Cosmic Law Portal
Institution: Independent Researcher
About the lab
Scientific research in the field of Outer Space (Cosmic) Law
Featured research (12)
The purpose of the study is to determine the legal characteristics of military mobilization, including through the prism of the global security system and taking into account generally recognized human rights and the moral principles of a civilized society
This article presents the research results related to creating the Unified World Analytical Legal Platform of Outer Space Law (Cosmic Law Portal).
The study`s results show the uniqueness of Outer Space Law and its distinctive features, without which it is impossible to create an effective mechanism for regulating space activities.
The basis of its uniqueness is the environment of application of Outer Space Law (“Cosmos”), which is not the natural habitat of a human and that nobody owns.
During the study of Outer Space Law, the processes of gradual formation of terms, theses, and antitheses as well as the emergence of legal conflicts have been identified.
At the same time, it is revealed that the processes of the evolution of theses and antitheses, the formation of terminology, and the creation of interpretation of terms have not occurred naturally and experimentally but through diplomatic proposals and political agreements. In turn, this led to heterogeneity, inconsistency, incompatibility, non-conformities, and ambiguity of most provisions of Outer Space Law and as a consequence the ineffectiveness of the process of regulating space activities.
Thus, the study shows the urgent need for the creation of the Unified World Analytical Legal Platform of Outer Space Law (Cosmic Law Portal) and the universal cosmic language of terms.
During the research process, the following elements and characteristics of the Cosmic Law Portal have been identified, the presence of which is necessary for the formation of effective Outer Space Law: 1) a database of international and national acts and documents regulating space activities; 2) mechanisms that monitor and control the evolution of legal theses and the emergence of antitheses and legal conflicts; 3) mechanisms to provide open and interactive access to professionals and scientists around the world; 4) mechanisms of legal analysis; 5) open access mechanisms for the entire world community with the possibility of voting.
At the same time, the author has identified 7 main stages necessary to create the Cosmic Law Portal: 1) the comprehensive study of international and national legal regulation of space activities from the beginning to the present day; 2) the comprehensive study of the terminology of space activities and Outer Space Law; 3) the study of the principles of construction of Outer Space Law; 4) the creation of the Cosmic Law Portal; 5) involving specialists and scientists from all over the world in the discussion and analysis of legal documents in the field of Outer Space Law; 6) presenting the platform to the world community; 7) the research and application of public opinion and public position related to Outer Space Law.
The research sets out a formula for creating a new security system, which can be called the Global Non-Aggressive Security System (or GNASS).
According to this formula, states, private companies, non-governmental organizations, and individuals can join the GNASS regardless of their location or place of business.
At the same time, at the initial stage, the GNASS would consist of only three main elements.
The first element is the Transit Territorial Security Policy, which is based on the following principles: an effective structure (based on an interstate corporation), effective transport security corridors (the SATTRON), and effective legal solutions.
The second element implies the Non-Provocative Defense Policy, which is achieved by fulfilling the following conditions: the renunciation of all states from national military legislation and their accession to the UN Unified International Military Charter (which shall be developed); the reduction of the armed forces of all states through their refusal of military and other types of mobilization of people; the protection from prosecution and punishment of any individuals, private companies or non-governmental organizations that refuse to take part in hostilities.
The third element is the Food Security Policy, which is based on the construction of the Underground Greenhouse-Bomb Shelter System (the SUGREBOS) to guarantee food for people both in peacetime and during military conflicts and natural disasters.
According to the author, the development of a global security system based on the GNASS principle would eliminate military conflicts within several years, since the economic and security attractiveness of this system is so extreme that most states would agree to fulfill all the conditions for joining the GNASS.
The research presents new perceptions on the process of regulating space activities based on a synthesis of innovative approaches to regulating such activities and analysis of documents adopted by the international community in this area over the entire period of development of space activities.
First of all, the research raises the issue of the format of the existing Space Law (including the form of Conventionalis stipulatio) as well as the question of the possibility of the emergence in the future of several new legal systems to regulate space activities. In this regard, the list of subjects and objects of space activities and space law is revised, and options for their classification and new interpretations are proposed.
