University of Brasília
  • Brasília, Brazil
Recent publications
Resumo No Brasil, a soja representa 29,4% do valor bruto da produção agropecuária. Todavia, essa cultura enfrenta diversas intempéries climáticas. Nesse sentido, o seguro agrícola emerge com o propósito de mitigar esses desafios, porém sua expansão é dificultada por problemas como a seleção adversa e os riscos sistêmicos que afetam os resultados das seguradoras. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar os fatores que afetam a lucratividade das seguradoras agrícolas no estado do Paraná, no período de 2007 a 2021, por meio da regressão de dados em painel, a qual possibilita a análise de dados de várias unidades, como municípios e empresas, ao longo do tempo. Observou-se que a área segurada, a produtividade efetiva e a variável dummy indenização constituem os principais fatores determinantes da lucratividade das seguradoras tanto na modalidade de custeio como na de produtividade. Entre as empresas analisadas, apenas a Brasilseg e a Mapfre apresentaram resultados negativos, enquanto a Newe, uma empresa iniciante, teve resultados positivos. As contribuições do estudo incluem a compreensão detalhada dos fatores que afetam a lucratividade das seguradoras agrícolas e o fornecimento de informações úteis para o aprimoramento da gestão de riscos e para a formulação de políticas, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade e a competitividade do setor.
Seeds of many Amazonian floodplain forest trees are dispersed during high-water periods and spend weeks or months underwater until the flooding retreats. To assess whether prolonged seed submersion affects germination and early seedling development, an experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with seeds of Campsiandra laurifolia, Cassia leiandra, Crataeva tapia, Ilex inundata, Macrolobium acaciifolium, Nectandra amazonum, Pouteria glomerata, Psidium acutangulum, Sorocea duckei, and Vitex cymosa. They are common in this type of forest, differ in fruit type, number of seeds per fruit, fruit dimensions, and fresh mass and have fruits or seeds that can float. Seeds were collected in a Central Amazonian floodplain forest (flooded approximately 6 months year−1; water column of 5 m) and germinated in (1) irrigated soil or (2) underwater (water column of 5–7 cm) for 6 months. Seeds that germinated underwater were transferred to drained soil. Seeds of all species germinated underwater and developed seedlings when transferred to soil. However, submersion reduced the germination percentage of Psidium acutangulum, N. amazonum, P. glomerata and V. cymosa. Six species delayed germination in water. Ca. leiandra, I. inundata and P. glomerata did not differ in mean germination time in drained soil and underwater, whereas S. duckei seeds germinated faster underwater. Seed submersion negatively affected seedling growth (shoot length) of three species but did not affect seedling biomass. Timing of fruit dispersal, fruit buoyancy and high number of seeds per fruit can be critical for species with seeds that are not as able to cope with long-term submersion.
  • Djardiel da S. Gomes
    Djardiel da S. Gomes
  • Luiz A. Ribeiro
    Luiz A. Ribeiro
  • Marcelo L. Pereira
    Marcelo L. Pereira
O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a criação de regiões metropolitanas, a partir de fatores políticos, institucionais e regionais que influenciam sua difusão pós-Constituição de 1988. A partir de elementos da teoria de difusão de políticas públicas, foram analisados quatro estados: Alagoas, Paraíba, Paraná e Santa Catarina. Utilizaram-se pesquisa qualitativa a partir de observação de leis complementares estaduais, entrevistas semiestruturadas com políticos e burocratas, bem como análise cartográfica. Os resultados mostram que a criação de regiões metropolitanas nesses estados tem como elemento-chave de explicação a atuação de empreendedores políticos em busca de vantagens econômicas na disputa por recursos ou ampliação da capacidade de inserção dos municípios na relação de políticas vinculadas à condição legal de ente metropolitano, para receber financiamentos e participar de políticas governamentais específicas. Isso se deu sem atender a critérios técnicos e sem que houvesse o desenvolvimento de estruturas funcionais e de gestão adequadas como empresas metropolitanas, conselhos participativos e fundos de financiamento. Com base na análise dos casos, conclui-se que a institucionalização de regiões metropolitanas foi uma estratégia dos políticos estaduais visando recursos para os municípios, sem atenção à governança interfederativa de função pública de interesse comum entre os entes federados.
