

Published by Wiley and International League Against Epilepsy

Online ISSN: 1528-1167


Print ISSN: 0013-9580

Disciplines: Neurology

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SEEG presurgical investigation in drug‐resistant focal epilepsy. (A) Sagittal MRI view showing the position and names of the eight implanted electrodes. (B) Schematic diagram of the intracerebral electrode. Electrode contacts are 2 mm long, .8 mm in diameter, and 1.5 mm apart. They are numbered. Low numbers refer to contacts located in mesial brain structures. High numbers refer to contacts located in lateral structures. (C) SEEG signals recorded during the interictal–ictal transition. Capital letters refer to the name of brain structures. For simplicity, only channels disclosing epileptic activity are shown. In epileptogenic regions, signals are characterized by three distinct phases: pre‐ictal (PreICT), fast‐onset activity (FOA), and ictal (ICT), which are delineated by red dashed lines.
A zoom in SEEG signals recorded during the interictal–ictal transition. (A, top panel) Bipolar signal recorded from the mesial contacts (2, 3) of the electrode implanted in the Supplementary Area (SA). (A, bottom) Time‐frequency representation (spectrogram) of the SEEG signal. Hot colors denote high energy levels. The fast‐onset activity (FOA) period is characterized by the appearance of a rapid discharge in the gamma frequency bands (~30–70 Hz, as observed in both spectrograms). (B, top panel) Bipolar signal recorded from the lateral contacts (8, 9) of the electrode implanted in the Central Sulcus (SC). (B, bottom) Time‐frequency representation (spectrogram) of the SEEG signal. The rapid discharge occurs quasi simultaneously on electrode contacts SA′2–3 and SC′8–9. (C) Non‐linear correlation (h²) values (computed on a 1 s window sliding by steps of .25 s) showing the decorrelation of SEEG activity occurring during the FOA period, just after PreICT phase and before the ICT phase.
Neuro‐inspired layered neuronal population model simulating the local activity of one region of the neocortex. (A) The model includes one subpopulation of glutamatergic pyramidal cells (PYR, red triangle) and three subpopulations of GABAergic interneurons (VIP, SST, and PV ellipses). Neuronal sub‐populations are located in specific layers (I–VI) of the neocortex. The connectivity among subpopulations is derived from the literature. The Gaussian white noise p(t) accounts for non‐specific excitatory afferences to the neuronal population. To approximate the local field potential recorded at the SEEG electrode contacts, two monopoles in opposite directions were considered to account for current sinks and sources occurring in response to synaptic activation of PYR cells, either at basal or apical dendrites. (B) Real and simulated SEEG signals along with corresponding spectrograms.
SEEG simulation from the model of two coupled distant neuronal populations (P1 and P2). (A) The neuronal populations are bidirectionally interconnected. Connections include (i) long‐range excitatory projections from the PYR cells subpopulation of P1 (resp. P2) onto the PYR cells subpopulation of P2 (resp. P1) and (ii) long‐range excitatory projections from the PYR cells subpopulation of P1 (resp. P2) onto the VIP interneurons subpopulation of P2 (resp. P1). The numbers 1–4 in colored disks indicate the successive key steps, which explain the transition from interictal to ictal activity (see text for details, Section 3). (B) Patient SEEG signals recorded from two brain structures and (C) corresponding non‐linear correlation (h²) values. (D) SEEG signals simulated from the model and (E) corresponding non‐linear correlation (h²) values. Highlighted areas denote the transitions between different activities (blue: interictal to PreICT; pink: PreICT to FOA; green: FOA to ICT).
Behavior of pyramidal cells and PV interneurons during the interictal to ictal transition. (A) Simulated SEEG signal. (B) corresponding firing rate of PYR cells (red line) and PV interneurons (green line). Firing rates were averaged over a sliding window of 100 ms. The firing rates of other interneurons are omitted due to their negligible activity during the FOA.


Transition to seizure in focal epilepsy: From SEEG phenomenology to underlying mechanisms

October 2024


234 Reads


1 Citation


Elif Köksal Ersöz






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Epilepsia is the leading, authoritative source for innovative clinical and basic science research for all aspects of epilepsy and seizures. In addition, Epilepsia publishes critical reviews, opinion pieces, and guidelines that foster understanding and aim to improve the diagnosis and treatment of people with seizures and epilepsy.

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Study design and a flowchart of animals included in the plasma micro ribonucleic acid (miRNA) analysis. (A) The EpiBioS4Rx Project 1 is a National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)‐funded Centers‐Without‐Walls international multicenter study, designed to perform statistically powered preclinical biomarker discovery and validation. We expected to find a miRNA biomarker that will differentiate the rats with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and epilepsy (TBI+) from those without epilepsy (TBI–) with area under curve (AUC) .700 (p < .05 as compared to .500; χ² test, MedCalc software).18,19 At each of the three study sites located in Finland (University of Eastern Finland), Australia (Monash University, Melbourne University) or United States (David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California, Los Angeles), the rats were divided into electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cohorts. In each cohort, the rats were randomized into the sham or TBI groups using the random number generator in Excel. In both cohorts, blood was collected at the baseline (BL, naïve samples) and on day (D) 2, D9, and D28, and 5 months after TBI or sham‐operation (BL and D2 highlighted in red in panel A). Blood collected at BL and on D2 were used for the miRNA analysis to identify early prognostic biomarkers for post‐traumatic epilepsy. Both cohorts also underwent neuroscore testing before TBI and on D2, D7, D14, D21, and D28 after TBI. The rats in the MRI cohort were imaged on D2, D9, and D28–30, and 5 months after TBI or sham‐operation. They were implanted with epidural and intracerebral electrodes at 6 months after injury and underwent a 1‐month continuous video‐EEG (vEEG) monitoring during the seventh post‐TBI month to determine the epilepsy phenotype. Ex vivo MRI was performed after the rats were killed in the end of the study. The rats in the EEG cohort were implanted with the electrodes immediately after sham‐operation or TBI induction, monitored for 1 week, and thereafter, monthly in 1‐week periods. As in the MRI cohort, they also underwent a 1‐month continuous monitoring during the seventh post‐TBI month. A detailed description of the procedures and epilepsy phenotype of the study cohort has been presented by Ndode‐Ekane et al.18,19 (B) The D2 samples of the MRI cohort from all study sites were used for small RNA sequencing to discover differentially expressed miRNAs. These included 10 sham‐operated and 19 TBI rats (9 with epilepsy [TBI+] and 10 without epilepsy [TBI–]) that had completed the vEEG monitoring on the seventh post‐injury month. Then the differentially expressed plasma miRNA levels were investigated by ddPCR. The analysis included a total of 235 plasma samples (26 BL, 45 sham, 164 TBI) from all three study sites. Of these, 109 (17 BL, 19 sham, 73 TBI) were from the MRI and 126 (9 BL, 26 sham, 91 TBI) from the EEG cohort. Three samples from sham‐operated and four from TBI rats were included both in the sequencing and ddPCR analysis The BL (“naïve”) group, consisted of baseline samples from 18 TBI and 8 sham‐operated rats. Causes and numbers (in parenthesis) for sample exclusions are indicated in panel B No samples were excluded based on miRNA levels detected.
Was there an injury effect on expression of plasma miRNAs on D2 after TBI?—Yes. (A) Box and whisker plots (whiskers: minimum and maximum; box: interquartile range; line: median) showing the levels of miR‐183‐5p, miR‐323‐3p, miR‐434‐3p, miR‐9a‐3p, miR‐124‐3p, miR‐132‐3p, and miR‐212‐3p in rat plasma at baseline (BL) or on D2 after TBI or sham‐operation. All seven miRNAs were increased in the TBI rats compared with BL samples or sham‐operated controls. Furthermore, miR‐323‐3p, miR‐9a‐3p, miR‐124‐3p, and miR‐132‐3p were increased in the sham‐operated controls compared with BL (naïve samples). Statistical significance: *p < .05; ***, p < .001 (compared with BL); ###, p < .001 (compared with sham). (B) ROC analysis showed that six of seven miRNAs (all except miR‐212‐3p, AUC .52) separated the sham‐operated rats from BL, AUC ranging from .65 (miR‐183‐5p) to .81 (miR‐9a‐3p) (Table S5). All seven miRNAs separated the TBI rats from BL samples and from sham‐operated controls. In the TBI vs BL analysis, the highest AUC was observed for miR‐323‐3p and miR‐9a‐3p, which both had AUCs of .99 (Table S5). In the TBI vs sham analysis, the highest AUCs were observed for miR‐323‐p (AUC .86) and miR‐434‐3p (AUC .82) (Table S5).
Was the injury effect on plasma miRNAs found both in the EEG and MRI cohort?—Yes. (A) Box and whisker plots (whiskers: minimum and maximum; box: interquartile range; line: median) show that the levels of all seven investigated miRNAs (miR‐183‐5p, miR‐323‐3p, miR‐183‐5p, miR‐9a‐3p, miR‐124‐3p, miR‐132‐3p, and miR‐212‐3p) were increased in the plasma of TBI rats compared with the sham or BL groups both in the MRI and EEG cohorts. In addition, miR‐9a‐3p and miR‐124‐3p were increased in the sham‐operated rats compared with the BL samples in the EEG but not in the MRI cohort. Statistical significance: *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001 (compared with BL); #, p < .05; ##, p < .01; ###, p < .001 (compared with sham). (B) Bar graphs (mean and standard deviation) showing the differences between the MRI and EEG cohorts in individual miRNA levels separately in the BL, sham, and TBI groups. In the TBI group, the levels of six of seven miRNAs were higher in the EEG than MRI cohort (multiple Mann–Whitney tests with Benjamini‐Hochberg FDR correction, adj. p < .01–.001). In the sham group, the levels of all seven miRNAs were higher in the EEG than MRI cohort (adj. p < .05–.001). At BL (no electrode operation or craniotomy), both cohorts had similar miRNA levels. (C) ROC curves. In the EEG cohort, five miRNAs (miR‐323‐3p, miR‐434‐3p, miR‐9a‐3p, miR‐124‐3p, and miR‐132‐3p) separated the sham from the BL samples on D2 with AUC .75–1.00. In the MRI cohort, none of the miRNAs differentiated the shams from the BL samples. In both the EEG and MRI cohorts, all miRNAs separated the TBI group from the BL and sham groups. Details of ROC analysis are summarized in Table S5.
Plasma miRNAs as prognostic biomarkers for epileptogenesis and epilepsy severity after TBI. (A) Box and whisker plots (whiskers: minimum and maximum; whiskers; interquartile range; line: median) showing that all investigated plasma miRNAs had similar expression levels on D2 after TBI in the rats with (TBI+) and without epilepsy (TBI–) (Mann–Whitney U test, p > .05 all). (B) No differences were detected in plasma miRNA levels between the TBI– group, TBI+ animals with <3 seizures, or TBI+ rats with ≥3 seizures (Kruskal–Wallis test, p > .05 for all). (C) TBI+ rats that experienced seizure clusters (TBI + C, n = 11) had lower plasma miR‐212‐3p levels on D2 after injury compared with the TBI+ rats without seizure clusters (TBI + noC, n = 19, adj. p < .05) or TBI– rats (n = 127, adj. p < .05). Statistical significance: *p < .05 (compared with TBI–); #p < .05 (compared with TBI + noC) (Kruskal–Wallis test followed by post hoc Dunn's test). (D) ROC analysis. None of the miRNAs differentiated the TBI– and TBI+ groups or the TBI+ rats with <3 seizures or ≥3 seizures. However, miR‐212‐3p levels differentiated the TBI + C rats from TBI + noC rats with AUC .81 (95% CI .65–.97, p < .01). Details of ROC analysis are summarized in Table 1.
Elastic‐net‐regularized logistic regression (glmnet) analysis of plasma miRNAs in epilepsy severity groups on D2 after TBI. (A) Left panel: Boxplots of predictor coefficients over cross‐validation folds. The glmnet analysis identified miR‐212‐3p and miR‐132‐3p (boxplots shown in blue) as the optimal miRNA set to distinguish TBI+ rats with seizure clusters (≥3 seizures within 24 h, n = 11) from TBI+ rats without clusters (n = 19). The other five miRNAs had coefficient of zero in most cross‐validation folds, and therefore, were excluded (boxplots shown in red). Center panel: p‐value and normalized coefficient for each predictor (miRNA) in the standard logistic regression analysis. Right panel: ROC analysis yielded a cross‐validated AUC of .75 with 95% confidence interval (CI) of .47–.92 (p < .05). (B) The glmnet analysis of TBI+ rats with seizure clusters (n = 11) and all other TBI rats (TBI‐ and TBI+ no clusters combined, n = 146) identified miR‐212‐3p and miR‐132‐3p as the optimal miRNA set to distinguish the groups (boxplots shown in blue). ROC analysis yielded a cross‐validated AUC of .67 with 95% CI .42–.82 (p < .05). D2, day 2; TBI, traumatic brain injury; TBI+, TBI with epilepsy; TBI–, TBI without epilepsy.
Plasma microRNAs as prognostic biomarkers for development of severe epilepsy after experimental traumatic brain injury—EpiBioS4Rx Project 1 study
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December 2024


2 Reads

Mette Heiskanen


Xavier Ekolle Ndode‐Ekane


Idrish Ali




Asla Pitkänen

Objective To test a hypothesis that acutely regulated plasma microRNAs (miRNAs) can serve as prognostic biomarkers for the development of post‐traumatic epilepsy (PTE). Methods Adult male Sprague–Dawley rats (n = 245) were randomized to lateral fluid‐percussion–induced traumatic brain injury (TBI) or sham operation at three study sites (Finland, Australia, United States). Video‐electroencephalography (vEEG) was performed on the seventh post‐injury month to detect spontaneous seizures. Tail vein plasma collected 48 h after TBI for miRNA analysis was available from 209 vEEG monitored animals (45 sham, 164 TBI [32 with epilepsy]). Based on small RNA sequencing and previous data, the seven most promising brain enriched miRNAs (miR‐183‐5p, miR‐323‐3p, miR‐434‐3p, miR‐9a‐3p, miR‐124‐3p, miR‐132‐3p, and miR‐212‐3p) were validated by droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR). Results All seven plasma miRNAs differentiated between TBI and sham‐operated rats. None of the seven miRNAs differentiated TBI rats that did and did not develop epilepsy (p > .05), or rats with ≥3 vs <3 seizures in a month (p > .05). However, miR‐212‐3p differentiated rats that developed epilepsy with seizure clusters (i.e., ≥3 seizures within 24 h) from those without seizure clusters (.34 ± .14 vs .60 ± .34, adj. p < .05) with an area under the curve (AUC) of .81 (95% confidence interval [CI] .65–.97, p < .01, 64% sensitivity, 95% specificity). Lack of elevation in miR‐212‐3p also differentiated rats that developed epilepsy with seizure clusters from all other TBI rats (n = 146, .34 ± .14 vs .55 ± .31, p < .01) with an AUC of .74 (95% CI .61–.87, p < .01, 82% sensitivity, 62% specificity). Glmnet analysis identified a combination of miR‐212‐3p and miR‐132‐3p as an optimal set to differentiate TBI rats with vs without seizure clusters (cross‐validated AUC .75, 95% CI .47–.92, p < .05). Significance miR‐212‐3p alone or in combination with miR‐132‐3p shows promise as a translational prognostic biomarker for the development of severe PTE with seizure clusters.

