

About the lab

The ECOSPHERE research group aims to study both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems that are continuously challenged by natural and anthropogenic stressors. Its research focuses on acquiring fundamental and applied knowledge at different levels of structural and functional organisation in order to underpin environmental management decisions.
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Featured research (153)

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) exhibit widespread global distribution, extending to remote regions including Antarctica. Despite potential adverse effects on seabirds, PFAS exposure among Antarctic penguins remains poorly studied. We investigated the occurrence of 29 PFAS compounds in feathers and excreta of Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) from Fildes Bay, Antarctica. Sample collection was conducted during the austral summer (February 2015) and analyzed by Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem ES (−) mass spectrometry. The results showed that adults tend to accumulate more PFOA, PFPeS and NaDONA than chicks, with PFOA emerging as the predominant compound in feathers. The compounds PFHxA, PFDoDA, PFBS, PFOS, 4:2 FTS, 6:2 FTS, and PFEESA were only detected in penguin excreta, indicating that they are not absorbed into the organism. The detection of PFAS in penguin feathers and excreta not only indicates local contamination but also reaffirms the far-reaching impact of anthropogenic pollutants. This study presents the first documented occurrence of NaDONA in Antarctica, despite its status as a regulatory-compliant alternative to legacy PFAS compounds—a finding that needs deeper attention. The data can serve as a base for further research to understand the full extent of PFAS contamination and its implications for Antarctic wildlife and ecosystems.

Lab head

Gudrun De Boeck
  • Department of Biology
About Gudrun De Boeck
  • Our research group ECOSPHERE ( studies aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems that are continuously challenged by natural and anthropogenic stressors. My research focuses on effects of environmental factors (hypoxia, temperature, salinity, heavy metals, stress hormones...) on energy metabolism and iono- and osmoregulation of different marine and freshwater fish and more recently we started using transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.

Members (54)

Jonas Schoelynck
  • University of Antwerp
Jan Staes
  • University of Antwerp
Stefan Van Damme
  • University of Antwerp
Tobias Ceulemans
  • University of Antwerp
Katrien Van der Biest
  • University of Antwerp
Willem-Jan Emsens
  • Centre for Research and Conservation
Thimo Groffen
  • University of Antwerp
Dirk Vrebos
  • University of Antwerp
Chris M. Wood
Chris M. Wood
  • Not confirmed yet
Robby Stoks
Robby Stoks
  • Not confirmed yet
W. Gary Anderson
W. Gary Anderson
  • Not confirmed yet
Raewyn M. Town
Raewyn M. Town
  • Not confirmed yet
Y. Wang
Y. Wang
  • Not confirmed yet
Amit Kumar Sinha
Amit Kumar Sinha
  • Not confirmed yet
P J Walsh
P J Walsh
  • Not confirmed yet
C.M. Nawata
C.M. Nawata
  • Not confirmed yet