Recent publications
This paper reports the successful synthesis of spinel-type CuFe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles with an average particle size of 24 nm, produced using the citrate sol–gel autocombustion method. The structure of the synthesized material was analyzed through x-ray diffraction (XRD) and further supported by Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy. The analysis confirmed that the material formed a spinel ferrite structure with the Fd3m space group. Valence states and energy levels of the elements were examined using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Surface morphology was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), coupled with elemental analysis. The magnetic properties of the synthesized CuFe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles were investigated using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Magnetization measurements revealed that the sample exhibited characteristic magnetic parameters of copper ferrite, with a saturation magnetization (Ms) of 23.10 emu/g, a coercivity Hc of 415 Oe, and a remnant magnetization (Mr) of 12.80 emu/g. These magnetic properties enable efficient magnetic separation of the nanoparticles from aqueous solutions, thereby enhancing process efficiency and minimizing catalyst loss during photocatalytic applications. Optical and photocatalytic properties were investigated using spectrophotometry, revealing an optical band gap of 1.85 eV, which demonstrates potential for photocatalytic activity under visible light. The CuFe2O4 ferrite effectively degraded dyes such as methylene blue (MB), malachite green (MG), Safranine (S), Congo Red (CR), and Rhodamine B (RhB) within 180 min, highlighting its practical application potential. The study identified that hydroxyl radicals (·OH), generated from H2O2 decomposition under visible light irradiation, played a critical role in enhancing the efficiency of the photo-Fenton reaction. A proposed mechanism involves the excitation of CuFe2O4 under visible light, facilitating electron transfer that leads to the generation of ·OH radicals, which degrade the dye molecules. Among the tested dyes, CR exhibited the highest degradation percentage with a rate constant of 0.033 min⁻¹ and followed a pseudo-first-order kinetic model. The effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration on dye degradation efficiency was also evaluated.
- Kunle Adegoke
- Robert Frontczak
- Taras Goy
We evaluate in closed form three special classes of alternating zeta series with one and two additional parameters. Two classes are expressed as linear combinations of polylogarithms while for the third class we prove an expression involving the incomplete gamma function and the exponential integral. We also present some related series that can be deduced from the main results as well as some series with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers as coefficients.
The article analyzes the content of the main concepts of the study and highlights the key types of innovative technologies. It demonstrates the pathways in the process of professional training for modern teachers, which will allow for the formation of practical experience, the knowledge component necessary for further work in the professional field, and the development of an innovative and effective system for preparing future educators. The main innovative educational technologies necessary for the formation of professional competence in teachers are identified. The role of digitalization in education in shaping teachers' professional competence is clarified; the advantages of using immersive technologies in developing teachers' professional competence are shown. The research-experimental work to study the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence in future teachers through the use of innovative technologies, based on defined pedagogical conditions, was conducted in the following interrelated stages: preparatory stage, diagnostic stage, and formative stage. Students, university lecturers, and school teachers participated in the research-experimental work. The results of the comparative analysis between the diagnostic stage and the formative stage of the experiment demonstrated significant changes in all components of professional competence.
The objective of this paper was to analyse the achievements, challenges, and prospects of inclusive education in Ukraine, focusing on the ethical principles and values that influence its implementation. The study adopted a theoretical and documentary approach, reviewing current scientific literature to explore key concepts and the ethical dimensions of inclusive education, such as justice and fairness in educational settings. The methodology involved analysing various research studies that defined the challenges of inclusion and examine the attitudes and behaviours of students and teachers towards inclusive education. Additionally, the paper evaluated existing equity assessment tools and their potential adaptation to the Ukrainian context. The most relevant findings highlight a growing global interest in inclusive education, particularly in areas like diversity, disability, early education, and teacher training. However, ethical concerns remain a significant challenge in Ukraine, presenting opportunities for further research. The paper concludes that ethical considerations play a vital role in shaping inclusive education practices, but much work remains to be done to fully address these issues and improve equity in educational systems.
The article highlights the research related to the accessibility of higher education for different population groups. Based on Ivan Franko University of Lviv, the number and ratio of rural to urban girls who entered the bachelor’s program over the past four years, their choice of specialty, factors that influenced such a choice, the geography of entrants, etc., have been analysed. It has been established that a wide range of specialties and a state educational policy of Ukraine in general provide girls from rural areas with access to higher education. However, girls from the countryside, due to low financial capabilities of their families, are more focused on specialties where there is an opportunity for free education. Compared to urban girls, rural girls have access to a narrower list of specialties because they often receive secondary education of lower quality. An important problem in Ukraine is inaccessibility of higher quality education to young people from depressed villages, which creates spatial inequality and injustice.
