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El artículo se propone unirse a los homenajes dedicados al legado de Michel Foucault en el año 2024, marcando el cuadragésimo aniversario de su fallecimiento. Reconociendo la perdurable influencia de Foucault en las ciencias sociales y los estudios sociales durante las últimas cinco décadas. El texto se centra en dos de sus conceptos más resonantes y de amplio uso, con el objetivo de convocar rigor conceptual que a menudo se pierde de vista en los estudios sociales contemporáneos, se aborda la tendencia a desatender los dominios epistemológicos en las construcciones teóricas e interdisciplinarias. Se enfoca particularmente en las categorías de biopolítica y gubernamentalidad, ampliamente utilizadas en diversos marcos interpretativos e investigativos, destacando el peligro de su fetichización conceptual. Más que afirmar verdades absolutas sobre estas categorías, se busca situarlas en su densidad conceptual e histórica, fomentando diálogos informados y reflexivos que reconozcan su complejidad en el contexto de la analítica foucaultiana. En última instancia, el artículo aboga por diálogos que conserven su sentido epistemológico, generando un orden discursivo que respete la riqueza de las categorías foucaultianas, en línea con un enfoque de ontología crítica que busca profundizar en su significado y relevancia en el discurso contemporáneo.
The proposed model in this research, intended to work in a guided tour context, is based on developing the tourist ontology in Python using the Owl-ready library, and describes the entities of the guided tour model. The ontology allows us to apply the concepts of ubiquity and represent context sensitivity in three ways, with geographical, temporal and environmental context. For the guided tour, the user's profile, preferences, emotional state and evaluations of the visited places are considered, as well as the profile, itinerary and site characteristics, the user's transportation preferences and the site's transportation characteristics. An ontology language was used to model the concepts and characteristics of the guided tour system, which allows inferences to be made with rules using the SWRL language with the Pellet reasoner. All models were evaluated using the RMSE metric and the accuracy, recall and F1 score metrics have been used to evaluate the predictions. This paper concludes that, among the recommender system models with collaborative filtering, the hybrid model obtained the best results for RMSE and the other metrics of accuracy, recall, and F1 score. For this reason, it is one of the most widely used recommender models in the industry.
To establish the psychometric properties of the aggression questionnaire (AQ) in a sample of Colombian children and adolescents.
The AQ was submitted to the judgment of seven experts in order to verify and adjust the clarity of the items taking into account the characteristics of the Colombian population. Following this analysis and adjustment of items, the instrument was applied to a sample of 892 participants between 10 and 23 years of age. For validity, evidence of internal structure was taken into account through confirmatory factor analysis and evidence based on the relationship with other variables.
Confirmatory factor analysis showed two models, one of factorial correlation and the other of second order indicating a model fit. Likewise, internal consistency was calculated by means of the Omega index, which showed precision in the measures for each factor in each of the models. The analysis suggested the elimination of four items.
The first-order model was chosen because the empirical evidence shows that it satisfactorily operationalises the theoretical model of aggressive behaviour with which the instrument was constructed, assuming that the four subscales are necessary as a whole, but by themselves are not sufficient to assess aggressive behaviour by means of its items.
This article presents findings from a research project conducted between 2022 and 2024 involving high school students from a private school in Medellin. The study aims to analyze the impact of Working Memory (WM) and Intrinsic Motivation (IM) on the performance of oral skills in English as a foreign language (EFL). A correlational research design was employed to explore the relationships between these variables. Measurement involved the use of the Motivational Assessment Questionnaire of the Learning Process (EMPA), the Working Memory Index of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV), the Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT), and the standardized Cambridge A2 Key (KET) test according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Results suggest a moderate positive influence of WM on oral performance, while IM displays a positive but statistically insignificant correlation. It is proposed that investigating the interplay between WM and IM could be a promising avenue for future research, underscoring the significance of cognitive and motivational factors in language acquisition.
