descriptive, which uses photos of live corals to describe colony characteristics corals. The results of the study have described 36 species of coral and several invertebrates that make up coral reefs on Miang Island. Keywords: Hard coral Acropora Porites Identification Pulau Miang
Abstrak Reef Check is an activity to find out the condition of coral reefs and it's another supporting ecosystem. Reef fish are important for describing the healthy condition of coral reef health. Herbivorous fish is major agent of decreasing number coral's competitor, algae, that open space to coral growth. Corallivorous fish are dependent on coral for their daily dietary, so both of coral and fish are mutualism each other. Deterioration of coral and it supporting ecosystem due stressor will impacted on their sustainability. The aim of this research is to record reef fish in nature reserve area, Pulau Sempu, as part yearly monitoring of ReefCheck program. Survey was conducted on Teluk Semut 1, Teluk Semut 2, Watu Meja, and Waru-waru. Underwater Visual Census (UVC) was used as a method for this research to identify reef fish in a transect of 100 x 5 x 5m scale in (length, width, and height). Results showed several fishes was used to identify yet the family of Chaetodontidae with mean abundance 0.0072 individual/m3 in Teluk Semut 1, 0.0084 individual/m3 in Teluk Semut 2, 0.0104 individual/m3 in Waru-Waru, and 0.008 individual/m3 in Watu Meja. Watu Meja and Waru-Waru station showed higher mean abundance than other station, this indicates coral reefs ecosystem in this station have a better health and condition compare to the other stations. Haemulidae, snapper and grouper shows low mean abundance that indicates overfishing on Sempu Strait, South Malang. Reef fish in Pulau Sempu that has important for economical seem lower in their abundance and the other hand indicator reef fish higher indicate the coral reef still remaining health. 1. PENDAHULUAN Nilai komersial yang dimiliki ikan banyak ditemukan di daerah terumbu karang, sehingga dapat dikatan bahwa terumbu karang sebagai habitat bagi ikan komersil. Selain itu, ekosistem termbu karang juga memiliki tingkat keragaman ikan yang tinggi (Manembu et al., 2014). Luasan dari terumbu karang hanya 0,1% dari permukaan laut yang ada di dunia, akan tetapi memiliki kisaran 12.000 spesies ikan yang ada di dunia dan 7.000 spesies merupakan spesies ikan yang terdapat pada ekosistem terumbu karang atau sekitar 58,3% dari jenis ikan yang ada di dunia (Allen, 2007). Ikan yang hidup didalam ekosistem terumbu karang memiliki ciri yang beragam, mulai dari warna, bentuk, dan ukuran. Ikan terumbu sebagai ikan konsumsi juga memiliki nilai sebagai ikan hias dengan nilai jual tinggi (Manembu et al., 2014). Ikan terumbu berdasarkan tujuan pegelolaan dapatdibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, antaralain adalah ikan target, ikan indikator dan ikan mayor (berperan dalam rantai makanan) (Dartnall dan Jones, 1986). Komunitas ikan terumbu yang berasosiasi dengan karang memiliki respon dari setiap perubahan dalam berbagai faktor lingkungan serta perubahan dalam berbagai kondisi, yakni mulai dari perubahan secara spasial maupun temporal (Miller dan Hay, 1998). Bentuk yang berbeda dari life form karang merupakan salah satu faktor utama dari tempat hidup dari ikan terumbu (Kingsford, 1998). Ikan terumbu mempunyai ikatan yang erat dengan terumbu karang, terumbu karang dijadikan tempat dimana ikan berlindung, mencari makan, dan memijah. Struktur fisik dari setaip karang di jadikan tempat berlindung bagi ikan dari kejaran pridator sehingga menjadi tempat yang aman bagi ikan terumbu (Denny dan Babcock, 2004). Melimpahnya komunitas ikan terumbu sangat erat kaitannya dengan kondisi dari kondisi karang itu sendiri, sama halnya dengan keanekaragaman spesies ikan terumbu yang juga berbanding lurus dengan keanekaragaman spesies karang keras (Rembet, 2011). Ikan terumbu dapat membantu karang dalam proses pemulihan ketika terjadi akumilasi berlebihan dari makroalga di suatu perairan (Anderson dan Russell, 2004). Pencemaran perairan oleh logam berat Pb (timbal) dapat membahayakan organisme perairan dengan tingkat toksisitas yang cukup tinggi dan mengakibatkan kerusakan organ pada organisme yang nantinya dapat menyebabkan kematian (Triadayani, 2010). Selain itu, kegiatan penangkapan yang intensif juga dapat berpengaruh terhadap populasi ikan dan ekosistemnya (Lampae, 2005). Hal ini dapat mengganggu ekosistem terumbu karang yang nantinya berpengaruh langsung atau tidak langsung terhadap hasil

Lab head

Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi
  • Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences

Members (4)

Dimas Syarif
  • Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs Jawa Timur
Dzikrillah Akbar
  • University of Brawijaya
Respati Dwi Sasmitha
  • University of Brawijaya
Firly Yulianto
Firly Yulianto
  • Not confirmed yet
Dimas Bagus Dwi Putranto
Dimas Bagus Dwi Putranto
  • Not confirmed yet