Trillions of various microorganisms inhabit the human intestine whilst having myriads of effects on the body. They participate in the metabolism of nutrients, support the work of the immune system, regulate operation of the nervous system, and produce vitamins, short-chain fatty acids, and a number of other compounds necessary for the host. An imbalance or disruption in the normal microbial community is called dysbacteriosis or dysbiosis. This condition is often associated with the occurrence of various pathologies including chronic low-intensity inflammation. The latter is one of the key signs of ageing. In this chapter, we consider the gut microbiome as a target for anti-ageing interventions. In particular, we describe the main functions of the gut microbiome, its changes with ageing, and discuss dysbacteriosis as a trigger of accelerated ageing. We also present anti-ageing interventions such as a diet, nutritional supplements (probiotics, prebiotics, antioxidants), and exercise and how they may affect the microbiome and enable or impede healthy longevity.
Uncouplers of mitochondrial electron transport chain, such as 2,4-dinitrophehol (DNP), can mimic calorie restriction by decreasing efficiency of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis. However, DNP is also a toxic substance, whose overdosage can be lethal. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster model, we have found that DNP in concentrations of 0.05–0.2 g/L, led to a drastic decrease in fruit fly survival on a low caloric diet (1% sucrose and 1% yeast; 1S–1Y). On the 5S–5Y diet, DNP decreased lifespan of flies reared only in concentration 0.2 g/L, whilst on the diet 15S–15Y DNP either did not significantly shortened fruit fly lifespan or extended it. The lifespan extension on the high caloric 15S–15Y diet with DNP was accompanied by lower activity of lactate dehydrogenase and a decrease in activities of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes I, II, and V, determined by blue native electrophoresis followed by in-gel activity assays. The exposure to DNP also did not affect key glycolytic enzymes, antioxidant and related enzymes, and markers of oxidative stress, such as aconitase activity and amount protein carbonyls. Consumption of DNP-supplemented diet did not affect flies’ resistance to heat stress, though made male flies slightly more resistant to starvation compared with males reared on the control food. We also did not observe substantial changes in the contents of metabolic stores, triacylglycerols and glycogen, in the DNP-treated flies. All this suggest that a nutrient-rich diets provide effective protection against DNP, providing a mild uncoupling of the respiratory chain that allows lifespan extension without considerable changes in metabolism.
Celem artykułu jest analiza stanu przestrzegania praw człowieka na Ukrainie, w okresie stanu wojennego. Poniższa analiza jest niezbędna, aby zrozumieć, jak wprowadzenie stanu wojennego wpływa na podstawowe prawa i wolności obywatelskie oraz jakie mechanizmy ochronne są w tym czasie stosowane. Głównym problemem badawczym jest ocena, w jakim stopniu stan wojenny na Ukrainie narusza prawa człowieka oraz jakie są główne zagrożenia i wyzwania dla systemu prawnego i instytucji odpowiedzialnych za ich ochronę. Natomiast hipoteza zakłada, że wprowadzenie stanu wojennego na Ukrainie prowadzi do istotnych naruszeń praw człowieka, ograniczając wolność słowa, zgromadzeń oraz prawo do sprawiedliwego procesu. Jednakże istnieją również pewne mechanizmy, które mogą łagodzić te naruszenia i zapewniać minimalny poziom ochrony praw obywatelskich. Artykuł opiera się na metodach analizie jakościowej, obejmującą głównie przegląd aktów prawnych i dekretów, wprowadzających stan wojenny oraz ich zgodność z międzynarodowymi standardami praw człowieka. Analiza wskazuje na znaczące ograniczenia praw obywatelskich i naruszenia praw człowieka w czasie stanu wojennego na Ukrainie.
