Natalia Boiko's Lab
Institution: Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Featured research (4)
The optimal structure for processing signal data and primary processing data of a multi-position radar system is synthesized in this paper. In this work, due to the creation of an information base for storing signal data on the required number of scans of a multi-position radar system, it is possible to merge data both at the level of signal data and at the level of primary data processing. Each element of the last stores both signal data and indicators of the quality of their receipt. This made it possible to carry out inter-stage optimization of signal data processing and primary data processing.
The article discusses the relevance of the development of a telemedicine complex for the rehabilitation of athletes for the removal of various biological characteristics and data transmission over a distance. The block diagram of the device being developed is presented. The choice of the FPGA component for solving the problems of digital signal processing has been substantiated. Keywords: FPGA, biological signal, digital signal processing (DSP), medical complex.
Taking into account modern trends, the analysis of the construction principles of telemadic systems, networks and complexes is presented in the work. The general structure of providing telemedicine services is developed. Structures of realization of portable and mobile telemedicine complexes are offered. Infocommunication systems and networks for implementation in mobile telemedicine complexes are analyzed. The advantages of using the sensor mobile body area network of the IEEE 802.15.6 WBAN standard in mobile telemedicine complexes are justified. Keywords: telemedicine, telemedicine complex, medical services, device structure, microcontroller, sensor network, wireless sensor body area network.
The principles of quality assurance of higher education are considered in the work. The analysis of aspects of quality assurance of the educational process of higher technical education on the example of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics is given. Measures to develop a quality system of higher education at the university level are proposed as well. Keywords: thigher education, technical education, quality of education, educational process, microcontroller, FPGA, educational laboratory, remote laboratory.