Universidad Abierta Para Adultos
Recent publications
Objetivo: revelar la presencia de factores de riesgo personales y familiares de la delincuencia en menores que viven en la zona sureste de la ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana, al identificar en ellos su nivel intelectual, analizar su inteligencia emocional y determinar su estilo de afrontamiento y cuán funcionales son sus familias. Muestra: 538 menores que estudiaban en la escuela Ana Josefa Jiménez en los grados cuarto, quinto y sexto de primaria. Resultados: más de la mitad de los menores tienen un nivel bajo de inteligencia, en cuanto a la inteligencia emocional la puntuación más baja la tiene autocontrol, seguido por autoconciencia y empatía, el estilo de afrontamiento que utiliza la mayoría es indefinido, y más de la mitad de las familias son funcionales. Conclusión: 94% presentó factores de riesgo para la delincuencia, 29% un indicador, 38% dos indicadores, 23% tres indicadores y 4% los cuatro indicadores, revelando la presencia de factores de riesgo personales y familiares de la delincuencia en los menores que viven en la zona sureste de Santiago de los Caballeros
Objetivo: Este es un artículo de revisión dirigido a sistematizar las bases teóricas para aplicación del aprendizaje basado en proyectos, el cual es una estrategia innovadora constructivista excelente para desarrollar las competencias matemáticas en los alumnos, con el propósito de implementar la metodología del aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) en matemática como innovación educativa en la enseñanza de expresiones algebraicas en el nivel secundario. Métodos: Los autores emplearon el método de la revisión descriptiva y el análisis de documentos y artículos. Resultado: Las evidentes dificultades que presentan los estudiantes para la adquisición de los contenidos de expresiones algebraicas, están asociadas a la falta de motivación e implementación de estrategias innovadoras por los docentes. Conclusión: El aprendizaje basado en proyectos es una estrategia innovadora que consigue en los alumnos la motivación y la integración de los contenidos matemáticos con un contexto real, logrando que este desarrolle las competencias esperadas.
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal analizar la cultura deportiva como dispositivo axiológico en la formación secundaria. Caso de estudio: Politécnico Padre Fantino. El paradigma asumido fue el cualitativo, debido a que no existe manipulación de datos estadísticos ni apreciaciones cuantitativas. Como método se aplicó la teoría fundamentada, cuyo método fue revelar y dar explicación mediante la orientación inductiva, interpretar los significados y hallazgos respecto a los acontecimientos en el contexto donde se desarrolló la experiencia a la luz de las diferentes aristas y consideraciones de los sujetos de investigación. El tipo de investigación es descriptiva; la población estuvo conformada por 67 estudiantes de 4yo y 5to grado, año escolar 2021-2022. Para el instrumento de recolección de informaciones, se seleccionó al azar una muestra de cinco (5) estudiantes. El instrumento para la recolección de la data analítica utilizado fue la entrevista semi-estructurada, las cuales se aplicaron entre las primeras semanas del año escolar. Dentro de los resultados, se percibe que la cultura deportiva es descrita como el conjunto de conocimientos en el área, donde se destacan las preferencias deportivas y la identificación con alguna disciplina en particular. Como conclusiones, el establecimiento en las instituciones educativas de una cultura deportiva es un factor motivante y significativo, para que los estudiantes que cursan Educación Física, adquieran conocimientos y manejen herramientas básicas, en especial en aquellas de su preferencia.