In the present paper, we expose a deep analogy of some recently discovered objects of the Riesz space theory with classical notions of Analysis such as order ideals, bands, order projections and properties like Dedekind completeness, principal projection property. A Riesz space E is said to be C-complete if every nonempty subset of fragments of an element e ∈ E + has a supremum. One of our results asserts that, a Riesz space E is C-complete if and only if every lateral band of E is a projection lateral band. Another result characterizes projective lateral bands in an arbitrary Riesz space and provides an explicit formula for the corresponding lateral band projection, which was previously known for C-complete Riesz spaces. Our characterization of a projective lateral band consists of two conditions, one of which is actually a property of the space, which we call relative C-completeness, and the other one is a property of bands, which we call relative lateral bands. A similar characterization is obtained for the relative C-completeness. We describe the lateral disjoint complement A † to any subset A of E , show that A † † equals the relative lateral closure of the lateral ideal generated by A and prove that A † = A † † † . Then we obtain some corollaries on the extension of orthogonally additive operators. We also provide many examples confirming the sharpness of our results.
Fructose is a valuable and healthy nutrient when consumed at normal levels (≤50 g/day). However, long-term consumption of excessive fructose and elevated endogenous production can have detrimental health impacts. Fructose-initiated nonenzymatic glycation (fructation) is considered as one of the most likely mechanisms leading to the generation of reactive species and the propagation of nonenzymatic processes. In the later stages of glycation, poorly degraded advanced glycation products (AGEs) are irreversibly produced and accumulated in the organism in an age- and disease-dependent manner. Fructose, along with various glycation products—especially AGEs—are present in relatively high concentrations in our daily diet. Both endogenous and exogenous AGEs exhibit a wide range of biological effects, mechanisms of which can be associated with following: (1) AGEs are efficient sources of reactive species in vivo, and therefore can propagate nonenzymatic vicious cycles and amplify glycation; and (2) AGEs contribute to upregulation of the specific receptor for AGEs (RAGE), amplifying RAGE-mediated signaling related to inflammation, metabolic disorders, chronic diseases, and aging. Therefore, downregulation of the AGE-RAGE axis appears to be a promising approach for attenuating disease conditions associated with RAGE-mediated inflammation. Importantly, RAGE is not specific only to AGEs; it can bind multiple ligands, initiating a complex RAGE signaling network that is not fully understood. Maintaining an appropriate balance between various RAGE isoforms with different functions is also crucial. In this context, mild approaches related to lifestyle—such as diet optimization, consuming functional foods, intake of probiotics, and regular moderate physical activity—are valuable due to their beneficial effects and their ability to mildly modulate the fructose-mediated AGE-RAGE axis.
The restored NTSh is a scientific institution formed in theoretical and practical dimensions with clear statist approaches to the interpretation and specific work on the study of scientific processes. Relying on the traditional scientific concepts of the previous NTSh, the society developed a clear program of actions related to the essence and meaning of national life, problems of the development of the Ukrainian idea and national interest from the point of view of various scientific engagement. At the current stage, we still do not have a comprehensive study of the publishing activity of the restored NTSh. In 2023, the author began work on the historical and bibliographic research (monograph) “Restored Shevchenko Scientific Society in independent Ukraine: publishing experience, traditions, succession” within the departmental theme of the Department of Scientific Bibliography “Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv (1873–1939) as a nationwide publishing center”. The article examines the results of the publishing activity of the restored NTSh in Ukraine, analyzes the publishing strategies in the production of printed products during the years 1989–2023, which comprehensively illuminates the scientific and popular science discourse, and also traces the continuity of traditions in the transmission of publishing experience. The publishing activity of the restored NTSh from 1989 to the present day (the 5th stage of its activity is the revival of the parent NTSh in Ukraine), in particular the series “Ukrainian Studies Scientific Library of NTSh”, “Popular Science Library”, “Proceedings of NTSh”, “Notes of NTSh”, structured by sections (Philological, Historical and Philosophical, Art Studies, Ethnography and Folkloristics) and commissions (Musicology, Special (auxiliary) historical disciplines), “Proceedings of sessions, conferences, symposia, “round tables” of the NTSh”, “Prominent figures of NTSh”, “Memorial library of NTSh”, “Visnyk NTSh” magazine. Keywords: Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, book series, modern publishing activity, topics of publications.
