University for Foreigners Perugia
Recent publications
From years the “postmodern” society has registered the transition of the consumer from a passive role to an active one where he is aware and informed on “prosumer” or on “value co-creator” according to the cooperative concept of the value co-creation put into a win-win logic; the transformation of the society, of the behaviour and the consumption typology have supported the development and the confirmation of particular techniques of communication and marketing which are able to strengthen the tools used for the relationship with the customer as well as the incitement occasion of the subjects that, due to the amount of information which they are involved in, can appear confused and absent-minded. This work analyses, also through the Red Bull case analysis, the potentiality and the role of the unconventional marketing – with particular references to guerrilla marketing, in supporting the communication of companies and creating incentives among the firm and the potential consumers through tools and projects that allow the collection of feedback and information on the market. With the Red Bull case study the authors want highlight the unconventional marketing role in the communication strategy and value co-creation activity. The case highlights the successes of Red Bull Company using unconventional marketing tools to deliver the value proposition toward the customers.
Purpose – The introduction and growth of the Internet and modern technology has had a strong impact on the structures of companies and led to a change in the decisional processes. In the new economic scenarios, with the growth of social networks and Web 3.0, technologies go through developments and transformations that are of vital importance to ensure the competitiveness of companies.Methodology – The study analyzes the possibility of applying social networks to the new business models, underlining their importance not only with regard to managers but also, and especially, to crowdsourcing processes.Implications – The objective of the study is to focus on the impact that web 3.0 and social networks have on management and marketing decisions, underlining certain processes in order to improve the competitive advantages of companies.
Triticale stands out as a valuable food ingredient due to its nutritional and functional attributes derived from both wheat and rye. The growing demand for agrifood diversity has resulted in increased interest in triticale for food and beverage production, and as research and development of new breeding lines continue, triticale is likely to play a more prominent role in the food industry, contributing to healthy, diversified, and sustainable food systems. In this context, triticale is suitable for beer production, which is traditionally made from barley malt, but can be produced by the addition of alternative grains. In this study, five triticale lines were tested both as unmalted, to produce an auto-saccharified wort, and as malted grain. Upon the malting process, line 7 was found to be the most effective in terms of malting performance; three beer formulations with different percentages of addition (i.e., 40, 70, and 100%) of malted selected triticale lines were produced in an experimental pilot plant and characterized for percentage of alcohol, foam stability, haze, and visual and taste profile. The beer containing 40% malted triticale was judged to be particularly interesting in terms of its stable foam, lighter color, greater attenuation, and lower turbidity than those produced from 70% or 100% malted triticale. This formulation could have potential for scale-up in industrial production and for the market.
To what extent is it possible to disclose an epistemic coloniality within a corpus of primary sources related to encounters with Otherness in the Italian colonies in Africa from the late 1880s till the eve of the First World War? This paper draws on newly rediscovered private diaries and letters related to fieldworks conducted in the African colonies with the aim of analyzing the local land systems which paved the way for settler societies. A preliminary critical analysis of the manuscripts allows an understanding of colonial taxonomies in the making, and how they depended on African intermediaries, whose knowledge informed the colonizers of social and individual disputes, as well as on the local balance of power. The manuscripts are the outcomes of extensive traveling, eyewitness accounts and evidence gathered on the location. Thus, their study contributes to deciphering the framed view of African territories, and the methods employed to manage people’s lives, providing insights into the issue of land tenure during early colonial rule.
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) retinal imaging enables in vivo visualization of the retinal microvasculature that is developmentally related to the brain and can offer insight on cerebrovascular health. We investigated retinal phenotypes and neuroimaging markers of small vessel disease (SVD) in individuals with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). We enrolled 44 participants (mean age 50.1 ± SD 9.1 years) and performed OCT-A imaging before and after continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Pre-treatment analyses using a generalized estimating equations model adjusted for relevant covariates, revealed perivascular spaces (PVS) volume in basal ganglia associated with greater foveal vessel density (fVD) (p-value < 0.001), and smaller foveal avascular zone area (p-value = 0.01), whereas PVS count in centrum semiovale associated with lower retinal vessel radius (p-value = 0.02) and higher vessel tortuosity (p-value = 0.01). A reduction in retinal vessel radius was also observed with increased OSA severity (p-value = 0.05). Post-treatment analyses showed greater CPAP usage was associated with a decrease in fVD (p-value = 0.02), and increased retinal vessel radius (p-value = 0.01). The findings demonstrate for the first time the potential use of OCT-A to monitor CPAP treatment and its possible impact on both retinal and brain vascular health.