One of the biggest problems that the Dominican Republic has had in recent decades is the efficient management of solid domestic waste. This problem has worsened in recent years due to the decrease in available areas for the construction of sanitary landfills, the lack of recycling culture in the population, the deficiency in waste collection, and the scarce legal controls aimed at preserving water, air and soil among other factors. The objective of this study is to explore the management of solid waste by the population and the municipality of Puñal, province of Santiago, to evaluate and analyze the situation and generation of solid waste, municipal solid waste management services, and the attitudes of the population regarding recycling projects and waste management. A total of 275 households from 29 localities in the municipality of Puñal were surveyed, which allowed for a significant population sample. According to the results, the most significant type of waste produced by families is organic waste, followed by plastic waste and paper. Of the total organic waste produced in the municipality, 53% of solids wastes are handled through the municipal waste collection system, while 47% is used as plant fertilizers or animal feed. On the other hand, most households receive the municipal waste collection service and pay for this service, through which the municipal government collects, processes, and deposits the waste in different landfills. However, a more efficient waste collection system and the development of programs and projects that allow households to manage the solid waste efficiently they produce would be necessary.
Violence, in its different forms of presentation, is an increasingly frequent phenomenon in our society. Harassment at work, also known as mobbing, is becoming very important and is beginning to be considered an occupational hazard. The psychosomatic problems that cause a worker by the employer or a partner can lead to stress and even suicide, the consequences of mobbing reach the physical, psychological, social, and labor. It is very common that victims are selected among people who present a factor of greater personal, family or social vulnerability, in these cases the possibility of dealing with the harassers decreases, facilitating the impunity of these, it is therefore important to analyze, locate and implement strategies and mechanisms to prevent harassment at work. There is an imbalance of power between the opposing parties, or at least the victim does not have the necessary resources to deal with it. Based on the problem, bibliographical research and field research has been done, which has allowed us to find that society needs this kind of abuse to be nipped in the bud, through the elaboration of drafts, laws or reforms where harassment at work should be framed or typified in the public and private sectors.
Este estudio, de tipo interpretativo y diseño cualitativo, se propuso comprender, desde la valoración de un grupo de estudiantes de la carrera de Educación, los rasgos que reconocen importantes en el perfil ético de un docente universitario e interpretar las actuaciones que consideran éticas y antiéticas. Fueron sistematizados los registros de opiniones de 39 estudiantes, a través de foros virtuales, un grupo focal y las anotaciones en un registro anecdótico del docente-investigador. El análisis de la información recabada se realizó a partir de categorías emergentes surgidas de los argumentos de los estudiantes. Los resultados destacan como rasgos positivos del perfil ético de un docente universitario: puntualidad, cordialidad, buen trato, coherencia entre el decir y hacer, justicia, solidaridad, democracia y actualización. Los rasgos no deseados incluyeron: responder groseramente, mostrar preferencias, mentir y hacer insinuaciones amorosas. El estudio permitió describir actuaciones éticas de impacto positivo que afianzarían el perfil docente deseable para su formación.
El presente trabajo constituye un estudio del cuento El oidor de Efraím Castillo, en el que, a través del análisis crítico y la revisión bibliográfica, se pretende establecer la estrecha relación que hay entre el personaje literario que lo protagoniza (el oidor) y el personaje histórico que lo inspiró (Joaquín Balaguer). Recurriendo a datos históricos, así como a otros textos literarios y críticos, se compara la personalidad del ente del relato con el ser concreto que vivió y ejerció la actividad política, y se subraya el acierto del autor al recrear rasgos típicos de la personalidad del caudillo. El trabajo destaca que tanto en la realidad social como en la ficción de Castillo el personaje sobresale por uno de sus rasgos más característicos: la no aceptación de la disidencia, de ahí que la intolerancia constituya uno de los comportamientos típicos en el accionar del oidor (personaje ficcional) y de Joaquín Balaguer (personaje real). Al final, como resultado de esas comparaciones, se concluye que, efectivamente, hay un vínculo directo, identificable, entre el personaje textual, el oidor, y la persona real que lo inspira, el caudillo político y escritor Joaquín Balaguer.
