
APSY's Lab

About the lab

Laboratoire APSY-V - Activités Physiques et Sportives et processus PSYchologiques : recherches sur les Vulnérabilités

Featured research (94)

L’implémentation d’interventions abordant la santé mentale et exerçant des compétences psychosociales auprès des collégiens rencontre en France certaines difficultés. Plusieurs dispositifs innovants conçus par une équipe interdisciplinaire sont présentés. Cela souligne l’intérêt de développer des méthodes adaptées aux adolescents et ajustées au contexte scolaire, en croisant les apports de la psychologie et du design social, et avec la contribution des acteurs locaux.
Background: the mental health of students was particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study therefore examined the relationships between anxiety and depressive symptoms, eating-related problems, coping, fear of COVID-19, and intolerance of uncertainty. Methods: 2139 French students of 54 universities were recruited in the different regions of France during a French lockdown (between 21 April and 3 May 2021). Six variables were measured: fear of COVID-19, intolerance of uncertainty, coping, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and eating-related problems. To explore the directions of the relationships between our variables of interest, we calculated a directed acyclic graph. Results: our data highlighted the central roles of intolerance of uncertainty in students’ anxiety and depressive symptoms, and the direct role of prospective intolerance of uncertainty on eating-related problems. Conclusions: these findings indicate that intolerance of uncertainty should be targeted by interventions designed to help students with high levels of anxiety, depressive symptoms, and/or eating-related problems.

Lab head

Elodie Charbonnier
  • Psychologie
About Elodie Charbonnier
  • My research focuses on individuals from minority and/or stigmatized groups, and aims to understand the role of social context in the psychological distress of these populations. Thus, my research examines the interactions between social context, indicators of psychological distress, and cognitive, emotional, and behavioral variables. My work is based primarily on conceptual frameworks from clinical psychology and psychopathology in CBT, social psychology and health psychology.

Members (14)

Sarah Le Vigouroux
  • University of Nîmes
Aurélie Goncalves
  • University of Nîmes
Olivier Dodier
  • University of Nîmes
Florence Lespiau
  • University of Nîmes - APSY-v Lab
Maxime Deshayes
  • University of Nîmes
Louise Baussard
  • Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier
Lucile Montalescot
  • Université Paris Cité
Antony Philippe
  • University of Nîmes