Turkish Studies

Turkish Studies

Published by Taylor & Francis

Online ISSN: 1743-9663


Print ISSN: 1468-3849

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Figure 1. Railway network, planned cities and industrial development between 1923 and 1940. Note: The original document was prepared by Çağatay Keskinok in 2010.
Figure 2. Adana Urban Plan and zoning. Note: Prepared by author by merging original documents with Inventory Numbers 23360 and 23367, 23368, 23369 available at Hermann Jansen Archive.
Figure 3. Mersin Urban Plan and zoning. Note: Prepared by author from the original document with Inventory Number 23454 available at Hermann Jansen Archive.
Figure 4. Gaziantep 1/5000 scale urban plan, zoning and spatial arrangement. Note: Prepared by author from the original document with Inventory Number 23416 available at Hermann Jansen Archive.
Figure 5. The new government building and the official parade ground in Gaziantep. Note: Inventory Numbers 23427 and 23412 available at Hermann Jansen Archive.


Ideals of the nation-state, design of Hermann Jansen: planning the Southern growth pole in Anatolia in the 1930s

August 2024


241 Reads


1 Citation


Aims and scope

Publishes research on Turkey's history, politics, government, policy-making, international relations, and foreign policy.Publishes research on Turkey's history, politics, government, policy-making, international relations, and foreign policy.

  • Turkey is a country whose importance is rapidly growing in international affairs.
  • A rapidly developing democratic state with a strong economy, complex society, active party system, and powerful armed forces, Turkey is playing an increasingly critical role in Europe, the Middle East, and the Caucasus.
  • Given Turkey’s significance and the great interest in studying its history, politics, and foreign policy, Turkish Studies presents a forum for scholarly discussion on these topics and more. Turkish Studies features full-length articles, book reviews, and discussion roundtables covering: The history of the Turkish republic, from the 1920s to the present, including political, social, and intellectual issues and developments; Turkish politics, including parties, voting patterns, ideologies, biographies, the army and other institutions, as well as the political attitudes and …

For a full list of the subject areas this journal covers, please visit the journal website.

Recent articles

How Istanbul's youth reproduce a differential space
  • Article

February 2025


2 Reads

The Tale of Two Nations: Modernization Narratives of the Pro-State Iranian and Turkish Newspapers in the 1920s–1940s
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2025


56 Reads

This article explores the narratives of modernization in Iran and Turkey from the 1920s to the 1940s by examining the pro-state Iranian Ettelaat and Koushesh newspapers and the Turkish Cumhuriyet and Ulus papers. The article covers approximately a total of 1000 issues of these newspapers and conducts novel archival research and thematic analyses to investigate the economic, sociocultural, and political/legal aspects of modernization and how these were spearheaded by the political elites of the time. The article is informed by Modernization and Selectorate theories and assesses the relevance and contribution of the Iranian and Turkish cases to these theories. To this end, the article underlines the importance of historical legacies in both countries and how these can create path-dependent stories of modernization and democratization in the respective nations as of today.

Intergenerational education mobility of minorities in Turkey

January 2025


7 Reads

This article examines intergenerational educational mobility among various ethnic and religious groups in Turkey. We focus on directional mobility and show that ethnic Kurds have significantly lower upward mobility than ethnic Turks, and Alevis observe marginally higher upward mobility relative to their Sunni counterparts. The region an individual is born into also makes a difference. Those who are born in the eastern part of the country exhibit lower mobility than those who are born in the west. There is a significant difference in mobility between men and women irrespective of their ethnic origin or religious affiliation as well.

Echoes of the Turkish language reform: attitudes to Arabic and Persian loanwords in discourse

January 2025


18 Reads

Arabic and Persian loanwords in Turkish, once targeted for replacement by ‘pure’ Turkish equivalents during the early 20th-century language reform, have been promoted by the government in recent years. However, public attitudes toward their use remain unclear. Based on 20 semi-structured interviews and a survey (N = 203), this study explores contemporary social meanings associated with these loanwords. The findings demonstrate how their use is interpreted as an indicator of education levels, intellectual capabilities, and political leanings. While strong support for the language reform persists, younger individuals view these loanwords more favorably and express less radical attitudes than older individuals.

Life Expectancy for Men and Women in the 10 Countries with the Lowest and Highest Rates
A Research on the Development of Elderly Health Tourism in Türkiye

