Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Recent publications
Resumo Apenas na última década, a obra do engenheiro Uruguaio Eladio Dieste (1917-2000) vem ganhando disseminação acadêmica internacional, sendo que uma de suas principais contribuições para a concepção formal-estrutural na arquitetura e engenharia civil foi o desenvolvimento iterativo da tipologia estrutural das abóbadas gaussianas, cascas de dupla-curvatura estruturadas em cerâmica armada. Entretanto, não há registros de uma definição estabelecida para a geometria arquitetônica destas tipologias estruturais. Tampouco existem evidências concretas acerca da concepção e desenvolvimento projetual destas estruturas. Por conseguinte, o objetivo deste artigo é evidenciar as relações geométricas subjacentes nas abóbadas guassianas descontínuas projetadas e construídas por Eladio Dieste em cerâmica armada, a variação dominante desta tipologia estrutural. Esta análise foi conduzida através da modelagem paramétrica e da regressão polinomial de estudos de caso selecionados a partir de fontes primárias originais, justamente por estas ferramentas computacionais permitirem o correto manejo de geometrias tidas como formalmente complexas. A contribuição esperada para esta pesquisa reside em aprofundar o entendimento entre a relação do processo de projeto e a geometria resultante no objeto de estudo, assim como o entendimento da conformação geométrica desta tipologia estrutural desenvolvida por Eladio Dieste.
Resumo O presente artigo pretende discutir o impacto da desinstitucionalização sobre a pretensão de monopólio da violência legítima, física e simbólica, por parte do Estado. Assim, em primeiro lugar, partindo de uma concisa abordagem dos conceitos de campo, de capital e de habitus, apresenta, sem pretensão a um distanciamento crítico (que seria incompatível com as suas dimensões e propósitos), os aspectos gerais da reflexão de Pierre Bourdieu acerca do Estado. Em seguida, examina a tese proposta pelo autor acerca do Estado como instituição responsável pela (re)produção e canonização das formas de classificação social. Após esse exame, enfoca aspectos fundamentais da análise empreendida por François Dubet e Danilo Martuccelli acerca do processo de desinstitucionalização para, a partir dela, indicar alguns dos seus efeitos sobre o Estado.
This article aims to discuss the impact of deinstitutionalization on the state's claim to a monopoly of legitimate physical and symbolic violence. Thus, in the first place, starting with a concise approach to the concepts of field, capital, and habitus, it presents, without pretension to a critical distancing (which would be incompatible with its dimensions and purposes), the general aspects of Pierre Bourdieu's reflection about the State. For this purpose, it then examines the thesis proposed by the author about the State as an institution responsible for the (re)production and canonization of forms of social classification. After this examination, it focuses on fundamental aspects of the analysis undertaken by François Dubet and Danilo Martuccelli about the process of deinstitutionalization to indicate some of its effects on the State.
Objective To evaluate the pattern of eye-gaze of preterm (PT), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and neurotypical (Ty) children. Methods A cross-sectional study with eight preterm (born with ≤2000 g weight), nine ASD and five Ty male children, between six and nine years old, was performed. The eye gaze was evaluated presenting a board with a couple in social interaction, and a video with four children playing with blocks, projected in a screen computer, successively, evaluating the time that the children looked at each stimulus. Results Although all the groups focus on the central social figure with no significant differences, ASD presented significant differences in time fixation of the objects (p=0.021), while premature children fixated more time in the central social interaction than in the whole scene than typical children. Conclusions Although this study found noteworthy differences in the eye-gaze patterns among the three groups, additional research with a more extensive participant pool is necessary to validate these preliminary results. Keywords: Autism; Autism spectrum disorder; Eye-tracking technology; Infant, premature; Social visual engagement
Resumo Com a publicação da Resolução CNE/CES nº 7 de 2018, que trata da curricularização da extensão, houve mobilização das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) para o atendimento das diretrizes estabelecidas no referido documento. Diante deste cenário, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar algumas possibilidades de indicadores que podem ser utilizados como referência por docentes dos cursos de Administração e Contabilidade nas IES em suas ações extensionistas. Além da implantação da curricularização da extensão, reflete-se também sobre a avaliação de tais ações. Em termos metodológicos, assumiu-se abordagem qualitativa, em pesquisa de caráter documental, com base nos seguintes documentos: Resolução CNE/CES nº 7 de 2018, Política Nacional de Extensão do Fórum de Pró-Reitores de Extensão das Instituições Públicas de Educação Superior Brasileiras e o edital da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Os resultados descritos dialogam com a literatura atual sobre o tema e avançam para maior compreensão sobre os processos de avaliação da extensão, em especial para professores e coordenadores de cursos de Administração e Contabilidade, no sentido de possibilitar a sistematização das ações de extensão, bem como permitir que o estudante seja protagonista nas atividades de extensão.