In the second half of the twentieth century, under the rule of the Soviet regime in Ukraine, free science developed only among the Ukrainian diaspora. “Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies”, that was published during the 1950–1980’s under the auspices of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in French city of Sarcelles, is one of the greatest achievements of Ukrainian science. The purpose of the proposed article is to analyze the contribution of publicist, journalist and historian M. Demkovych-Dobrianskyi to the creation and editing of the “Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies”. The objectives of the proposed scientific publication are to present the biography of M. Demkovych- Dobrianskyi, and to characterize his collaboration with the editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia – Volodymyr Kubiyovych. As a result of the research, it was proved that M. Demkovych-Dobrianskyi took an active part in editing and reviewing particularly controversial articles- “slogans” concerning the history of the Second World War and the Ukrainian diaspora – “Ukrainian National Council in Lviv” (1941), “Ukrainian National Council in Kyiv” (1941), “Ukrainian National Council” (1947–1978), “Ukrainian People’s Republic in Exile”, “Ukrainian Union of State Farmers”, “Folksdeutsche”, “Ukrainian National State Union”, “Frank Hans” and others. Keywords: “Encyclopedia of Ukraine”, M. Demkovych-Dobrianskyi, V. Kubiyovych, Ukrainian diaspora, Ukrainian science in diaspora, Shevchenko Scientific Society.
We highlight the main principles of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s activity as the editor of “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society” during 1895–1913, derived from a thorough analysis of the structure and content of the volumes he was involved (vol. 5–116). It is noted that such principles were determined by the aspirations of M. Hrushevskyi, as the Head of the Schevchenko Scientific Society, to establish the status of the Society as the first national academy. We review the works of modern researchers: L. Vynar, Z. Zaytseva, Y. Dashkevych, I. Hyrych, Y. Hrytsak, T. Patsai, E. Pshenychnyi, which are directly related to the scientific and managerial work of M. Hrushevskyi in the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society” and highlight thoroughly certain areas of his editorial policy. Publications of the mutual correspondence between M. Hrushevskyi and M. Korduba, as well as the letters from Z. Kuzelia to M. Hrushevskyi, are used, which show some interesting facts about the examples of editorial policy and specific actions by him as the editor. The conclusions of the researchers about the decisive role of M. Hrushevskyi in the measures aimed at the academicization of the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society” were confirmed. Among them are the focus on publications directly related to Ukraine and engament of prominent Ukrainian scientists from Trans-Dnieper Ukraine and Galicia in the publications. These actions contributed to narrowing the gap between cultural figures separated by political and regional borders. M. Hrushevskyi tried to integrate the Schevchenko Scientific Society into the European scientific context through the involvement of European scientists in its basic publication. A range of changes in the publication policies of the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society”, that took place under the editorship of M. Hrushevskyi, are analyzed. These are: ensuring the periodicity of the publications, optimization of their structure, enriching the content of the volumes with publications of a high scientific level and with analytic reviews of the recent achievements of European science. All these measures ensured wide recognition of the publications in the European scientific world. We also discuss the character of M. Hrushevskyi, as an uneasy person and an exceptional personality, which led to a conflict in the Schevchenko Scientific Society in 1913 and to his resignationas as the Chairman of the society and as the editor of the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society”. Keywords: Schevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, editorial policy, Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, Ivan Franko, The First National academy of sciences, Hrushevskyi studies, European academic world.
In the life of historian, bibliographer, archeographer, ethnologist, translator, pedagogue, publicist, and public and political figure, Professor Myron Mykhailovych Korduba (1876–1947), professional and scholarly work in libraries occupied a significant place. The Ukrainian scholar collected books, owned a rich private library that housed valuable publications by many national ideologues and politicians, was passionate about bibliography and librarianship, and was also a member of the Bibliographic (later Bibliological) Commission. Myron Korduba acquired basic competencies in abstracting as a type of scholarly activity while studying at the Lviv Academic Gymnasium, which he later developed and elevated to a professional level under the guidance of M. Hrushevskyi. This article highlights previously little-known aspects of Myron Korduba’s scholarly and public-organizational activities as a library reference and a delegate from the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) to international scientific congresses, conferences, conventions, and forums. The modern interpretation of library reference is extrapolated to the realities of the early 20th century. The paper explores the formation of competencies in library work and abstracting, and examines the main principles of the Ukrainian scholar’s librarianship and reference activities. It reflects his involvement in the functioning and development of libraries of Ukrainian societies that he headed. Particular attention is paid to Korduba’s reference and library work in the NTSh, specifically to abstracting articles by speakers at meetings, administrative work in the library, and his delegation as a representative of the NTSh Division, the Historical-Philosophical Section, and the Archaeological Section to international scientific events of various levels. The proposed study complements the established general image of Korduba’s scholarly activities in Ukrainian and European educational institutions, political institutions of Galicia and Bukovyna, and draws the attention of Korduba scholars to the little-known library-reference and abstracting heritage of the Ukrainian historian during his period of active scholarly activity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Keywords: library, library science, referencing, reference materials, reference activity, library clerk, NTSH administration, NTSH delegate.
