
Digitale Chancengerechtigkeit

About the lab

The research project Digital Equity (Digitale Chancengerechtigkeit) investigates how social background influences learning processes, competence acquisition and motivation in reading and literature classes at elementary school depending on the methods and media students use (print-based books and enhanced eBooks). The joint project (duration: 2020-2023), which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, combines the research of the German Youth Institute and Ludwig Maximilian University in Germany with school practice. Within the framework of the project, interventions will be developed and examined that focus on changes in teaching and learning processes under the conditions of the digital culture (Stalder 2016).

Featured research (10)

We present and discuss quantitative results of the projects' intervention study to enhance elementary students' reading skills.
While classes become more heterogeneous and children grow up as digital natives, instruction is still characterized by an emphasis on middle-class children and analogue media. Moreover, national and international comparative studies have repeatedly shown that Germany in OECD comparisons often ranks last in terms of the level of digital learning opportunities in schools. A gap exists between children's lifeworld experiences and informal learning processes in a digital world on the one hand and digital learning opportunities at school on the other. Thus, schools do not offer content and digital infrastructure that links to students' informal digital knowledge. Therefore, there is a need to discuss how schools can integrate the emancipatory power of digitalization.
Bedeutung von Kreativität als Ressource und Kompetenz hat in einem gesamtgesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozess längst auch die deutsche Bildungslandschaft erreicht. Jedoch mangelt es im schulischen Alltag ebenso wie in der Forschung an einem gemeinschaftlichen Verständnis, was kreative Prozesse in einer digitalen Welt tatsächlich ausmachen und wie Kinder bereits in der Grundschule dazu angeregt werden können.
Dieses Themenheft dient der Sammlung interdisziplinärer Perspektiven auf grenzüberschreitende und zukunftsgerichtete Prozesse des Lehrens und Lernens in der Kultur der Digitalität, die Nachhaltigkeits- und Gerechtigkeitsfragen gleicher- massen betreffen.

Lab head

Jana Heinz
  • Department of Applied Social Sciences
About Jana Heinz
  • Jana Heinz works as a professor for methods of empirical social sciences research at the Munich university of applied siences. Jana does mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative research in sociology of education, sociological theory and participation. Her main interest is on changing education systems from a comparative perspective, digital teaching and learning and creating equal educational opportunities; and how to research these transformations.

Members (2)

Uta Hauck-Thum
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
Fabian Franz
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich