University of Campinas
  • Campinas, SP, Brazil
Recent publications
Incorporating BIM in the education of professionals has become a demand and a topic of high importance for higher education. Several proposals for a curricular implementation of BIM exist. However, in most cases, they are specific to a single university or domain, do not consider academic policies or simplify practice by segmenting knowledge. This work proposes a protocol for the curricular implementation of BIM similar to the industry, considering aspects of process, technology, and policies aligned with the educational institution's mission and with existing competencies. Action research was the used method. Three actions were conducted: (1) proposition, (2) systematization and (3) application. The actions were executed in cycles incrementally, resulting in (1) guidelines, (2) supporting tools and (3) implementation plans. Two Brazilian universities participated in pilot studies of Project Construa Brasil. The pilot studies inspired a network of BIM cells that have synchronously applied curricular BIM implementation guidelines on a large scale. The guidelines proved to be generic and comprehensive, guiding the transformation with an empirical basis for the academics' decision-making. Leadership of a BIM specialist was confirmed as an essential factor of success. It is observed that even with a timid introduction of BIM competence in a limited scope of engineering solutions, the impact on the BIM maturity curriculum is significant.
Abstrac Social Housing (SH) is investigated worldwide, especially in emerging economies. However, SH literature demonstrates that there are still barriers to achieving the real benefits of those programmes. Brazilian SH programmes have positively reduced housing deficits and the vulnerability of low-income populations. However, studies developed in Brazil also reveal the negative impacts of SH. Investigating the reason for the recurrence of negative impacts is fundamental to gaining a stronger understanding of the causes and scope of SH problems. Moreover, state-of-the-art studies may support the development of actions to mitigate those problems. Thus, this study aims to categorise the major topics studied on SHs, identify and evaluate SH main failures and impacts, analyse intersections of topics, and understand their scope. A systematic review and literature mapping were applied to analyse SH studies. Although evidence emphasises significant advances in SH production, results demonstrate the intersecting panorama of occurrences that cause negative impacts and stress the need for investments and the implementation of housing public policies aligned with societal interests to improve SH.
Resumo Apenas na última década, a obra do engenheiro Uruguaio Eladio Dieste (1917-2000) vem ganhando disseminação acadêmica internacional, sendo que uma de suas principais contribuições para a concepção formal-estrutural na arquitetura e engenharia civil foi o desenvolvimento iterativo da tipologia estrutural das abóbadas gaussianas, cascas de dupla-curvatura estruturadas em cerâmica armada. Entretanto, não há registros de uma definição estabelecida para a geometria arquitetônica destas tipologias estruturais. Tampouco existem evidências concretas acerca da concepção e desenvolvimento projetual destas estruturas. Por conseguinte, o objetivo deste artigo é evidenciar as relações geométricas subjacentes nas abóbadas guassianas descontínuas projetadas e construídas por Eladio Dieste em cerâmica armada, a variação dominante desta tipologia estrutural. Esta análise foi conduzida através da modelagem paramétrica e da regressão polinomial de estudos de caso selecionados a partir de fontes primárias originais, justamente por estas ferramentas computacionais permitirem o correto manejo de geometrias tidas como formalmente complexas. A contribuição esperada para esta pesquisa reside em aprofundar o entendimento entre a relação do processo de projeto e a geometria resultante no objeto de estudo, assim como o entendimento da conformação geométrica desta tipologia estrutural desenvolvida por Eladio Dieste.
Nos últimos anos, evidências do Registro Brasileiro de Biópsia óssea (REBRABO) apontaram uma alta incidência de intoxicação por alumínio (Al) no tecido ósseo de pacientes com DRC em diálise. Essa surpreendente informação parece representar não apenas um acúmulo passivo deste metal, visto que dados prospectivos do REBRABO sugerem que a presença de Al no tecido ósseo pode estar independentemente relacionada a eventos cardiovasculares adversos maiores. Essas informações contrastam com a percepção mundial do controle epidemiológico dessa condição. Neste artigo de opinião, discutimos por que o diagnóstico de acúmulo ósseo de Al não é relatado em outras partes do mundo, e também discutimos uma gama de possibilidades para entender por que nós acreditamos que o acúmulo de Al no tecido ósseo ainda ocorre, não como se apresentava no passado, ou seja, como uma síndrome com sinais e sintomas sistêmicos de intoxicação.
Objectives. Studies examining the effects of dual-task resistance training (RT) on nursing-home residents are still scarce. To add knowledge to this field, the present study compared the effects of 12-week RT and RT plus cognitive task (COG) programs on physical performance and cognitive function in a sample of frail nursing home residents. Methods. This is an experimental study that combined data from two studies that examined older adults living in nursing home residences in Brazil. Exercise groups performed a 12-week RT protocol that included four exercises, with 3–4 times (sets) of 8–10 repetitions at 70 %-75 % of 1-repetition maximum (1RM), twice a week. The RT+COG group evoked as many words was possible for specific categories during concentric actions of the squat on the chair (until 90° knee flexion) and seated unilateral knee extension exercises. Global cognitive function and physical performance were evaluated using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) tests, respectively. Results. After interventions, participants in the RT+COG and RT groups had significantly greater lower-limb muscle strength compared with the control group (CG). Those in the RT+COG group had greater tandem performance in comparison to RT and CG groups. Conclusions. Our findings indicate that RT preserves lower-limb muscle strength in frail nursing home residents, regardless of performance of cognitive tasks. Better balance was exclusively observed in the RT+COG, whereas significant improvements in mobility status were only found in the RT group. The present investigation was based on a small sample of nursing home residents. Larger and more structured studies are necessary to confirm our results.
Reproductive allocation and cost play a crucial role in the survival of organisms, but research on these traits in bryophytes has been limited and inconsistent. To address this, we conducted a literature review focusing on bryophyte studies. Our goal was to clarify inconsistencies and explore reproductive allocation and cost concepts, as well as current trends in bryophyte reproduction. We examined different approaches and highlighted advantages and limitations. We emphasized five key topics: the importance of understanding reproductive allocation and reproductive cost in bryophytes; the significance of bryophytes as model organisms; historical research; terminological and methodological inconsistencies; sexual dimorphism and reproductive allocation; and measurement methods. Furthermore, we provided insights into future perspectives. Based on our findings, we advocate for standardized quantification of reproductive allocation. Standardization would enhance comparability and synthesis of results, ultimately advancing our understanding of reproductive allocation and cost of reproduction in bryophytes.
The Arecaceae and Myrtaceae families are widespread across Brazil. They include many of Brazil's native fruit species. Local communities use these plants for many purposes. Their health impacts come from bioactive compounds, notably phytochemicals. These compounds are crucial for managing chronic diseases and can serve as antimicrobial agents. Therefore, this review aimed to present and discuss the importance of commercialization, consumption, and development of new products from some plant matrices native to Brazil, such as purple-araçá, bacaba, cherry of Rio Grande, grumixama, juçara, and pitanga with emphasis on the phenolic profile and functional potential as agents in biological activities. The information presented herein serves as a foundation for enhancing practices ranging from cultivation and consumption to the formulation of innovative ingredients and food products. This emphasis is particularly relevant for underexplored fruits, such as purple-araçá and bacaba, which possess untapped potential for further investigation and application.
Several authors have shown that hematological parameters can be used to detect poor prognosis in patients with cancer. Thus, such features could be used in artificial intelligence (AI-based) models to predict mortality among these patients. This work aimed to develop and compare several AI-based models to predict the prognosis (death vs. survival) of cancer in patients using blood tests and patient data as inputs. At total, 908 cancer patients were assisted in a prospective study. Four artificial intelligence models were compared: artificial neural networks (ANN), supporting vector machines (SVM), decision trees and neuro-fuzzy networks. Also, four different input strategies were tested, considering the use of 49, 45, 22 and 14 inputs. The results of this study showed that the ANN and the SVM presented the best results, using 45 inputs. The ANN was the best model since it presented better statistical values for the positive (death) and negative (survival) classes. The use of blood parameters as inputs for AI-based models could be used to predict death in patients with cancer, and this methodology can be expanded to other diseases.
The present essay is concerned with providing rigorous justification of a long‐standing practice in numerical simulation of partial differential equations. Theory often sets initial‐value problems on all of or . If the initial data are localized in space, it has been usual practice to approximate the problem by an associated periodic problem or a homogeneous Dirichlet problem set on a finite interval. While these strategies are commonplace, rigorous justification of the practice is sparse. It is our purpose here to indicate justification of this practice in the concrete context of a surface water wave model. While the theory worked out here is specific to the particular partial differential equation, it will be apparent to the reader that more general results may be derived using the same approach.
Objective This study examines maternal mortality among Brazilian indigenous women from 2015 to 2021, contrasting their causes of death with non‐indigenous women. Methods An observational study utilizing Ministry of Health data analyzed maternal deaths' characteristics, comparing indigenous and non‐indigenous groups based on death certificates and live‐birth records. Variables included age, region, location, time, and cause of death. Maternal mortality ratios (MMR) were calculated with linear regression and outliers identified with Grubbs test. Prevalence ratios compared MMR and causes of death. Results Between 2015 to 2021, Brazil recorded 13 023 maternal deaths. Among these, with 205 among indigenous women (1.60% of total). Indigenous women had higher MMR (115.14/100 000), than non‐ indigenous women (66.92/100 000), consistently across years. Hemorrhagic causes notably contributed to the indigenous women's elevated MMR. Conclusion Indigenous Brazilian women face elevated maternal mortality rates across all causes, primarily due to hemorrhage, contrasting wih national trends.
To evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Brazilian honeys against oral microorganisms. Design: Organic honeys (OH-1 to OH-8) were diluted (%-w/v) and sterilized by filtration. Antimicrobial activity was defined by determining MIC and CBM against oral Streptococcus. The component responsible for the antimicrobial action was defined by a catalase assay. Antibiofilm activity was evaluated against the monospecies biofilm of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 700610). OHs showed antimicrobial activity principally OH-1, OH-2, OH-3, and OH-7 with MIC values ranging between 10 and 25%. The mechanism of action occurs mainly by hydrogen peroxide produced by honey enzymes. OH-1, OH-2, and OH-7 showed total biofilm destruction at low concentrations. Brazilian honeys have promising antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity with the potential to control oral microbiota.
Objectives To assess sleep quality and sleepiness among older adults after social distancing during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its association with physical activity. Materials and Methods The present cross-sectional study included a sample of 290 Brazilians aged ≥ 60 years. Subjective sleep quality and sleepiness were assessed using the Mini-Sleep Questionnaire (MSQ) and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Results Of the 290 participants, 29.7% reported worsening sleep quality during the pandemic, with a mean ± standard deviation (SD) MSQ score of 31.6 ± 8.8. Worsening of the perceived sleep quality during the pandemic and previous COVID-19 diagnoses were associated with higher MSQ scores ( p < 0.001 and p = 0.013 respectively). Physical inactivity was not associated with sleep quality but was associated with sleepiness ( p = 0.030). Conclusion It is important to develop strategies that encourage physical activity, among other modifiable health factors, to help improve sleepiness among older adults.
Turner syndrome affects 50 per 100,000 females, affects multiple organs through all stages of life, necessitating multidisciplinary care. This guideline extends previous ones and includes important new advances, within diagnostics and genetics, estrogen treatment, fertility, co-morbidities, and neurocognition and neuropsychology. Exploratory meetings were held in 2021 in Europe and US culminating with a consensus meeting in Aarhus, Denmark in June 2023. Prior to this, eight groups addressed important areas in TS care: 1) diagnosis and genetics, 2) growth, 3) puberty and estrogen treatment, 4) cardiovascular health, 5) transition, 6) fertility assessment, monitoring, and counselling, 7) health surveillance for comorbidities throughout the lifespan, and 8) neurocognition and its implications for mental health and well-being. Each group produced proposals for the present guidelines, which were meticulously discussed by the entire group. Four pertinent questions were submitted for formal GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) evaluation with systematic review of the literature. The guidelines project was initiated by the European Society for Endocrinology and the Pediatric Endocrine Society, in collaboration with members from the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions, the Society for Endocrinology, and the European Society of Cardiology, Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Australia and New Zealand Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Latin American Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Arab Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, and the Asia Pacific Pediatric Endocrine Society. Advocacy groups appointed representatives for pre-meeting discussions and the consensus meeting.
Purpose There is a tendency to use data generated for adults in the management of pediatric Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma, neglecting the clinical peculiarities of this condition in childhood. This study aimed to assess and compare the clinical-epidemiological characteristics and their significance in the evolution of thyroid carcinoma diagnosed in childhood across different age groups. Methods Seventy-seven patients diagnosed with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (DTC) up to 21 years old were selected and divided into different age groups: up to 10 years, 11 to 18 years, and 19 to 21 years old. Clinical-epidemiological data and their influence in the disease progression were analyzed and compared across age groups. Results Patients diagnosed below 10 years of age were associated with tumors showing extrathyroidal extension, metastasis in regional lymph nodes, higher levels of stimulated thyroglobulin in the diagnostic iodine-131 whole-body scan (WBS), and under TSH suppression in the last assessment. Additionally, pulmonary metastasis were associated in both diagnostic and post-radioiodine dose WBSs in these younger patients. Analysis of findings in the post-radioiodine therapy WBS revealed significant differences between all age groups (p = 0.0029). The time of diagnosis was identified as a factor associated with an excellent response in subgroups up to 18 years and up to 21 years. No factors associated with dynamic responses over the 1st, 3rd and 5th years of follow-up and the persistence/recurrence of the disease were identified in the subgroup up to 18 years. In the subgroup up to 21 years, having an incomplete structural response in the 3rd year of follow-up increased the chances of recurrent or persistent response by 5.5 times, and by 32.6 times if found in the 5th year of follow-up. Conclusions Younger patients exhibited more aggressive tumor characteristics and underwent more rigorous treatment. However, treatment response and disease status in the last assessment, whether free or recurrent/persistence, were similar when comparing the age groups of 11 to 18 and 19 to 21 years. Nonetheless, responses obtained in the 3rd and 5th years post-treatment emerged as factors associated with the persistence/recurrence of the disease in the last assessment in the age group up to 21 years but not in patients diagnosed up to 18 years, a relevant distinction considering the tumor behavior in defining the pediatric age range in thyroid cancer.
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20,038 members
Marko Synésio Alves Monteiro
  • Departamento de Política Científica e Tecnológica (DPCT)
Marcelo Knobel
  • Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin" (IFGW)
Orlando Petrucci
  • Departamento de Cirurgia
Rua da Reitoria s/n, 13083-872, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Head of institution
Marcelo Knobel, PhD