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Despite the advanced development of technology has played a critical role in promoting a global community for people around the globe, it has been paid little attention in the literature that explores teachers' and students' readiness to become part of the digital citizenship particularly in the Indonesian education context. It is thus the objective of the present study to examine Indonesian teachers' and students’ perception and their level of digital citizenship. Using a non-probability sampling technique, a total of 157 participants participated in the survey, including 39 teachers and 118 students. Many participants were from vocational-secondary schools (N = 58) and non-vocational secondary schools (N = 99). However, after a screening process, of 157 datasets, only 98 data were used for the quantitative data analysis using the Rasch modelling. Rasch modelling method was used for the quantitative data analysis. The findings of the current study revealed that teachers and students had a high-level level of digital citizenship. The teacher and student participants also had a positive view digital citizenship. However, although teachers and students perceived that the internet had helped them develop an understanding of political and social issues, they were reported to have fewer political activities online. They were reluctant to discuss political and social issues in the online community. Findings also showed that the participants' political activity was statistically different in reference to their age, although teachers and students were shown to have a similar level of digital citizenship. Recommendations were thus offered based on the findings.
The digital gaming community appreciates visual style information in digital games as it facilitates information seeking. Nevertheless, learned scholars have discovered that the digital game visual style classification is inconsistent and easily modified, potentially limitingthe information and leading to inaccurate visual terminologies during information discovery. Therefore, this cross-sectional study wasperformed to assess multiple visual style classification terms and their definitions among Malaysian game developers using the closedcard sorting exercise. A total of seven professional game developers participated in an online survey that comprised thirty-five digital game case studies using a card sorting technique. They were asked to classify nineteen visual style classification terms, including psychedelic, text, illusionism, photorealism, televisualism, handicraft, caricature, celshaded, comic book (anime), watercolour, Lego, minimalism, pixel art, silhouette, bright, dark, maplike, colourful, and black and white. The Fleiss’ kappa intercoder reliability assessment was performed to measure the coders’ agreement on visual style classification, followed by the think-aloud protocol descriptive analysis to gather assessment insights into the visual style descriptions. The intercoder reliability test achieved a significantly moderate agreement based on the results. The professional game developers agreed on eighteen visual stylesand rejected the bright visual style classification due to its overlapping description with the colourful visual style. The definition of ten visual style classifications was improved from the existing Video Game Metadata Schema (VGMS) description, contributing to the digital game’s coherence and consistency. This improvement will enhance visual style classification information for machine-learning-based recommendation systems for digital game distribution platforms and digital archiving.
The Covid-19 pandemic requires prudence, especially in the ratio of credit or liquidity in the banking sector and the role and supervision through the implementation of good corporate governance is required intensively to go through dynamic policy changes. This study aims to examine the effect of liquidity on bank performance and examine the effect of liquidity on bank performance after being moderated by good corporate governance. The research methodology uses multiple linear regression techniques using SPSS 25 software, with the research sample being the conventional banking sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2021 totaling 111 research samples. The results showed that liquidity had no effect on bank performance with the significant value 0.491>0.05. Corporate governance moderated the negative effect of liquidity on bank performance with the significant value 0.028< 0,05 and coefficient -0.786.
Modernization is a necessity in madrasas, Islamic boarding schools, and Islamic educational institutions. This is in accordance with Islamic guidance that other than Allah is new according to human nature which wants change. This study aims to describe the footprints of the process of modernization of education at Al-Azhar Asy-Syarif Islamic Elementary School, North Sumatra. The researcher uses a qualitative methodology with a constructivist approach, this approach assumes that social reality is built and constructed by the individuals involved in it. This approach is taken to reveal how individuals understand and interpret the social reality that occurs around the object of research, with data collection techniques commonly used in the constructivist approach. The results of this study found that the phenomenon of modernization of Islamic schools is a change that occurs in the teaching system in schools, as has been implemented by SD Islam Al Azhar Asy-Syarif, North Sumatra. This can be seen from (1) the adoption of digital-based modern teaching methods; (2) provision of learning facilities that are relevant to the technological era, such as laboratories, digital libraries, and comfortable study rooms; (3) preparation of a learning curriculum that prioritizes improving skills (soft skills), strengthening intellectual insights, and teaching materials that train students' critical thinking and higher-order thinking skills.
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11060.].
This research aims to determine the validity of the problem-based learning module teaching materials in the basic statistics course for graphic engineering students at the State Polytechnic of Creative Media PSDKU Makassar. The type of research used is research and development concerning the 4D development model. The 4D development model consists of several phases: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The product developed is module teaching materials based on problem-based learning on basic statistics material. The test subjects in this research were graphic engineering students at the State Polytechnic of Creative Media PSDKU Makassar. The instrument used in this research was a validation sheet consisting of two validators from design experts and material experts. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it is obtained that the analysis of the validation results: (1) the feasibility of the graphic, namely 4.8 is in the very valid category, (2) the feasibility of the language, which is 4.8, is in the very valid category, (3) the feasibility of the content is 4.8 in the very valid category, and (4) the feasibility of presenting that is 4.8, is in the very valid category so that the average value of all aspects is 4.7 which is in the very valid category. So, the problem-based learning module teaching materials in basic statistics courses that have been developed are valid to be used as teaching materials in the learning process.
Organizing a job fair is one of the steps to bridge the needs of companies in finding workers and the needs of job seekers to find work. Creative Media State Polytechnic (Polimedia) as a vocational college provides support to alumni to get decent jobs and according to their fields of expertise. In accordance with one of the Main Performance Indicators (KPI) of higher education, namely graduates get decent jobs [1]. However, currently Polimedia does not have a system that supports the implementation of the job fair or is still done manually. Research with the theme of developing virtual job fair information systems based on augmented reality and virtual reality has two objectives. The first objective is to develop an information system that assists the process of posting job vacancies and allows users to register for available vacancies. Then the second is to facilitate virtual job fairs. Because apart from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, holding a virtual job fair can be a distinct advantage for alumni who are looking for work because they can significantly save transportation and accommodation costs. The system development methodology used is the System Development Lyfe Cycle (SDLC) with the waterfall method. The waterfall method is divided into five stages, namely the analysis, design, implementation, testing and support stages. The design phase uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML), namely use case diagrams and entity relationship diagrams, while the implementation phase of augmented reality uses 3D modeling, markers and interface adjustments. In addition, the design of augmented reality and virtual reality applications uses the A-FRAME framework.
Spray dryer had long been used to dry liquid materials and produce dry crystalline products. However, the drying of the bittern to produce quality salt crystals has not been widely published. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of drying conditions of the bittern using a spray dryer to produce salt with a high natrium chloride (NaCl) content. Drying was carried out in the hot air temperature (105–125 °C), drying air flow rate (25–45 ml/min), feed flow rate (20–30 ml/min), and concentration of maltodextrin (10–30%). The parameters were observed water content, NaCl content, yield, and mean particle diameter size (MPDS). The results showed that the inlet air temperature of 125 °C can significantly reduce the water content faster and produce higher NaCl levels than the inlet air temperature of 105 °C. The salt crystals produced at higher maltodextrin concentrations have lower water content and high NaCl content. The best-operating conditions are at a hot air temperature of 125 °C, a drying airflow rate of 45 m/s, and a maltodextrin concentration of 25% because it produces salt crystals with high NaCl content. Overall, these results indicate that the bittern can be dried using a spray dryer with potential NaCl content as a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry.
In late December 2019 it took the world by storm by transmitting very quickly through the human respiratory tract. Since this happened the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that Covid-19 is called a pandemic. The Covid-19 outbreak affects almost all aspects of life, including the aspect of education in Indonesia, which is also not spared from the Covid-19 outbreak and also feels the consequences of the spread of the virus. Students feel the impact of the spread of Covid-19 such as changes in the provision of services in educational institutions, such as formal education at all levels, non-formal education, to academics (Baety and Munandar 2021). Based on the announcement of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies during the Emergency Period of the Spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). The government began to implement an online learning system (online). The problem that arises during this online learning period is that there are still many people who are not ready to face technology, both in terms of teachers and students, this happened in the early days of the pandemic. So that the learning process that has been carried out normally, both in terms of teaching and providing assessments, also experiences obstacles. This is because the teaching staff (teachers) always have daily assessment data that is usually carried out daily during normal learning. However, during this PJJ period, teachers became confused about giving daily assessments to their students. The purpose of the research is to analyze and evaluate the online learning system using a platform that is easy to operate by teachers and can be accessed anywhere, namely, google form. In the Google Form application, there is an automatic calculation system in the form of student feedback where teachers do not bother to manually calculate the results of student learning evaluations (Munawaroh, Prastowo, and Nurjanah 2021). The analysis method used is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which is able to find out the attitudes of users towards the technology used, so that teachers can easily find out whether the tasks given to students are done by the students themselves, not the help of parents.
