Universitas Subang
  • Subang, Indonesia
Recent publications
This study uses an explanatory survey research method to explore the role of sustainable leadership in smart campus transformation at the micro level on engagement and environmental performance. The survey was conducted randomly, involving 487 academic staff and lecturers from various study programs. Data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed that leadership is an evolving resource in the digital transformation process at various higher education levels. Sustainable leadership ensures that the Health Impairment and Motivational Process run in line with the change orientation aimed at improving environmental performance. Both processes encourage academic staff and lecturers to engage in green activities. This research reinforces the concept that leadership plays a key role in improving environmental performance through engagement in sustainable activities, especially in the context of higher education. The integration between Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory and sustainability theory, which is the basis for the development of the concept of sustainable leadership, helps to understand how the role of a leader can influence the level of sustainable engagement and performance and create a healthier and more motivating work environment to achieve sustainable goals.
Sustainability has become a collective responsibility, including in higher education. However, the conceptual framework for designing strategies such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) is highly complex. Integrating CSR activities into organizational governance is relatively new in higher education. Further studies are needed to place CSR into the organizational structure functionally. The research objective is to clarify the integration of CSR to improve the person organizational fit (POF) and encourage extra‐role behavior. A causal study was conducted by surveying 487 staff and lecturers selected based on multistage random sampling in West Java and Banten region private universities, Indonesia. Analysis using structural equation model (SEM) with maximum likelihood estimation method. The finding is that internal and external CSR have different functions that support improving POF and extra‐role behavior. External CSR helps identify values and norms that form the basis of POF. Internal CSR legitimize the values demonstrated by the institution based on the benefits felt by staff and lecturers. CSR integration encourages value congruence and feedback through extra roles in higher education institutions. The research contributions are explaining the formation of extra behavior in higher education according to the views of social identity theory and norm activation theory on the formation of employee behavior, which ultimately encourages sustainability in higher education.
This research aims to determine students' responses to mathematics learning using the Reciprocal Teaching learning model. The population in this study were all class XI students of Lampang Integrated Vocational School with a sample of class XI OTKP as an experiment. The experimental class was given learning using the Reciprocal Teaching model to determine student responses to mathematics learning and mathematics questions. The instrument used in the research was a non-test in the form of a questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed after the Reciprocal Teaching lesson was carried out to find out whether students' responses in learning mathematics and filling in mathematics questions increased. The scale used in this research is the Likert scale. Based on the results of the data in this study, it shows that students' responses to mathematics learning using the Reciprocal Teaching model gave a positive response with an average score of 3.1. Students' responses to mathematics learning gave a positive response with an average score of 3.4. Students' responses to mathematics questions gave a positive response with an average score of 3.2. So it can be concluded that the Reciprocal Teaching learning model can be used as an alternative in mathematics learning that can arouse students' enthusiasm and interest.
The main purpose of the research was to investigate whether employees who develop a high-quality leader-member exchange (LMX), do they also engage in knowledge exchange activities or they hide knowledge, and do their knowledge hiding affects creativity. Data for this investigation were collected from 413 subordinates and their respective 57 supervisors working in a pharmaceutical organisation operating in Jakarta, Indonesia. The collected data was then analyzed for regression and mediated moderation with MPlus. We found that LMX may have a negative side, as those in quality exchange relationships with supervisors may hide knowledge from others, which may affect the creative potential of employees. With this research, we have shown that interpersonal mechanisms in general and LMX in particular will not always be beneficial for the exchange of knowledge and creativity of employees. We contributed to creativity research by introducing prosocial motivation and impression-management motivation as having a moderating role in knowledge hiding and creativity relationships. Our research revealed that the motivation of a focal employee overrides knowledge hiding, the underlying social exchange, knowledge hiding, and creativity relationships. The motivation of focal employees influences the social exchange patterns by affecting knowledge hiding among coworkers, thereby enhancing/ suppressing their creativity. Limitations and future research directions were also discussed.