First, the limits of not only the deductive process, but also the relation of logical consequence, which is its essence, are analysed. We then ask what distinguishes deduction from the petitio principii, in order to arrive at the theme that underlies the whole argument: the theme of truth. It is shown that only absolute truth is authentic truth, because it depends only on itself, so that the claim to determine it is a mere contradiction. The principle of non-contradiction (PNC), as far as it is determined, can therefore only be valid as a relative truth, as a principle that is merely formal, so that it cannot be confused with the ground, which can only be—undeniably—absolute and original.
Aristotle states that the deductive process cannot prove the ‘principle’, i.e., ‘truth’, because deduction takes truth as a given. The principle, called the ‘Principle of Non-Contradiction’ (PNC), can only be proved by a new kind of demonstration: elenchos. The PNC is considered as undeniable because its negation ends up negating itself. We note that the negation that is internal to the principle, because it is essential to its constitution, must be determined in order not to be the negation of nothing. However, what determines it is precisely the contradiction, so that the PNC apparently excludes the contradiction, but in fact requires it precisely in order to deny it.
This chapter summarises the results of the present investigation, from which it emerges that while formally thinking (philosophising) seems to arise because non-thinking (non-philosophising) contradicts itself, so that form fails to disentangle the positive from the negative, transcendently non-thinking always turns out to be lifted, because only thinking really is.
The true proof of the principle, according to us, does not appear in Book IV of the Metaphysics, but in the Protrepticus, where the conclusion is not bound to the presupposition, but is freed from it and is absolutely valid. The procedural aspect of proof, which is inevitable, is transcended by the transcendental aspect, which is undeniable, for the reason that formally the truth of the principle holds as the conclusion of the demonstrative process; transcendentally, on the other hand, it is by virtue of the principle that the proof itself arises. The truth that is philosophising, i.e., thinking, in fact allows us to grasp the limit of all that is other than philosophising (thinking), and allows the unconditioned condition to emerge that illuminates thinking itself, i.e., the truth that is the absolute itself.
This chapter examines compliment responses of American English learners of Italian and the effects of cultural pragmatic schemas of L1 on L2. According to cross-cultural pragmatic studies in the field of compliments comparing English and Italian (Biancolini Decuypère 2000; Frescura 1996; Samu 2020), Americans would mainly express agreement being concerned for the face of the hearer, whilst Italian speakers would look for a compromise between agreement and modesty—they would try to show appreciation for the compliment received and at the same time to appear humble. Compared to speakers of American English, Italians rarely select direct or transparent acceptation, which is the preferred answer in Anglo-American cultures. Most strategies used by Italians belong to restricted or opaque acceptance which shows a clear desire on the part of the speaker to avoid self-praise, and, at the same time, to accept the compliment. The main strategies include minimizing or shifting the compliment (for example, attributing the merit for the item complimented to external factors such as donors or family traditions) or scaling down compliments. Negating compliments is very rare in Italian and is generally expressed in a humorous or ironic way. The study applies a Discourse Completion Test based on the model offered in Sharifian (2008) to collect data from three groups: a group of Italian native speakers, a group of American English native speakers and a group of American learners of Italian. Since the learners belong to different proficiency levels, some generalizations can be drawn about the correlation between language competence and knowledge of cultural pragmatic schemas in L2. The data show that the cultural schema of pride, associated with overt emotional expression, appears with strong evidence in the answers of American learners of Italian, as opposed to compliment responses provided by Italian native speakers, characterized mainly by the pragmatic schema of modesty. Pragmatically appropriate answers appear sporadically and only in the production of advanced learners, demonstrating the necessity to focus on the development of pragmatic skills in the foreign language classroom. The chapter concludes by arguing that L2 learners should not only acquire language skills and communicative skills, but they should also develop metacultural competence to be able to communicate efficiently and negotiate their cultural conceptualizations while using a foreign language.