Bridging the conversational gap in epilepsy: Using large language models to reveal insights into patient behavior and concerns from online discussions

Uriel Fennig


Elad Yom‐Tov


Leehe Savitsky




Nicola Maggio

Objective This study was undertaken to explore the experiences and concerns of people living with epilepsy by analyzing discussions in an online epilepsy community, using large language models (LLMs) to identify themes, demographic patterns, and associations with emotional distress, substance use, and suicidal ideation. Methods We analyzed 56 970 posts and responses to them from 21 906 users on the epilepsy forum (subreddit) of Reddit and 768 504 posts from the same users in other subreddits, between 2010 and 2023. LLMs, validated against human labeling, were used to identify 23 recurring themes, assess demographic differences, and examine cross‐posting to depression‐ and suicide‐related subreddits. Hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated to assess the association between specific themes and activity in mental health forums. Results Prominent topics included seizure descriptions, medication management, stigma, drug and alcohol use, and emotional well‐being. The posts on topics less likely to be discussed in clinical settings had the highest engagement. Younger users focused on stigma and emotional issues, whereas older users discussed medical treatments. Posts about emotional distress (HR = 1.3), postictal state (HR = 1.4), surgical treatment (HR = .7), and work challenges (HR = 1.6) predicted activity in a subreddit associated with suicidal ideation, whereas emotional distress (HR = 1.5), surgical treatment (HR = .6), and stigma (HR = 1.3) predicted activity in the depression subreddit. Substance use discussions showed a temporal pattern of association with seizure descriptions, implying possible opportunities for intervention. Significance LLM analysis of online epilepsy communities provides novel insights into patient concerns often overlooked in clinical settings. These findings may improve patient–provider communication, inform personalized interventions, and support the development of patient‐reported outcome measures. Additionally, hazard models can help identify at‐risk individuals, offering opportunities for early mental health interventions.

Spatial distribution characteristics of the four different types of insulo‐opercular focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) on magnetic resonance imaging. (A) Insular FCD; T2 and T1 sequences showing a mild gray–white matter junction blurring in the right insular cortex. (B) Peri‐insular FCD; T2 fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence showing an FCD located at the bottom of the left superior peri‐insular sulcus, with a transmantle sign. (C) Opercular FCD; T2 FLAIR and T1 sequences showing an FCD located in the right operculum, with a transmantle sign. (D) Complex FCD; T2 FLAIR and T2 sequences showing an FCD extending to the parietal operculum, insula, and temporal operculum.
The locations of the 53 included focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) lesions. The specific locations of the 53 insulo‐opercular FCD lesions are shown, with all right‐sided lesions mirrored to the corresponding left‐sided positions. The dashed lines indicate cases of postoperative epilepsy recurrence.
Stereoelectroencephalographic (SEEG) characteristics of insular, peri‐insular, and opercular focal cortical dysplasias (FCDs). Left: Coronal magnetic resonance imaging showing the location of electrode contacts (green bars). Middle: Interictal SEEG. Right: Ictal SEEG. (A) Insular FCD with epileptic discharges concentrated in insular contacts (B2 and B3). (B) Peri‐insular FCD with epileptic discharges distributed across both insular and opercular contacts (S2–S7). (C) Opercular FCD with epileptic discharges concentrated in opercular contacts (R3–R5).
Spatial patterns of normalized spike numbers, high‐frequency oscillation (HFO) numbers, and epileptogenicity index (EI) values in the three groups. In insular FCDs, the insular contacts exhibited higher spike numbers (A), HFO numbers (B), and EI values (C) than the opercular contacts. In peri‐insular FCDs, the spike numbers (A), HFO numbers (B), and EI values (C) were similar between insular and opercular contacts. In opercular FCDs, the insular contacts had lower spike numbers (A), HFO numbers (B), and EI values (C) than the opercular contacts. ***p < .001.
Categorization of focal cortical dysplasias (FCDs) using cluster analysis according to normalized spike numbers, HFO numbers, and EI values. (A–C) Cluster analyses were performed to categorize patients into the three anatomical groups based on normalized spike numbers (A), high‐frequency oscillation (HFO) numbers (B), and epileptogenicity index (EI) values (C). The classification accuracies were 71.05% (27/38), 76.32% (29/38), and 86.84% (33/38), respectively. Misclassified cases are indicated by unfilled symbols. Vertical and horizontal lines at EI = .3, set as thresholds, also divided patients with insulo‐opercular FCDs into three groups, with the classification accuracy being 81.58% (31/38). (D–F) Individual silhouette values from the cluster analyses based on spike numbers, HFO numbers, and EI values, respectively. (G–I) Specifically, the average silhouette value was .720 when using spike numbers (G), .613 when using HFO numbers (H), and .702 when employing EI values (I) as the input metrics.
Anatomical categorization of insulo‐opercular focal cortical dysplasia and the spatial patterns of stereoelectroencephalography

December 2024


5 Reads


Weiyuan Luo


Baotian Zhao




Wenhan Hu

Objective This study was undertaken to anatomically categorize insulo‐opercular focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) lesions according to their location and extent, and to summarize corresponding stereoelectroencephalographic (SEEG) patterns to guide preoperative evaluation and surgical planning. Methods Patients who underwent epilepsy surgery for insulo‐opercular FCD between 2015 and 2022 were enrolled. FCD lesions were categorized into insular, peri‐insular, opercular, and complex types based on their location and extent, as ascertained from electroclinical and neuroimaging data. SEEG signals from the seizure onset electrodes were collected for quantitative analysis. The normalized interictal spike counts, high‐frequency oscillation (HFO) counts, and ictal epileptogenicity index (EI) values of the insular and opercular channels were calculated. The spatial patterns of the spike counts, HFO counts, and EI values were analyzed. Cluster analyses utilizing spike counts, HFO counts, and EI values were performed for automatic categorization, and the results were compared with the manual categorization from the preoperative evaluations. Results A total of 53 patients were included, comprising 10 insular, 17 peri‐insular, 24 opercular, and two complex cases. Thirty‐eight patients were included in the quantitative SEEG analysis. Spike, HFO, and EI analyses indicated that in insular FCDs, the values of the three parameters were higher in insular channels than in opercular channels. In peri‐insular FCDs, the values in insular and opercular channels were comparable, whereas in opercular FCDs, the values were higher in opercular channels than in insular channels. The accuracies of the cluster analysis based on the spike counts, HFO counts, and EI values were 71.05% (27/38), 76.32% (29/38), and 86.84% (33/38), respectively. Surgical strategies were proposed according to the anatomical categorization, achieving a favorable postoperative seizure‐free rate of 84.91%. Significance Insulo‐opercular FCDs can be categorized into insular, peri‐insular, opercular, and complex types. SEEG patterns can facilitate the automatic categorization of insulo‐opercular FCDs, thereby enhancing preoperative planning and surgical outcomes.

Visual summary of cohort derivation for “Models 1 and 2”, “Model 3”, and “Model 4”. Individuals in “Models 1 and 2” were excluded if missing outcome or predictor data. Individuals in “Model 3” were excluded if missing Year 1 predictors. Individuals in “Model 4” were excluded if having a seizure in the first‐year post‐injury or if missing Year 1 predictors.
Left column: Receiver‐operating characteristic (ROC) curves derived from logistic regression model fits with variables selected via the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) regression model. Right column: Density plots of predicted probabilities of seizure events. The dashed line represents the distribution of probabilities among individuals who experienced a seizure event (PTE: post‐traumatic epilepsy), whereas the solid line represents the distribution of probabilities for those who did not (no PTE). The dark vertical dashed line represents the classification threshold. (A) Model 1, (B) Model 2, (C) Model 3, and (D) Model 4.
R Shiny App Layout of Variable Input Dashboard and Primary Model Post‐Traumatic Epilepsy (PTE) Risk/Classification Calculator with Example “Patient” Use Cases in PTE Risk/Classification Calculator. The input dashboard (left) allows users to select the specific risk factors relevant to any patient with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Users can manually set a threshold value for PTE classification (center). Here the threshold probability for prospective classification of seizure status is set at a .17 to correspond to a specificity threshold of .60 for the primary model. A visual summary is provided displaying each individual's PTE risk relative to the threshold value and with respect to the population distribution for those with and without PTE. (A) Tabular and visual summary (from online application) of predicted post‐traumatic seizures (PTS) probability in a White patient with a present SDH, intracranial fragments, 5 days of acute length of stay (LOS), and a history of pre‐injury drug use. Here the predicted probability of PTE narrowly exceeds the threshold probability of .170 (where specificity is set at .60 and indicated by the dashed vertical line), and the patient is classified prospectively as “at risk” for seizure. When the predicted probability marginally exceeds the threshold, there is a greater chance of misclassification. (B) For the same patient with a single contusion identified in computed tomograph (CT) imaging, the predicted probability of PTE easily exceeds the threshold probability of .17, and the patient would be classified prospectively as “at risk” for seizure. (C) If the same patient had a craniectomy procedure, the predicted probability of PTE far exceeds the threshold probability of .17. At this probability, the likelihood of this classification being a “false positive” is much lower.
Development of individualized risk assessment models for predicting post‐traumatic epilepsy 1 and 2 years after moderate‐to‐severe traumatic brain injury: A traumatic brain injury model system study

Nabil Awan


Raj G. Kumar


Shannon B. Juengst




Amy K. Wagner

Objective Although traumatic brain injury (TBI) and posttraumatic epilepsy (PTE) are common, there are no prospective models quantifying individual epilepsy risk after moderate‐to‐severe TBI (msTBI). We generated parsimonious prediction models to quantify individual epilepsy risk between acute inpatient rehabilitation for individuals 2 years after msTBI. Methods We used data from 6089 prospectively enrolled participants (≥16 years) in the TBI Model Systems National Database. Of these, 4126 individuals had complete seizure data collected over a 2‐year period post‐injury. We performed a case‐complete analysis to generate multiple prediction models using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator logistic regression. Baseline predictors were used to assess 2‐year seizure risk (Model 1). Then a 2‐year seizure risk was assessed excluding the acute care variables (Model 2). In addition, we generated prognostic models predicting new/recurrent seizures during Year 2 post‐msTBI (Model 3) and predicting new seizures only during Year 2 (Model 4). We assessed model sensitivity when keeping specificity ≥.60, area under the receiver‐operating characteristic curve (AUROC), and AUROC model performance through 5‐fold cross‐validation (CV). Results Model 1 (73.8% men, 44.1 ± 19.7 years, 76.1% moderate TBI) had a model sensitivity = 76.00% and average AUROC = .73 ± .02 in 5‐fold CV. Model 2 had a model sensitivity = 72.16% and average AUROC = .70 ± .02 in 5‐fold CV. Model 3 had a sensitivity = 86.63% and average AUROC = .84 ± .03 in 5‐fold CV. Model 4 had a sensitivity = 73.68% and average AUROC = .67 ± .03 in 5‐fold CV. Cranial surgeries, acute care seizures, intracranial fragments, and traumatic hemorrhages were consistent predictors across all models. Demographic and mental health variables contributed to some models. Simulated, clinical examples model individual PTE predictions. Significance Using information available, acute‐care, and year‐1 post‐injury data, parsimonious quantitative epilepsy prediction models following msTBI may facilitate timely evidence‐based PTE prognostication within a 2‐year period. We developed interactive web‐based tools for testing prediction model external validity among independent cohorts. Individualized PTE risk may inform clinical trial development/design and clinical decision support tools for this population.