El presente artículo aborda la presencia de Francisco de Miranda en Cuba, entre 1780 y 1783, considerado uno de los periodos más complejos de su trayectoria. Se realizó una valoración de los factores fundamentales que incidieron en su formación intelectual y trayectoria militar durante la etapa abordada. Las fuentes utilizadas se corresponden con documentos de su archivo personal y otros resguardados en los archivos cubanos, así como textos de prestigiosos estudiosos de su obra y pensamiento. Como resultado se valoran las contradicciones que provocaron su enfrentamiento con los dos principales poderes hispanos de entonces: la Corona y la Inquisición. Estos hechos provocaron su salida del ejército español y conformaron el preámbulo para la formación de sus primeras ideas independentistas a favor de Hispanoamérica. Abstract: This article deals with the presence of Francisco de Miranda in Cuba, between 1780 and 1783, considered one of the most complex periods of his career. For the preparation of this work assessing the key factors that influenced his intellectual training and military career during the stage was developed. The sources used correspond to documents from his personal archives and others from the Cuban archives and texts of prestigious scholars of his work and thought. The contradictions that provoked his clashes with the two major powers of the time, Hispanic Crown and Inquisition are considered. These facts led to his departure from the Spanish army and formed the prelude to the formation of his first ideas of independence for Latin America. Key words: Francisco de Miranda, La Habana, Inquisition, Caribbean, Spain.
The objective of the present study was to design a Technological Surveillance System supported in an observatory integrating Web 2.0 technologies. A quantitative nonexperimental (cross-sectional) descriptive study was conducted. Diagnosis was based on a survey using the Limesurvey tool as technological support. The sample was composed of professionals from a software development center in a Cuban university. The Minitab tool was used for statistical processing. Methodologically, the study was based on the Spanish standard for technological surveillance UNE - 2011 and the Cuban model associated to critical surveillance factors. The main results obtained were a Technological Surveillance System including work management of the surveillance core, Web 2.0 technologies such as a forum, wiki and content syndication, and as a platform integrating the elements and actions of the surveillance processes, a technological observatory allowing collaborative exchange between the work team and users of the center under study. © 2018, Centro Nacional de Informacion de Ciencias Medicas. All rights reserved.
Proposal of technological surveillance systems is a field of knowledge in permanent evolution, both in Cuba and internationally. The purpose of the present study is todeeply analyze the features distinguishing technological surveillance systems with a view to informing organizations in charge of designing such systems about the aspects they should bear in mind. A total 21 technological surveillance systems were identified. The following features were used for their description: institution they belong to, technological surveillance diagnosis, technological surveillance processes, technological surveillance standard or model, system roles, products / services, dissemination of technological surveillance results, technological surveillance management platforms, and system performance evaluation. Document analysis was performed to identify and analyze the various information sources as well as to examine the theoretical aspects and distinctive features of the technological surveillance systems under study. According to the main results obtained, the elements present in the structure of this type of system are the following: stages in the technological surveillance process, purpose of the technological surveillance system, sources of information used, role definition, information products / services, and platforms for technological surveillance systems management. Most of the experiences examined base their definition of technological surveillance system on surveillance standards AFNOR XP X 50-053-FRE and UNE 166006: 2006 Ex.
En este estudio se comparan los poemarios de temática indigenista de José Joaquín Pérez y Salomé Ureña: Fantasías indígenas y Anacaona, respectivamente, tanto en el aspecto temático como en el aspecto formal, para llegar a la conclusión de que ambas obras coinciden en lo fundamental. La vida apacible de los aborígenes, sus relaciones intergrupales, sus hábitos, mitos y ritos son recogidos en ambos poemarios, en los que también se aprecian similitudes en la forma y el estilo: la organización de los versos, formas estróficas, tipo de rima, vocabulario… Sin embargo, esto no debe interpretarse como una infravaloración de Anacaona, que se escribió con posterioridad a Fantasías indígenas, ya que se trata de una obra escrita con suficiente destreza en el tratamiento del tema, y que cuenta con un estilo que, si bien no puede catalogarse de original, resulta atractivo e interesante.