Satuan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Kabupaten Karawang belum memiliki aplikasi penilaian yang dapat mendukung kinerja guru pada kondisi pandemic. Penilaian kebutuhan cepat (Rapid Need Assessment) yang dilakukan peneliti pada bulan September 2020 kepada guru-guru PAUD di Kabupaten Karawang, menunjukkan bahwa 70% guru belum menggunakan program database penilaian siswa, artinya guru masih melakukan pelaporan penilaian siswa secara manual, 80% guru mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan database dan pelaporan kegiatan siswa selama pandemi, 40% guru belum memahami bagaimana pelaporan seharusnya dilakukan. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut mengadakan pelatihan sangat tepat untuk memberikan pelatihan dalam melakukan pelaporan online menggunakan aplikasi iPENA kepada guru PAUD di Kabupaten Karawang. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan wawasan baru mengenai penggunaan teknologi informasi pada dunia pendidikan. Manfaatnya meningkatkan kinerja guru selama pandemic dan hasil perkembangan siswa dapat dilaporkan secara berkelanjutan. Hasil pelatihan aplikasi penilaian siswa ini telah memenuhi kebutuhan guru akan pelaporan penilaian berbasis online. Respon pengguna terhadap penggunaan aplikasi penilaian siswa menunjukkan rata-rata sebesar 90.2% dari segi aspek fungsional, fitur yang ada dalam aplikasi penilaian siswa sudah sesuai dengan form penilaian PAUD. 91.8% responden menyatakan web aplikasi ini dapat digunakan dengan mudah oleh siapa saja.
Packaging is one of the aspects that affecting the trust of consumers to a product. As a small enterprise, OkeFarm Neglasari Women Farmer had no packaging expert. The aim of this community service is to provide a good packaging to help them gaining new consumers. Community service was conducted by CBR (Community Based research). The community involved in packaging rebranding, developed by market analysist methods and adjusted to the financial ability of the community. The finalized designs were tested to packaging acceptance test by mean questioner methods. Rebranding resulted 30 new loyal consumers, 25 of them responded to the questioners. 76% of the new consumers were females and 24% of it were males. Most of the new consumers were at age range 31-35 years old (44%) and 26-30 years old (36%). The rebranding effective to attract consumers with income range 3.1-6 million IDR (40%), and 6.1-9 million IDR (24%). The new food packaging brand significantly increased the acceptance of vegetables products.
This study describes the members’ motivation and learning process in WhatsApp Group-based English School (WG-ES) as a unique platform to organize self-productivity during COVID-19. This study used the qualitative method. Fifty-one members participated. The instruments used were Google forms, observations, and documents. The data were analyzed using adopted six approaches by Cresswell. The results indicated that the participants joined WG-ES based on their desires and awareness. Their motivations for joining WG-ES were divided into English-based and non-English-based motivations. Most participants were motivated to improve their English skills, specifically communication skills. The other motivations were the expectation to expand networking, get experience, and find an opportunity to study abroad. In WG-ES, the learning programs were divided into two main activities, daily chitchat and focused learning. WG-ES had rules, study schedules, and flexible curriculums. Therefore, the participants seemed more comfortable studying English through WG-ES.
Penelitian ini menggambarkan motivasi dan proses belajar anggota di Sekolah Bahasa Inggris berbasis Grup WhatsApp sebagai platform yang produktif selama COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Lima puluh satu anggota berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Google-form, observasi, dan dokumen. Data dianalisis menggunakan enam pendekatan yang diadopsi oleh Cresswell. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peserta mengikuti Grup WhatsApp berdasarkan keinginan dan kesadaran mereka. Motivasi untuk bergabung Grup WhatsApp terbagi menjadi motivasi berbasis bahasa Inggris dan non-bahasa Inggris. Sebagian besar peserta termotivasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris, khususnya keterampilan komunikasi. Motivasi lainnya adalah harapan untuk memperluas jaringan, mendapatkan pengalaman, dan menemukan kesempatan untuk belajar di luar negeri. Dalam Grup WhatsApp ini, program pembelajaran dibagi menjadi dua kegiatan utama, yaitu obrolan harian dan pembelajaran terfokus. Sekolah Bahasa Inggris berbasis Grup WhatsApp ini memiliki aturan, jadwal belajar, dan kurikulum yang fleksibel. Oleh karena itu, para peserta lebih nyaman belajar bahasa Inggris melalui Sekolah Bahasa Inggris berbasis Grup WhatsApp.
This study describes the use of mobile learning technology for students at the elementary school level. There are many educational applications, so researchers want to know whether these applications are needed for education. In this study, in order to understand how students, understand the use of educational applications that can be used on mobile devices, a qualitative method is used. Researchers in this case also use data collection techniques by conducting semi-structured interviews with students and elementary school students who use cellular technology in learning activities. The children said that using instructional apps had helped them improve their skills. When they work in groups, they develop relational and communication skills. On the other hand, there are some students who do not see the value or convenience of using educational apps on their mobile devices. The result of this research is the application of arithmetic and storytelling helps children improve their cognitive abilities. At the same time, when they interact with others, this activity stimulates them and offers emotional benefits. Use Study participants demonstrated a wide range of learning skills and capacities, as demonstrated by this study. Finally, this work offers new possibilities for future research in this exciting field.
A closer inspection shows that the granular heap slopes are not truly straight. Instead, more often they have convex shapes. Here, we show that the granular heap slopes, in general, are convex (curved downwards). This prediction is in accordance with the results of measurements on 10 types of granular heaps. The model answers why the surfaces of granular heaps, including desert sand dunes, are more often convex than straight. We also predict the existence of a critical grain size, where the repose angle is 90° at the critical size and is undefined if the grain size is less than the critical size. The critical grain size estimated by the present model is consistent with the experimental results of previous researchers. This model also advocates the simultaneous estimation of the coefficient of friction on the grain and type of packing in the heap.
Graphical abstract
Student behaviour is an activity carried out by students for each individual. Students who visit campus journal websites are essential in terms of journal accreditation aspects, where this is a benchmark for increasing the journal's potential as a reference. However, some factors influence it where the frequency of students visiting campus journal websites is not as expected in exploring journals, and the enthusiasm of students to download articles is still below the desired expectations. This causes the potential for the journal to obtain national accreditation at a small percentage, and students may think that there are very few reference sources for journals, so it is less attractive on the campus journal website system. Data collection methods were used in this study, such as interviews, literature study, and questionnaires. Meanwhile, to evaluate the campus journal website system on student behaviour using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with four variables: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude toward using, and behavioural intention to use. This method makes the user feel it is easier to access the campus journal website; then, the user feels the campus journal website can provide benefits and usability. The user has a great curiosity to access the campus journal, and finally, the user wants to access the website and take the initiative to influence. other users in to access the same
The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure of the traditional wedding ceremony and the White Crocodile performance in Curug Dahu Village. Signifying the concept of denotation and connotation of the White Crocodile in the traditional wedding ceremony in Curug Dahu Village, and analyzing the relationship between the White Crocodile communication elements to the phenomenon of polygamy in the Curug Dahu village. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The data collection technique was carried out starting with literature study, observation and interviews accompanied by documentation. The object of this research is the White Crocodile in a Sundanese traditional ceremony in Curug Dahu Village. This research uses Roland Barthes' Semiotics theory. Decoding the codes and identifying the denotations that have been formed are obtained at the primary level (denotation), White Crocodile is an image of fertility and fidelity in marriage, while at the secondary level of meaning (connotation) White Crocodile is an effort to carry out religious orders, in this case Islam is the majority of the people of Kampung Curug Dahu. Keywords: Polygamy, Roland Barthes, Social Criticism. White Crocodile.
This paper aims to elaborate stock investment decision and to examine the impact of five influential factors as independent variables and the influence of years of investment as mediating variable. This paper is based on empirical study which involved 286 individual investors in Indonesia Stock Exchange using data from Riri (2020). Structural equation modelling approach was used for estimating relationship between influential factors (e.g., personal financial needs, overconfidence, advocate recommendation, social relevance, and self or firm image) on stock investment decisions. The result found that decision on stock investment is determined by social relevance, overconfidence, personal financial need, and advocate recommendation significantly and positively. Years of Investment has played moderating role on relationship between for advocate recommendation and personal with stock investment decisions. Years of Investment is moderating variable to become a novelty this paper.
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect directly and indirectly such as promotion, convenience, and security on the decision to purchase online cinema tickets with the TIX ID application through consumer buying interest. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire that is distributed online via the google application form. Data analysis methods include validity, reliability, classical assumptions, and SEM tests. The number of samples in this study were 200 respondents who had met the minimum requirements for using SEM (structural equation models). Data processing using SPSS and AMOS. The results showed that promotion and convenience factors had a significant effect on purchase intention, while security did not have a significant effect on purchase intention. The results of statistical tests show that there is no influence of the promotion, convenience, and security variables on purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the results show that promotion and convenience factors indirectly influence purchasing decisions through purchase intention.
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Dr. Purnomo Ananto, M.M