As optical properties, the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectra of capsanthin-based red natural dye are a decisive parameter for their usage in various applications. Thus, accurately predicting the maximum UV-Vis wavelength ( λ max λmax {\lambda}_{\mathrm{max}} ) values is critical in designing dye-conjugated material. Extensive metadynamics simulations were carried out to generate capsanthin conformers at various levels of the extended tight-binding method. Benchmarking the time-dependent density-functional theory (TD-DFT) methods help understand the results of a particular functional and allows a comparison between results obtained with different functional. The long-range correction (LC) scheme in LC-TD-DFT-D4/ωB97X/def2-SVP has been found to reproduce the experimental λ max , λmax, {\lambda}_{\mathrm{max}}, and exhibited the effect of conformational changes to the calculated wavelengths. On the other hand, an inexpensive yet efficient LC-TD-DFTB method reproduced the experimental λ max λmax {\lambda}_{\mathrm{max}} insensitive to conformational changes.
One of the new renewable energy that can replace Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) is by maximizing the utilization of Biogas which modifies it to become Bio-Compressed Natural Gas or Bio-CNG on a commercial scale, especially for cooking. This study aims to answer two main objectives. The first is to find out the loyalty of LPG customers, the level of interest in Bio-CNG products to commercial sector business actors, and the second is to find out market testing that is influenced by price, product quality, and service quality on interest in buying Bio-CNG. The research was conducted from January to March 2022. The data collected in this study were primary data obtained from an Indonesian-language questionnaire survey which was distributed via the Google form link using the Ordinal scale. The sampling method (respondents) used was purposive sampling. Data is processed and analyzed using Logistic Regression Analysis. The research results obtained 100 respondents and showed that all variables had a significant influence on Horeka's interest in switching to using Bio-CNG. This research provides an overview and insight into the factors that influence the interest in buying Bio-CNG products among hospitality businesses. This research provides an overview and insight into the factors that influence the interest in buying Bio-CNG products among hospitality businesses. As consumers or in this research, hospitality business actors, they want to get good service from providers or sellers of Bio-CNG fuel products. As a provider of Bio-CNG fuel products, of course, you have to think about the quality of its service to hospitality businesses. Keywords: Bio-CNG, customer loyalty, market tests
Much empiric research had been conducted on the antecedents of employee organizational commitment. However, there is still less research that examines the effect of HR management praxis, such as performance appraisal systems, career planning systems, and employee participation on organizational commitment. In this study, I tested the impact of these three variables in explaining employee work commitments in the banking sector in West Java. Based on a survey of 98 employees in 20 private banks in West Java, this study uses regression analysis, correlation analysis, and G-test to test hypotheses. The results showed that the performance appraisal system, career planning system and employee participation significantly influence employee work commitment. This result also indicates that the level of organizational commitment of employees in the private banking sector in West Java is low. Therefore, this study suggests that for employees to be genuinely committed to their work, companies must make objective efforts in managing performance appraisals, career planning, and employee participation to ensure effective implementation and to achieve expected results. Keywords: performance appraisal system, career planning, employee participation, organisational commitment
Most students in Indonesia find it difficult to understand the concepts of mathematics correctly. This is caused by the factor of teacher who doesn’t master the learning method according to the class situation and the factor of the students who are less interested in learning mathematics. The DDCT is suitable in this case, the purpose of this study is to find out the effect of the DDCT and how much it affects the students' ability to understand concepts at SMPN 7 Ambon. This research is quantitative looking for the relationship between variables, with a pre-experimental design of the type of one-shot case study. The samples taken were students of class X-1 (experimental) and X-2 (control), each of which amounted to 15 people at SMPN 7 Ambon. Data were collected on concept understanding ability tests and questionnaires used for student responses during learning using DDCT. Data were analyzed through hypothesis testing and determinant coefficients using SPSS 22.0. The results showed that the average value of the experimental class was 88.67 and the control class was 60, so there was a difference in the average value of 28.67. From the results of the analysis obtained tcount = 0.862 ttable = 0.05, it is concluded that there is an effect of DDCT on students' understanding of mathematical concepts. The findings during the research showed that DDCT: 1) can be used to train students to more easily understand a material, and 2) deep dialogue/critical thinking emphasizes attitude and mental emotional so that students learn with fun.