  • Alexandre Arns Gonzales
    Alexandre Arns Gonzales
  • Marisa von Bülow
    Marisa von Bülow
Introduction: This article examines the lack of transparency in how digital platform companies moderate content and user accounts, focusing on their dealings with Brazil's electoral authorities over three election cycles, from 2018 to 2023. Materials and methods: The research draws on an analysis of documents from Meta, Google, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Spotify, Kwai, and LinkedIn, alongside interviews with key actors (employees from these platforms and officials from Brazil's Electoral Justice) to categorize the companies' responses to criticisms and pressures from electoral authorities, which fluctuate between strategies of resistance and compliance. Results: Strategies of resistance and compliance often operate hand-in-hand in the contentious governance of digital platforms. Our findings show that companies offer transparency in a gradual and selective manner, without allowing genuine public scrutiny. This underscores the limits and risks of the unequal relationship between companies and electoral authorities, emphasizing the urgent need for more effective regulation of digital platforms. Discussion: Our study emphasizes the importance of further exploring the asymmetry between digital platforms and government authorities, while proposing ideas for developing regulatory frameworks that enhance accountability and transparency in how platforms moderate content and manage user accounts. Keywords electoral integrity; digital platforms; content moderation; Superior Electoral Court; elections
In this chapter, we examine the conditions under which the similarity in composition between post-electoral and pre-electoral coalitions prevails in presidential democracies with multiparty systems. We identify three key factors influencing the continuity between these coalitions: the legally mandated duration of the transition period, the legislative seat shares of pre-electoral coalition parties, and the ideological divergence within pre-electoral coalitions. Drawing on data from ten Latin American countries, our findings reveal that the longer the official transition period between election day and the inauguration of the government, the lower the continuity. Conversely, higher continuity results when pre-electoral coalition partners secure a larger share of seats after the elections and exhibit greater ideological alignment. These insights highlight the significance of pre-electoral alliances in shaping coalition government formation in presidential systems. We conclude with suggestions for future research to further explore these dynamics across different institutional settings and political contexts.
Objectives This study investigated how Brazilian young people perceive their role in promoting and supporting their peer community’s mental health and well-being, and the conditions and contexts influencing their engagement. Design Co-produced qualitative study using in-depth interviews and focus groups with adolescents. The sessions were audio-recorded, transcribed and anonymised. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Setting Data collection took place remotely across Brazil via audio or video calls conducted by a youth collaborator and a senior researcher. Participants 46 Brazilian adolescents aged between 15 and 18 years old, recruited primarily via social media. Results Our analysis generated four overarching themes: (1) young people’s sense of responsibility and motivation—many participants felt committed to promoting the mental health and well-being of their friends and community, while also critically emphasising responsibilities of and partnerships with adult stakeholders to make a meaningful difference; (2) strategies for promoting peer mental health—suggested strategies included peer-to-peer support, such as non-judgemental listening, and collective actions such as forming school groups; (3) intrapersonal barriers—key barriers to participation included a lack of necessary skills and self-efficacy; and (4) contextual barriers—young people reported feeling unheard, invalidated, and fearing judgement due to mental health stigma. Conclusion These findings support an ecological view of youth participation in the promotion of mental health as dependent on intrapersonal, interpersonal and contextual factors. Realising young people’s potential in advancing mental health in their communities requires fostering youth–adult partnerships, providing peer support training, and combating adultism and mental health stigma.
Resumo Introdução A educação é um dos campos de atuação da terapia ocupacional; no entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a realidade do Distrito Federal, Brasil, em relação à presença e às práticas de terapeutas ocupacionais no contexto escolar. Objetivo Identificar e caracterizar terapeutas ocupacionais do Distrito Federal, Brasil, que realizaram intervenções relacionadas à escola, além de conhecer os locais de atuação e as práticas desenvolvidas. Método Estudo transversal, descritivo e exploratório, de abordagem quantiqualitativa, com a participação de 40 terapeutas ocupacionais do Distrito Federal, Brasil, que responderam a um formulário online sobre informações socioeconômicas, formação acadêmica, experiência profissional e práticas no contexto escolar. Resultados A atuação dos terapeutas ocupacionais em relação ao contexto escolar ocorre, principalmente, a partir do contexto clínico, atendendo a demandas individuais. As práticas mais citadas envolvem orientações a professores e familiares, e indicação de tecnologias assistivas – práticas que contribuem para a melhoria da participação dos estudantes e da equipe na escola. Discute-se sobre a importância dessas práticas, que respondem a demandas necessárias, e o distanciamento entre os terapeutas ocupacionais e a escola, o que limita a identificação de demandas intrínsecas à diversidade desse ambiente e a articulação de práticas diretas no espaço escolar e em sua comunidade sob uma perspectiva mais ampla. Conclusão A ausência de terapeutas ocupacionais como profissionais atuantes no espaço escolar evidencia a urgência da discussão sobre a criação de tais oportunidades. Acredita-se que estudos dessa natureza podem fomentar reflexões e contribuir para o avanço das discussões sobre um campo ainda em aberto para a terapia ocupacional.
