
Oba-Adenuga Modupe Ayodele's Lab

Featured research (1)

This study examined the relationship between self-awareness and task performance among academic staff in selected private universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The main purpose of the study was to examine interaction between self-awareness and task performance among academic staff in selected private universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. One hypothesis was postulated to guide the study; survey research design was employed in this study. The sample for the study comprised 308 full-time academic staff of selected private Universities in Ogun State, Nigeria, determined using Raosoft calculator. Multi-stage sampling techniques were adapted to obtain response from all the cadres of the academic staff. A structured and adapted questionnaire titled "Self-awareness and Employee Performance (SEP)" that was used for the study went through validity and reliability tests with Cronbach Alpha ranges between 0.728 and 0.954. Data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential (Multiple and Hierarchical Regression) statistics. The study revealed that self-awareness had significant relationship with task performance (r (296) = 0.833, p < 0.05). Based on the result of the study, it was therefore recommended that the management of private universities should train their academic staff to acquire the competencies associated with self-awareness because a thorough understanding of oneself is an important determinant self-efficacy for improving personal performance. Key Words: Emotional intelligence, Employee performance, Self-awareness

Lab head

Oba-Adenuga Modupe Ayodele
  • Department of Educational Psychology

Members (1)

Ezeribe Ngozi Scholastica
  • National Open University of Nigeria