Universidad Técnica de Ambato
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Background High blood pressure is a prevalent condition in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. Adequate control of high blood pressure is essential to reducing deaths in this group. The present study aimed to observe mortality prospectively in a group of patients in hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration programs in whom the use of antihypertensives was optimized with the point-of-care dry weight (POC-DW) technique. Methods The present observational, prospective study was carried out at the Pafram hemodiafiltration unit in Morona Santiago, Ecuador, and the hemodialysis unit of the Fundación Renal del Ecuador in Guayaquil, Ecuador, from August 2019 to December 2023. Patients who were receiving hemodiafiltration were included. Weight was optimized with POC-DW for eight weeks. In Group 1, patients whose use of antihypertensive drugs was not required to control systolic blood pressure with a value less than 150 mmHg predialysis, less than 130 mmHg postdialysis, and a peridialytic blood pressure (defined as post-HD minus pre-HD SBP) between 0 and − 20 mmHg were analyzed. In Group 2, patients who required antihypertensive drugs for not meeting the aims of systolic blood pressure were included. The variables included clinical, demographic, mortality, description of the treatment, and routine laboratory tests in dialysis programs. The sample was nonprobabilistic. Survival analysis was performed for the study groups. The log-rank test (Mantel-Cox) was used for survival comparisons. Results The study included 106 patients. Optimal blood pressure control without antihypertensive treatment was achieved in 52 patients (49.1%) (Group 1). In 54 patients (50.9%), antihypertensive agents were required (Group 2). There was more significant mortality in the group that received antihypertensives: 11 patients in group 1 (21.2%) versus 25 patients in group 2 (46.3%) (P = 0.005). Survival was more significant in group 1, with an HR of 2.2163 (1.125–4.158) (P = 0.0243). Conclusion In hemodiafiltration and hemodialysis programs, blood pressure control with active ultrafiltration measures and without using antihypertensives is essential for survival in patients with CKD.
In recent years, cutting-edge preparation has emerged as a topic of great relevance in the manufacturing industry, given its influential role in the performance of cutting tools. This article details the use of the brushing-polishing BP method of cutting-edge preparation on tungsten carbide tools for the broaching process. The innovation of this approach lies in the use of stiff ceramic bristle brushes, which exhibit exceptional impact resistance, a crucial requirement for brushing and polishing operations. The main process parameters are addressed and analysed, together with their influence on aspects such as cutting-edge rounding, material removal rate ( MRR) and resulting surface quality/roughness. In parallel, a repeatability and reproducibility ( R&R) analysis is carried out, cutting force estimation by FEA, as well as a prediction of the development and growth of the cutting-edge radius using machine learning ( ML) algorithms. The results obtained reveal that the required radius and surface roughness were achieved in very short times, being less than 10 min to reach the maximum radius and less than 2 min to obtain optimum roughness ( Ra = 0.12, Rz = 0.8). The accuracy of the reproducibility of the cutting-edge radius is comparable to other preparation methods, such as drag finishing and microblasting, with an edge preparation system affectation rate of 14%. The cutting force by the filament obtained by FEA is 0.4 N, like similar processes studied and sufficient for the abrasion process. The effectiveness of the prediction method is evidenced by the low training and cutting-edge radius prediction errors of 2.6% and 1.7%, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of the ML prediction approach. Ultimately, it is verified that the planning-polishing process is feasible and reliable for cutting-edge preparation on broaching tools under controlled conditions, allowing the required cutting-edge radius to be obtained with the necessary surface quality for subsequent anti-wear coatings.
El derecho informático, ha revolucionado las fronteras del mundo del derecho en distintos aspectos como lo son el ejercicio jurídico y el marco legal, debido a que esta ciencia estudia los medios tecnológicos y comunicación de la sociedad actual, ha venido a transformar los métodos de estudio del ejercicio jurídico, que busca facilitar y regular el uso de la tecnología en los procesos jurídicos. En este ámbito, las legislaciones de cada país se han visto en la necesidad de limitar el uso de esta nueva herramienta, donde la misma se utilice de manera responsable y facilite al sistema judicial. Aquí se estudian múltiples herramientas, como lo son, procesamiento de datos, transferencia de contenidos, comunicación y verificación digital, e inteligencia artificial e incorporación de datos dentro del ejercicio jurídico. Es importante recalcar, que esta nueva visión y utilización de las TIC, Tecnología de la Investigación y Comunicación, con respecto al interés colectivo en el campo de la justicia como la informática jurídica documental y meta documental, también se aplica la informática desde el control y gestión de la actividad administrativa en el marco legal del ejercicio jurídico. Como es de conocimiento general el mundo de la Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación con el Derecho informático, ciencia y tecnología siempre está en cambio constante, es decir, cada día la nueva tecnología sale a la luz, en el área jurídica estas oportunidades puede ser utilizadas para la administración de justicia de nuestro país, sin embargo, para su uso responsable se debería crear leyes claras y precisas, que determinen el marco jurídico y límite de la tecnología dentro del campo del derecho y el ejercicio jurídico. Este tema tan controversial en general es la globalización, cuya corriente como su nombre lo indica es global, por lo que, influye al desarrollo de la sociedad y en este crecimiento, las necesidades aumentan. Es importante conocer, al derecho informático como la nueva fuente del derecho y visibilizar el derecho desde una perspectiva donde ya no solo se utilicen medios tradicionales, sino, tener una visión de trescientos sesenta grados hacia las herramientas tecnológicas, que facilitan el ejercicio legal y jurídico.
