Recent publications
The spatial atmospheric pressure field due to Storm Ciarán is investigated in the south‐east of the UK at high temporal and spatial resolution using data from roadside sites. During Ciarán’s passage, a reduction in the boiling point of water was measured at Reading, from which a wider effect on the boiling point of water associated with Ciarán was calculated for the populated regions of the southeast and London. For many people in this region on 2 November 2023, the boiling point of water at breakfast time would have been below the recommended temperature range for optimal brewing of tea.
Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH), a submarine caldera volcano of the Tonga archipelago, erupted explosively on January 15, 2022. The eruption generated the highest concentration of lightning events ever recorded, producing characteristic ring patterns of electrical discharges concentric to the vent. Here we reproduce the key features of the observations using three-dimensional simulations of buoyant plumes in a stably stratified atmosphere. Our idealized minimal model based on the Boussinesq approximation and heavy particles reveals that the essential mechanism underlying the formation of lightning rings is turbulence-induced particle clustering, which generates structures, favorable conditions for charge concentration by particle collision. We propose that the location, size, and persistence of lightning ring structures can reveal pulsatory activity at the vent that the opaque ash cloud hides from the satellite observation and can be used as a proxy for eruption parameters regulating the generation of hazardous impacts on the environment.
Plain Language Summary
The eruption of Tonga's underwater Hunga Volcano culminated on 15 January 2022 with a giant volcanic plume that rose out of the ocean and into the mesosphere. This plume created record‐breaking amounts of volcanic lightning observed both from space and by radio antennas on the ground thousands of kilometers away. We show that the eruption created more lightning than any storm yet documented on Earth, including supercells and tropical cyclones. The volcanic plume rose to its maximum height and expanded outward as an umbrella cloud, creating fast‐moving concentric ripples known as gravity waves, analogous to a rock dropped in a pond. Point locations of lightning flashes also expanded outward in a pattern of donut‐shaped rings, following the movement of these ripples. Optically bright lightning was detected at unusually high altitudes, in regions of the volcanic cloud 20–30 km above sea level. Our findings show that a sufficiently powerful volcanic plume can create its own weather system, sustaining the conditions for electrical activity at heights and rates not previously observed. Overall, remote detection of lightning contributed to a detailed timeline of this historic eruption and, more broadly, provides a valuable tool for monitoring and nowcasting hazards of explosive volcanism worldwide.
The importance of lightning has long been recognized from the point of view of climate‐related phenomena. However, the detailed investigation of lightning on global scales is currently hindered by the incomplete and spatially uneven detection efficiency of ground‐based global lightning detection networks and by the restricted spatio‐temporal coverage of satellite observations. We are developing different methods for investigating global lightning activity based on Schumann resonance (SR) measurements. SRs are global electromagnetic resonances of the Earth‐ionosphere cavity maintained by the vertical component of lightning. Since charge separation in thunderstorms is gravity‐driven, charge is typically separated vertically in thunderclouds, so every lightning flash contributes to the measured SR field. This circumstance makes SR measurements very suitable for climate‐related investigations. In this study, 19 days of global lightning activity in January 2019 are analyzed based on SR intensity records from 18 SR stations and the results are compared with independent lightning observations provided by ground‐based (WWLLN, GLD360, and ENTLN) and satellite‐based (GLM, LIS/OTD) global lightning detection. Daily average SR intensity records from different stations exhibit strong similarity in the investigated time interval. The inferred intensity of global lightning activity varies by a factor of 2–3 on the time scale of 3–5 days which we attribute to continental‐scale temperature changes related to cold air outbreaks from polar regions. While our results demonstrate that the SR phenomenon is a powerful tool to investigate global lightning, it is also clear that currently available technology limits the detailed quantitative evaluation of lightning activity on continental scales.
The Earth‐ionosphere waveguide (EIW) determines the propagation of Very Low Frequency (VLF; ∼3−30 kHz) waves. Characterizing the waveguide is a longstanding challenge due to its large spatial scale and the complex variability of the lower ionosphere. Here we apply a novel linear basis function regression technique to characterize attenuation in the EIW using broadband measurements of lightning‐generated radio waves. The process begins with defining a basis function set, which ideally encompasses a feature set that can predict the variability seen in VLF attenuation properties. With this basis set defined, a system of linear equations is then constructed using sensor pair observations to eliminate the dependency on source amplitude in each observation. Using this formalism, an empirical attenuation model for broadband signals from lightning is constructed and the dependence on attenuation properties with the boundary conditions is explored. The empirically derived results show attenuation rates over ice that are 12 dB/Mm higher compared to paths over saltwater. Well‐known east/west attenuation rate asymmetry stemming from anisotropic reflection coefficients of the ionosphere is also demonstrated and investigated. For example, under a daytime ionosphere, westward‐propagating waves suffer up to 2.8 dB/Mm greater attenuation compared to eastward‐propagating waves. The trained model is used for propagation corrections in a global lightning locating system (LLS), but this technique can be expanded to further study VLF attenuation rates by employing different sets of basis functions.