Objective To analyze the recommendations for exclusion of health technologies in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS), made by the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies in the Brazilian National Health System (CONITEC) from 2012 to 2023, and to identify the disinvestment criteria used. Methods Documentary, descriptive and retrospective analysis of CONITEC reports that assessed technology exclusion requests. Results We identified 24 reports on 74 technologies, whereby the requests predominantly involved medications (95.9%). CONITEC favorably recommended 95% of the exclusions, prioritizing the absence of registration with the National Health Surveillance Agency and the existence of therapeutic alternatives. Conclusion Low demand for exclusions compared to incorporations reveals challenges in identifying obsolescence and resistance to exclusion of technologies. The sustainability of the SUS requires greater monitoring of incorporated technologies, to optimize resources and promote the efficiency of the health system. Keywords Health Technology Assessment; Brazilian National Health System; Health Care Economics; Document Analysis
The aim of this study was to analyze tactical and technical trends in the orange (9 years) and green (10 years) stages of children's tennis competitions. This observational study used Cohen's Kappa index to verify intra-observer reliability (1.00). The results showed significant differences in the duration of points, subdivided into three moments, and in the frequency of shots between the orange and green stages, with greater duration of points and variety of shots in the green stage (p < 0.05). No differences were observed in the hitting areas of the court. It is concluded that adaptations in children's tennis should consider the dimensions of the playing space and the characteristics of the implements according to the experience of the players. Keywords: Performance analysis; Sportive formation; Children; Tactics
Gallery forests harbor mammals and sand flies that may be involved in the transmission of Leishmania spp. parasites. Characterizing the enzootic cycles of Leishmania spp. is essential for understanding its transmission dynamics. We analyzed the presence of Leishmania spp. in mammals and sand flies in gallery forests during the dry season in the Cerrado. Four gallery forests were investigated in May and September 2014. Our capture effort included 1,280 HP trap-nights, 16 Shannon trap-nights for sand flies, and 5,120 trap-nights for mammals. After identifying the mammalian and sand fly species, SSU rRNA and ITS-1 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to detect Leishmania spp. A total of 1,209 sand flies belonging to 13 species were captured, mainly Bichromomyia flaviscutellata. Leishmania spp. DNA was not detected in the analyzed sand fly females. PCR analysis of 153 mammals revealed Leishmania spp. in 20 samples (13%) in May (early dry season), when the infection rate was 31% in one gallery forest. The host species were Rhipidomys macrurus, Gracilinanus agilis, and Didelphis albiventris. We observed a low frequency of mammals infected with Leishmania spp., which was not detected in sand flies. Our results indicate that Leishmania spp. infection is higher in mammals during the early dry season in Cerrado gallery forests.
Objective To analyze the recommendations for exclusion of health technologies in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS), made by the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies in the Brazilian National Health System (CONITEC) from 2012 to 2023, and to identify the disinvestment criteria used. Methods Documentary, descriptive and retrospective analysis of CONITEC reports that assessed technology exclusion requests. Results We identified 24 reports on 74 technologies, whereby the requests predominantly involved medications (95.9%). CONITEC favorably recommended 95% of the exclusions, prioritizing the absence of registration with the National Health Surveillance Agency and the existence of therapeutic alternatives. Conclusion Low demand for exclusions compared to incorporations reveals challenges in identifying obsolescence and resistance to exclusion of technologies. The sustainability of the SUS requires greater monitoring of incorporated technologies, to optimize resources and promote the efficiency of the health system. Keywords Health Technology Assessment; Brazilian National Health System; Health Care Economics; Document Analysis
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Manuel Mateus Ventura
  • Biologia Celular/Biophysics
Wagner Fontes
  • Department of Cell Biology
Damaris Silveira
  • Department of Pharmacy
Brasília, Brazil
Head of institution
Márcia Abrahão Moura