Against the backdrop of the polarization created by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and growing competition between the US and China, a “battle for the hearts and minds” of the Global South is taking place, with the digital realm serving as a major theater for such a battle. Based on a review of the literature, an analysis of official documents as well as data collected via expert interviews with EU officials, this study delves into the state of the art of EU digital diplomacy toward the Global South, problematizing key concepts and categories; exploring the role of actors, audiences, and messages; and providing some policy recommendations.
This study describes the development of our thinking and of the analyses that we carried out while preparing the article */'ram‑u/ n.n. ‘branch; set of branches of a tree’ as part of the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom) project. Throughout our contribution, we will focus our attention on the Romanian and Italian lexical items used to reconstruct the Proto-Romance etymon */'ram‑u/ n.n. and the other three morphologically evolved protoforms */'ram‑a/ f.n., */'ram‑ora/ and */'ram‑u/ m.n. Indeed, the Romanian and Italian cognates have an increased importance in this case since their particularities allow (or even oblige) us to assign the neuter gender to the Proto-Romance etymon. It is not by chance that the same Romanian and Italian cognates posed the greatest difficulties during the elaboration of this article, given that the debates and commentaries carried out by Romanists concerning the neuter gender continue to be rather stormy without yet reaching a consensus.
The paper describes the discovery of two late Etruscan burials at Podere Cannicci (Civitella Paganico, GR) and their significance within the broader territory of this part of Etruria.
Il contributo esamina la Raccolta d’orazioni e rime di diversi (1589) per la morte del cardinale Alessandro Farnese, miscellanea di prose e versi in tre lingue (latino, italiano e, in misura minoritaria, spagnolo) pubblicata a Roma da Francesco Coattini a ridosso delle esequie del cardinale. La prima parte del saggio analizza la struttura della Raccolta, tentando di chiarire l’organizzazione interna dei testi anche in rapporto alle fasi di allestimento e offrire una fisionomia complessiva dei partecipanti, che comprendono letterati di prestigio, come Torquato Tasso, minimi e ignoti. Nella seconda parte mi propongo di evidenziare come la silloge si offra come una replica testuale dell’apparato funerario allestito per le esequie attraverso alcune metafore architettoniche diffuse. Infine mi soffermo su alcuni temi ricorrenti e sull’elaborazione artificiosa dell’encomio e del discorso epicedico.
Il contributo analizza il manoscritto 148 della Biblioteca Oliveriana di Pesaro, che contiene testi in morte di Beatrice ed Eleonora della Rovere (1558), le giovani figlie di Vittoria Farnese. Molti poeti della corte di Urbino (o gravitanti attorno alla famiglia Farnese), tra cui Bernardo Tasso, Bernardo Cappello, Girolamo Muzio e Annibal Caro, parteciparono al compianto. In questo saggio vengono analizzati i testi contenuti nel codice, di cui è fornita un’edizione in appendice. L’ultimo testo della silloge non è intonato alla morte delle due bambine, ma testimonia le dispute letterarie che in quella stagione vivificavano la corte urbinate.
The AHLI Project, focusing on Arabic as a Home Language in Italy, explores family language policies among Arabic-speaking communities. Employing an interdisci-plinary approach and a mixed-method design, the research reveals a complex linguistic spectrum. It uncovers the dynamic interplay between language maintenance and shift, the desire to transmit Arabic, attitudes, and family choices. While highlighting the significant presence of Arabic in linguistic repertoires, disparities between practices and beliefs emerge. The findings bear theoretical and practical implications for promoting democratic plurilingual education and guiding language policy actions at both micro and macro levels.
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407 members
Francesco Asdrubali
  • Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Internazionali
Borbala Samu
  • Dipartimento di Lingua, Letteratura e Arti italiane nel mondo
Stefania Spina
  • Scienze Umane e Sociali
Perugia, Italy