Responses of the AC and DC global electric circuits (GECs) to the large eruption of the Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai (HT‐HH) volcano on 15 January 2022 are discussed. The AC‐related investigation is based on Schumann resonance (SR) measurements from six stations on four continents. The DC‐related investigation utilizes atmospheric electric field (potential gradient, PG) measurements from six recording stations in Europe and the USA. According to data from the GLD360 and WWLLN lightning detection networks, the peak lightning stroke rate, 83/s, was dominated by negative polarity lightning, but the distributions of positive and negative lightning discharges in latitude and longitude around the volcano differed. A global intensification of SR is apparent in connection with the enhanced lightning activity caused by the eruption. SR data‐based results confirm that the lightning activity in the eruption dominated the naturally occurring global activity for a period of about 1 hr. The highly localized increase in lightning activity over HT‐HH was a unique point source of SR excitation. PG measurements suggest that impulse‐like charging of the DC GEC, by ∼15%, via negative cloud‐to‐ground lightning strokes took place twice during the eruption. A time constant of 7 or 8 min has been inferred for near‐surface PG changes due to these enhancements. This could be the first direct measurement of the time constant of the GEC near the Earth's surface, as well as the first observation of the direct charging of the DC GEC by a unique atmospheric electrified source.
The depth of the aerosol layer at the Villum Research Station at Station Nord in the high Arctic is analysed based on 8 years of observations from a ceilometer and one full year from a wind lidar. The layer is of particular interest for aerosol process modelling and atmospheric chemistry studies. The depth of the aerosol layer is assigned to the inflection point in the attenuated backscatter profile by two methods; one is based on polynomial approximation of the profile and the other is direct numerical differentiation. The analysis is based on two types of hourly profiles; one consists of averaging the attenuated backscatter observations and the other by computing the median. Due to sporadic occurrence of outliers in the ranges around 50 m in the ceilometer observations, this part of the profile is not used in this study. Restricting the observations to heights above 100 m, the depths of the aerosol layer are found to be typically ≈230 m. It varies little between winter and summer, but the spread in the depth is larger during the winter as compared to summer. To extend the study of the aerosol‐layer depth below 100 m, a method is applied that combines the ceilometer measurements with the carrier‐to‐noise ratio from the wind lidar. The results are available for 2018 only, and they show aerosol‐layer depths below ≈80 m as well as depths around 230 m and they show few observations between ≈80 and ≈230 m. Near the ground, the observed backscatter exhibits a pronounced seasonal variation, having low values during the summer and high values during the winter. The strength of the seasonal variability decreases with height, especially above the aerosol‐layer depth, and is virtually absent at 1 km.
The importance of lightning has long been recognized from the point of view of climate-related phenomena. However, the detailed investigation of lightning on global scales is currently hindered by the incomplete and spatially uneven detection efficiency of ground-based global lightning detection networks and by the restricted spatio-temporal coverage of satellite observations. We are developing different methods for investigating global lightning activity based on Schumann resonance (SR) measurements. SRs are global electromagnetic resonances of the Earth-ionosphere cavity maintained by the vertical component of lightning. Since charge separation in thunderstorms is gravity-driven, charge is typically separated vertically in thunderclouds, so every lightning flash contributes to the measured SR field. This circumstance makes SR measurements very suitable for climate-related investigations. In this study, 19 days of global lightning activity in January 2019 are analyzed based on SR intensity records from 18 SR stations and the results are compared with independent lightning observations provided by ground-based (WWLLN, GLD360 and ENTLN) and satellite-based (GLM, LIS/OTD) global lightning detection. Daily average SR intensity records from different stations exhibit strong similarity in the investigated time interval. The inferred intensity of global lightning activity varies by a factor of 2-3 on the time scale of 3-5 days which we attribute to continental-scale temperature changes related to cold air outbreaks from polar regions. While our results demonstrate that the SR phenomenon is a powerful tool to investigate global lightning, it is also clear that currently available technology limits the detailed quantitative evaluation of lightning activity on continental scales.