In addition, at this stage of the research, a proposal is presented for applying a new approach to organizing the legal space of the Universe taking into account the principles of “domestic room” and “alien room”. At the same time, this proposal also includes the use of new methods to determine the spatial-territorial jurisdiction of States. Thus, instead of searching for the border between airspace and outer space (which has not yet been successful), the question of the possibility of dividing the entire aerospace into several special layers is considered, namely, a layer of spatial security of States, a layer of spatial security of humanity, and open space.
Additionally, the research emphasizes the gradual formation in 1958 – 1963 of the first four most important General Principles for Space Activities, which in the future may become the basis for the development of Outer Space Public Law aimed at the benefit of all humanity.
According to the author, the findings of this research can be useful to form a new insight into the process of regulating space activities and develop new forms and types of Space Law that will change the international situation in this area for the better.
This study is devoted to searching for the location of the Atlantians described by Herodotus.
The beginning of the study reveals four factors of the Prism of Time that influenced the distortion of information concerning the Atlantians (that reached us in the texts of Herodotus), which shall be taken into account when conducting this study: “The factor of information transfer”, “The factor of changes” (the factor of natural changes), “The misinterpretation factor”, and “The dissonance factor of worldviews”.
Further, the article presents the results of the study of the way to the Atlantians described in sections 168 – 187 of Book IV of “The Histories” by Herodotus.
At the same time, the author of the article has established that this fragment of text consists of at least three independent parts: section 168 – the first sentence of section 181 (part 1); the third sentence of section 181 – the fourth sentence of section 185 (part 2); section 186 – section 187 (part 3). The first and third parts contain descriptions of the Libyan tribes (the territory of modern Libya and Tunisia), and the second part describes the tribes of Nubia (the territory of modern southern Egypt and the North of modern Sudan).
Moreover, during the study, it has been proven that the second part of the fragment is a separate story that is not connected with either the first or the third parts of the fragment. For unknown reasons the scribes and editors of the Herodotus texts artificially placed a description of the tribes of Nubia and Atlantians (the second part of the fragment) between the descriptions of the Libyan tribes (between the first and third parts of the fragment).
In this regard, the article separately examines the way to the Atlantians described in the second part of the fragment, which ran from Thebes in the direction of the South (upstream of the Nile) through the Nubian Desert, in which Nubian tribes lived, further through the Ethiopian highlands and Afar triangle to the Strait between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (with the modern name of “Bab-El-Mandeb”).
The research reveals the following inconsistencies in the early studies of the Atlantians and Atlantis:
- The Nubian Desert was confused with the Libyan Desert,
- The Ethiopian highlands were confused with the mountains of the Atlas system,
- the Strait between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (with the modern name of “Bab-El-Mandeb”) was confused with the “Pillars of Heracles” (modern Strait of Gibraltar).
Moreover, based on the results of this study, it has been found that the Atlantians described by Herodotus lived in the territory of the modern Ethiopian Highlands, the highest peak of which is always hidden in the clouds and is called Mount Ras Dejen (15,157 feet or 4,620 meters).
In addition, to clear up the confusion that arose due to the distortion of the information under the influence of many factors, the article also provides comments on the geographical landmarks that Herodotus mentions on the way to the Atlantians: the mountain that Herodotus called Mount Atlas; the strait which Herodotus called the “Pillars of Hercules”, and so on.
Also, the article suggests that the mythical or fictional island of Atlantis described by Plato could be located in the Red Sea in front of the Strait or the modern Gulf of Aden – in front of the Strait from the ocean (where, by the way, an unexplained anomaly, so-called “Gulf of Aden Swilly” has been recently found).
However, in any case, this new data is the basis for a complete revision of the strategy and conducting new research to search for Atlantis and study the life activities of the Atlantians.
Lab head

- Institute in Private Law
About Maryna Myklush
- At present, I`m conducting the following research in the field of law: - legal regulation of space activity; - international security. ..... In addition (hobby), I research to find the following historical objects: - factors influencing ancient information; - the labyrinth described by Herodotus; - the place of residence of the “Atlantians” tribe and the location of Mount “Atlas” described by Herodotus; - the grave of Alexander the Great.
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Svitlana Holub