Introduction: research into the psychoactive substances use is very broad and diverse; however, in Mexico there is still a lack of specific information that highlights the possible differences in the use of these substances considering a gender perspective beyond the male/female dichotomy. Objective: explore the psychoactive substances use in high school degree students according to their gender and compare possible differences. Method: a non-experimental, cross-sectional, ex post facto study was designed with three comparison groups: cisgender-women, cisgender-men and other gender identity (non-binary, fluid, transgender-man, transgender-woman, among others). 4,136 students in the Gulf of Mexico area participated in a non-probabilistic sampling (2,120 cisgender-women, 1,964 cisgender-men, and 52 to be other gender identity). Results: the alcohol use was substantially higher in cisgender-women, while the tobacco use in cisgender-men. Illegal drug use was significantly higher in people to be other gender, especially the use of inhalants, methamphetamines, ecstasy, and hallucinogens. The marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines and heroin use was greater in cisgender-men, while that of tranquilizers was greater in cisgender-women. Discussion and conclusions: the results allowed an approach to a population group little addressed in studies of drug consumption, that of people who assume a gender different from the dichotomy (man/woman), making visible that they are a group with high consumption that it can place them in certain conditions of vulnerability.
The discipline of Machine Learning (ML), a branch of Artificial Intelligence, enhances the ability to model crucial variables for generating green energy, such as solar radiation. Precise prediction of solar irradiation assists in the strategic placement of solar panels, optimizing energy production, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources, and promoting environmental conservation. This research aimed to develop a model for predicting solar irradiation using the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) technique. The results, while indicating a moderate performance (R²=0.56, MAE=158.23, MSE=43804.89, and RMSE=209.29), provide a valuable starting point for future studies that seek to improve accuracy with more advanced techniques, such as artificial neural networks (ANN) or hybrid models. This research emphasizes the importance of continuing to investigate more sophisticated models for more accurate prediction and suggests that linear models, while useful for understanding basic relationships, have limitations that can be overcome with more advanced approaches.
A binary dimensionally stable anode Ti/TiO2–RuO2 electrode was used to abate the antibiotic oxytetracycline (OTC) (C22H24N2O9) in chloride water. The anode was prepared using the Pechini method and subsequently characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM–EDS), and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The optimum values of the operational parameters affecting removal efficiency were determined using a 2 × 3 factorial design by screening j (6.0, 10, and 20 A m–2) and pH (3, 6.5, and 10). The textural analysis revealed the formation of active oxides (RuO2 and TiO2 coating rutile-type P42/mnm, space group 136), with a cracked surface and good dispersion of metal components. A contour graph verified that the most suitable condition for contaminant degradation was 20 A m–2 at a circumneutral pH of 6.5, resulting in approximately 97% degradation after 20 min of electrolysis according to pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics and the loss of the antibiotic activity of OTC. In addition, the results of oxidant formation and CV indicate that the best electrochemical activation of the anode to form Cl2-active mainly depended on pH. Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) and density functional theory were employed to propose a reaction pathway for OTC degradation. Three byproducts with m/z 426, 256, and 226 were identified corresponding to the removal of amide and amine groups, which are susceptible sites to electrophilic attack by active chlorine species. The findings from this work stand out for prospective applications of anodic electrochemical oxidation to efficiently eliminate antibiotics with similar chemical structures in wastewater containing chlorides.
Objective: This study aimed to examine metalinguistic skills and reading processes in children diagnosed with ADHD, compared to a matched control group. Method: An explanatory experimental design was employed, involving a sample of 194 children from Manizales, comprising 97 children diagnosed with ADHD and 97 controls. The study utilized tasks from the Chil-dren's Neuropsychological Assessment (CNA) protocol to assess metalinguistic and reading abilities. Results: Children with ADHD exhibited significantly lower performance across all metalinguistic and reading tasks compared to the control group, except for spelling and silent reading comprehension tasks. Conclusions: These findings corroborate previous research conducted in Manizales, underscoring the specific challenges in metalinguistic and reading domains among children with ADHD. Future research should explore the influence of working memory on phonological awareness and its implications for metalinguistic skills and reading development.