Dynamics of Gad2 neuron responses and gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels during piriform cortex (PC)‐optokindling‐induced seizures. (A) Schematic of the viral injection, electrophysiological recording, and calcium recording in the PC of Gad2‐Cre mice. EEG, electroencephalography; LFP, local field potential. (B) Representative images show ChrimsonR and GCaMP7s expression in the PC (scale bar = 200 μm, scale bars = 20 μm for enlarged images). (C) High‐magnification images show double immunostaining of GCaMP7s and Gad2, with colocalization indicated by orange arrowheads (scale bars = 50 μm). (D) Percentage of colabeled neurons among all GCaMP7s‐positive neurons (95.79% ± .8122%, n = 4). (E) Schematic of the synchronized optogenetic stimulation and fiber photometry setup. CMOS, complementary metal oxide semiconductor; DM, dichroic mirror. (F) Left: Representative Ca²⁺ signal of PC Gad2 neurons during an optogenetic kindling seizure. Right: Mean Ca²⁺ signal during seizures (n = 19 from n = 5 mice). Red line represents 10‐s light. (G) Left: Comparison of absolute change in Ca²⁺ signal at peak and trough (one‐way analysis of variance [ANOVA]: control vs. peak, p < .0001; peak vs. trough, p = .0135; trough vs. control, p < .0001). Right: The time to reach its peak, return to the baseline, and drop to its trough (one‐sample t‐tests: light vs. peak, t18 = 9.578, p < .0001; light vs. t1, t18 = 6.601, p < .0001; light vs. trough, t18 = 10.02, p < .0001; n = 19). (H) Schematic in C57/B6 mice. (I) Representative images show the expression of ChrimsonR and iGABAsnFR in the PC (scale bar = 200 μm, scale bars = 50 μm for enlarged images). (J) Left: Representative iGABA signal of PC neurons during an optogenetic kindling seizure. Right: Mean iGABA signal during seizures (n = 12 from n = 4 mice). Red line indicates 10‐s light. (K) Left: The absolute ∆F/F of the iGABA signal at peak and trough (one‐way ANOVA: control vs. peak, p = .0003; peak vs. trough, p < .0001; trough vs. control, p < .0001). Right: The time for the iGABA signal to reach its peak, return to the baseline, and drop to its trough (one‐sample t‐tests: light vs. peak, t11 = 44.51, p < .0001; light vs. t1, t11 = 15.19, p < .0001; light vs. trough, t11 = 3.464, p = .0053; n = 12). (L) Z‐Scored fluorescence of GCaMP7s and iGABA with the baseline adjusted to zero. (M) Comparison of the differences in the ratios of trough and peak between Z‐scored fluorescence of GCaMP7s and iGABA signal (Mann–Whitney U‐test: GCaMP7s vs. iGABA, p < .0001). (N) Comparison of area under the curve (AUC) ratios between the Z‐scored signals (Mann–Whitney U‐test: GCaMP7s vs. iGABA, p < .0001). (O) Comparison of the flag time points between the Z‐scored signals (Mann–Whitney test, peak: GCaMP7s vs. iGABA, p < .0001; two‐tailed unpaired t‐test, t1: GCaMP7s vs. iGABA, t29 = 6.544, p < .0001; Mann–Whitney U‐test, trough: GCaMP7s vs. iGABA, p < .0001). *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001; ****p < .0001.
Selective inhibition of piriform cortex (PC) Gad2 neurons induced epileptiform events and seizure‐like behavior. (A) Experimental schematic diagram of viral injection and expression in PC (scale bar = 200 μm, scale bars = 25 μm for enlarged images). DAPI, 4,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole; EEG, electroencephalography; LFP, local field potential. (B) Double immunostaining of hM4Di (red) and Gad2 (green; scale bar = 20 mm). (C) Spike‐like discharges without seizures. CNO, clozapine‐N‐oxide; i.p., intraperitoneal. (D) Typical LFP signal and related power spectrogram. Electrophysiological artifacts represent the time of CNO administration. The blue arrow marks the onset of the CNO effect on the LFP. The green asterisks represent seizure events. (E) Left: Representative spike‐like discharges from panel D. Right: Averaged wave from spike‐like discharges (n = 100). (F) Waveform progresses from an interictal spike to a sentinel spike, and then evolves to epileptic seizure from panel D. (G) Left: The number of mice exhibiting tonic–clonic convulsive seizures (n = 7) or only spike‐like discharges (n = 9). Right: The number of seizures occurring within each 30‐min interval (n = 7). (H) Left: The number of seizure events per mouse recorded during the experiments (6.143 ± 3.687, n = 7). Right: Seizure duration (19.37 ± 1.345 s, n = 43).
Different response paradigms of gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurons and GABA neurotransmitters in the piriform cortex (PC) at the transition from interictal spiking to seizures. (A) Schematic illustrating the recording of Ca²⁺ fluorescence in Gad2 neurons under hM4Di inhibition. EEG, electroencephalography; LFP, local field potential. (B) The representative images show the neurons colabeled with hM4Di and GCaMP7s (scale bar = 200 μm; scale bars = 20 μm for enlarged images). (C) Representative changes in fluorescence of PC Gad2 neurons and LFP signal during spike‐like discharge. (D) Left: Representative waveform progression of Ca²⁺ signal from interictal spike to sentinel spike, and epileptic seizure. Right: ∆F/F of Ca²⁺ signal at the interictal spike, sentinel spike, and peak of the seizure (repeated measures one‐way analysis of variance [ANOVA] followed by Tukey post hoc test: interictal spike vs. sentinel spike, p = .3479; interictal spike vs. peak, p < .0001; sentinel spike vs. peak, p < .0001; n = 11). (E) Schematic showing the fiber photometry used to assess GABA fluorescence of the PC under Gad2 inhibition. (F) Representative images show the expression of hM4Di and iGABAsnFR (scale bar = 200 μm; scale bars = 20 μm for enlarged images). (G) Typical GABA signal and LFP signal during chemogenetic inhibition of Gad2. (H) Left: Representative waveform progression of GABA signal from interictal spike to sentinel spike, and seizure. Right: ∆F/F of GABA signal at the interictal spike, sentinel spike, and trough (repeated measures one‐way ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc test: interictal spike vs. sentinel spike, p = .0011; interictal spike vs. trough, p < .0001; sentinel spike vs. trough, p < .0001; n = 17). (I) Z‐Scored fluorescence of GCaMP7s and iGABA with the baseline adjusted to zero for comparison. (J) Comparison of the time from interictal spike to peak between two signals (unpaired t‐test with Welch correction: t = 10.86, p < .0001). (K) The ratio of seizure response (i.e., peak for the GCaMP7s and trough for the iGABA) and interictal spiking response (unpaired t‐test: t26 = 3.086, p = .0048). (L) The ratios of seizure response (i.e., peak for the GCaMP7s and trough for the iGABA) and sentinel spiking response (Mann–Whitney U‐test: p = .0009). **p < .01; ***p < .001; ****p < .0001.
c‐Fos expression increased in a subset of Gad2 neurons after chemogenetic inhibition of piriform cortex (PC) Gad2 neurons. (A) Left: Schematic of viral injection and hM4Di expression in PC. Right: Representative images show the neurons colabeled with hM4Di and gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA; scale bars = 50 μm). Orange arrowheads indicate colocalization. GFP, green fluorescent protein. (B) Experimental protocol of c‐Fos staining after clozapine‐N‐oxide (CNO) or saline injection. (C) Coronal slices of PC immunolabeled with c‐Fos after CNO or saline injection (scale bars = 200 μm; enlarged image scale bars = 10 μm). Orange arrowheads indicate colocalization. (D) Left: Total number of c‐Fos expressed in PC (unpaired t‐test: CNO vs. Saline, t6 = 6.250, p = .0008; n = 4/group). (E) Percentage of c‐Fos‐positive cell‐colocalized Gad2 neurons (unpaired t‐test: CNO vs. saline, t6 = 6.189, p = .0008; n = 4/group). (F) Left: Coronal slices of PC immunolabeled with c‐Fos‐positive and parvalbumin‐expressing (PV⁺) neurons after CNO or saline injection (scale bars = 100 μm). Right: Percentage of c‐Fos‐positive cell‐colocalized PV⁺ neurons (Mann–Whitney U‐test: saline vs. CNO, p = .0006; n = 7/group). (G) Left: Coronal slices of PC immunolabeled with c‐Fos‐positive and somatostatin‐expressing (SOM⁺) neurons after CNO or saline injection (scale bars = 100 μm). Right: Percentage of c‐Fos‐positive cell colocalized SOM⁺ neurons (Mann–Whitney U‐test: saline vs. CNO, p = .0041; n = 7/group). **p < .01; ***p < .001.
Gad2 neurons in the piriform cortex (PC) ablation‐induced spontaneous recurrent seizures. (A) Schematic of viral injection in PC and 24‐h electroencephalographic (EEG) recording. (B) Expression of Gad2 after 4 weeks of viral injection (scale bars = 100 μm). (C) Number of Gad2 neurons in control and taCaspase3‐treated mice (Mann–Whitney U‐test: seizure vs. baseline, p = .0002; n = 10–11/group). GFP, green fluorescent protein. (D) Expression of gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) after 4 weeks of viral injection (scale bars = 100 μm; large image scale bars = 20 μm). (E) Comparison of GABA expression between two groups (Mann–Whitney U‐test: seizure vs. baseline, p = .0005; n = 9/group). (F) A series of pre‐ or interictal spikes was recorded during Gad2 deletion. (G) Typical spontaneous electrographic seizure recorded during Gad2 deletion. (H) Proportion of electrophysiological and behavioral changes in mice during 7‐day EEG recording. SRS, spontaneous recurrent seizures. (I) Left: The number of spontaneous seizures for each mouse during the 7‐day EEG recording. Middle: The duration and severity of seizures for each seizure event. Right: The average seizure stages for each mouse (4.689 ± .2085). (J) Duration (34.05 ± 2.177 s) and stages (4.368 ± .2321) for each spontaneous seizure event (n = 19 from n = 6 mice). ***p < .001.
Asymmetric dynamics of GABAergic system and paradoxical responses of GABAergic neurons in piriform seizures


Yuxin Zhao


Wenqi Zhong




Ruiqi Wu

Objective The piriform cortex (PC) plays a critical role in ictogenesis, where an excitation/inhibition imbalance contributes to epilepsy etiology. However, the epileptic dynamics of the gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) system and the precise role of GABAergic neurons within the PC in epilepsy remain unclear. Methods We combined Ca²⁺ and GABA sensors to investigate the dynamics of Gad2‐expressing neurons and GABA levels, and selectively manipulated GABAergic neurons in the PC through chemogenetic inhibition and caspase3‐mediated apoptosis targeting Gad2 interneurons. Results GABAergic system dynamics in the PC were bidirectional and asymmetric, accompanied by PC optokindling‐induced seizures, notably characterized by a robust response of Gad2 neurons but a rapid descent of GABA content during seizures. Chemogenetic inhibition of PC Gad2 neurons induced seizure‐like behavior, with a discrepancy between the GABAergic neuron activities and GABA levels, signifying a transition from interictal to ictal states. Surprisingly, selective inhibition of Gad2 neurons in the PC produced paradoxical activation in a subset of Gad2 neurons. Moreover, the chronic deficiency of PC Gad2 neurons triggered spontaneous recurrent seizures. Significance Our findings uncover the dynamic interplay within PC inhibitory components and elaborate counteractive mechanisms in seizure regulation. These insights could inform future therapeutic strategies targeting GABAergic neurons to control epileptic activity.

Severity of vigabatrin‐associated brain abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging: examples and scoring system. ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; DWI, diffusion‐weighted imaging; FLAIR, fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery; T2, T2‐weighted imaging. Arrows point toward the brain abnormalities of interest.
Study objectives. TSC, tuberous sclerosis complex; VABAM, VGB‐associated brain abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging; VABAM (‐like), VABAM or VABAM‐like changes; VGB, vigabatrin.
Flow of study participants. ?, missing MRI data; age MRI, median age (interquartile range) at MRI of study subgroup; excl, excluded; mo, months; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; n, number of participants; TSC, tuberous sclerosis complex; VABAM, VGB‐associated brain abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging; VGB, vigabatrin.
Vigabatrin‐associated brain magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities and clinical symptoms in infants with tuberous sclerosis complex

December 2024


31 Reads

Objective Previous retrospective studies have reported vigabatrin‐associated brain abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging (VABAM), although clinical impact is unknown. We evaluated the association between vigabatrin and predefined brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) changes in a large homogenous tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) cohort and assessed to what extent VABAM‐related symptoms were reported in TSC infants. Methods The Dutch TSC Registry and the EPISTOP cohort provided retrospective and prospective data from 80 TSC patients treated with vigabatrin (VGB) before the age of 2 years and 23 TSC patients without VGB. Twenty‐nine age‐matched non‐TSC epilepsy patients not receiving VGB were included as controls. VABAM, specified as T2/fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery hyperintensity or diffusion restriction in predefined brain areas, were examined on brain MRI before, during, and after VGB, and once in the controls (at approximately age 2 years). Additionally, the presence of VABAM accompanying symptoms was evaluated. Results Prevalence of VABAM in VGB‐treated TSC patients was 35.5%. VABAM‐like abnormalities were observed in 13.5% of all patients without VGB. VGB was significantly associated with VABAM (risk ratio [RR] = 3.57, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.43–6.39), whereas TSC and refractory epilepsy were not. In all 13 VGB‐treated patients with VABAM for whom posttreatment MRIs were available, VABAM entirely resolved after VGB discontinuation. The prevalence of symptoms was 11.7% in patients with VABAM or VABAM‐like MRI abnormalities and 4.3% in those without, implicating no significant association (RR = 2.76, 95% CI = .68–8.77). Significance VABAM are common in VGB‐treated TSC infants; however, VABAM‐like abnormalities also occurred in children without either VGB or TSC. The cause of these MRI changes is unknown. Possible contributing factors are abnormal myelination, underlying etiology, recurrent seizures, and other antiseizure medication. Furthermore, the presence of VABAM (or VABAM‐like abnormalities) did not appear to be associated with clinical symptoms. This study confirms that the well‐known antiseizure effects of VGB outweigh the risk of VABAM and related symptoms.

