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Adjuvant hormone therapy can affect the quality of life of postmenopausal breast cancer patients with the estrogen receptor (ER+). This study aimed to measure the outcomes of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in postmenopausal women with ER+ breast cancer receiving non-steroidal aromatase inhibitors (NSAI), steroidal aromatase inhibitors (SAI), and hormone change therapy (Switch). This cross-sectional study was conducted by interviewing women with postmenopausal ER+ breast cancer. The EQ-5D-5L instrument was used to measure and compare utility scores among patients who received NSAI, SAI, and switch therapy. As a result, the average utility score EQ-5D-5L for NSAI is 0.864 (SD = 0.117), significantly different (p = 0.025) from SAI 0.777 (SD = 0.211) and switch 0.776 (SD = 0.071). The conclusion is that NSAI, SAI, and Switch significantly affected HRQoL in postmenopausal breast cancer patients with ER+. NSAI has a better quality of life compared to SAI and Switch.
Fruit peels such as Banana, Orange, and Pineapple can be used to produce eco-enzymes producing diverse chemical compounds. Eco-enzymes are derived from the organic fermentation process of the specified ingredients. The objective of this study was to characterize the organic compounds present in Eco-enzymes derived from various raw materials. The research phase involved the extraction of eco-friendly Eco-enzymes from different raw materials and the identification of the chemical compounds in them. The results of this study are expected to contribute to organic waste management, highlighting the importance of utilizing waste as an economically and environmentally viable resource and strategic steps in a more sustainable waste management. Data analysis of the Eco-enzyme extraction results was carried out using high-liquid chromatography (HPLC) to ascertain the levels of organic chemical compounds produced. The findings revealed eight organic compounds categorized into organic acids (acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, oxalic acid) Acetic acid compound in pineapple fermentation 1.83 (g/L). Citric acid compound in banana peel fermentation 3.39 (g/L). Lactic acid compounds in orange fermentation 4.89 (g/L). The highest oxalic acid compound was identified in orange fermentation with a content of 0.1764 (g/L).
Kuningan is a beautiful mountainous area and a tourist destination from various regions in Indonesia and abroad. One of the managers of tourist attractions in Kuningan Regency is the Regional Company of Various Businesses (PDAU). However, the number of visitors from time to time has decreased. This research was conducted to determine people's interest in visiting tourist attractions managed by PDAU. The number of respondents used in this study was 150 people. This research is descriptive quantitative using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) operated through the AMOS program. The results of direct influence research that advertising and innovation partially and significantly affect competitive advantage. Advertising, innovation and competitive advantage partially and significantly affect visiting interest. Indirect testing that advertising on visiting interest through competitive advantage variables has an effect. Innovation on visiting interest through competitive advantage variables has an effect. The implication of this research is as a reference and input so that PDAU conducts promotions through regular advertising and collaborates with related parties and makes updates/ innovations to tourist attraction facilities according to the needs of the community so that they become superior to other tourist attractions so as to increase visiting interest.
C. sintoc is a plant that has a high essential oil content. Essential oils have many health benefits. Mount Ciremai National Park is an area that has abundant vegetation, especially C. sintoc. The purpose of this study was to predict the volume of oil contained in the leaves of C. sintoc based on its growing location in Mount Ciremai National Park (TNGC), West Java. Sampling was carried out in two stages, namely field samples and laboratory samples. Field samples with a single plot measuring 20 x 20 meters. Extraction of laboratory samples by steam distillation method. Data analysis using ANFIS method to predict the volume of essential oil. The results showed that the volume of essential oil in the leaves was largest on the western slope (1,96 ml), northern slope (2,01 ml), eastern slope (1,55 ml) and southern slope (1,37 ml) while the essential oil yield of extract oil in the leaves is found on the western slope (0,08%), northern slope (0,07 %), eastern slope (0,06 %) and southern slope (0,04), On the western slope (1,82 ml), northern slope (1,73 ml). The ANFIS analysis results showed a prediction accuracy of 90,99% with the highest tree productivity when C. sintoc BL grows at an altitude of 650-700 meters above sea level, tree diameter of 42 cm, height of 12 m, growing on sand-textured land and at a humidity of 75 and at a growing temperature range of 25-270C. The value of essential oil production volume is influenced by each variable such as tree diameter, tree height, soil texture, altitude, temperature and humidity.