Este artículo examina la influencia del rol de género en adolescentes infractores que reciben medidas socioeducativas no privativas de libertad en la provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Se emplearon métodos y técnicas como crónicas grupales, grupos focales y entrevistas grupales, todo bajo un enfoque cualitativo, aplicándose a un total de 35 adolescentes, donde se observó que la figura masculina presentaba un mayor índice de conductas delictivas. Se constató que la percepción del rol de género entre estos adolescentes se alinea con los principios de la ideología patriarcal, manifestándose en diferencias claras en actividades domésticas, laborales, uso del tiempo libre, toma de decisiones, control del hogar, estereotipos y subordinación, según el sexo. Esto genera un patrón social que influye en el comportamiento de este grupo y de sus familias. Un factor de riesgo significativo identificado fue la falta de conocimiento sobre sus derechos y deberes tanto como hijos como ciudadanos
Blastocystis spp. es un parásito intestinal con amplia diversidad genética, destacando 4 subtipos relacio-nados con sintomatología gastrointestinal y extraintestinal: ST1, ST2, ST3 y ST4. Múltiples estudios des-criben los mecanismos de virulencia, patogenicidad, y de resistencia que debaten su controversial comen-salismo: evasión inmunitaria por degradación de sIgA, daño celular mediado por cisteín proteasas, y resis-tencia ante agentes químicos/farmacológicos. El presente artículo recopila información actualizada sobre los mencionados mecanismos, genotipos, y métodos de diagnóstico. Comprender el comportamiento bio-lógico de este protozoo es necesario para mejorar el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico. La caracterización molecular y la implementación de ensayos celulares que evalúen la actividad de los subtipos de Blastocys-tis spp. en el tracto intestinal humano, pueden contribuir al entendimiento de su actividad patogénica. Palabras clave: Blastocystis spp; diagnóstico; patogenicidad; subtipos; virulencia.
Social tensions and resource depletion pose significant challenges to the agri‐food sector, highlighting the need for coordinated strategies to ensure sustainability in supply chains. Despite its critical importance, the relationship between coordination mechanisms and sustainability performance remains underexplored. This study examines the interrelations between transactional characteristics, relational and formal coordination, and sustainability performance in agri‐food supply chains. By surveying 204 farmers and 135 downstream players across diverse supply chain arrangements, this research employs structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis to analyze data suitability and test hypotheses. The empirical findings reveal nuanced relationships: relational governance has a significantly positive connection to economic and social sustainability within supply chains. There is also a positive, indirect relation between relational governance and ecological performance through the promotion of resource efficiency. Formal coordination practices facilitate strategic relationships and efficient resource allocation and as such connect to social and economic viability of supply chains. Transaction costs play a role as mediator between formal and relational coordination, and sustainability outcomes. Effective management of transaction costs can mitigate inefficiencies and foster collaborative efforts. By understanding these dynamics, policymakers and stakeholders can develop strategies to promote resilience and sustainability in global food systems.
The influence of the size effect on the mechanical properties of concrete is a question studied several decades ago, however, research does not allow us to have a clear idea of how this phenomenon affects the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concrete. The present investigation describes the influence of the size effect on the flexural behavior of concrete reinforced with polypropylene fibers. For the analysis, simple concrete reinforced with macro synthetic polypropylene fibers (HRFP) with 3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibers was designed. Prismatic beam-type specimens were made with three different sizes: 100x100x350 mm, 100x200x650 mm and 100x300x950 mm, which were tested in 4-point bending. Stress vs. deflection graphs were made and the orientation coefficient in the fracture plane was calculated. The results indicate that both the maximum resistance reached at the limit of proportionality and the post-cracking residual resistance decrease with increasing specimen size, demonstrating the influence of the size effect.