Processing of the CCEFs and delimitation of significant activation timings. (A) Averaged CCEF on z‐scored data to include both magnetometers and gradiometers (from 100 ms before the SPES to 1000 ms after the SPES). (B) Selection of the components that explain at least 10% of the CCEF. (C) CCEF after dimensional reduction. (D–F) Time course of each independent component of the response, detection of significant activation timings (gray boxes), and associated topographic maps (left, magnetometers; right, gradiometers). (G) Stimulated contacts (red arrow) displayed on coronal slice of co‐registered pre‐implantation brain magnetic resonance imaging and post‐implantation computed tomography (left), and source reconstruction of each independent component (yellow, green and blue) displayed on axial (middle left), sagittal (middle right), and coronal (right) T1‐wheighted brain magnetic resonance imaging (radiological convention). CCEF, cortico‐cortical evoked field; SPES, single‐pulse electrical stimulation.
Polymorphic and polyphasic waveform of CCEFs. The stimulated intracranial contacts are highlighted by a red arrow displayed on the co‐registered pre‐implantation T1‐weighted brain magnetic resonance imaging and post‐implantation brain computed tomography (left). The z‐scored CCEF and CCEF after dimensional reduction are plotted from 100 ms prior to the stimulation to 1000 ms after the stimulation (middle, left and right) with significant activation timings highlighted by gray boxes. The localization of independent components is highlighted by blue and green blobs displayed on T1‐weighted brain magnetic resonance imaging (right). (A) SPES performed at the posterior cingulate gyrus (NIZ) in patient 9 that induced a one‐peak CCEF localized at the inferior parietal lobule. (B) SPES performed at the parietal operculum (NIZ) in patient 5 that induced a two‐peak CCEF localized at the supramarginal gyrus. (C) SPES performed at the T4 gyrus (NIZ) in patient 10 that induced a three‐peak CCEF localized at the right hemisphere of the cerebellum. (D) SPES performed at the T2 gyrus (EZ) in patient 3 that induced a four‐peak CCEF localized at the T3‐T4 sulcus and T4 gyrus. (E) SPES performed at the anterior cingulate sulcus (EZ) in patient 8 that induced a five‐peak CCEF localized at the F3 gyrus and in the frontal white matter. (F) SPES performed at the F2 gyrus (NIZ) in patient 2 that induced a seven‐peak CCEF localized at the anterior insula. Brain imaging displayed in radiological convention. CCEF, cortico‐cortical evoked field; EZ, epileptogenic zone; NIZ, non‐involved zone; SPES, single‐pulse electrical stimulation.
Effective connectivity maps from the non‐involved and the epileptogenic zones. Matrices map the number of SPES trains sent from the stimulated brain area (y axis) and the location of the SPES‐induced neural responses (x axis): Bar plots on the left represent the number of SPES train applied to a given brain area; the color bar on the right represents the number of CCEFs recorded in a given brain area. Gray lines within matrices distinguish different cerebral lobes (from left to right: temporal, frontal, insula, parietal, occipital, deep structures). Top: Effective connectivity from the non‐involved zones. Bottom: Effective connectivity from the epileptogenic zones. CCEF, cortico‐cortical evoked field; SPES, single‐pulse electrical stimulation.
Dynamics of magnetic cortico‐cortical responses evoked by single‐pulse electrical stimulation

December 2024


18 Reads

Objective Intracranial single‐pulse electrical stimulation (SPES) can elicit cortico‐cortical evoked potentials. Their investigation with intracranial EEG is biased by the limited number and selected location of electrodes, which could be circumvented by simultaneous non‐invasive whole‐scalp recording. This study aimed at investigating the ability of magnetoencephalography (MEG) to characterize cortico‐cortical evoked fields (CCEFs) and effective connectivity between the epileptogenic zone (EZ) and non‐epileptogenic zone (i.e., non‐involved [NIZ]). Methods A total of 301 SPES trains (at 0.9 Hz during 120 s) were performed in 10 patients with refractory focal epilepsy. MEG signals were denoised, epoched, averaged, and decomposed using independent component analysis. Significant response deflections and significant source generators were detected. Peak latency/amplitude were compared between each different cortical/subcortical structure of the NIZ containing more than five SPES, and then between the EZ and corresponding brain structures in the NIZ. Results MEG detected and localized polymorphic/polyphasic CCEFs, including one to eight significant consecutive deflections. The latency and amplitude of CCEFs within the NIZ differed significantly depending on the stimulated brain structure. Compared with the corresponding NIZ, SPES within the extratemporal EZ demonstrated delayed CCEF latency, whereas SPES within the temporal EZ showed decreased CCEF amplitude. SPES within the EZ elicited a significantly higher rate of CCEFs within the stimulated lobe compared with those within the NIZ. Significance This study reveals polymorphic CCEFs with complex spatiotemporal dynamics both within the NIZ and EZ. It highlights significant differences in effective connectivity of the epileptogenic network. These cortico‐cortical evoked responses could thus contribute to increasing the yield of intracranial recordings.

Process for obtaining peak width of skeletonized mean diffusivity (PSMD). (A) The first step involved preprocessing diffusion tensor imaging data, including motion and eddy current correction, brain extraction, and tensor fitting. (B) The second step was skeletonization, which included normalization, projection to the skeleton template, and application of a custom masks. (C) The last step was the histogram analysis and calculation of PSMD based on the difference between the 95th and 5th percentiles. MD, mean diffusivity.
Differences in the peak width of skeletonized mean diffusivity between patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and healthy controls. Peak width of skeletonized mean diffusivity (PSMD) is higher in patients with TLE and HS than in the healthy control group (2.375 × 10⁻⁴ mm²/s vs. 2.108 × 10⁻⁴ mm²/s, p < .001) (A), but among patients with TLE and HS, no significant difference in PSMD is observed between the antiseizure medication poor and good responders (2.367 × 10⁻⁴ mm²/s vs. 2.399 × 10⁻⁴ mm²/s, p = .864; B). ASM, antiseizure medication.
Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis using peak width of skeletonized mean diffusivity (PSMD) and white matter hypointensity (WMh) shows an area under curve (AUC) of .747 and .710, respectively, in distinguishing patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis from healthy controls. Although the AUC using PSMD is higher than that using WMh, there is no significant difference in the comparison of AUC between PSMD and WMh in distinguishing the groups (p = .518).
Correlation of the clinical characteristics with peak width of skeletonized mean diffusivity (PSMD) in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with hippocampal sclerosis (HS). (A) Graph showing a significant positive correlation between PSMD and age in patients with TLE with HS (r = .51, p < .001). (B) PSMD was positively correlated with age at seizure onset in patients with TLE with HS (r = .423, p = .002).
Peak width of skeletonized mean diffusivity as a marker of small vessel disease in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis

Objective White matter abnormalities in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and hippocampal sclerosis (HS) are well known. Peak width of skeletonized mean diffusivity (PSMD) is a novel marker for quantifying white matter integrity that may reflect small vessel disease. In this study, we aimed to quantify the extent of white matter damage in patients with TLE and HS by using PSMD. Methods We enrolled 52 patients with TLE with HS and 54 age‐ and sex‐matched healthy controls. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was performed using a 3‐T magnetic resonance imaging scanner. We measured PSMD using DTI findings and compared PSMD between patients with TLE with HS and healthy controls. We also evaluated the correlation between PSMD and clinical factors in patients with TLE and HS. Results PSMD differed significantly between healthy controls and patients with TLE and HS, and it was higher in the patients (2.375 × 10⁻⁴ mm²/s vs. 2.108 × 10⁻⁴ mm²/s, p < .001). Furthermore, PSMD in the ipsilateral hemisphere of the HS was higher than in the contralateral hemisphere of the HS (2.472 × 10⁻⁴ mm²/s vs. 2.258 × 10⁻⁴ mm²/s, p = .040). PSMD was positively correlated with age (r = .512, p < .001) and age at seizure onset (r = .423, p = .002) in patients with TLE and HS. Significance Patients with TLE and HS had higher PSMD values than healthy controls, and PSMD was positively correlated with age. These findings provide evidence of white matter damage probably due to small vessel disease in patients with TLE and HS and support the feasibility of PSMD as a promising imaging marker for epileptic disorders.

Did Joseph Conrad have juvenile myoclonic epilepsy?

Joseph Conrad's epilepsy is well documented but has received little attention as he had convulsive seizures only in childhood and adolescence. The type of epilepsy has never been discussed. His biography reveals that his condition was decidedly neuropsychiatric with depression, a suicidal attempt, and prominent signs of frontal lobe dysfunction, as is seen typically in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. This diagnosis is supported by a congruent family history and probable lifelong myoclonic seizures including reflex myocloni that were misunderstood as nervosity. It is impressive to see how he disciplined himself to become a great writer against the odds of neuropsychological impairment.

of the Imaging Database for Epilepsy And Surgery (IDEAS) data set. (A) Various anonymized patient data are included in the release. (B) Clinical demographic information for an example patient (subject 5 in the database). (C) Example imaging including pre‐operative T1‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI, and resection mask, all aligned in the same space and orientation. Right panels show a surface visualization from the shared FreeSurfer data.
Seizure outcome up to 5 years after epilepsy surgery. (A) Survival plot of proportion of patients remaining seizure‐free following epilepsy surgery and with available follow‐up at yearly intervals, showing time to first seizure. Each colored line represents a different surgical procedure. ATLRx, anterior temporal resection; ETLesx, extratemporal lesionectomy; ETLx, extratemporal resection; Hx, hemispherectomy; and TLesx, temporal lesionectomy. (B) Survival plot of proportion of patients who did (blue), and did not (red), have focal aware seizures (FASs) following surgery in years 1, 2, remaining free of seizures with impaired awareness in subsequent years. (C–E) Twelve‐month seizure outcome did not differ by age at onset of epilepsy, (C), age at surgery (D), or duration of epilepsy (E). All results broadly replicate those described previously in more extensive cohorts from 1990 to 2012.17,31
Widespread reductions in volume and thickness in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE). Reduced volumes are shown in left and right mTLE ipsilaterally in the hippocampus and thalamus, with widespread bilateral thickness reductions in the neocortex. These results are concordant with those of other studies.¹⁴
Post‐operative resection mask densities for 433 individuals.
The Imaging Database for Epilepsy And Surgery (IDEAS)

December 2024


28 Reads


1 Citation

Objective Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a crucial tool for identifying brain abnormalities in a wide range of neurological disorders. In focal epilepsy, MRI is used to identify structural cerebral abnormalities. For covert lesions, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms may improve lesion detection if abnormalities are not evident on visual inspection. The success of this approach depends on the volume and quality of training data. Methods Herein, we release an open‐source data set of pre‐processed MRI scans from 442 individuals with drug‐refractory focal epilepsy who had neurosurgical resections and detailed demographic information. We also share scans from 100 healthy controls acquired on the same scanners. The MRI scan data include the preoperative three‐dimensional (3D) T1 and, where available, 3D fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), as well as a manually inspected complete surface reconstruction and volumetric parcellations. Demographic information includes age, sex, age a onset of epilepsy, location of surgery, histopathology of resected specimen, occurrence and frequency of focal seizures with and without impairment of awareness, focal to bilateral tonic–clonic seizures, number of anti‐seizure medications (ASMs) at time of surgery, and a total of 1764 patient years of post‐surgical followup. Crucially, we also include resection masks delineated from post‐surgical imaging. Results To demonstrate the veracity of our data, we successfully replicated previous studies showing long‐term outcomes of seizure freedom in the range of ~50%. Our imaging data replicate findings of group‐level atrophy in patients compared to controls. Resection locations in the cohort were predominantly in the temporal and frontal lobes. Significance We envisage that our data set, shared openly with the community, will catalyze the development and application of computational methods in clinical neurology.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) verification of infusion locations. (A–C) Representative coronal MRIs showing placement of platinum electrodes at or dorsal to the intended infusion site in the piriform cortex. (D1) Representative coronal image showing area of hyperintensity following gadolinium infusion (1 μL) 2 mm dorsal to area tempestas in one subject. (D2) Representative sagittal image showing gadolinium infusion 2 mm dorsal to the area tempestas in the same subject as in panel D1. (E) Postmortem MRI at high field strength (7 T) from one subject showing a trace from the tip of an injection track. Letter code in the upper left of each panel indicates the subject identity. AT, area tempestas.
Injection site mapping across 11 animals. Injection sites were reconstructed from a combination of histological, magnetic resonance imaging, and surgical records onto an atlas plane from the National Institute of Mental Health “Red” macaque atlas. The area surrounding the frontotemporal junction was overlaid with a 1‐mm grid. (A) Overlay of all cases, showing the location of the area of peak susceptibility to bicuculline‐evoked focal onset with impaired awareness seizures. (B) Thionin‐stained section at the same level as the atlas plane taken from an animal from another of our studies, which did not receive piriform injections (Animal DE in Holmes et al.⁵³ and DesJardin et al.⁵²). (C) Expanded view of the region surrounding the piriform cortex. APir, amygdala–piriform transition area; PirF, frontal piriform cortex; PirT, temporal piriform cortex; TOL, olfactory tubercle. (D) Individual cases are indicated by the two letter code at the top of each sub‐panel. Circles indicate the approximated sphere of drug diffusion (~2‐mm diameter) during the first 30 min following drug infusion based on our prior gadolinium infusion studies (e.g., Jacobs et al.¹⁹). Larger circles represent larger infusion volumes, with appropriately scaled spheres of diffusion. Gray symbols indicate that no behavioral seizure was evoked from that site; note that we cannot rule out the presence of subclinical focal ictal activity in piriform cortex during these infusions in the absence of depth electrode recordings. Blue symbols indicate focal seizures without impaired awareness (loss of response to human observer). Red symbols indicate seizures with impaired awareness. Numbers within each circle indicate the seizure severity (see Materials and Methods—Section 2). For Animal NW, seizures were evoked independently in the left and right hemispheres with both smaller (NW‐L1; NW‐R1; 1 μL) and larger (NWL‐1.5; NWR‐1.5; 1.5 μL) volumes infused. For Animal HS, seizures were evoked independently in the left (HS‐L) and right (HS‐R) hemisphere.
Focal pharmacology of the area tempestas in the primate brain. (A) Dose (volume)‐dependent effect of bicuculline methiodide (BMI) infusion into the area tempestas. Animals were tested with the same concentration of BMI delivered at a dose of either 20 nmol or 30 nmol. A 50% increase in total dose delivered resulted in significantly more severe behavioral seizures (n = 7 hemispheres in n = 6 animals; Animal HS was tested independently in the left and right hemispheres; symbols indicate the animal identity and are shown in the key above Panel B). (B, C) Pretreatment of the area tempestas with the N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist AP7 (n = 4 animals) or the NMDA receptor antagonist CPP (n = 4 animals) did not impact seizure severity. (D) Pretreatment of the area tempestas with the α‐amino‐3‐hydroxy‐5‐methyl‐4‐isoxazolepropionic acid receptor antagonist, NBQX, significantly reduced behavioral seizures (Animals KH and JC were tested independently in the left and right hemispheres, leading to a total n = 7 hemispheres tested in five animals). Bars show mean and SEM. Symbols show individual subjects. For NBQX experiments, animals JC and KH are presented twice, as experiments were performed independently in the left and right hemispheres. *p < .05, Wilcoxon test. ns, not significant. (E) Representative electroencephalographic (EEG) recording of a focal onset seizure evoked by bicuculline infusion into the right area tempestas. Seizure activity was first detected on the right frontal electrode (see graphic for EEG montage), before generalizing. AT, area tempestas; LF, left frontal; LFT, left frontotemporal; LO, left occipital; LT, left temporal; REF, reference electrode; RF, right frontal; RFT, right frontotemporal; RO, right occipital; RT, right temporal; SAL, saline.
Pharmacological inhibition of the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) inhibits area tempestas (AT)‐evoked seizures. (A) Representative 3‐T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing the location (red arrow) of an infusion in the AT of Subject LO. (B) Postmortem MRI from the same subject showing close correspondence to the in vivo MRI. (C) Injection sites in the substantia nigra in the same subject. (D–F) Histological confirmation of targeting in the same subject. (D) Injection at the frontotemporal junction (disconnected during histological processing). (E, F) Injections in the substantia nigra. (G–I) Representative in vivo MRI (1.5 T) showing the location of platinum bars placed bilaterally dorsal to the AT (G), with histological confirmation (H, I). (J, K) Representative MRI showing targeting of the substantia nigra in the same subject (J), with histological confirmation of infusion sites (K). (L) Pharmacological inhibition of the SNpr with muscimol (MUS) significantly reduced behavioral seizure severity. Seizures were eliminated in four of five subjects and reduced (from a score of 6 to a score of 2) in the remaining subject. *p < .05, Holm–Sidak‐corrected Dunn tests (n = 5 animals). Bars show mean seizure severity. Symbols show individual subjects. BMI, bicuculline methiodide; SAL, saline.
Piriform cortex is an ictogenic trigger zone in the primate brain

December 2024


13 Reads

Objective Area tempestas, a functionally defined region in the anterior piriform cortex, was identified as a crucial ictogenic trigger zone in the rat brain in the 1980s. However, whether the primate piriform cortex can trigger seizures remains unknown. Here, in a nonhuman primate model, we aimed to localize a similar trigger zone in the piriform cortex and, subsequently, evaluated the ability of focal inhibition of the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) to suppress the evoked seizures. Methods Focal microinjection of the γ‐aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) antagonist bicuculline methiodide into the piriform cortex was performed, in macaque monkeys, on a within‐subject basis to map the ictogenic regions within this area. Glutamate antagonists were used to characterize the local circuit pharmacology. Focal inhibition of the substantia nigra by infusion of the GABAA agonist muscimol suppressed seizures evoked from piriform cortex. Results We documented a well‐defined region highly susceptible to bicuculline‐induced seizures in the piriform cortex, just posterior to the junction of the frontal and temporal lobes, indicating that a functional homolog to the rodent area tempestas is present in the primate brain. Focal infusion of glutamate receptor antagonists into the area tempestas revealed that α‐amino‐3‐hydroxy‐5‐methyl‐4‐isoxazolepropionic acid receptor‐mediated, but not N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate‐mediated, neurotransmission was necessary for the expression of seizures. Pharmacological inhibition of the SNpr robustly suppressed area tempestas‐evoked seizures. Significance Together, these data point to the area tempestas as a potent ictogenic zone in the primate brain and underscore the antiseizure effects of inhibition of the SNpr. Building on decades of studies in rodents, our present findings emphasize the relevance of these targets to the primate brain and provide further rationale for exploring these targets for clinical use.

The cohort was divided into three groups involving operations at the anterior region, anterior and posterior junction, and posterior regions. Variable extension of resection including frontal, temporal, and opercular regions is demonstrated in Patient. 5, 8, 9, 15, 26, and 28. Eloquent areas (pyramidal tracts, arcuate fasciculus, auditory cortex) are shown together with the insular region, resected epileptogenic tissue, and stereoelectroencephalographic (SEEG) electrodes. DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging.
An example of the importance of multimodal assessment is seen in Patient 9, who presented with normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. (A) SISCOM (subtraction ictal single photon emission computed tomography coregistered to MRI) indicated ictal hyperperfusion (arrow) in the right anterior operculoinsular region. The axial view is supplemented by the sagittal view of the insula below. (B) ¹⁸F‐Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) with partial‐volume effect correction of PET postprocessing showed hypometabolism (cold colors) in the same region (arrow). The comparison of the right and left insulas in the sagittal view helped identify hypometabolic margins. (C) Postimplantation computed tomography showed dense insular stereoelectroencephalographic (SEEG) coverage using orthogonal and oblique trajectories (blue). (D) Visualization of the seizure onset zone (warm colors) resulted from computerized quantitative analysis. (E) The extent of the planned resection resulted from neuroimaging and electrophysiological examination. (F) Postresection MRI. (G) The benefit of preserving SEEG electrodes as a surgical guide to determine resection and anatomical margins is seen. Arrows with letters mark oblique electrodes preserved as surgical guides. The photograph was taken with a neurosurgical microscope at the end of resection. Electrode D was explanted during the operation and is marked by a white dashed line. (H–J) Sagittal, coronal, and axial views on three‐dimensional brain visualization.
The surgical approach for the insular cortex involves creating windows between the vessels on the opercular cortex, as seen in Case 30. The strips of electrodes used for postresection electrocorticography (above the suprasylvian and infrasylvian cortex) and intraoperative monitoring of motor functions (top right; over the primary motor cortex) are visible.
Epilepsy surgery in children with operculoinsular epilepsy: Results of a large unicentric cohort

December 2024


24 Reads

Objective Epilepsy surgery in the operculoinsular cortex is challenging due to the difficult delineation of the epileptogenic zone and the high risk of postoperative deficits. Methods Pre‐ and postsurgical data from 30 pediatric patients who underwent operculoinsular cortex surgery at the Motol Epilepsy Center Prague from 2010 to 2022 were analyzed. Results Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD; n = 15, 50%) was the predominant cause of epilepsy, followed by epilepsy‐associated tumors (n = 5, 17%) and tuberous sclerosis complex (n = 2, 7%). In eight patients where FCD was the most likely etiology, the histology was negative. Seven patients (23%) displayed normal magnetic resonance imaging results. Seizures exhibited diverse semiology and propagation patterns (frontal, perisylvian, and temporal). The ictal and interictal electroencephalographic (EEG) findings were mostly extensive. Multimodal imaging and advanced postprocessing were frequently used. Stereo‐EEG was used for localizing the epileptogenic zone and eloquent cortex in 23 patients (77%). Oblique electrodes were used as guides for better neurosurgeon orientation. The epileptogenic zone was in the dominant hemisphere in 16 patients. At the 2‐year follow‐up, 22 patients (73%) were completely seizure‐free, and eight (27%) experienced a seizure frequency reduction of >50% (International League Against Epilepsy class 3 and 4). Fourteen patients (47%) underwent antiseizure medication tapering; treatment was completely withdrawn in two (7%). Nineteen patients (63%) remained seizure‐free following the definitive outcome assessment (median = 6 years 5 months, range = 2 years to 13 years 5 months postsurgery). Six patients (20%) experienced corona radiata or basal ganglia ischemia; four (13%) improved to mild and one (3%) to moderate hemiparesis. Two patients (7%) operated on in the anterior insula along with frontotemporal resection experienced major complications: pontine ischemia and postoperative brain edema. Significance Epilepsy surgery in the operculoinsular cortex can lead to excellent patient outcomes. A comprehensive diagnostic approach is crucial for surgical success. Rehabilitation brings a great chance for significant recovery of postoperative deficits.

Worldwide distribution of neurosurgery respondents.
Number of surgical resections done per year by individual respondents.
Epilepsy surgery education and practice around the globe: An ILAE taskforce report

December 2024


19 Reads

Up to 80% of the world's population with epilepsy lives in low and middle‐income countries. Around one‐third of these patients will have drug‐resistant epilepsy, for which epilepsy surgery is an option. Unfortunately, many of these regions, as well as some more developed nations, lack sufficient epilepsy surgery units and trained neurosurgeons. With this in mind, the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) formed the Epilepsy Surgery Education Taskforce to address the shortage of further educational opportunities for surgeons and neurologists and to promote the creation of more epilepsy surgery units around the world. In this article, we publish our findings from a web‐based international survey, in which we investigated the global distribution and experience of neurosurgeons who perform epilepsy surgery, their educational paths, and opinions on the further need for epilepsy surgery education, as well as the resources available to them. We report a detailed analysis of the 202 survey replies received from 35 different countries across six continents. The lack of adequate numbers of epilepsy surgery units in the Southern Hemisphere is notable, and the aim of this task force with other ILAE committees, is to improve access to epilepsy surgery for patients and to enhance training for their health care providers.