The article examines and analyzes publications and reviews dedicated to “Ethnographic Collection”, the publication of the Ethnographic Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, published in European journals focused on the field of Humanities at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. The publications were included mainly in the following magazines: “Kievskaya starina”, “Lud”, “Kwartalnik historyczny”, “Wisła”, “Národopisný sborník Českoslovanský”, “Zeitschrift des Vereins für Volkskunde”, “Archiv für slavische Philologie”, “Zeitschrift für österreichische Volkskunde”, “Český lid”, etc. Contacts between Ukrainian and European academics have been studied. The names of famous historians, literary experts, folklorists, Slavists who wrote publications devoted to “Ethnographic Collection” have been mentioned. The reviews were mostly positive with minor criticism of the theoretical and methodological model of ethnographic and folkloristic research. They noted the importance of ethnographic research conducted by the members of the Ethnographic Commission and emphasized their significance for the academic community. The authors of the reviews of “Ethnographic Collection”, published in European academic periodicals, noted the connections of the members of the Ethnographic Commission with other European academics at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, which were characterized by cooperation and mutual acceptance. The epistolary heritage of the European academics’ reviews of “Ethnographic Collection” plays an important role as it testifies to various methods of cooperation among academics and to friendly, professional relations. Thanks to active international cooperation, Ukrainian ethnographic science borrowed the experience of European science, and later, having achieved certain results, offered the world its scientific output, represented by source studies and theoretical works of “Ethnographic Collection”. Ukrainian academics F. Vovk, M. Hrushevskyi, I. Franko, V. Hnatiuk, Z. Kuzelia, F. Kolessa, Ya. Pasternak have reached the Europen level in their research, as evidenced by their election as members of ethnographic, folkloristic, and anthropological societies in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Prague, Helsinki, St. Petersburg. Famous foreign academics-ethnographers Oleksandr Brückner, Olaf Brock, Frantiszek Pastrnek, Frantiszek Pospishil, Jirji Polivka, Jirji Horak, Vatroslav Yagich, Raimund Kaindl and others became active members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Keywords: Shevchenko Scientific Society, Ethnographic Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (1898–1939), “Ethnographic Collection”, reviews.
In the personal archive of Mariia Furtak-Derkach in the Manuscript Department of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv, the official diaries of the head of the Manuscript Department of the Library of Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, Dr. Mariia Derkach, for 1939 and the period of the Second World War are kept. These diaries contain information about the activities of the Library of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, and later its liquidation and forced inclusion in early 1940 into Soviet institution – the Lviv branch of the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (LfBAN of the Ukrainian SSR). The reflected events of the first days and weeks after the beginning of the war, the change in the state system, the arrival of the new government, the so-called “liberators” and related painful transformations in the work of the book collection, processes of nationalization of property and cultural treasures and concentration of archival and library collections are described there. All this took place against the background of the author’s daily planned work, the Manuscript Department and general library current life. Recorded dramatic historical events in Western Ukraine and the cultural life of the city. In the article based on the diary of Mariia Derkach from her fund in the Manuscript Department of Vasyl Stefanyk National Library of Ukraine, it is shown how, despite numerous difficulties and problems, thanks to the selfless daily work of Ukrainian librarians, the preservation and formation of the funds of Lviv scientific library took place in the period of 1939. Despite the official nature of the diary, observations can also be made about the “survival strategies” of Galicians during the war and the first Soviet occupation of Western Ukraine. Keywords: Library of Shevchenko Scientific Society, Manuscript Department, Lviv branch of the Libra ry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Mariia Derkach, Volodymyr Doroshenko, book and manuscript collections, archives, historical collections.