This systematic literature review aims to study the thermal properties (TP) of poly(acrylic acid)-based hydrogels (PAA) by differential scanning calorimetry. The data sources were obtained from Google Scholar via Publish or Perish software from 2018 to 2020. The synthesis results show that most of the analysis of TP in PAA-based hydrogel consists of glass transition temperature ([Formula: see text]), melting temperature ([Formula: see text]), and enthalpy ([Formula: see text]). The subsequent thermal properties analysis is important for a new development and depth study in the future application.
Introduction/Main Objectives: Organizations must be responsive in an increasingly complicated and competitive business environment. Background Problems: To stay relevant, the leader's role must be maximized in cultivating and promoting the people resources they have. This is still a problem of leadership style applied in a business organization. Novelty: The transformational leadership style is the solution to a company's uneasiness in the face of a more dynamic and disruptive business environment, particularly for SMEs that are still learning how to execute the optimum leadership style.Research Methods: A quantitative technique based on variance Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Partial Least Squares (PLs) was used to acquire a better understanding of the relationship between variables. An online questionnaire was used to collect responses from SMEs employees in the food and beverage sector in Karawang Regency, Indonesia. Finding/Results: Transformational leadership has a good and significant impact on organizational commitment and work performance, according to the findings. Similarly, the commitment organizational to work performance. Organizational commitment, on the other hand, does not appear to be a significant mediating variable between transformational leadership and work performance. Conclusion: Although transformational leadership can have beneficial effects on employees like commitment and intimacy, it's important to remember that during the present Covid-19 pandemic, employees require a decent income from their work
In the digital era, teachers need to behave more positively attitude about ICT. In this study, we investigated the perception of early childhood teachers regarding the use of ICT in the online learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic through a qualitative interview. For the data collection, we interviewed 53 early childhood teachers in Indonesia. The data collected from interviews were analyzed using thematic coding techniques. The research obtained particular information on how the perception of the teachers to digital disruption during the Covid-19 pandemic within five main themes: 1) ICT benefits (8 sub-themes), 2) the importance of ICT competencies (2 sub-themes), 3) promotion of the ICT training (5 sub-themes), 4) the uses of ICT (6 sub-themes), and 5) barriers in using ICT (5 sub-themes). The results indicated that ICT training that supports ICT use among early childhood teachers needs to be promoted more. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on the use of ICT in the early childhood teaching process. In addition, this study also increases the empirical study findings that are useful for reporting the online learning practice in early childhood education.
We investigated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) sensing on NH2-functionalized carbon dots (Cdots) for three different -NH2 positions, and the N atom was found to be the active site using a quantum computational approach. B3LYP and 6-31G(d,p) were used for density functional theory (DFT) ground state calculations, whereas CAM-B3LYP and the same basis set were used in time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) excited state calculations. Structural optimization showed that the H2O2 is chemisorbed on 1-sim via a C-N⋯H hydrogen bond interaction with an adsorption energy of -10.61 kcal mol-1. Mulliken atomic charge distributions and electrostatic potential (ESP) analysis were both used to determine reactivity of the molecules at the atomic level. For in-depth analysis of the ground states, we utilized Frontier molecular orbital (FMO) theory, quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM), and non-covalent interaction (NCI) index analysis. In addition, we also present UV-vis absorption spectra and charge transfer lengths to understand the mechanism of H2O2 sensing in excited states. Based on the molecular and electronic properties of the NH2-Cdots, it was shown that 1-sim is a potential candidate for use as an electrochemical sensor for H2O2 sensing. Whereas 3-sim is believed to be a potential candidate for use as an optical sensor of H2O2 based on the UV-vis characteristics via photoinduced charge transfer.
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52 members
Nita Delima
  • Pendidikan Matematika
Ari Wibowo
  • fakultas teknik
Kasda Kasda
  • mechanical engineering
Muhammad Anjar Nugraha
  • English Education Study Program
Subang, Indonesia