University of Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
Recent publications
Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) is a key pest in various crops. Biological control with Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and Phytoseiulus macropilis Banks (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is promising, but predator–prey interactions need to be better understood. The present study was designed to compare the consumption rate and functional responses (FRs) of N. californicus and P. macropilis at low densities of T. urticae. To compare the FRs of N. californicus vs. P. macropilis on T. urticae, five densities (3, 5, 10, 15, 20 individuals per trial) of this prey were offered at adult stage. The prey was added to the experimental arena containing a single predatory mite that was allowed four days (i.e., 96 h) to consume prey without replacement of consumed individuals. Observations were carried out once a day (24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h). The numbers of prey consumed, and eggs laid were counted every 24 h. Results indicate that both predator curves align with a Type II FR. P. macropilis was faster at attacking T. urticae but slower at handling it. Lower egg production by T. urticae indicates that P. macropilis seems to be more effective in controlling this prey compared to N. californicus. Conversely, N. californicus was faster at handling prey and performed comparably to P. macropilis at higher prey densities. Therefore, depending on the specific circumstances of pest infestation, both predators present viable options for the biological control of T. urticae, with P. macropilis excelling in low-density scenarios and N. californicus offering effectiveness at slightly higher densities.
This paper aims to compare I4.0 manufacturing countries, providing an overview of the most relevant issues related to their patent and exportation figures. The countries researched are Germany, Brazil, China, South Korea, the US, India, Japan, and Russia. A Literature analysis was applied in Scopus and Web of Science publications (2012–2022), which include BRICs countries. Patent records related to high-tech products Patentscope of the World Intellectual Property Organization and the list of exported products in TradeMap were also searched to identify and analyze the contribution of each country’s policies. Findings present the positive effects of I4.0 policies in the industrial context of most countries, as evidenced by an increase in exportation and patents related to manufacturing high-tech goods since the policies were implemented after 2014. Patent registration evolution refers to the evolution of high-technology goods in the last nine years. This study also indicates the motivations of each country for implementing Industry 4.0. A country comparison of the durations, objectives, available funding, areas for action, focused manufacturing sectors, and prioritized technologies of these public policies supports researchers, managers, and policymakers.
The objective of this work was to optimize the application of an enzymatic blend produced by Aspergillus niger ATCC 1004 on the Pimenta dioica fruits for essential oil extraction. The enzyme blend was obtained from the fermentation of cocoa bean shells, an agro-industrial residue. The effects of the enzymatic pre-treatment on the extraction yield, the chemical composition of the oil through gas chromatography, and the fruit structure through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were assessed. A Doehlert design was used to optimize the process conditions, resulting in an extraction with 117 mL of enzyme during 77 min, which increased the extraction yield by 387.5%. The chemical composition was not altered, which proves that the enzyme blend preserves the quality of the essential oil extracted. The content of eugenol (70%), the major compound in the P. dioica essential oil, had a great increase in its concentration (560%). The enzyme activity analyses showed the presence of endoglucanase (0.4 U/mL), exoglucanase (0.25 U/mL), β-glucosidase (0.19 U/mL), and invertase (135.08 U/mL). The microscopy analyses revealed changes in the morphology of fruit surface due to the enzymatic action. These results demonstrate the great potential of using enzyme blends produced by filamentous fungi from agro-industrial residues for the essential oils extraction of interest for the pharmaceutical and food industries.
This study aimed to characterize pharmaceutical services (PS) in the prison system of Rio Grande do Sul in terms of organization and infrastructure in the context of primary health care. This is a descriptive study, with a cross-sectional design carried out between August and September 2022. Data collection was carried out remotely, using a questionnaire prepared and adapted based on the Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos no Brasil (PNAUM - Brazilian National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medications in Brazil). A total of 51 prison units participated in the survey. There is no specific area for the pharmacy in most prison units, with only one place for storing medications. There are no standard operating procedures for PS activities in 78.4% of prison units. In 9.8% of prison units, the presence of a pharmacist was mentioned. No medication storage conditions are monitored in 31.4% of sites. Medication fractionation was reported by 78.4% of prison units. Medications are dispensed in 3.9% of prison units. The PS overview in the prison context reveals important weaknesses and the need to adapt to current regulations.
Resumo O objetivo do estudo é caracterizar a assistência farmacêutica (AF) no sistema prisional do Rio Grande do Sul em termos de organização e infraestrutura no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com desenho transversal, conduzido entre agosto e setembro de 2022. A coleta de dados ocorreu de forma remota, utilizando um questionário elaborado e adaptado com base na Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos no Brasil (PNAUM). Um total de 51 unidades prisionais participaram da pesquisa. Não há área específica destinada à farmácia na maioria das unidades prisionais, sendo predominante apenas um local para guarda de medicamentos. Inexistem procedimentos operacionais padrão para atividades de AF em 78,4% das unidades prisionais. Em 9,8% dos estabelecimentos prisionais foi referida a presença de farmacêutico. Nenhuma condição de armazenamento dos medicamentos é monitorada em 31,4% dos locais. O fracionamento de medicamentos foi referido por 78,4% das unidades prisionais. Já a dispensação de medicamentos é realizada em 3,9% das unidades prisionais. O panorama da AF no contexto prisional se revela com importantes fragilidades e necessidade de adequação às regulamentações vigentes.
Background Cirrhosis has been pointed out as a clinical entity that leads to worse clinical prognosis in COVID-19 patients. However, this concept is controversial in the literature. We aimed to evaluate clinical outcomes by comparing patients with cirrhosis to those without cirrhosis in a Brazilian cohort. Methods Data from 20,164 COVID-19 inpatients were collected from 41 hospitals in Brazil between March to September 2020 and March 2021 to August 2022. We compared 117 patients with cirrhosis to 632 matched controls. A propensity score model was used to adjust for potential confounding variables, incorporating some predictors: age, sex at birth, number of comorbidities, hospital of admission, whether it was an in-hospital clinical manifestation of COVID-19, and admission year. Closeness was defined as being within 0.16 standard deviations of the logit of the propensity score. Results The median age was 61 (IQR 50–70) years old, and 63.4% were men. There were no significant differences in the self-reported symptoms. Patients with cirrhosis had lower median hemoglobin levels (10.8 vs. 13.1 g/dl), lower platelets (127,000 vs. 200,000 cells/mm3), and leukocyte counts, as well as lower median C-reactive protein (63.0 vs. 76.0 p = 0.044) when compared to controls. They also had higher mortality compared to matched controls (51.3% vs. 21.7%, p < 0.001). They also had higher frequencies of admission in an intensive care unit (51.3% vs. 38.0%, p = 0.007), invasive mechanical ventilation (43.9% vs. 26.6%, p < 0.001), dialysis (17.9% vs. 11.1%, p = 0.038), septic shock (23.9% vs. 14.9%; p = 0.015) and institution of palliative care (19.7% vs. 7.4%; p < 0.001). Conclusions This study has shown that COVID-19 inpatients with cirrhosis had significantly higher incidence of severe outcomes, as well as higher frequency of institution of palliative care when compared to matched controls. Our findings underscore the need for these patients to receive particular attention from healthcare teams and allocated resources.
Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is frequently accompanied by a variety of comorbidities, complicating management and rehabilitation efforts. Understanding this interplay is crucial for optimizing patient outcomes. Areas covered: This review, based on the MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane Library databases, summarizes the main research on the rehabilitation of patients with COPD, with an emphasis on relevant comorbidities, such as cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary hypertension, lung cancer, metabolic, musculoskeletal, and gastrointestinal disorders. anxiety/depression and cognitive disorders. The study highlights the importance of pre-participation assessments, ongoing monitoring and personalized rehabilitation programs. A review includes a comprehensive literature search to assess the scientific evidence on these interventions and their impact. Expert opinion: The integration of cardiorespiratory rehabilitation program is essential for improving physical capacity and quality of life in COPD patients with comorbidities. While existing studies highlight positive outcomes, challenges such as interdisciplinary collaboration and access to rehabilitation services remain. Future strategies must prioritize personalized and integrated approaches programs combining pharmacological optimization and a close monitoring during cardiopulmonary rehabilitation to significantly reduce hospital readmissions and mortality, even in patients with complex multimorbidities. Continued research is necessary to refine rehabilitation protocols and better understand the complexities of managing COPD alongside cardiac conditions.
Objective To analyze the representation of access pathways to the transsexualizing process in Brazil and the main barriers faced by transgender people. Method A scoping review of the literature was conducted. Searches took place in January 2024, with articles and reviews that addressed access to the transsexualizing process being eligible, while books, chapters, conferences, editorial documents, and studies describing surgical procedures were excluded. Results A total of 776 articles were found, of which 9 were included. 66% of the studies analyzed were field research involving interviews. The findings highlight the 5 stages of the transsexualizing process: care at primary healthcare centers, referral, multidisciplinary follow-up, surgical procedure, and local care for individuals. Conclusion The studies focused on the barriers to accessing the transsexualizing process, rather than on the access pathways themselves, highlighting a gap in the understanding of the access itineraries to the process. rather than on the access pathways themselves, highlighting a gap in understanding the itineraries to the process. Keywords Access to Health Services; Gender-Affirming Surgery; Therapeutic Itinerary; Brazilian National Health System; Scoping Review
Motivation is of great importance in the teaching-learning process, because motivated students seek out opportunities and show interest and enthusiasm in carrying out their tasks. The objective of this review is to identify and present the information available in the literature on the status quo of motivation among nursing program entrants. This is a qualitative scoping review study, a type of literature review designed to map out and find evidence to address a specific research objective, following the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology. The objective was outlined using the PCC (Population, Concept, Context) acronym. The protocol was developed and registered on the Open Science Framework (OSF) platform under DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/EJNGY. The search strategy and database selection were defined by a library and information science professional together with the authors. The search will be carried out in the following databases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Lilacs Esp, National Library of Medicine (PubMed), ScienceDirect, Scopus, and the Web of Science platform. The researchers will meet to discuss discrepancies and make decisions using a consensus model, and a third researcher will be tasked with independently resolving any conflicts. Data extraction will involve two independent researchers reviewing each article. Documents such as original articles; theoretical studies; experience reports; clinical study articles; case studies; normative, integrative, and systematic reviews; meta-analyses; meta-syntheses; monographs; theses; and dissertations in English, Portuguese, and Spanish from 2017 to 2023 were included. The results will be presented in tabular and/or diagrammatic format, along with a narrative summary.
Magnetic composites (MC) prepared from magnetite nanoparticles (MNP) and activated carbon from bovine bone (AC) in different proportions (75/25, 50/50, and 25/75) were used as catalysts in the photo-Fenton process to degrade methylene blue (MB) in aqueous solution. The materials were prepared by the citrate–nitrate sol–gel synthesis method and used as catalysts in the photo-Fenton process. The photocatalytic tests were performed in a cylindrical reactor with a 4.13-cm internal diameter and 300-mL maximum capacity, equipped with 9.9-W visible light lamps. The specific surface area of the MC increased by up to 1138.39% with the addition of AC. Morphological analysis confirmed the anchoring of MNPs on the AC surface. The band gap values of the materials ranged from 1.16 to 1.55 eV and increased proportionally with the addition of AC to the MC compositions. MC-75/25 and MC-50/50 presented predominantly superparamagnetic behavior, while for MC-25/75 superparamagnetic and superimposed paramagnetic phases were observed. All samples showed good reduction of the MB concentration, exceeding 80% after 10 cycles of use. The mineralization advanced extensively to simple organic acids, proving the non-generation of harmful by-products and the efficiency of this photocatalytic system. The use of magnetic composites favored the efficient separation of the catalyst without causing secondary pollution, in addition to increasing the stability and reusability of the catalysts. Graphical Abstract
The invasive species Hovenia dulcis is considered the main invasive species in the Atlantic Forest, capable of altering environmental conditions at a local scale and provoking profound changes in the composition of the plant community. Combining drone and satellite images can make forest monitoring more efficient, enabling a more targeted and effective response to contain the spread of invasive species. This research aimed to use high-resolution CBERS-4A satellite combined with drone images to detect invasive trees in forested areas of the Atlantic Forest. An object-oriented, supervised automatic classification was performed using the Dzetsaka Classification Tool and the Gaussian Mixture Model method. Additionally, georeferenced orthomosaics obtained by drones, totaling 150 ha, were used to confirm the identification of the invasive species. The entire forest area was surveyed to determine the tree community, where 72 random sample plots, each with a fixed area of 100 m², were established. The calculated indices, such as the Shannon index (H’) = 3.65 and uniformity (J’) = 78%, demonstrate that the plant community has a high diversity of species. However, the invasive H. dulcis had the highest number of sampled individuals (146), being the species with the highest relative density (9.14) within the community and the second highest in relative frequency (5.10%), coverage importance value (8.85%), and importance value index (7.60%). The methodology employed to identify the invasive species through satellite, and drone images allowed for rapid and precise data collection and quantification of the invasive species, covering an area of 86.44 ha of the forest fragment, which corroborates the field data.
The first years of life are considered a critical period for child development. The child’s development is influenced by several factors, with parenting being a relevant factor in the care of young children. Parental interventions that encourage nurturing care have shown good results in improving children’s development. Group sessions and home visits have been shown to be the most promising intervention models. Different techniques for changing behavior have shown promising results (information on posters, counseling, and providing opportunities for practice and games). These interventions have been shown to be effective in improving parenting skills and children’s cognitive, motor, language, and socio-emotional development, with the most robust evidence for short-term effects. Although the evidence is less consistent, early parenting interventions with premature babies have also shown good results in the baby’s cognitive and physical development and interactions.
Understanding the characteristics and measurement properties of the observational methods for biomechanical exposure analysis contributes to choosing and planning workplace ergonomic interventions. This systematic review search was performed in the four databases. In 99 studies, 75 observational methods were identified. Posture/movement, force and repetitiveness were the most evaluated risk factors for the upper limbs, trunk and head. EAWS, OCRA, the expanded PATH and QEC evaluate more biomechanical risk factors. EAWS, PATH, QEC, CADEP, ROSA, REBA, modified REBA, RULA, all body segments. Criterion validity, reliability and agreement are REBA and ROSA's most tested measurement properties. The quality of evidence ranged from moderate to high for 23 methods. ALLA, HAL, OFFERA, simplified PATH and the expanded PATH stand out with high-quality evidence. The expanded PATH and QEC are the most complete in evaluating several occupational tasks, respectively, with high- and moderate-quality evidence.
Resource partitioning is a critical mechanism underlying the coexistence of close relative species that feed on similar resources. Based on foraging data, we built a plant-seedeater interaction network for three sympatric species of Neotropical seedeaters-namely Tropeiro Seedeater Sporophila beltoni, Black-bellied Seedeater Sporophila melanogaster, and Tawny-bellied Seed-eater Sporophila hypoxantha, and tested to what extent the three species shared resources. The interaction network was non-nested and modular, forming three modules, each one comprising one seedeater species and their most consumed plants, indicating the existence of resource partitioning. Modules may result from multiple non-exclusive factors, including differences among seedeater species in habitat use, bill sizes, feeding habits, structure of vegetation for nesting, and abiotic factors that influence plant composition. Our results indicate that the effective conservation of these species requires the protection of areas that include the three distinct subsets of plants used by these birds during the breeding season and also indicates which plants may be used for the restoration of grasslands in the region.
This study to examine associations between cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), 24-hour movement components, and cardiometabolic risk factors in children from southern Brazil, emphasizing the critical variables in these relationships. The sample included 186 schoolchildren (6-11 years, 8.57±1.56). Waist circumference (WC) and CRF were assessed using PROESP-Br protocols, while physical activity (moderate to vigorous - MVPA, and light - LPA) was measured via accelerometers. Sleep and screen time were reported by parents, and fasting blood samples provided data on triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, glucose, insulin, and HOMA-IR. Network analysis highlight WC, systolic blood pressure, and MVPA as central variables with significant connectivity. MVPA emerged as central among 24-hour movement behaviors, with CRF playing an intermediary role. Results underscore WC and MVPA's relationship on cardiometabolic health, supporting interventions targeting MVPA to prevent early cardiometabolic risks in children.
Air contamination in confined environments can lead to severe health damage. Searching for effective and sustainable technologies that might bring quality to indoor air is necessary. Heterogeneous photocatalysis has been studied for its ability to oxidize, inactivating microorganisms in the air. In the present work, a reactor was assembled, where titanium dioxide (TiO2) P25 was incorporated into the inner face of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubes and vegetable sponges (Luffa sp.). Polyester Orthophthalic (PO) resin was used to fix the TiO2 onto the surfaces. Ultraviolet lamps (UVA) were used to activate the TiO2 catalyst to test the inactivation capacity of microorganisms, as they are economical and present high energy efficiency and long service life. The inactivation of microorganisms was evaluated in natural and artificially contaminated atmospheres. The photocatalytic reactor proved efficient in most tests in both atmospheres. In tests 1 and 2, no bacterial colony-forming units (CFUs) were found in the photocatalysis tube. In test 3, the average of 5 CFUs of fungi in the photocatalysis tube and 12.67 in the control tube was found, indicating inactivation. Therefore, this research is essential for presenting an alternative solution for indoor air treatment.
A retenção de clientes é vista como um aspecto chave para o sucesso das organizações no mercado, o qual é proposto como um dos componentes mais importantes para a consolidação da participação de mercado, do volume de negócios e da sustentabilidade das empresas. Dessa forma, este trabalho aborda a retenção de alunos (clientes) de uma IES no âmbito do curso de graduação em Direito no município de Rio Verde, Estado de Goiás (GO). Para viabilizar a produção de evidências que permitiram alcançar os objetivos definidos para a pesquisa, foi implementada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e de caráter exploratório. Os dados foram coletados em duas etapas, por meio de entrevistas individuais em profundidade e, mediante a realização de grupos focados (focus groups). Os alunos demonstraram muita satisfação com a IES, incluindo sua formação sólida e experiência profissional, considerando um fator relevante para a permanência na instituição. Esta pesquisa evidenciou que os construtos de cocriação de valor, valor de uso, custos de troca e satisfação desempenham um papel fundamental na manutenção e na satisfação dos estudantes ao longo de sua jornada acadêmica. Além disso, o estudo possibilitou uma compreensão mais abrangente das necessidades e expectativas dos alunos do curso e da instituição investigada.
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1,316 members
Michele Hoeltz
  • PPG em Tecnologia Ambiental
Daniel Prá
  • Departamento de Biologia e Farmácia
Silvio Balzan
  • Departamento de Ciências da Vida
Valeriano Antonio Corbellini
  • Departamento de Química e Física
Carlos Lutterbeck
  • Post-graduate Program in Environmental Technology
Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
Head of institution
Carmen Lucia de Lima Helfer