The rapid growth of computer technology has led to the invention of digital assets containing financial values like cryptocurrency and e-wallets, consequently increasing individuals’ digital asset ownership. However, many people do not realise the importance of estate planning for their digital assets. In the case of sudden death, unavailable estate planning would cause the digital assets to vanish due to unavailable access to the digital assets’ credentials. Therefore, digital asset owners must have proper estate planning to allow smooth inheritance of their digital assets before an individual’s death, ensuring that their family is being taken care of. Besides, digital estate planning is also crucial to preventing cybercrimes such as identity theft and fraud. Hence, this paper bridges the gap by developing an estate planning software model to sustain digital assets containing economic values. The software model was developed by gathering the requirements for digital asset estate planning and visualising it in a prototype. Then, an evaluation was conducted on the prototype that visualised the proposed model. The results suggested that it is usable and facilitates digital asset estate planning. The significant contribution of this research is that the prototype enhances the security of one’s digital assets by giving access to a trusted person. It is also simple and cost-effective for digital asset owners by providing independent services for estate planning.
Cinnamomum sintoc is a plant renowned for its production of high-quality essential oils. This study assessed the essential oil content in C. sintoc based on its morphological characteristics, environmental conditions, and soil nutrient composition. A mixed-methods approach was employed, with observational data collected from the Mount Ciremai National Park and analytical data obtained from soil laboratory tests. To analyze the data, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), specifically ANFIS and MICMAC, were utilized for tasks such as pattern recognition, classification, and prediction. The results indicated that both environmental conditions and C. sintoc morphology have a direct influence on essential oil content, with soil nutrients identified as the most significant factor. The ANFIS analysis, with a prediction accuracy of 96%, identified the optimal nutrient levels for essential oil production: C/N ratio greater than 9, Mg at 0.5, C-organic above 6, N-total at 0.7, K at 0.6, P2O5 between 5 and 9, Ca below 5, and soil pH at 5.5. These findings suggest that the guidelines developed through ANFIS can be further refined into practical rules for optimizing the utilization of C. sintoc plants, potentially improving efficiency in essential oil production.
ABSTRAKTumbuhan air merupakan bagian penting dari ekosistem perairan yang terbentuk dari adapatasi morfologi dan fisiologi sehingga tercipta pola hidup yang muncul di permukaan air, terendam dan mengapung bebas. Selain berfungsi secara ekologis organisme ini mampu menjadi fitoremediator untuk menjaga kualitas perairan. Tujuan khusus dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisasi tumbuhan air yang berpotensi sebagai fitoremediator di Waduk Darma Kuningan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dipergunakan untuk pengelolaan waduk yang berkelanjutan, sehingga pemanfaatan waduk dapat sesuai dengan fungsinya. Penelitian ini juga terkait dengan komitmen United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) terhadap keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup secara komprehensif. Tumbuhan air yang dimanfaatakan sebagai fitoremediator harus memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang tinggi, investasi bniomassa yang besar dan mampu beradaftasi dengan kondisi lingkungan yang esktrim. Eceng gondok (Eichhornia crasspes) merupakan tumbuhan air yang paling tepat dipergunakan sebagai fitoremediator di perairan Waduk Darma.Kata kunci: tumbuhan air, invasif, fitoremedias, waduk
This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the adoption of Cloud Accounting for SMEs. The sample size in this research is 276 respondents. The research method used is quantitative, where hypotheses are tested, and data is analyzedanalyzed using Smart PLS 3.00. The results of the study indicate that Complexity, Security, Top Management Support, Adequate Resources, Competitive Pressure, Pressure from Trading Partners, Coercive Pressure, Government Support, and Provider Support significantly influence the adoption of cloud accounting. On the other hand, Compatibility, Relative Advantage, and IT Competence do not significantly affect the adoption of cloud accounting.
Bullish and bearish phenomena characterize the development of the capital market. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and analyze bullish and bearish conditions in the Indonesian capital market to formulate an optimal portfolio. The sample consisted of 20 selected companies based on their substantial market capitali- zation. The results showed that from January 2011 to December 2020, the capital market experienced 77 bullish and 43 bearish months. The transition probability from bullish to bearish and bearish to bullish state was 15.67% and 56.14%. Furthermore, employing the Markov-switching model for determining market conditions and using the Black-Litterman model for portfolio construction proved advantageous for investors' financial forecasting techniques and their potential to generate valuable insights to create a well-informed portfolio.