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como propósito general analizar los fundamentos epistemológicos de las teorías del aprendizaje en la práctica educativa, desde un enfoque Ontológico y Metodológico; lo que significa, conocer la génesis de las teorías del aprendizaje, el proceso de elaboración de los constructos teóricos y su validación pragmática. Para alcanzar este objetivo se llevó adelante una indagación con un marco epistémico dentro del postpositivismo, con un paradigma cualitativo y un tipo de investigación interpretativa. El diseño fue bibliográfico; siendo, la observación documental la técnica para la recolección de la información. Asimismo, la hermenéutica se empleó para analizar las fuentes bibliográficas. Como resultado se tuvo que; si bien, las teorías del aprendizaje han evolucionado a lo largo de su historia producto de las investigaciones de expertos en el área; no es menos cierto, que desde la epistemología se ha contribuido con la validez de las mismas. En conclusión, los fundamentos epistemológicos de las teorías del aprendizaje deben hacer parte de la formación profesional de los docentes, ya que permitirá comprender la naturaleza de la ciencia de la educación y del aprendizaje, además, entender la realidad empírica de su práctica educativa.
The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between usability and satisfaction in university students using ChatGPT. Since its launch, the use of ChatGPT by university students has increased significantly in most universities around the world. This software can generate answers to any type of question, emulating the experience of interacting with a real person. A survey with Likert-type questions is applied to 250 university students and a covariance-based structural equation model is constructed. The results show and adjusted model with factor loadings and an acceptable Cronbach's Alpha (usability α=0.80 and satisfaction α=0.85), CFI=0.921 and RMSA=0.0112. The p-value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test is 0.0245. In conclusion, the results of the model allowed accepting the research hypothesis-there is a positive and direct relationship between usability and satisfaction.
Artificial, automated, and algorithmic journalism is a current trend that brings about skills and challenges that newsrooms must face. The automation of journalistic tasks such as the writing of texts and the generation of audiovisuals, podcasts, and other resources to tell stories is mediated by artificial intelligence. Therefore, thinking about journalistic work prospectively offers an alternative to focus on the dynamics that will be a trend in the future. This research aims to conduct a systematic review in the Scopus and Web of Science (N = 627) databases on the scientific production of Spain and Latin America, where artificial intelligence, social communication, and journalism converge. Data mining and web scrapping were used, and the PRISMA declaration methodology was implemented to define inclusion and exclusion criteria for academic production (n = 43), integrating bibliometric analysis techniques in collaboration networks and strengths of links between authors, journals, and countries. Finally, we provide information on search trends, the authors who most developed the topic in question and other metrics of interest. In both databases, Spain has the best performance in scientific collaboration networks.
Youth social enterprises have become a significant component of the global economy since the late twentieth century. With the changing world and the emergence of new economies, there is a growing demand for expanding markets and reaching new customers, making it an opportune time for young entrepreneurs to utilize their unique characteristics of creativity and drive. This study aims to conduct a systematic literature review on youth social entrepreneurship through the application of bibliometric tools and methods in order to identify needs and challenges in this field. The literature was explored using the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases from 2010 to 2022. The findings were analyzed using Bibliometrix and R-Studio tools, which facilitated two methodological stages: scientific mapping and network analysis. Based on the tree metaphor, the collected documents were categorized into the root, trunk, and leaves groups. The results unveiled several research clusters, including business strategies, social entrepreneurship and capitalism, and social change and innovation, were identified. In general, the above-mentioned clusters introduce fresh approaches, suggest solutions, advocate for societal change, and enrich comprehension regarding youth-driven social enterprises. Finally, this study concludes by presenting an agenda for future research in the field.
En este estudio, examinamos el discurso de siete hombres sobre la masculinidad y la salud mental. Mediante la identificación de repertorios interpretativos, exploramos las estrategias lingüísticas empleadas por los participantes para abordar estos temas. Los hallazgos revelan la presencia de un repertorio de imposición social y otro de ruptura en los discursos sobre la masculinidad, así como un repertorio médico/individualizante y una posición desde la desventaja respecto a la salud mental. Al describir estos resultados, abordamos el papel fundamental de la apología a la individualidad y la autenticidad en los discursos sobre salud mental y masculinidad. Concluimos que, a pesar de la adopción y apertura a discursos alternativos, persiste una reafirmación de valores tradicionales como la autosuficiencia en la masculinidad, y la persistencia de una perspectiva médica con relación a la salud mental.