With the publication of Resolution CNE/CES nº 7 of 2018, which deals with the curricularization of extension, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) were mobilized to comply with the guidelines established in that document. Given this scenario, this article aims to present some possibilities of indicators that can be used as a reference by professors of Administration and Accounting courses at HEIs in their extension actions. In addition to the implementation of the extension curricularization, it is also reflected on the evaluation of such actions. In methodological terms, a qualitative approach was taken, in a documentary research, based on the following documents: Resolution CNE/CES nº 7 of 2018, National Extension Policy of the Forum of Pro-Rectors for Extension of Public Institutions of Higher Education in Brasil and the announcement of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). The results described dialogue with the current literature on the subject and advance towards a better understanding of the extension evaluation processes, especially for professors and coordinators of Administration and Accounting courses, in order to enable the systematization of extension actions, as well as allow the student to be the protagonist in the extension activities.
The aging of the world population intensifies discussions about the inadequacy of cities to meet the needs of older people. Free public transport is not enough to provide greater inclusion for this age group. This article aims to present reflections on the effectiveness of free public transport for the inclusion of older people in the city of São Paulo. Qualitative, exploratory research and a documentary survey were carried out. As a result, complementary items are suggested for the implementation of free public transport for older people, relating to public policies, infrastructure, transport systems, education, and incorporation of technologies. It is concluded that these suggestions contribute to the proposition of aspects to be addressed in future studies and the new Legal Framework for Collective Public Transport, aiming at more inclusive cities.
Resumo O envelhecimento da população mundial acirra as discussões sobre a inadequação das cidades às suas necessidades. A gratuidade no transporte público não basta para proporcionar maior inclusão da pessoa idosa. Este artigo visa apresentar reflexões acerca da efetividade do transporte público gratuito para a inclusão de pessoas idosas na cidade de São Paulo. Realizaram-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, e um levantamento documental. Como resultado, sugerem-se itens complementares à implementação da gratuidade no transporte público para pessoas idosas, relativos a políticas públicas, infraestrutura, sistemas de transporte, educação e incorporação de tecnologias. Conclui-se que essas sugestões contribuem para a proposição de aspectos a serem endereçados em estudos futuros e no novo Marco Legal do Transporte Público Coletivo, visando a cidades mais inclusivas.
Small and medium-sized companies play a very important role in the Brazilian productive sector, covering around 98% of the total number of companies, being responsible for the advancement of the economy and the employability of the urban population. However, Brazilian small and medium-sized companies have little support to survive and develop and are still unaware of the digital transformation promoted by industry 4.0, which often leaves them at a competitive disadvantage. This article systematically maps the literature regarding the adoption of Industry 4.0 practices by small and medium-sized companies. The article analyzes journals, identifies and evaluates studies on Industry 4.0. The research was carried out in some stages, starting with the definition of the research question, bibliographic research, selection of studies and data extraction, analysis and synthesis of results. Finally, procedures are indicated to guide the transformation process of these companies through technological solutions, employee training, integrated management systems and skills development. The study resulted in the selection of nineteen articles, which indicate that, when it comes to Industry 4.0 studies and best practice reports, there is still a lack of relevant publications in the white literature and even in the gray literature.
The world is currently experiencing a significant demographic shift with a rapidly growing older population. This rise indicates a potential use of technological products that need to adapt to the characteristics of this population. Thus, this work focuses on understanding the interaction between the elderly and digital games based on UX (User Experience) strategies, considering, cognitive and motor limitations. In this article, a UX assessment was carried out to verify whether the three games selected by the research authors meet the needs of the target audience’s limitations during their interaction. Tests were conducted with elderly individuals aged between 67 and 82 years old. From the applied tests, it was noticed that the users’ feelings in relation to the analysed games were positive, even with difficulties throughout the game process, such as reports of effort, feeling of pressure, difficulty in managing time and pressing the necessary buttons and the frustration with the result of a portion of users.
In the literature on genome rearrangement, several approaches use different structures to improve the results of genome rearrangement problems. In particular, graphs are structures widely used for the purpose of representing information retrieved from genomes. The breakpoint graph is a useful tool in this area because it allows representing in the same structure the gene orders of two genomes being compared. The maximum cycle decomposition of this graph brings immediate gain for deriving lower bounds for various genome rearrangement problems. This paper introduces a generalization of the Maximum Alternating Cycle Decomposition problem (MAX-ACD), called the Maximum Alternating Balanced Cycle Decomposition problem (MAX-ABCD). The MAX-ACD problem is closely related to the Sorting by Reversals problem and is a relevant topic of investigation in mathematics. The MAX-ABCD problem has applications in the Sorting by Intergenic Reversals problem, which is a problem that takes into account both the gene order and the information present in the intergenic regions. We present an algorithm with a constant approximation factor for the MAX-ABCD problem. Furthermore, we design an improved algorithm for the Sorting by Intergenic Operations of Reversal and Indel problem that guarantees an approximation factor of \(\frac{3}{2}\) considering a scenario where the orientation of the genes is known. For the scenario where the orientation of the genes is unknown and based on an algorithm for the MAX-ABCD problem, we develop approximation algorithms for the Sorting by Intergenic Reversals and Sorting by Intergenic Operations of Reversal and Indel problems with an approximation factor of 2k, where \(k=\frac{31}{21}+\epsilon \).