Accurate wind profile measurements are important for applications ranging from aviation to numerical weather prediction. The spatial pattern of winds can be obtained with ground-based remote sensing instruments, such as weather radars and Doppler lidars. As the return signal in weather radars is mostly due to hydrometeors or insects, and in Doppler lidars due to aerosols, the instruments provide wind measurements in different weather conditions. However, the effect of various weather conditions on the measurement capabilities of these instruments has not been previously extensively quantified. Here we present results from a 7-month measurement campaign that took place in Vantaa, Finland, where a co-located Vaisala WRS400 X-band weather radar and WindCube 400S Doppler lidar were employed continuously to perform wind measurements. Both instruments measured plan position indicator (PPI) scans at 2.0∘ elevation from the horizontal. Direct comparison of radial Doppler velocities from both instruments showed good agreement with R2=0.96. We then examined the effect of horizontal visibility, cloud base height, and precipitation intensity on the measurement availability of each instrument. The Doppler lidar displayed good availability in clear air situations and the X-band radar in precipitation. Both instruments exhibited high availability in clear air conditions in summer when insects were present. The complementary performance in the measurement availability of the two instruments means that their combination substantially increases the spatial coverage of wind observations across a wide range of weather conditions.
Nepal has a very large topographical variation; this elevation change has a major influence on lightning occurrence and human casualties. The Himalayan peaks cover the northern part of Nepal with low population density, the middle is covered by hills with intermediate density, and the southern plain with the greatest density. This study will leverage lightning detection by Vaisala’s Global Lightning Dataset GLD360 network with a recent detailed compilation of lightning casualties from 2011 through 2020. Over one million lightning strokes per year were detected from 2016 through 2020. Stroke density is least over high elevations to the north, moderate in hilly regions, and very frequent over the south. The thunderstorm season begins in March and ceases by August after the annual monsoon cycle. Of all the natural disasters, lightning has been recorded to be the second highest killer after earthquakes. The Ministry of Home Affairs reports an average of 103 lightning deaths per year. The fatality rate of 3.8 deaths million−1 year⁻¹ is highest among the South Asian countries. Fatalities over high mountains are rare, with most casualties over the center of Nepal. Lightning Fatality Risk is not a good indicator of the fatalities that occur in a district.
Poor air quality influences the quality of life in the urban environment. The regulatory observation stations provide the backbone for the city administration to monitor urban air quality. Recently a suite of cost-effective air quality sensors has emerged to provide novel insights into the spatio-temporal variability of aerosol particles and trace gases. Particularly in low concentrations these sensors might suffer from issues related e.g., to high detection limits, concentration drifts and interdependency between the observed trace gases and environmental parameters. In this study we characterize the optical particle detector used in AQT530 (Vaisala Ltd.) air quality sensor in the laboratory. We perform a measurement campaign with a network of AQT530 sensors in Helsinki, Finland in 2020–2021 and present a long-term performance evaluation of five sensors for particulate (PM10, PM2.5) and gaseous (NO2, NO, CO, O3) components during a half-year co-location study with reference instruments at an urban traffic site. Furthermore, short-term (3–5 weeks) co-location tests were performed for 25 sensors to provide sensor-specific correction equations for the fine-tuning of selected pollutants in the sensor network. We showcase the added value of the verified network of 25 sensor units to address the spatial variability of trace gases and aerosol mass concentrations in an urban environment. The analysis assesses road and harbor traffic monitoring, local construction dust monitoring, aerosol concentrations from fireworks, impact of sub-urban small scale wood combustion and detection of long-range transport episodes on a city scale. Our analysis illustrates that the calibrated network of Vaisala AQT530 air quality sensors provide new insights into the spatio-temporal variability of air pollution within the city. This information is beneficial to, for example, optimization of road dust and construction dust emission control as well as provides data to tackle air quality problems arising from traffic exhaust and localized wood combustion emissions in the residential areas.
The continuous measuring of the vertical profile of water vapor in the boundary layer using a commercially available differential absorption lidar (DIAL) has only recently been made possible. Since September 2018, a new pre-production version of the Vaisala DIAL system has operated at the Iqaluit supersite (63.74°N, 68.51°W), commissioned by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) as part of the Canadian Arctic Weather Science project. This study presents its evaluation during the extremely dry conditions experienced in the Arctic by comparing it with coincident radiosonde and Raman lidar observations. Comparisons over a one year period were strongly correlated (r > 0.8 at almost all heights) and exhibited an average bias of +0.13 ± 0.01 g/kg (DIAL-sonde) and +0.18 ± 0.02 g/kg (DIAL-Raman). Larger differences exhibiting distinct artifacts were found between 250 and 400 m above ground level (AGL). The DIAL’s observations were also used to conduct a verification case study of operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models during the World Meteorological Organization’s Year of Polar Prediction. Comparisons to ECCC’s global environmental multiscale model (GEM-2.5 km and GEM-10 km) indicate good agreement with an average bias < 0.16 g/kg for the higher-resolution (GEM-2.5 km) models. All models performed significantly better during the winter than the summer, likely due to the winter’s lower water vapor concentrations and decreased variability. This study provides evidence in favor of using high temporal resolution lidar water vapor profile measurements to complement radiosonde observations and for NWP model verification and process studies.
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Vantaa, Finland