Proposal of technological surveillance systems is a field of knowledge in permanent evolution,both in Cuba and internationally. The purpose of the present study is todeeply analyze the features distinguishing technological surveillance systems with a view to informing organizations in charge of designing such systems about the aspects they should bear in mind. A total 21 technological surveillance systems were identified. The following features were used for their description: institution they belong to,technological surveillance diagnosis,technological surveillance processes,technological surveillance standard or model,system roles,products/services,dissemination of technological surveillance results,technological surveillance management platforms,and system performance evaluation. Document analysis was performed to identify and analyze the various information sources as well as to examine the theoretical aspects and distinctive features of the technological surveillance systems under study. According to the main results obtained,the elements present in the structure of this type of system are the following: stages in the technological surveillance process,purpose of the technological surveillance system,sources of information used,role definition,information products/services,and platforms for technological surveillance systems management. Most of the experiences examined base their definition of technological surveillance system on surveillance standards AFNOR XP X 50-053-FRE and UNE 166006: 2006 Ex. © 2016,Centro Nacional de Informacion de Ciencias Medicas. All rights reserved.
The evaluation and accreditation of tertiary institutions have become key to improving work performance of these institutions. It has been established that the criteria contained in the System of Assessment and Accreditation of university courses (SEA CU) in Cuba, for evaluation and accreditation of tertiary institutions, are very general and do not conform to the characteristics and peculiarities process engineering education in the University of Information Science. This research aims to present the variables and indicators to measure the quality in the process of training of engineers in the University of Information Science. In this proposal the general requirements for assessment and accreditation of courses in higher education in Cuba and specific requirements for evaluating the quality of engineering education in computer science are integrated. The specific problems affecting the education of students and the alternative solutions to promote the development of continuous improvement processes that contribute to the determination of a quality management system are identified. This proposal is a partial result of the project: Quality of engineering education with university support in the link - Industry and Information Technology and Communications, developed by a research group of the Center for Innovation in Quality Education (CICE ) of the University of Information Science.
The Open University for Adults, UAPA (Universidad Abierta para Adultos), at Santiago, Dominican Republic begins its academic and administrative functions in 1995. During those 12 years of existence, 5094 professionals have obtained degrees in the fields of Psychology, Languages, Business Administration, Llaw Sciences and Education. The institution is organized under a departmental structure that includes Schools, Departments, Institutes and Centers. The government of the institution is regulated via collegiate entities (Board of Trustees, Academic Council and Advisory Board) and unitary forms of government (University Director, Deputy Directors, School Directors and Deans, Department Directors, and Center and Institutes Directors). The academic activities developed at UAPA are based on the principle of shared responsibility between participants and facilitators. The methodology applied is interactive and participatory and the learning techniques are based on the activity of those engaged in the learning process. Since its inception, UAPA has favored the participant¿s learning process using didactic methodologies with applications of ICT¿s. Currently the University has a web-based educational platform to support virtual and distance programming and offerings and to implement continued education on-line courses.
This study analyses the psychosocial risk profiles that better discriminate between three levels of risk: low, middle and high. We also examine to what extent the assessments of the level of risk made by professionals of social services are consistent with their decision of initiate a "risk declaration" expedient. For this purpose, 468 cases of families (245 two-parents and 223 one-parent) were examined through the Psychosocial Risk Profile of the Family. Discriminant analysis showed that social exclusion and family violence profiles discriminate between high and middle-low levels of risk in two-parent families. Negligence and family violence plus maternal inadequacy and children maladjustment discriminate between high and middle-low levels of risk in one-parent families. There is a high consistence between the assessment of psychosocial risk and the decision to initate a procedure of a "risk declaration" in both families, with a tendency to overestimate the middle risk in one-parent families.
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183 members
Jesus Canelon
  • Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Posgrado
Deyvis Sanchez
  • Language School and Tourism
Francis Minaya
  • administracion
Dominican Republic