A valuable part of the manuscript heritage of the Dobromyl Monastery of St. Onuphrius is kept in the funds of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv (Stefanyk Library). These are mostly handwritten books and some documents that were transported to the academic library after 1946 from the premises of the liquidated Central Basilian Archive and Library in Lviv. The latter was created on the basis of the St. Onuphrius Monastery, where the books were transferred in the 1910s – 1940s from Dobromyl, Krekhiv, Krystynopil and Lavriv monasteries. The handwritten books, documents and narrative sources from the Dobromyl monastery, discovered thanks to stamp impressions and ownership records, comprise the following thematic groups in the Manuscript Department of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv: – Cyrillic liturgical books of the XVI–XVIII cc. and monthly religious reading collections (chetia) of the 17th c. (Pchola, Ukrainian translation of the works on the monastic life by Ioan Caccian (Rymlianyn) “On monastic statutes” and “On ten conversations of the holy fathers residing in the forest hermitage”, and the work by Havryil Dometskyi “Eternal Monastery Study”; – theological works of 1758–1768 by professors of theological studies in the Dobromyl monastery – fathers Anatoly Vodzinskyi, Gedeon Hulskyi, Khrystofor Hordynskyi, Martynian Drachakevych, Yuriy Zhanovskyi, Ampliatius Kryzhanovsky, Anastasius Piotrovsky, Tryfon Stebnytskyi; – documents on the history of the Dobromyl monastery – monastery chronicles for 1770–1781, 1866–1881, documents of the Dobromyl novitiate for 1771–1903 with biographical data of the novices, a list of the monastery residents for 1791 with brief biographical information, library inventory of 1812 and lists of novitiate books for 1807–1808, documents and copies of documents on property deals of the monastery for 1733–1832, etc.; – materials for the history of the Order of St. Basil the Great – a handwritten list of the 19th c. minutes of the General chapters of the Order for 1665–1772 and Simeon Tsypriyanovych’s presentation of a brief history of the struggle of the Order with the metropolitans in 1626–1698. Keywords: Dobromyl Monastery, Order of St. Basil the Great, Cyrillic handwritten books, Latin manuscripts, Theological works.
The article examines volume 155 of the Notes of the Shevchenko Scientific Society: “Proceedings of the Philological Section” (1937) edited by V. Simovych. It was based on the materials of the revues of members of Shevchenko Scientific Society who participated in the II International Congress of Slavists in 1934 in Warsaw. A brief history of Slavic congresses, the history of the II International Congress and the participation of Ukrainian scientists-representatives of Shevchenko Scientific Society are presented, reviews and reports about the congress, as well as reviews of publications, are analyzed. On this basis, an attempt to recreate the contemporary panorama of Ukrainian Slavic studies in particular, and the situation in Ukrainian science in the interwar period in general, trace the level of integration of Ukrainian philologists of the interwar period into the general European intellectual environment was made. It was important for Ukrainian scientists also to feel part of this community. Experiencing the living direct context of scientific life, at the level of personal contacts with Slavic scientists, speaking in this environment in their own language were very valuable. Another complex and ambiguous trend, which can be clearly read, in particular, in the reviews of the publication, is the sharp confrontation-competition between the younger and older generations. This testified to a very high degree of social tension, to the search for support and authorities in the midst of historical and social chaos, as well as the search for a new direction of development. Keywords: II International Congress of Slavists, Slavic studies, “Notes of the Shevchenko Scientific Society”, “Proceedings of the Philological Section”, V. Simovych, S. Smal-Stotskyi, Y. Rudnytskyi, E. Y. Pelenskyi, M. Andrusiak, Y. Shemlei.
Yurii Kuchabskyi is an Ukrainian artist of the Lviv art milieu of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century, teacher, scientist, researcher. Today he is an understudied artist. The relevance of the article lies in the lack of scientific study of the artistic work of Yu. Kuchabskyi. The purpose of this study is to reveal the work of Y. Kuchabskyi, stored in the fund of the Institute of Research of Library’s Art Resources of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv: systematization and art history analysis of design projects. Introducing a little-known collection of works into scientific circulation will contribute to filling the empty spots in the history of Ukrainian art of industrial design of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century. The article presents a brief biography of the artist. The artist’s legacy is proposed to be divided into two groups: “Typical covers” and “Packaging and consumer graphics”. The main focus is on the design of book covers and trademarks. Publishers and artistic editors with whom the author cooperated were established. For the second group, institutions, factories, productions that used the services of a graphic designer were named. Characteristic features for each subgroup of the artist’s design solutions were analyzed and highlighted. A through line in the artist’s work that unites all projects has been determined. Summing up, it has been proven that Yu. Kuchabskyi was a professional in the field of industrial design, artistic design, perfectly mastered book printing, the art of typeface, and polygraphy. He took a prominent place in the history of artistic design of book and utility graphics. Keywords: Yurii Kuchabskyi, book graphics, applied graphics, trademark, type.
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Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Head of institution
Rector Ihor Tsependa, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor