Educational Role of Language
Institution: University of Gdańsk
Department: Institute of Education
About the lab
We work jointly under the Educational Role of Language (ERL) framework, meant to boost the position of language in education and to bridge the gap between educational and linguistic sciences. It comprises (formal) ERL Association ( (issuing ERL Journal, holding ERL online Sessions) and (informal) ERL Network ( (organising annual ERL Conferences).
Featured research (12)
Language Personality as a Four-Dimensional Construct Falling Outside University Students' Reflection The paper relates to a qualitative international study carried out with university students concerning their personal reflection on learning English. In the study the respondents were presented with questions on what they think of, what they can do, how they feel about and what they associate with the vocabulary they learn (the questions thus pertained to language beliefs, activity, affect and matrices of reality interpretation and encompassed four educational domains) and requested to write down their remarks on these questions in terms of facts and opinions (such as comments shown as examples reading 'I've been asked this question many times' (fact) and 'I think it's a very important question' (opinion). The study clears shows that university students' reflection on the vocabulary they learn pertains essentially to the psychomotor and cognitive domains (i.e. to what they can do with words and what they associate them with), and only marginally to the axiological and affective domains (i.e. to what they think of words and how they feel about them, respectively). Additionally, the data gathered shows that despite not having been asked by teachers questions concerning values or emotions concerning vocabulary, students themselves find these questions significant and beneficial for the language learning process. In the light of such lack of balance between the four domains and on the basis of findings proving commonsensical questions to fall outside students' educational L2 reality, the paper advocates the concept of language personality, understood as a construct comprising four domains, the effective development of which necessitates teachers' and students' increased reflection on what students think of and how they feel about the vocabulary (and language as a whole) which they study.
The paper addresses the seemingly paradoxical phenomenon of the conventional underlying the personal in foreign language learning, i.e. how the presence of fixed language elements (collocations etc.) contributes to EFL learners’ subjective sensation of personally meaningful educational experience. Resting on the rationale of FL learning taking the form of composing , the paper aims to outline observations justifying the application of ready-given word combinations (which, by some theoreticians and practitioners, tend to be disparaged as being not ambitious or developmental enough). It discusses the key point from the four perspectives: pedagogical – whereby the fact of students’ uttering subject matter is cherished, didactic – here the so-called ‘directed utterances’ are advocated, linguistic – in the case of which the pivotal issue is exemplified with one specific semantic field, and psycholinguistic perspective – whereby EFL learners’ awareness of conceptual relationships within and across topics (“formal control”) proves highly conducive to learning and as such merits being treated as a central educational objective. Although the examples included in the paper are derived from EFL materials, the overall approach presented herein applies to all other disciplines and subjects.
Międzynarodowa sieć pracowników naukowych, której zamysł przedstawia niniejszy tekst i do której będę się tu skrótowo odnosił jako ERL Network, wyłoniła się ze współpracy nawiązanej w ramach I Międzynarodowej Pedagogiczno-Lingwistycznej Konferencji Naukowej „Edukacyjna Rola Języka. Learn to speak, speak to learn”(„ERL I”), która odbyła się na Wydziale Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego w dniach 9–10 czerwca 2016 roku2. Konferencja ta wyraźnie ujawniła silną potrzebę współpracy pomiędzy „światem” pedagogów a „światem” lingwistów, dla tych pierwszych podyktowaną zapotrzebowaniem wiedzy o języku, zaś dla drugich–intencją podniesienia swoich nauczycielskich kompetencji w zakresie m. in. rozumienia ucznia i sprawnej komunikacji z nim. W świetle tzw.„zwrotu lingwistycznego” oraz związanej z nim ekspansji paradygmatu lingwistycznego na inne nauki społeczne zbliżanie się …
Lab head
- Institute of Education
About Michal Daszkiewicz
- On the whole, my scientific (linguistic and pedagogical) work relates to LANGUAGE-BASED EDUCATIONAL PARADIGMS . It covers studies of (1) SYSTEMS (what the position of language in different countries/schools is and how it can be boosted); (2) DISCIPLINES (how the role of language is determined psychologically, sociologically, culturally etc,); (3) LINGUISTIC IDENTITIES (how our language beliefs, activity, affect, and matrices interact); (4) INTRA-LANGUAGE (how one composes one's own language).