Diphtheria toxin (DT) induces neuronal degeneration in CCL17DTR mice. (A) Timeline of experimental procedure. “DT” indicates intraperitoneal injection of .4 μg DT/mouse. End points of experiments are depicted in red. (B) CCL17DTR mice and wild‐type (WT) mice received 150 μL phosphate‐buffered saline at day (d) −1 and .4 μg DT at d0, d1, and d2. Mice were perfused in situ, and brains were isolated at d3, d7, and d14. Forty‐micrometer brain sections were prepared and degenerating neurons detected by Fluoro Jade C labeling (FJC; green). Images were prepared using epifluorescence microscopy. Scale bar (500 μm) applies to upper panels. Lower panels depict magnifications of upper panel as indicated. Representative images are shown. (C) Density of FJC cells in the hippocampal CA1 and CA2/CA3 regions. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed‐model regression of Tukey‐transformed data (λ = .25). **p < .01, ***p < .001, ****p < .0001. N = 4–5 WT and N = 5–6 CCL17DTR mice with n = 1 section/mouse.
Diphtheria toxin (DT)‐mediated ablation of hippocampal CCL17‐positive neurons induces epileptiform activity and hippocampal damage. (A) Electrographic seizures were continuously detected via cortical electrodes (placed ~1 mm deep into the cortex, 3 mm posterior to bregma, and 1.5 mm lateral to midline) and telemetric transmitters. (B) Representative electroencephalographic (EEG) traces depicting spontaneous generalized seizures (SGSs) and interictal activity in CCL17DTR mice. (C) Frequency of SGSs recorded in 16 DT‐treated CCL17DTR mice over a period of 28–30 days. The thick black line shows the average across animals, the gray area the SEM. Seizure activity showed an initial peak 7–9 days after DT, followed by a period of lower activity, which then gradually increased until the end of the recording. This increase was statistically significant (p = .00054). (D) Representative maximum intensity projections of combined NeuN (magenta) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; green) staining in the CA1 area of coronal hippocampal slices from C57BL/6J (WT) and CCL17DTR mice 30 days after DT injection. Scale bar = 200 μm. (E) The number of CA1 pyramidal neurons and (F) the width of the CA1 stratum radiatum (str. rad.) were significantly reduced in CCL17DTR mice. (G) Granule cell dispersion was not detected in CCL17DTR mice at this time point. (H) The volume occupied by GFAP immunoreactivity, which reflects the extent of reactive astrogliosis, was significantly increased in CCL17DTR mice. N = 6 WT and N = 5 CCL17DTR mice; n = 3 sections/mouse. (I) Representative maximum intensity projections of combined NeuN (magenta) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; green) staining in the CA2/3 area of coronal hippocampal slices from C57BL/6J (WT) and CCL17DTR mice 30 days after DT injection. Scale bar = 200 μm. (J, K) Quantification of neuronal density and GFAP immunoreactivity in the hippocampal CA2/3 area (N = 3 mice/genotype; n = 3 sections/mouse). Boxplots represent median and quartiles. Data were analyzed using Student t‐test. ***p < .001. GCL, granule cell layer; str. pyr., stratum pyramidale.
Epileptic seizures are accompanied by extensive gliosis. CCL17DTR and wild‐type (WT) mice received 150 μL phosphate‐buffered saline at day (d) −1 and .4 μg ip DT at d0, d1, and d2. Mice were perfused and brains were isolated at d3, d7, and d14 post‐DT. Images were prepared using epifluorescence microscopy. (A) Forty‐micrometer brain sections were prepared and stained for neuronal nuclei marker NeuN (magenta, first column). In a separate experiment, microglia were stained with Iba1 (red, second column), astrocytes with glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; green, third column) followed by counterstaining for cell nuclei with 4,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole (DAPI; blue, last column). Scale bars (500 μm) apply to all referred panels. Representative images of both experiments are shown. (B) Quantification of Iba1 and GFAP immunoreactivity. Regions of interest were set on CA1 or CA2/CA3 regions. (C) Forty‐micrometer brain sections were stained for the γ‐aminobutyric acidergic interneuron marker parvalbumin (PV) (red) and counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar (500 μm) applies to all panels. (D) Quantification of PV⁺ interneurons in hippocampus. Data were analyzed using one‐way analysis of variance followed by Bonferroni‐adjusted multiple comparisons. N = 3 WT and 3 CCL17DTR mice; n = 6 sections/mouse for A + B and n = 4 sections/mouse for C + D. *p < .05, ***p < .001, ****p < .0001. MFI, mean fluorescence intensity.
Epileptogenesis in CCL17DTR mice partially depends on proinflammatory soluble tumor necrosis factor signaling. (A) Timeline of the experimental design. Diphtheria toxin (DT)‐treated CCL17DTR mice received either three XPro1595 (XPro; 10 mg/kg ip) or vehicle injections every 72 h starting 1 day before the first DT administration. Animals underwent electroencephalographic (EEG) transmitter implantation on day 5 after the first DT injection to continuously monitor brain activity for 25 days following surgery. (B) Line graph depicting average progression of spontaneous generalized seizure (SGS) activity in CCL17DTR (green) and CCL17DTR + XPro mice (purple) during EEG recording. (C, D) Progression of seizure development and overall percentage of CCL17DTR and CCL17DTR + XPro mice that developed chronic SGSs. (E) Example EEG traces of ictal and interictal activity in vehicle‐ and XPro‐treated CCL17DTR mice. (F, G) XPro treatment significantly reduced the number of SGSs but not their duration. (H) The frequency of interictal spiking during the chronic phase of epilepsy (4th week of recording) was not affected by XPro treatment. N = 16 CCL17DTR and N = 12 CCL17DTR + XPro mice. Data were analyzed using an independent samples t‐test or a log‐rank test. Boxplots represent median and quartiles, with whiskers extending to the highest and lowest values within 1.5 × interquartile range. **p < .01. dpi, days postinjection.
Soluble tumor necrosis factor inhibition does not affect histopathological changes or neuroinflammation in CCL17DTR mice. (A) Representative maximum intensity projections of combined NeuN (magenta) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; green) staining in coronal hippocampal slices 1 month after epilepsy induction from diphtheria toxin (DT)‐injected wild‐type C57BL/6J (WT) and CCL17DTR mice pretreated with either vehicle or XPro1595 (XPro). Scale bar = 200 μm. (B–E) XPro treatment did not affect the development of hippocampal sclerosis in CCL17DTR mice. Boxplots represent median and quartiles. n = 2–3 sections/mouse from N = 6 WT, N = 5 CCL17DTR, and N = 8 CCL17DTR + XPro mice. Data were analyzed using one‐way analysis of variance followed by Tukey's multiple comparisons. (F) Immunofluorescence staining of brain sections at day 30 post‐DT. Sections were analyzed for neuronal degeneration using Fluoro‐Jade C (FJC; green) staining and counterstained for cell nuclei with 4,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole (DAPI; blue). (G) Intensity of FJC⁺ signal was measured in CA1 and CA2/CA3 areas. N = 3 CCL17DTR and N = 9 CCL17DTR + XPro mice. (H) Sections were stained for microglia (Iba1, red) and counterstained for cell nuclei with DAPI (blue). (I) Intensity of Iba1⁺ signal was measured in CA1 and CA2/CA3 areas. N = 3 CCL17DTR and N = 7 CCL17DTR + XPro mice. Representative images are shown. Scale bars (500 μm) apply to all panels in their respective subfigure. GCL, granule cell layer; str. pyr., stratum pyramidale; str. rad., stratum radiatum. **p < .01., ***p < .001. MFI, median fluorescence intensity.
Ablation of CCL17‐positive hippocampal neurons induces inflammation‐dependent epilepsy

November 2024


40 Reads

Objective Neuronal cell death and neuroinflammation are characteristic features of epilepsy, but it remains unclear whether neuronal cell death as such is causative for the development of epileptic seizures. To test this hypothesis, we established a novel mouse line permitting inducible ablation of pyramidal neurons by inserting simian diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor (DTR) cDNA into the Ccl17 locus. The chemokine CCL17 is expressed in pyramidal CA1 neurons in adult mice controlling microglial quiescence. Methods Seizure activity in CCL17‐DTR mice was analyzed by electroencephalographic recordings following treatment with DT for 3 consecutive days. Neuroinflammation and neuronal cell death were evaluated by (immuno)histochemistry. Pharmacological inhibition of TNFR1 signaling was achieved by treatment with XPro1595, a dominant‐negative inhibitor of soluble tumor necrosis factor. Results Neuronal cell death was detectable 7 days (d7) after the first DT injection in heterozygous CCL17‐DTR mice. Spontaneous epileptic seizures were observed in the vast majority of mice, often with an initial peak at d6–9, followed by a period of reduced activity and a gradual increase during the 1‐month observation period. Microglial reactivity was overt from d5 after DT administration not only in the CA1 region but also in the CA2/CA3 area, shortly followed by astrogliosis. Reactive microgliosis and astrogliosis persisted until d30 and, together with neuronal loss and stratum radiatum shrinkage, reflected important features of human hippocampal sclerosis. Granule cell dispersion was detectable only 3 months after DT treatment. Application of XPro1595 significantly reduced chronic seizure burden without affecting the development of hippocampal sclerosis. Significance In conclusion, our data demonstrate that sterile pyramidal neuronal death is sufficient to cause epilepsy in the absence of other pathological processes. The CCL17‐DTR mouse line may thus be a valuable model for further mechanistic studies on epilepsy and assessment of antiseizure medication.

Basic and preclinical epilepsy research Scientists' perception of clinical epileptology

November 2024


54 Reads

The interaction between basic science epilepsy researchers and clinical epileptologists is a longstanding issue. Efforts to provide opportunities for a dialogue between preclinical and clinical epilepsy professionals are crucial to reduce the knowledge gap between them and improve the translational success of neurobiology‐based research. The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Research and Innovation Task Force circulated a survey to investigate the need for an update on new clinical epilepsy concepts within the basic science community. The 336 respondents included basic scientists (BS), preclinical scientists (PCSs), and/or clinical scientists (CSs). The majority of the 237 BSs/PCSs were engaged in preclinical studies in translational epilepsy research and declared translational research as a priority research interest. Fewer respondents from low‐middle‐income countries than from upper‐middle or high‐income countries (40.7% vs 65%) considered translational research a critical aspect of their research. A broad understanding of both clinical and neurobiological aspects of epilepsy was declared by 48% of BSs/PCSs; 96% of CSs declared a superficial knowledge of neurobiology of epilepsy. Most BSs/PCSs were aware that epilepsy is a complex condition that should be investigated with the help of clinical epileptologists, even though concerns were expressed on the relationship with clinicians. A focused training program on emerging clinical epileptological aspects tailored for BSs/PCSs was recommended by 81% of the participants; the majority of respondents preferred either 1‐ or 2‐week in‐presence tutoring or continuous online training coordinated by ILAE at the regional/national level. The survey also underscored the value of educational programs on neurobiology of epilepsy targeting CSs and low‐middle‐income countries (LMIC) investigators.

Survival curves for time to next seizure cluster or rescue medication administration for seizure clusters for which rescue medication was not administered within 4 h of cluster onset (yellow) and rescue medication was administered (blue). Seizure clusters defined by ISI ≥4 h. The p‐value is shown from log‐rank test. ISI, inter‐seizure interval.
Distribution of time to next seizure cluster or rescue administration for seizure clusters for which rescue medication was not administered within 4 h and rescue administrations. Seizure clusters defined by ISI ≥4 h. ISI, inter‐seizure interval.
Benzodiazepine rescue medication administration for seizure clusters: Real‐world retrospective outcomes

November 2024


8 Reads

Objective Benzodiazepine rescue medications are established as therapy for acute termination of seizure clusters. A post‐hoc analysis of a clinical trial of seizure cluster treatment with diazepam nasal spray found a potential longer‐term impact over a year of treatment. In this retrospective analysis, we tested the hypothesis that benzodiazepine‐treated seizure clusters are associated with prolonged time to the next seizure cluster compared with untreated seizure clusters in a patient‐reported real‐world database. Methods We analyzed data on self‐reported seizures and benzodiazepine rescue medication administration in the Seizure Tracker™ database between 2007 and 2022. Kaplan–Meier analysis was used to compare treated vs untreated seizure clusters with respect to time to start of the next seizure cluster or immediate‐use medication administration. Mixed‐effects analysis was used to compare the number of seizures per cluster for treated and untreated seizure clusters. Robustness of findings was evaluated across three operational seizure‐cluster definitions: ≥2 seizures in 4 hours as primary analysis and in 6 and 24 hours as sensitivity analyses. Results A total of 10 889 benzodiazepine immediate‐use medication administrations (n = 220 patients) met inclusion criteria. Benzodiazepine rescue administrations were followed by longer time to the next seizure cluster or rescue administration, compared with untreated seizure clusters, corresponding to a median of 4.9 days following treated seizure clusters and a median of 0.8 days following untreated seizure clusters. This prolongation was driven by a minority of patients (accounting for 45.9% of seizure clusters in the sample) and patients were more likely to be women. The number of seizures per cluster was lower when treatment was administered earlier in the seizure cluster. Significance These retrospective real‐world data suggest that the effect of benzodiazepines on termination of seizure clusters may be more pronounced when administration occurs earlier after onset, and support a hypothesis of a possible longer‐term effect of benzodiazepines beyond immediate‐use acute seizure termination.

Association of early general anesthesia with outcome in adults with status epilepticus: A propensity‐matched observational study

November 2024


35 Reads

General anesthesia (GA) earlier than recommended (as first‐ or second‐line treatment) was recently described to improve status epilepticus (SE) outcome. We aimed to assess the impact of early GA on outcome in matched groups. Data from a multicenter, prospective cohort of 1179 SE episodes in 1049 adults were retrospectively analyzed. Incident SE episodes were categorized as “early anesthesia” (eGA; GA as first‐ or second‐line treatment) or “non‐early anesthesia” (neGA; GA after second‐line treatment or not at all). Using propensity score matching, eGA episodes were paired 1:4 with neGA episodes. We assessed survival, functional outcomes at discharge (good: modified Rankin Scale = 0–2 or no worsening), SE cessation rate, SE duration, and hospital stay. Among 1049 SE episodes, 55 (5.2%) received eGA, and 994 constituted the neGA group; 220 represented the matched controls. Patients receiving eGA were younger (median = 63, interquartile range [IQR] = 56–76 vs. median = 70, IQR = 54–80 years, p = .004), had deeper consciousness impairment (80% vs. 40% stuporous/comatose, p < .001), and had more severe SE forms (89% vs. 54% generalized convulsive SE/nonconvulsive SE in coma, p < .001). Mortality, functional outcome, SE cessation rate, and duration of SE and hospital stay were similar between the eGA group and matched controls. We conclude that early anesthesia for SE treatment did not influence prognosis.

of the analysis methods and design of the study. (A) High‐density electroencephalography (EEG; N = 64 channels) was recorded during day‐time sleep of 6‐year‐old children (antiepileptic drug [AED] and Healthy Control [HC] groups), and epochs of N1 and N2 sleep states were extracted. (B) The EEG signals were preprocessed and filtered into five frequency bands of interest. The sensor‐level signals were converted to cortical signals (N = 58 parcels) using a child head model. The parcels were labeled into four groups according to their anatomic location on the cortex. Cortical activity networks were computed as pairwise phase–phase correlations (PPCs) between all parcel signals. (C) The PPC analysis yielded connectivity matrices for both sleep stages and all frequency bands for each subject. Statistical group comparison in PPC connectivity strengths between the AED and HC groups were computed to produce group difference networks. Finally, the functional correlates of these group difference networks were evaluated by comparing their sleep‐state–related changes, as well as correlating them to measures of neuropsychological performance.
Comparison of the distributions of test scores for the antiepileptic drug (AED) and healthy control (HC) groups. Scores are denoted as Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI), Working Memory Index (WMI), Processing Speed Index (PSI), and full‐scale IQ (IQ). Horizontal lines indicate the group means, and each dot represents the score of a single subject. The AED group is divided into subgroups according to the exposed medication as follows: carbamazepine (CBZ, N = 5), lamotrigine (LTG, N = 4), oxcarbazepine (OXC, N = 3), levetiracetam (LEV, N = 1), topiramate (TPM, N = 1), and polytherapy (POLY, N = 9). Statistical analysis was performed with Wilcoxon rank‐sum test with significance level of .05. p‐Values that passed Benjamini‐Hochberg correction for multiple comparisons are indicated in bold.
Phase–phase correlation (PPC) group difference networks of antiepileptic drug (AED) and healthy control (HC) groups, and their correlation with neuropsychological test scores for both N1 and N2 sleep stages. (A) Shows significant edges that are stronger in AED (red line) and HC (blue line) compared to the other group. Nodes are color‐coded according to their anatomic regions: orange = frontal, magenta = central, green = temporal, and black = occipital. K indicates the percentage of significant edges that are stronger in AED (red line) and HC (blue line) compared to the other clinical group. Statistical analysis was performed with Wilcoxon rank‐sum test with a significance level of .05. The effect size of the networks is estimated with rank‐biserial correlation (r). (B) Correlations of mean connectivity of the group difference networks to neuropsychological scores of both AED and HC groups. Correlation p‐values that passed Benjamini‐Hochberg correction for multiple comparisons are indicated in bold.
Differences between N1 and N2 sleep states for the antiepileptic drug (AED) and healthy control (HC) groups. (A) Networks show edges that are stronger in N1 (red line) and/or N2 (blue line) compared to the other sleep state. Nodes are color‐coded according to their anatomic regions: orange = frontal, magenta = central, green = temporal, and black = occipital. K indicates the percentage of significant edges that are stronger in N1 (red line) and N2 (blue line) compared to the other sleep state. Statistical analysis was performed with Wilcoxon rank‐sum test with a significance level of .05. The effect size of the networks is estimated with rank‐biserial correlation (r). (B) Illustration of the network densities between the anatomical regions. The densities are defined as the fraction of edges that connect two regions of all possible connections in the entire network. The densities are normalized with the total number of possible connections in the network.
Effect of in utero antiepileptic drug (AED) exposure to sleep‐state dynamics at 6 years of age. (A) Networks that showed sleep‐by‐group effects for the AED and healthy control (HC) groups. Nodes are color‐coded according to their anatomic regions: orange = frontal, magenta = central, green = temporal, and black = occipital. K denotes the density of the networks that showed different sleep dynamics. The effect size of the networks was estimated with rank‐biserial correlation (r). (B) Changes in mean connectivity within the contrast networks during switching from N1 to N2 state for both groups. The gray lines show the change in mean connectivity for individual subjects and the black lines show the change in the group medians. (C) Correlation of the network changes to the neuropsychological scores. p‐values that pass correction for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini‐Hochberg method are indicated in bold.
Effect of in utero exposure to antiepileptic drugs on cortical networks and neurophysiological outcomes at 6 years

November 2024


22 Reads

Objective The human brain undergoes an activity‐dependent organization during late gestation, making it very sensitive to all effects on the spontaneous neuronal activity. Pregnant mothers with epilepsy are treated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) that may reach the fetus and cause altered cortical network activity after birth. However, it is not known whether these functional effects of intrauterine AED exposure persist later in childhood. Methods We studied cortical activity networks computed from electroencephalographic recordings during sleep of 25, 6‐year‐old children with in utero exposure to AEDs and 21 without exposure. The frequency‐specific networks were determined for N1 and N2 sleep states, and the study groups were compared for sleep‐state–specific changes and dynamic differences between sleep states. Finally, we correlated these difference networks with the children's neurophysiological performance at 6 years. Results We found brain‐wide changes in the cortical activity networks and their sleep‐state dynamics in the children with intrauterine AED exposure. Moreover, the strength of cortical network connectivity was significantly associated with multiple domains of neurocognitive performance, in particular, verbal comprehension, processing speed, and IQ. Our findings together suggest that fetal AED exposure causes very long‐lasting changes in the cortical networks with significant links to early school‐age cognitive performance. Significance AED treatment of pregnant mothers is indicated for maternal health reasons; however, the long‐term neurodevelopmental effects on the offspring are poorly understood. Our present study shows that in utero exposure to AEDs causes persisting changes in the cortical activity networks, which can be measured with electroencephalography at 6 years of age. Moreover, these network changes correlate to the child's neurocognitive performance at the same age. These findings together suggest a pathway for how fetal drug exposures may cause persisting and neurocognitively meaningful changes in cortical connectivity patterns.

Flow diagram of included and excluded patients. AIS, arterial ischemic stroke; EEG, electroencephalographic.
Treatment response according to line of treatment in the 56 neonates included in the treatment response analysis. BDZ, benzodiazepine; CBZ, carbamazepine; LEV, levetiracetam; MDZ, midazolam; PB, phenobarbital; PHT, phenytoin; vit., vitamin.
Effectiveness of sodium channel blockers in treating neonatal seizures due to arterial ischemic stroke

November 2024


86 Reads

Objective Few studies have evaluated the efficacy of antiseizure medications (ASMs) according to the etiology of neonatal acute provoked seizures. We aimed to investigate the response to ASMs in term/near term neonates with acute arterial ischemic stroke (AIS), as well as the type of seizure at presentation and the monitoring approach. Methods We retrospectively evaluated neonates from 15 European level IV neonatal intensive care units who presented with seizures due to AIS and were monitored by continuous electroencephalography (cEEG) and/or amplitude‐integrated EEG (aEEG) in whom actual recordings, timing, doses, and response to ASMs were available for review. Results One hundred seven neonates were referred, and 88 were included. Of those, 56 met the criteria for evaluating the treatment response. The mean time to treatment was 7.9 h (SD = 16.4), and the most frequently administered first‐line ASM was phenobarbital (PB; 74/88, 84.1%). Seizures were controlled within 24 h from onset of symptoms in 64.3% (36/56) of neonates. Phenytoin (PHT) was effective in almost all neonates in whom it was trialed (24/25, 96.0%), whereas PB was effective in only 22.0% of patients (11/50). Infants treated with PB or PHT as first‐line treatment (53/56, 94.6%) showed a higher response rate with PHT (6/6, 100.0%) than with PB (11/47, 23.4%). Monitoring approach and seizure types were evaluated in 88 infants. Forty‐six of 88 (52.3%) were monitored with cEEG and 47.7% (42/88) with aEEG, with or without intermittent cEEG. The mean monitoring duration was 65.8 h (SD = 39.21). In 83 of 88 (94.3%) infants, the type of seizure suspected clinically prior to monitoring was confirmed afterward. Unilateral focal clonic seizures were seen in 71 of 88 infants (80.7%), whereas 11 of 88 (12.5%) presented with ictal apneas. Significance Our findings provide evidence in a large, homogenous cohort that PHT is more effective than PB in treating neonatal acute symptomatic seizures due to AIS.

Patient disposition. AE, adverse event. aOne patient passed screening but was not randomized to study treatment due to study termination by the sponsor.
(A) Median percent reduction in seizure frequency per 28 days, (B) 50% responder rate, (C) 75% responder rate, and (D) seizure‐freedom rate based on prespecified efficacy assessments throughout Study 338 (FAS; LOCF). Seizure outcomes were analyzed based on changes in seizure frequency per 28 days from baseline in patients who received ≥1 perampanel dose during the Core Study or Extension A (i.e., the LOCF method). FAS, Full Analysis Set; FOSs, focal‐onset seizures; GTCSs, generalized tonic–clonic seizures; LOCF, last observation carried forward. aDrop seizures were prespecified as atonic, tonic, or myoclonic seizures that led to or could have led to a fall if the patient had not been supported in the study protocol. bNon‐drop seizures were defined as myoclonic without fall, FOSs, GTCSs, absence, atypical absence, or clonic. cSeizure‐free is a patient who experienced no seizures during the analysis period and completed the period of interest.
Median percent change from pre‐randomization in drop seizure frequency per 28 days by time interval during the Core Study (FAS). FAS, Full Analysis Set. aDrop seizures were prespecified as atonic, tonic, or myoclonic seizures that led to or could have led to a fall if the patient had not been supported in the study protocol.
Efficacy outcomes by drop seizures or all countable motor seizures during the Core Study and Extension Phase A. (A) Median percent reduction from baseline in seizure frequency per 28 days, (B) 50% responder rates, (C) 75% responder rates, and (D) seizure‐freedom rates (FAS). FAS, Full Analysis Set; FOSs, focal‐onset seizures. aDrop seizures were prespecified as atonic, tonic, or myoclonic seizures that led to or could have led to a fall if the patient had not been supported in the study protocol. In accordance with the study design, statistical analyses were not conducted for secondary endpoints because the primary endpoint was not met based on the hierarchical testing. bThe broader definition of drop seizures encompassed atonic, tonic, tonic–clonic seizures that led or could have led to a fall. cAll countable motor seizures were defined as atonic, tonic, tonic–clonic, clonic, or FOSs. dSeizure‐free is a patient who experienced no seizures during the analysis period and completed the period of interest.
Efficacy and safety of perampanel in patients with seizures associated with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome: A randomized trial

November 2024


35 Reads

Objectives The Phase 3 Study 338 (NCT02834793) assessed long‐term clinical outcomes of adjunctive perampanel in patients ≥2 years of age with uncontrolled seizures associated with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (LGS). Methods Eligible patients were diagnosed with LGS and receiving one to four concomitant antiseizure medications with an average of two or more drop seizures/week during baseline. The study comprised an 18‐week double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled Core Study and ≥52‐week open‐label Extension. The primary endpoint was median percent change in drop seizure frequency per 28 days during the Core Study. Key secondary endpoints included responder rates, seizure‐freedom rates, and safety outcomes. Post hoc analyses were performed encompassing a broader range of drop seizures or all countable motor seizures. Results Seventy patients were randomized into the Core Study (perampanel, n = 34; placebo, n = 36), and 58 entered the Extension. In the Core Study, numerically greater median percent reductions in drop seizure frequency were observed with perampanel (23.1%) vs placebo (4.5%) using prespecified assessments (p = .107), whereas significantly greater reductions were detected using the broader definition (48.6% vs −.7%, respectively, p = .001) or all countable motor seizures (44.0% vs −.6%, respectively, p = .017). The 50% responder rate for drop seizures was higher with perampanel vs placebo using modern definitions. Reductions in seizure frequency with perampanel were maintained over 52 weeks. Treatment‐emergent adverse events occurred in 85.3% of perampanel‐treated patients (somnolence [23.5%] was the most frequent) and 72.2% of placebo‐treated patients. Significance This study had a reduced sample size and was underpowered. Although the difference in reductions in drop seizure frequency between treatments was not statistically significant by prespecified assessments, adjunctive perampanel demonstrated sustained efficacy in reducing drop seizures associated with LGS for ≤71 weeks using modern definitions. No new safety signals emerged. These observations suggest the long‐term efficacy and safety of perampanel in the LGS population.

(A) Electroencephalograms with transversal montage recording from frontocentrotemporal regions (blue arrow shows seizure onset). Ictal activity is characterized by deflection, with low‐voltage fast activity superimposed mainly on right frontocentrotemporal regions. After later recruitment of the anterior and central vertex, fast activity is replaced by repetitive and irregular spike‐and‐waves on right frontocentral leads, with contralateral diffusion in the homologous derivations. Negative motor events first involve the left flexor carpi (1), then the left extensor carpi (2), and finally the bilateral proximal muscles with motor impersistence (deltoid; 3). The legs were recorded but not specifically tested. Electrocardiogram shows ictal bradycardia. Calibration: vertical line = 100 μV/cm, horizontal line = 1 s. (B) Brain magnetic resonance imaging shows lesion in the posterior portion of inferior frontal gyrus. The alteration appeared hyperintense on T2‐weighted/fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery sequences, associated with peculiar transmantle sign.
(A) In the upper right panel, the position of the head and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) for magnetoencephalography (MEG) is shown during the recording. The yellow area includes groups of SQUIDs whose traces are shown in panels B and F (each square is composed of two gradiometers and one magnetometer). (B, C) Butterflies of traces resulting from averaging of interictal epileptiform discharges (nine spikes) from the right frontotemporal gradiometers (B) and electroencephalographic (EEG; C) channels. (D, E) MEG source localization (standardized low‐resolution electromagnetic tomography, threshold = 86%) for the milliseconds with the maximal signal‐to‐noise ratio (corresponding to the red markers in B and C) is represented on cortex (D) and magnetic resonance imaging in the Montreal Neurological Institute space x = 176 (E). (F, G) The first part of seizure recorded by MEG (F; 1‐2‐3) and the corresponding source localizations of the ictal activity on cortex in different instants (G; 1‐2‐3), consistent with the presence of the dysplasia in right inferior frontal gyrus, albeit with slight differences (threshold = 76%).
Focal negative motor seizures: Multimodal evaluation

November 2024


18 Reads

This case report shows the importance of multimodal evaluation to formulate a proper diagnosis of negative motor seizures (NMSs). Only few reports in literature document NMSs with video‐electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic coregistration. A multimodal evaluation is crucial to exclude common mimics and propose correct therapy. We describe a case of a 62‐year‐old man with drug‐resistant focal epilepsy and NMSs, evaluated with video‐EEG recording with polygraphy, magnetoencephalography (MEG), and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Video‐EEG monitoring showed 182 focal NMSs, with preserved awareness and comprehension. The patient reported complex paresthesia of the left hand followed by left facial grimace, left arm flaccid paralysis, and bradycardia. EEG showed ictal discharges in the right frontocentral region associated with sudden electromyographical silence in left limb muscles consistent with loss of tonic contraction from distal to proximal muscles of the arm. MEG localized the epileptic zone in the right opercular region, consistent with MRI evidence of type II cortical dysplasia in the right inferior frontal gyrus. Multimodal evaluation is essential to document the temporal relationship between ictal discharges, clinical onset of limb paresis, and electrophysiologic evidence of loss of tonic muscular contraction. It allows definition of the specific cortical area involved in NMSs, offering new insight into physiological brain functioning.

Conventional vs differential tractography. Left panel: (A, B) Whole brain fiber tracking shown in sagittal and axial views with colors representing diffusion directionality (blue, superior–inferior; red, left–right; green, anterior–posterior). (C, D) Tracts with only increased connectivity are shown in sagittal and axial views. (E, F) Tracts with only decreased connectivity are shown in sagittal and axial views. Right panel: (G, H) Axial view of whole brain fiber tracking overlay in T1 slices and 3D view of MRI slices and tracts. (I, J) Axial view of tracts with increased connectivity (blue) and decreased connectivity (red), and its corresponding 3D view of tracts with increased connectivity (blue) and tracts with decreased connectivity (red). (K, L) Axial view showing superposition of tracts with increased connectivity (blue) and decreased connectivity (red) along with its corresponding 3D view. MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; T1, T1‐weighted imaging.
Tracts with increased structural connectivity. Axial views of whole‐brain surface depicting tracts with increased fractional anisotropy (FA) and quantitative anisotropy (QA) connectivity across subjects (A–D) at 20%, 30%, and 40% differential tractography thresholds. Tracts exhibiting increased connectivity are situated predominantly in the peripheral cortical areas, with QA displaying more white matter fibers than FA, where fewer fibers are visible. Colors represent diffusion directionality (blue, superior–inferior; red, left–right; and green, anterior–posterior). FA, fractional anisotropy; QA, quantitative anisotropy.
Tracts with decreased structural connectivity. Axial views of the whole‐brain surface illustrating tracts with decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) and quantitative anisotropy (QA) connectivity across subjects (A–D) at 20%, 30%, and 40% differential tractography thresholds. Tracts demonstrating diminished connectivity are located predominantly in mesial structures, thalamic radiations, corpus callosum, cingulum, motor fibers, and brainstem pathways. QA reveals fewer white matter fibers than FA, where more fibers are visible. Colors represent diffusion directionality (blue, superior–inferior; red, left–right; and green, anterior–posterior). FA, fractional anisotropy; QA, quantitative anisotropy.
Illustrating that focal LEFT hemisphere drug‐resistance epilepsy involving changes in the bilateral hemisphere in one subject. (A) Frequent interictal activity was noted around the cavernoma regions as electrodes B′ and C′ lateral contacts (with a close view). (B) Illustrating seizure activity with interictal and ictal transition over the same electrodes on B′ and C′ (lateral contacts). (C) Electrode location over the Talairach grid showing the cavernoma (noted as a blue circle) between electrode B′ and C′. (D) The ipsilateral hemisphere (LEFT) decreased in structural connectivity. (E) The contralateral hemisphere (RIGHT) increased in structural connectivity. Colors represent diffusion directionality (blue, superior–inferior; red, left–right; and green, anterior–posterior).
Structural connectivity changes in focal epilepsy: Beyond the epileptogenic zone

November 2024


31 Reads

Objective Epilepsy is recognized increasingly as a network disease, with changes extending beyond the epileptogenic zone (EZ). However, more studies of structural connectivity are needed to better understand the behavior and nature of this condition. Methods In this study, we applied differential tractography, a novel technique that measures changes in anisotropic diffusion, to assess widespread structural connectivity alterations in a total of 42 patients diagnosed with medically refractory epilepsy (MRE), including 27 patients with focal epilepsy and 15 patients with multifocal epilepsy that were included to validate our hypothesis. All patients were compared individually to an averaged database constructed from 19 normal controls regressed by age and sex. Results Statistical analyses revealed specific distribution patterns of tracts with increased connectivity that were located in multiple subcortical structures across all patients including the arcuate fasciculus, inferior fronto‐occipital fasciculus, inferior longitudinal fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus, fornix, and short U fibers. Conversely, pathways with a significant decrease in connectivity (p < .05) exhibited a more central distribution near mesial structures across all patients (corpus callosum, cingulum, corticospinal tract, and sensory fibers). Significance Our findings add to the growing evidence that focal epilepsy is not solely anatomically confined, but is rather a network disorder that extends beyond the EZ, and differential tractography shows strong potential as a clinical biomarker for assessing structural connectivity alterations in patients with epilepsy.

Schematic of Automatic Responsiveness Testing in Epilepsy (ARTiE) Watch behavioral responsiveness system and ARTiE behavioral testing sequence in seizures recorded in the electroencephalographic (EEG) Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU). (A) The platform for ARTiE Watch testing in the EMU utilizes a cloud‐based application to trigger questionnaires, acquire patient responses, and synchronize behavioral and EEG data streams. Upon patient‐event button‐press, or visual detection of seizure by EMU monitoring staff, the ARTiE Watch testing is remotely initiated on the patient's smartwatch. (B) A simplified block diagram of the cloud‐based platform using an ARTIE Watch and mobile phone in the patient's EMU room. Once the ARTIE Watch testing is started, the watch collects the data, including recorded audio signals and tactile responses on the screen, and the data are then automatically pushed to the cloud database (Firebase). Google Cloud Platform (GCP) architecture automatically distributes the data and audio to the Influx database (InfluxDB; Time Series Database [TSDB]). The BrainRISE web portal uses a representational state transfer (REST) application programming interface (API) to receive and present the data to the end user for review and analysis. The mobile application provides an easily accessible interface for standardized behavioral testing during seizures, and the cloud environment automatically receives and serves the data for subsequent analytics. (C) The ARTiE Watch behavioral testing sequence consists of a total of 18 test items. Items 1–3 are repeated in a total of five cycles. Duration of the test from the start of the initial signal tone until the end of the memory retrieval question is 6 min 56 s. vEEG, video‐EEG (see also Table S1 and Video S1).
Baseline (interictal) and seizure (ictal–postictal) testing produce distinct Automatic Responsiveness Testing in Epilepsy (ARTiE) Watch behavioral responsiveness profiles. (A) There was greater impairment for each ARTiE Watch task during seizure (ictal–postictal) testing compared to baseline (interictal) testing. (B) Verbal Responsiveness was impaired in the seizure (ictal–postictal) period. (C) Motor (nonverbal) Responsiveness was impaired in the seizure (ictal–postictal) period. (D) Memory Recall was lower in patients during seizures (ictal–postictal) than baseline (interictal). (E) Overall behavioral responsiveness declined during seizure (ictal–postictal) ARTiE Watch testing compared to baseline (interictal) testing. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. There were 18 participants who performed 67 baseline (interictal) tests and 39 seizure (ictal–postictal) tests. Statistical testing was with nonparametric Wilcoxon rank‐sum test. Corrected for multiple comparisons, statistical significance is indicated as ****p ≤ .0001.
Automatic Responsiveness Testing in Epilepsy (ARTiE) Watch behavioral responsiveness scores differ between focal, tonic–clonic, and myoclonic seizures. (A) Time course of impairment relative to onset of testing sequence shows maximal impairment at early times for bilateral tonic–clonic (TC) and focal seizures, and minimal impairment with myoclonic seizures compared to baseline (interictal) testing. (B) Verbal Responsiveness was more severely impaired in TC compared to focal and myoclonic seizures. (C) Motor Responsiveness was more severely impaired in TC compared to focal and myoclonic seizures. (D) Memory Recall was impaired in all seizure types compared to baseline, and more severely impaired in TC compared to focal seizures. (E) Overall Responsiveness was more severely impaired in TC compared to focal and myoclonic seizures. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. There were 18 patients, 67 interictal tests, four myoclonic, 22 focal, and 13 TC seizures. The TC category includes 12 focal to bilateral TC seizures and one generalized onset TC seizure. Statistical testing was with nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test. Corrected for multiple comparisons, statistical significance is indicated as follows: *p < .05, **p ≤ .01, ****p ≤ .0001.
Automatic Responsiveness Testing in Epilepsy (ARTiE) Watch behavioral responsiveness scores compared to standard clinical assessment. Focal seizures were labeled as focal aware seizures (FAS) or focal impaired awareness seizures (FIAS) by epilepsy monitoring unit clinical staff. (A) Time course of ARTiE Watch testing sequence shows impairment in FIAS, whereas FAS scores remain near baseline (interictal), except for delayed Memory Recall. (B) Verbal Responsiveness on ARTiE Watch testing was more severely impaired in FIAS compared to FAS. (C) Motor Responsiveness on ARTiE Watch testing was more severely impaired in FIAS compared to FAS. (D) Memory Recall on ARTiE Watch testing was impaired in both FIAS and FAS compared to baseline. (E) Overall Responsiveness on ARTiE Watch testing was more severely impaired in FIAS compared to FAS. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. There were 10 FAS and 12 FIAS evaluated. Statistical testing was with nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis. Corrected for multiple comparisons, statistical significance is indicated as follows: *p < .05, **p ≤ .01, ***p ≤ .001, ****p ≤ .0001.
Automatic Responsiveness Testing in Epilepsy (ARTiE) Watch behavioral scores in left, right, and bilateral onset temporal lobe focal seizures. (A) Left, right, and bilateral onset temporal lobe seizures all caused impairment in ARTiE Watch testing, with a trend toward more severe impairment with bilateral onset seizures. (B) Verbal Responsiveness was reduced compared to baseline (interictal) for all seizure groups. (C) Motor Responsiveness was reduced compared to baseline for all seizure groups. (D) Memory Recall was impaired compared to baseline, with no significant difference between seizure groups. (E) Overall Responsiveness was reduced compared to baseline for all seizure groups. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. There were 11 left onset, 11 right onset, and four bilateral onset temporal lobe seizures evaluated. Statistical testing was with nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test. Corrected for multiple comparisons, statistical significance is indicated as follows: **p ≤ .01, ***p ≤ .001, ****p ≤ .0001.
Automatic responsiveness testing in epilepsy with wearable technology: The ARTiE Watch

Objective An accurate evaluation of behavioral responsiveness during and after seizures in people with epilepsy is critical for diagnosis and management. Current methods for assessing behavioral responsiveness are characterized by substantial variation, subjectivity, and limited reliability and reproducibility in ambulatory and epilepsy monitoring unit settings. In this study, we aimed to develop and implement a novel mobile platform for deployment of automated responsiveness testing in epilepsy—the ARTiE Watch—to facilitate standardized, objective assessments of behavioral responsiveness during and after seizures. Methods We prospectively recruited patients admitted to the epilepsy monitoring units for diagnostic evaluation and long‐term video‐electroencephalographic monitoring at Mayo Clinic and Yale New Haven Hospital. Participants wore the ARTiE Watch, a smartwatch paired with custom smartphone software integrated with cloud infrastructure allowing for remote activation of standardized assessment on the participants' smartwatches. The assessment consisted of 18 command prompts that test behavioral responsiveness across motor, language, and memory domains. Upon visually identifying an electrographic seizure during EMU monitoring, the BrainRISE platform was used to deploy the ARTiE Watch behavioral testing sequence. Responsiveness scoring was conducted on smartwatch files. Results Eighteen of 56 participants had a total of 39 electrographic seizures assessed with the ARTiE Watch. The 18 subjects with ARTiE Watch‐tested seizures had a total of 67 baseline (interictal) ARTiE Watch tests collected for analysis. The analysis showed distinct ARTiE Watch behavioral responsiveness phenotypes: (1) decreased responsiveness across all ARTiE Watch commands during seizure (ictal–postictal) periods compared (to baseline (p < .0001), (2) decreased responsiveness in bilateral tonic–clonic seizures compared to baseline (p < .0001) and compared to focal seizures (p < .0001), and (3) decreased responsiveness during focal impaired awareness seizures compared to baseline (p < .0001) and compared to focal aware seizures (p < .001). Significance ARTiE Watch behavioral testing deployed utilizing a mobile cloud‐based platform is feasible and can provide standardized, objective behavioral responsiveness assessments during seizures.

Propathological and homeostatic responses. This diagram shows how propathological and homeostatic responses secondary to the precipitating pathogenic genetic variant may lead to a mature disease phenotype.¹²² Moreover, both propathological and homeostatic responses are amenable targets for modification to improve outcomes in early onset epilepsies.
WONOEP appraisal: Targeted therapy development for early onset epilepsies

November 2024


47 Reads

The early onset epilepsies encompass a heterogeneous group of disorders, some of which result in drug‐resistant seizures, developmental delay, psychiatric comorbidities, and sudden death. Advancement in the widespread use of targeted gene panels as well as genome and exome sequencing has facilitated the identification of different causative genes in a subset of these patients. The ability to recognize the genetic basis of early onset epilepsies continues to improve, with de novo coding variants accounting for most of the genetic etiologies identified. Although current disease‐specific and disease‐modifying therapies remain limited, novel precision medicine approaches, such as small molecules, cell therapy, and other forms of genetic therapies for early onset epilepsies, have created excitement among researchers, clinicians, and caregivers. Here, we summarize the main findings of presentations and discussions on novel therapeutic strategies for targeted treatment of early onset epilepsies that occurred during the Workshop on Neurobiology of Epilepsy (WONOEP XVI, Talloires, France, July 2022). The presentations discussed the use of chloride transporter inhibitors for neonatal seizures, targeting orexinergic signaling for childhood absence epilepsy, targeting energy metabolism in Dravet syndrome, and the role of cannabinoid receptor type 2, reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, cell therapies, and RNA‐based therapies in early life epilepsies.

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