Objectives: This study investigates the biological activities of microencapsulated anthocyanins extracted from two Andean ancestral edible plants, Solanum tuberosum, and Zea mays, with a focus on their potential applications in functional foods and therapeutics. The primary objective was to evaluate their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic properties alongside structural and functional analyses of the microencapsulation process. Methods: Anthocyanins were extracted and microencapsulated using maltodextrin as a carrier. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to analyze the stability and structure of the microencapsulated particles. The antioxidant, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic activities of the microencapsulated were assessed through established assays. Results: S. tuberosum exhibited superior antioxidant capacity and potent anticancer activity against HepG2 and THJ29T cell lines, while Z. mays demonstrated significant antimicrobial efficacy against multidrug-resistant bacterial strains and biofilm-forming pathogens. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirmed the stabilization of anthocyanins within a maltodextrin matrix, enhancing their bioavailability and application potential. Conclusions: These results highlight the versatility of microencapsulated anthocyanins as bioactive agents for industrial and therapeutic applications. Future studies should explore in vivo validation and synergistic formulations to optimize their efficacy and broaden their use in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical fields.
Anthocyanins, widely recognized for their antioxidant properties and potential health benefits, are highly susceptible to degradation due to environmental factors such as light, temperature, and pH leading to reduced bioavailability and efficacy. Microencapsulation, which involves entrapment in a matrix to enhance stability and bioavailability. This study aims to investigate the bioactive properties of microencapsulated anthocyanins derived from Vaccinium floribundum (Andean blueberry) and Rubus glaucus (Andean blackberry). The extracts from V. floribundum and R. glaucus were microencapsulated using maltodextrin as the carrier agent due to its film-forming properties and effectiveness in stabilizing sensitive compounds through a spray-drying process. The microcapsules were characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to assess their chemical and morphological properties. The biological activities of these microencapsulated anthocyanins were evaluated using in vitro assays for their antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. The results indicated enhanced bioactivity of the microencapsulated anthocyanins, suggesting their potential use in developing functional foods and pharmaceuticals. This study provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of microencapsulation in preserving anthocyanins’ functional properties and enhancing their health-promoting effects, highlighting the potential for application in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Introducción: desarrollar la coordinación motora para la iniciación deportiva en niños de 5 a 6 años permite afinar sus habilidades motrices básicas para ejecutar gestos deportivos de manera eficiente y fluida. lo cual, permitirá el disfrute y motivación en la práctica deportiva a futuro. Objetivo: la coordinación motora e iniciación deportiva tuvo como objetivo de la investigación: determinar la influencia de la coordinación motora en el desarrollo de la iniciación deportiva con niños de 5 a 6 años de la Unidad Educativa Particular Comandante General Eloy Alfaro. Metodología: se empleó una metodología de orden cuantitativo, bajo un diseño de trabajo cuasi-experimental, de corte longitudinal, y una modalidad de investigación de campo y bibliográfica – documental. Como instrumento de investigación se utilizó el Test de Coordinación Corporal Infantil (KTK). El cual consta de cuatro ítems, Equilibrio retaguardia (ER). Saltos Monopodales (SM). Saltos laterales (SL), Transposición lateral (TL), donde los indicadores estuvieron direccionados a recabar datos referentes a la coordinación motora para la iniciación deportiva. La presente investigación tuvo una población de 30 estudiantes, se seleccionó a los cursos de preparatoria y segundo de educación general básica elemental. Resultados: se evidenció que, en la pre - post - intervención del grupo de 5 a 6 años el valor p-value muestra cambios significativos en las 4 variables de estudio. En la post intervención se observó que la media en las cuatro variables de estudio es mayor con respecto a la pre-intervención. Conclusiones: se comprobó la hipótesis planteada: la coordinación motora si incide en la iniciación deportiva de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Particular Comandante General Eloy Alfaro. Área de estudio general: Educación. Área de estudio específica: Coordinación motora – Iniciación deportiva. Tipo de estudio: original.
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Orestes Darío López Hernández
  • Facultad de ciencia e ingeniería en alimentos y biotecnología
Marcos Barros-Rodríguez
  • Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Diana Morales-Urrutia
  • Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
Wilman Ismael Carrillo Terán
  • Facultad de Ciencia e Ingeniería en Alimentos
Diana Carolina Coello Fiallos
  • Facultad de Ingeniería