The chapter addresses the neuropsychological assessment of children and how it can offer fundamental subsidies to guide the intervention. The neuropsychological assessment enables understanding a cognitive profile and collaborates in identifying neurodevelopmental disorders, learning, and behavioral difficulties. In childhood, school and family are the main sources of referrals, providing information about academic and behavioral problems. Understanding child development and the impact of neurological injuries at different stages of development is fundamental to the professionals working in this area. In the process, different types of measures are used, such as neuropsychological tests, functional measures such as standardized scales and inventories, as well as interviews with parents and teachers and direct observation, which are important sources of complementary information. In this sense, the evaluation requires a global analysis that considers clinical observations, individual history, and sociocultural context. The integration of all the information collected is essential to draw a comprehensive neuropsychological profile, guide the neuropsychological intervention process, and support the follow-up of the results obtained. The chapter provides a clinical anamnesis interview for children.
The goal of this article is to examine and develop problem-posing case study teaching methods to promote business students’ reflections on their premises around sustainability practices. Literature on transformative learning in sustainability informed our hypothesis that problem-posing instead of problem-solving case study teaching would yield greater incidences of students’ premise reflections at the deepest level. For our quasi-experimental design, undergraduate students at a business school were presented with a teaching case of corporate sustainability then half were given problem-solving prompts for critical reflection while the other half were given problem-posing prompts. Resultant responses were classified to expose differences in the nature and levels of reflection between these two groups. This pedagogical research indicated that the problem-posing group reached deeper levels of reflections, though further research is needed to better understand this phenomenon. We advocate for the utility of a problem-posing approach in sustainability education. This study contributes a problem-posing protocol for business schools, curricula, and professors, as well as suggestions for further research for theoretical understanding of problem posing for transformative learning in sustainability.
This paper presents an analysis of the song “Pelas Tabelas”, by Chico Buarque, and explores its main allusion: the Biblical figure of John the Baptist as a symbol of resistance to tyranny, violence, and irrationality. Buarque uses poetry, irony, and references to Brazilian culture in order to create a story of love and alienation with pathetic intensity. The paper contextualizes the song in the context of Buarque’s musical oeuvre and in that particular political moment in Brazilian history - the 1980s - in which a great movement for the reestablishment of democracy was on its way: the movement called Diretas Já. This analysis proposes a dialogue with the fields of cultural studies, theology, and literature. It shows that Buarque’s song is imbued with the poetic, the prophetic, and the pathetic.
One of the challenges in the Comparative Genomics field is to infer how close two organisms are based on the similarities and differences between their genetic materials. Recent advances in DNA sequencing have made complete genomes increasingly available. That said, several new algorithms trying to infer the distance between two organisms based on genome rearrangements have been proposed in the literature. However, given the diversity of approaches, the diversity of genome rearrangement events, or even how each work models the genomes and what assumptions are made by each of them, finding the ideal algorithm for each situation or simply knowing the range of applicable approaches can be challenging. In this work, we review these approaches having the algorithmic and combinatorial advances since 2010 as our main focus. This survey aims to organize the recently published papers using a concise notation and to indicate the gaps filled by each of them in the literature. This makes it easier to understand what still needs to be done and what has room for enhancement.
The state military police of the Brazilian state of São Paulo (PMESP) has the lowest number of police officers in the institution since the 1990s, compared to itself, with a vast number of unpaid leave and resignation requests. Low salaries appear to be a reason, but the police say that this is not the only factor to be rectified; lack of recognition and difficulties in overcoming trauma are also frequently mentioned. This picture refers to a situation that can be understood as low motivation, loss of meaning, and psychological suffering. This study aimed to understand whether there is a general loss of meaning at work in PMESP, together with well-being and psychological suffering. Using structural equation modeling, the study sought to understand the factors that give meaning to the work of these professionals and their consequences for well-being and psychological distress at work. Social usefulness and learning and development opportunities showed a meaningful relationship with meaning of work, with learning and development opportunities being the most important for the surveyed military police officers. Regarding the consequent constructs of meaning of work, significant relationships between psychological well-being at work and psychological suffering were verified. The study indicates that when meaning is constructed (via social utility and learning), there is an increase in psychological well-being, as well as a decrease in the effect of psychological suffering. Note: due to copyright, the version presented is the one that can be disseminated, hence the existence of some yellow markings.
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3,435 members
Pedro Raffy Vartanian
  • Mestrado Profissional em Economia e Mercados
Paulo Simões
  • Escola de Engenharia (EE)
Mariana Amorim Fraga
  • Escola de Engenharia (EE)
Paulo Boggio
  • Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (CCBS)
Rua da Consolação, 930 - Consolação, 01302-907, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Head of institution
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedito Guimarães Aguiar Neto