This study investigates the several roles of kiais (leaders) in pesantren, such as the Kiais’ behaviors in instilling anti-corruption teachings, Kiais’ words containing anti-corruption messages, and Kiais’ policies in supporting anti-corruption programs in IBS. This research was a qualitative method that examined Kiai“s leadership to shape anti-corruption values in pesantren with a phenomenological approach. The research participants were 12 Kiais as subjects in Bendakerep pesantren. Data collection methods included interviews, observation by delivering questionnaires to 15 students, and documentation by using descriptive analysis. The results indicated that Kiais” behavior in inculcating anti-corruption teaching builds change and confidence in their students, motivates them, and helps to ensure social trust. Kiais’ words and policy relate to anti-corruption values and mentality at the individual, family, and societal levels. Where the discussion is that all Kiais inspire their followers and prohibit acts of corruption, but only the Bendakerep Kiai is an anti-corruption figure who sets an example with altruistic works, namely not involved in politics, even Islamic mass organizations and refusing outside funding but remains obedient to government provisions under Islamic law. This research outcome contributes to the best practice and current knowledge of altruistic works leadership, religion, and anti-corruption behaviors in pesantren.
The development of the Indonesian Islamic capital market cannot be separated from the bullish and bearish phenomena. Bullish and bearish conditions need special attention because they will affect investors’ decisions in buying, holding, or selling shares. This study aims to identify bullish and bearish conditions in the Indonesian Islamic capital market based on ISSI and JII data from January 2012 to December 2022. This study uses a quantitative approach with the Markov-Switching model technique. The result shows that in bullish conditions, ISSI can provide a return of 1.21% with a risk of 0.02%, while in bearish conditions ISSI can provide a return of -1.49% with a risk of 0.12%. Identification results on the ISSI data show that there were 101 bullish months with an expected duration of 9.5 months and 31 bearish months with an expected duration of 4.02 months. In addition, in bullish conditions, JII is able to provide a return of 0.17% with a risk of 0.02%, while in bearish conditions, JII can provide a return of -1.65% with a risk of 0.13%. Identification results on the JII data show that there were 90 bullish months with an expected duration of 5.93 months and 42 bearish months with an expected duration of 3.98 months.
Abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Perkembangan pasar modal syariah Indonesia tidak terlepas dari fenomena bullish dan bearish. Kondisi bullish dan bearish perlu mendapat perhatian khusus karena dapat mempengaruhi keputusan investor dalam pembelian, penahanan, atau penjualan saham. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi bullish dan bearish di pasar modal syariah Indonesia berdasarkan data ISSI dan JII periode Januari 2012 hingga Desember 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan Markov-Switching Model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi bullish ISSI dapat memberikan tingkat pengembalian 1,21% dengan risiko 0,02%, sedangkan pada kondisi bearish ISSI dapat memberikan tingkat pengembalian -1,49% dengan risiko 0,12%. Pada data ISSI ditemukan 101 bulan bullish dengan rata-rata durasi 9,5 bulan dan 31 bulan bearish dengan rata-rata durasi 4,02 bulan. Selain itu pada kondisi bullish JII mampu memberikan tingkat pengembalian 0,17% dengan risiko 0,02%, sedangkan pada kondisi bearish, JII mampu memberikan tingkat pengembalian -1,65% dengan risiko 0,13%. Pada data JII ditemukan 90 bulan bullish dengan rata-rata durasi 5,93 bulan dan 42 bulan bearish dengan rata-rata durasi 3,98 bulan.
div> Indonesia has enacted a number of regulations dealing with issues of mining governance, and governance. However, the issuance of these various laws and regulations has resulted in illegal mining crimes resulting in environmental damage. The purpose of this study is to analyze sustainable mining governance policies in Indonesia, Africa and Germany. This research method uses a doctrinal legal approach. Resources have been compiled through an examination of mineral and coal mining laws and regulations, governance and environmental governance regulations, as well as reports from various authorities on the same subject. The results of this study show how Indonesia's previous mining law policies recognized local governments as the authority for licensing and monitoring mining activities. This policy was revoked based on the latest governance regulations and had an impact on the vacancy in monitoring mining activities at the district/city level, as a result of this vacancy there was environmental damage due to illegal mining and bad mining activities so that it was necessary to strengthen government policies in monitoring mineral and coal mining. Mining governance policies in Indonesia, Africa and Germany are currently starting to lead to environmental sustainability.