The challenges of optimizing logistics operations in all links of the supply chain have led to the development of new dynamics around the revolution 4.0 and the response of operational efficiency linked to environmental sustainability. Smart ports are born as a strategy to meet customer needs from a technological evolution that generates quality logistical and operational responses. The objective of this review is to identify and to analyze the research perspectives related to smart ports. The implemented methodology considered a scientific mapping to determine the most relevant publications in terms of authors, journals, and countries with the greatest scientific participation in the subject and a network analysis based on the implementation of the tree metaphor of the graph theory. The R-studio software and the Bibliometrix plugin were used to process the information. The review considered 204 documents from the Scopus and Web of Science databases, identifying a growing trend in the number of enhanced publications as of 2019, with China being the country with the largest number of papers. In relation to research trends, the adaptation of ports to industry 4.0, maritime ports and technological security, and green and smart ports are the perspectives on the subject of study. Finally, an agenda for future research is presented.
En este artículo se estudia el uso de las metáforas en torno a la muerte de Jesús en el Nuevo Testamento. Con esto se busca hacer un aporte literario a las construcciones y deconstrucciones críticas que fundamentan la discusión sobre el significado de este acontecimiento. Para ello, se parte de la teoría de la metáfora que ofrecen filósofos como Paul Ricoeur, Chantal Maillard y Friedrich Nietzsche, y se compara con los descubrimientos de los exégetas en los últimos años. En la interpretación literaria de tales metáforas, se contrasta el uso histórico de ellas con la apertura significativa y vitalidad poética en el surgimiento de estas imágenes.
Para identificar las tendencias de la investigación teológica latinoamericana se hace una Revisión Sistemática de Literatura sobre 494 artículos de siete revistas teológicas de alto impacto en este continente, teniendo presente como marco teórico las definiciones de la Teología Latinoamericana, de la Liberación y del Pueblo, en el contexto actual de la Iglesia Católica, a propósito de los desafíos para una Teología en contexto y en salida. Con una metodología mixta, se miden varias dimensiones de las publicaciones como, por ejemplo, las universidades de mayor producción, la procedencia de los investigadores, el lugar de la mujer en la investigación teológica y los principales temas que se investigan en Teología en América Latina, desde la generalidad de los campos teológicos hasta la particularidad de temáticas específicos. En conclusión, se evidencia, entre otros asuntos, la preferencia por la reflexión teológica desde el magisterio del Papa Francisco, la recuperación de la memoria de las conferencias de Medellín y Aparecida, los aportes del Concilio Vaticano II, la mística y la espiritualidad y la vigencia de la Teología latinoamericana en la investigación actual.
De cara al fenómeno creciente de la coautoría, los investigadores deben desarrollar competencias tanto en escribir para publicar como en colaborar para escribir. Empero, el término escritura colaborativa recoge un sinnúmero de prácticas escriturales que no han sido bien delimitadas. Para ayudar a subsanar este vacío, este artículo de revisión explora la escritura colaborativa en educación superior y su aplicación en la formación del profesorado. Los autores realizan un análisis de 66 publicaciones científicas publicadas entre 2005 y 2022. Los resultados señalan que las investigaciones en este campo han privilegiado un enfoque en alfabetización académica, por lo que a menudo responden a una concepción fragmentada, universalista y neutral de la escritura académica. Además, plantean la necesidad de realizar estudios desde un enfoque en nuevos estudios de literacidades que consideren el componente relacional e ideológico de la escritura colaborativa, así como su potencial pedagógico.
This study analyzes the economic impact caused by the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, characterized by the confinement in the second and third quarters of 2020, on the Colombian manufacturing industry. It implemented a Difference-in-Difference (Dif-in-Dif) set-up model design; in this case, it measures the impacts of the industrial production index on the Colombian manufacturing industry, employment, manufacturing exports, and imports, considering the COVID-19 crisis as a random natural experiment. For this, the Dif-in-Dif methodology was used for time series data and variables to describe the behavior progress of COVID-19 in Colombia. The results show that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a statistically significant impact on the industrial manufacturing production index, the number of employed individuals in the manufacturing sector, and the manufacturing of imports, which signifies a negative impact concerning the number of individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 and the number of deaths and recoveries.
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