December 2024


54 Reads

In the contemporary era, demographic shifts, including the expansion of the elderly population, age-related illnesses, and a proclivity for continued activity, have given rise to the concept of health tourism for older individuals. This phenomenon has led to a growing number of older individuals travelling for the purposes of improving their health. Although Türkiye has made considerable progress in the field of health tourism, there is still scope for further development in the area of elderly health tourism. This study examines the phenomenon of elderly health tourism in Türkiye and proposes strategies to appeal to high-end market segments. The analysis is based on a case study of Ayka Vital Park, which includes a review of the facility's website, documents obtained from the founder, and a report prepared by a healthcare industry professional using the Premium+ CareCation® model. The findings of the study have led to the formulation of recommendations designed to meet the expectations of specific segments of the elderly health tourism market in Ayka Vital Park and throughout Türkiye as a whole. The recommendations pertain to four principal areas: human resources, service provision, physical infrastructure, and the wider supporting structures. The assessment of Ayka Vital Park according to the Gold Standards (UK) criteria revealed deficiencies in decoration, technical and electronic equipment, installation, functionality, cleanliness, security, and the kitchen area. It was also noted that the number of personnel assigned to various roles was insufficient. The Premium+ CareCation® model, developed to meet the Gold Standards criteria, requires improvements in physical, technical, and security areas, as well as an increase in the number of employees to meet guest needs. Formation and training needs of employees, including language skills, were also identified. Collaboration with academic institutions is recommended to facilitate staff formation and training, as well as the development of personalised medical support and services. To become a brand destination in elderly health tourism, Türkiye's infrastructure, superstructure, and personnel should be brought up to international standards, and the tourism product should be diversified to meet the expectations of elderly tourists. Promotional and marketing campaigns should be carried out to appeal to the elderly in target markets, and the training of qualified personnel should be prioritised. Facilities that appeal to elderly health tourism, including detached villas and green areas, should be developed. While it is crucial that the facilities are designed with the health, care and rehabilitation of the elderly in mind, it is of equal importance to ensure that the physical environment and the attire of the staff do not convey the impression that the elderly are in a hospital. #Tourism Management, #Health Tourism, #Senior Health Tourism, #Gold Standards (UK), #Premium+ CareCation® Model https://turkishstudies.net/turkishstudies?mod=tammetin&makaleadi=&makaleurl=f7ebb3fd-6ba6-468f-bc4f-f34c467b53c2.pdf&key=76782

Arkeoloji Konuları Açısından Sosyal Bilgiler 4. ve 5. Sınıf Ders Kitaplarının İncelenmesi Review of Social Studies Textbooks for 4 th and 5 th Grades in terms of Archaeology Topics

December 2024


33 Reads

The purpose of this study is to examine how archaeology topics are reflected in the Social Studies textbooks for the 2023-2024 academic year. Social Studies courses provide students with the opportunity to recognize and analyze their past, present, and future, and also help young people in a culturally diverse democratic society develop the ability to make informed and rational decisions. The main problem of the research focuses on the question, "How are archaeology topics reflected in the Social Studies textbooks for the 2023-2024 academic year?" In this context, the function of archaeology topics, the targeted achievements, the presentation format, and the assessment and evaluation tools used in the textbooks were examined. Textbooks play a crucial role in ensuring the cultural transmission to students. Social Studies textbooks are critical in instilling values such as social identity, legal norms, citizenship awareness, and social cohesion. The inclusion of archaeology topics in textbooks significantly impacts students' historical awareness and cultural consciousness. However, a comprehensive evaluation of how and to what extent these topics are addressed is necessary. The literature includes studies on various topics and fields such as history teaching, skills and values, extracurricular activities, assessment and evaluation, content, cultural heritage, and comparison. In this study, while focusing on case studies, document analysis was used. The case study aims to examine a specific event in depth. Document analysis was used to analyze how archaeology topics are addressed in textbooks. The research found that archaeology topics in textbooks are presented as activities and content aimed at increasing students' historical awareness and cultural consciousness. Additionally, the diversity of assessment and evaluation tools used in teaching archaeology topics was also examined. As a result, it was determined that archaeology topics are comprehensively addressed in Social Studies textbooks and these topics play an important role in enhancing students' historical and cultural awareness. However, it was also revealed that some improvements are needed to present and evaluate these topics more effectively. Structured Abstract: This study aims to investigate how to archaeological topics reflected in Social Studies textbooks for the 2023-2024 academic year. Social Studies is a subject that allows students to understand and analyze their past, present, and future, helping them to develop informed and rational decision-making skills in a culturally diverse democratic society. The main problem of the research focuses on the question, "How are archaeological topics reflected in Social Studies textbooks for the 2023-2024 academic year?".

The spirit of the book cafe: Kurdish-language activism and the contested values of youth and culture in Turkey

November 2024


14 Reads

This article deploys a semiotic anthropological analysis of value to understand the recent emergence and spread of the Kurdish book cafe, or pirtûk kafe, using it as a window into the changing state of Kurdish language-activism and Kurdish youth culture in Turkey. Drawing on ethnographic research and interviews with cafe owners, operators, and patrons, the article offers both an overview of the pirtûk kafe in contemporary Turkey and an analysis of its role in promoting Kurdish culture and the use of the Kurdish language among the country’s youth.

Turkish adolescents’ perceived discrimination and sense of belonging to school: a comparative analysis in Germany and France

October 2024


20 Reads

This article aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the relationship between perceived discrimination and the sense of belonging among 354 Turkish adolescents in Germany and France. The research employs a cross-country comparative methodology. Firstly, it seeks to identify both the commonalities and disparities in the perceptions of discrimination and the sense of belonging to school among Turkish adolescents across diverse societies while considering demographic variables. Subsequently, it explores whether the perceived discrimination experienced by Turkish youth is related to their sense of belonging. According to results, among Turkish adolescents in both countries, perceived discrimination diminishes the sense of belonging to the school.