This review examines the potential of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) to enhance students' life skills in the field of biology, and analyzes the challenges that may hinder its implementation. Using a Systematic Literature Network Analysis (SLNA), which combines Bibliometrics Analysis (BA) and Systematic Literature Review (SLR), this study analyzed articles from SCOPUS that met specific criteria. The findings reveal that PjBL is associated with e-learning and blended learning, and that the majority of articles on PjBL were published in 2020, particularly in the Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. Additionally, this SLNA highlights the contributions of these articles to the developing of various life skills in biology learning. By identifying key trends and insights from existing literature, this study sheds light on the potential of PjBL to enhance students' biology education and their ability to apply it in their daily lives.
Being helpless, unwelcome, and lacking a sense of freedom are the three characteristics of poverty. A country that is said to be prosperous can be seen from high economic growth. Economic growth influences reducing the problem of poverty. The lower the level of poverty will cause various kinds of socio-economic problems in a country. This study aims to find the direct and indirect effect of the independent variables, namely the effect of the General Allocation Fund (DAU), Regional Original Income (PAD), and Special Allocation Fund (DAK) on Poverty through Economic Growth. The research is a quantitative study using the regression analysis method by combining cross-section and time series data using Eviews 9.0 Software. This study took the object of research in 29 regencies in West Java Province for the period 2016 - 2020. Panel data source from the provincial annual report, Director General of Balance, Ministry of Finance, West Java BPS. The results of the study show that general allocation funds have a significant effect on economic growth. Special allocation funds have a significant effect on economic growth. However, local revenue does not have a significant effect on economic growth. This study contributes that the economic improvement plays an important role in reducing poverty.
Walls, as components of the lateral-force-resisting system of a building, are defined as shear walls. This study aims to determine the behavior of shear wall panel cross-laminated-timber-based mangium wood (Acacia mangium Willd) (CLT-mangium) in earthquake-resistant prefabricated houses. The earthquake performance of CLT mangium frame shear walls panels has been studied using monotonic tests. The shear walls were constructed using CLT-mangium measuring 2400 mm × 1200 mm × 68 mm with various design patterns (straight sheathing, diagonal sheathing/45°, windowed shear wall with diagonal pattern and a door shear wall with a diagonal pattern). Shear wall testing was carried out using a racking test, and seismic force calculations were obtained using static equivalent earthquake analysis. CLT-mangium sheathing installed horizontally (straight sheathing) is relatively weak compared to the diagonal sheathing, but it is easier and more flexible to manufacture. The diagonal sheathing type is stronger and stiffer because it has triangulation properties, such as truss properties, but is more complicated to manufacture (less flexible). The type A design is suitable for low-intensity zones (2), and types B, D, E1 and E2 are suitable for moderate-intensity zones (3, 4), and type C is suitable for severe-intensity zones (5).
The students' explaining skill is interrelated with their conceptual understanding. This study aimed to determine the effect of the implementation of the student facilitator and explaining model assisted by the media game on the students' explaining skills related to environmental pollution. This quasi-experimental research was using a pre-test post-test control group design. The population was 120 seventh graders of state junior high schools in West Java, Indonesia. The simple random sampling technique has resulted in two groups (control and experiment) samples, consisting of 32 students for each group. The data were analyzed using the paired sample t-test. This study found that the student facilitator and explaining model assisted by the media game can significantly improve students' explaining skills (p-value 0.001 < 0.05). The students in the experimental group had a better understanding of the concept of environmental pollution. This study concludes that the student facilitator and explaining model assisted by the media games can improve students' explaining skills and understanding of environmental pollution.
The aim of the study is to examine the influence of altruistic values, egoistic values, and perceived consumer effectiveness on eco-friendly purchase intention, with moderating effect of subjective norms and ecological consciousness using the stimulus organism response paradigm. The primary data were collected from 491 Indonesian customers using snowball sampling, and the data were analyzed using a structural equation model. The results revealed that altruistic, egoistic, and perceived consumer effectiveness had a significant impact on consumer attitude and perceived behaviour control. Similarly, customer attitude and perceived behaviour control influenced eco-friendly purchase intention. Subjective norms showed positive moderation between attitude, perceived behaviour control, and purchase intention; similarly, eco-friendly consciousness had a positive connection between attitude and purchase intention but not between perceived behaviour control and purchase intention. The study’s results will help green marketers devise new strategies for attracting and increasing sales volume in Indonesia’s growing markets.
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Kuningan, Indonesia