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The essential oil extracted from Anemia tomentosa (EOAT) has shown larvicidal potential against Aedes aegypti, based on methods in vitro and in silico. Chromatographic and spectrometric techniques (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (CG-MS), gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID)), as well as mono and bidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) were used to assess 10 essential oil components. Chemical composition of essential oil comprised 87.51% sesquiterpenes, with emphasis on presilphiperfolan-1-ol (42.13%) and silphiperfol-5-ene (19.47%). Larvicidal assay conducted in vitro with EOAT has evidenced potential cytotoxic activity up to 48 h exposure to it; mortality rate observed for A. aegypti larvae exposed to essential oil reached 100%. Study conducted in silico with chemical compounds deriving from the herein investigated plant species has evidenced its potential to inhibit acetylcholinesterase in A. aegypti. Activity of triquinane sesquiterpenes ranging from-6.8 to-8.2 kcal mol-1 stood out in comparison to that of temephos (-7.5 kcal mol-1). Chemical compounds identified in the investigated essential oil presented low human and environmental toxicity, as observed in absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, and toxicity (ADMETox) predictions.
Resumo Objetivos: avaliar o efeito da Imunoterapia Orofaríngea de Colostro na redução dos casos de sepse neonatal tardia, em recém-nascidos prematuros com muito baixo peso. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo de intervenção, com análise comparativa entre a incidência de sepse neonatal tardia do grupo tratamento (em uso da Imunoterapia Orofaríngea de Colostro) e grupo controle histórico (recém-nascidos acompanhados na mesma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal, anteriormente à implementação do protocolo de Imunoterapia Orofaríngea de Colostro). Participaram do estudo 81 prematuros nascidos entre 2016 e 2022, separados de acordo com o recebimento ou não da Imunoterapia Orofaríngea de Colostro. A intervenção consistiu em oito aplicações diárias de 0,2 mL de colostro cru da própria mãe na mucosa oral dos participantes, durante os sete primeiros dias de vida. Foi feito cálculo de Risco Relativo e Redução Absoluto de Risco e do Número Necessário para Tratar. Resultados: notou-se efeito protetor da IOC contra a sepse neonatal tardia. Risco relativo: 0,43; IC95%=0,21-0,91; Redução absoluta de risco: 0,26; IC95%=6,51-45,92 e Número necessário para tratar: 4 (2,17-15,34). Conclusão: a administração orofaríngea de colostro se mostrou uma medida promissora na proteção de RN PT com MBP contra sepse tardia.
To compare the outcomes of phacoemulsification combined with either Kahook Dual Blade (KDB) goniotomy (phaco-KDB) or trabecular microbypass stent (iStent and iStent inject) implantation (phaco-Stent).
A literature search was performed on PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library from inception to April 2024. Randomized clinical trials and observational studies that compared KDB goniotomy to the first or second generation iStent combined with phacoemulsification were included. The main outcomes measures were surgical success, mean change in intraocular pressure (IOP) and medication number, and complication rates. Mean differences (MD) and pooled odds ratios (OR) were used to analyze continuous and binary outcomes, respectively.
Fourteen studies were included with a total of 1959 eyes (958 phaco-KDB, and 1000 phaco-Stent including 753 phaco-iStent and 207 phaco-iStent inject). The combined findings showed significantly higher rates of surgical success in the phaco-KDB group versus the phaco-Stent group (OR: 0.68; 95% CI:0.50 to 0.92; P=0.01; I2=40%), and greater IOP reduction in the phaco-KDB group versus the phaco-Stent group at month 6 (MD: 1.13 mmHg; 95% CI: 0.43 to 1.83; P=0.002; I2=51%). By month 12, both groups demonstrated similar IOP reduction. Subgroup analysis at month 12 showed greater IOP reduction in the phaco-KDB group versus the phaco-iStent group (MD: 1.69 mmHg; 95% CI:0.44 to 2.95; P=0.008; I2=74%). However, compared to the phaco-iStent inject group, there was no significant difference in IOP reduction (MD: −0.72 mmHg; 95% CI: −3.69 to 2.24; P=0.63; I2=64%). Medication reduction and the incidence of adverse events were comparable between groups.
KDB goniotomy may offer better surgical success compared to Stent implantation, when used in combination with phacoemulsification. KDB goniotomy demonstrated better IOP reduction at month 12 compared to iStent. However, iStent inject showed similar IOP reduction to KDB.
Resumo A pesquisa que se desenvolve com a possibilidade de utilização da arbitragem como método de resolução de conflitos em comunidades tradicionais surge do enfrentamento da realidade no quilombo da Baixa da Linha, situado no município de Cruz das Almas, região do recôncavo da Bahia. A pesquisa questiona se a realização da arbitragem baseada nos usos e costumes pode ser considerada uma norma de direito antidiscriminatório dentro de comunidades tradicionais. Este trabalho é uma etapa da pesquisa empírica que se encontra em andamento junto às comunidades quilombolas da Vila Guaxinim e Baixa da Linha. Este artigo adotou a metodologia indutivo-crítica com o uso do caso do pé de limão como ponto de partida na pesquisa para pensar e construir métodos de resolução de conflitos dentro da comunidade quilombola para que não seja necessário se submeter às agências oficiais do Estado. Os resultados parciais apontam que a lei de arbitragem pode ser utilizada como norma antidiscriminatória, porém, é preciso ter cuidado para não forçar a adoção deste método alternativo dentro das comunidades.
Underground plant organs, usually the thickened ones, can be capable of producing buds that allow shoot regrowth when the aerial part of the plants is eliminated. Some plants have roots that produce buds, which may or may not be branched systems, but which allow vegetative propagation in unfavorable environments due the presence of carbohydrate reserves. This study aimed to analyze and compare the anatomy of the roots of two Brazilian species, Apeiba tibourbou and Pachira aquatica, that present starch grains, buds and the ability to propagate vegetatively. Material of both species was analyzed in loco, collected and compared through anatomical analysis using standardized methods. Tests for carbohydrate detection were also applied. Anatomical analyses showed that the roots produced endogenous buds, originating from pericycle cells in A. tibourbou and from parenchyma rays in P. aquatica. Both species presented starch as carbohydrate reserve. The results demonstrated not only the high potential of differentiation and specialization of plant cells, but also the diverse reproductive strategies adopted by these species of the family Malvaceae, whether they are associated with the environment or not.
Within Rhodophyta, with nearly 7100 known living species, the Corallinophycidae deserve main attention. Besides the crustose form, the coralline red algae are responsible for the rhodolith bed formation. With five orders, these algae present a complex taxonomy and a sub-estimated richness. This chapter describes their anatomical and reproductive characters, the diversity and distribution along the Brazilian Blue Amazon.
BIOADSORBENTS FROM AGROINDUSTRIAL WASTE USED IN Cd(II) REMOVAL. The use of agroindustry waste in the synthesis of bioadsorbents provides a solution to reduce the disposal of solid waste in the environment while increasing the added value of recovering locally sourced waste. However, technical and environmental issues must be considered when selecting the appropriate synthesis method to avoid creating a new environmental impact and evaluate the feasibility of applying the method. In this work, yellow mombin, guava and mango seeds were used to synthesize bioadsorbents capable of removing cadmium(II) in solution. The materials were characterized according to their chemical composition, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and evaluated by adsorption kinetics tests. Energy analysis of biomass processing was performed by life cycle analysis (LCA). The bioadsorbents presented typical characteristics of lignocellulosic biomass, with the presence of functional groups favorable to the adsorption of metals and were effective in removing cadmium(II), with efficiency of 95.7, 92.4 and 60.2%, for BSG (guava seed bioadsorbent), BSC (yellow mombin seed bioadsorbent) and BSM (mango seed bioadsorbent), respectively. The error functions provided a more appropriate criterion for analyzing the kinetic data. The methodology proposed in this work is simple to implement and has a low estimated energy demand, therefore being promising for application in small fruit processing industries in the semi-arid region of Bahia.
Resumen: Guatemala es uno de los países de Latinoamericana con mayores inequidades en el acceso a servicios de salud, especialmente en la atención primaria de salud. Múltiples reformas han sido propuestas para solucionar los problemas de accesibilidad sin el éxito esperado, debido a ser experiencias aisladas o la discontinuidad en su implementación. Dada la ausencia de una tradición consolidada en evaluación, no es posible conocer otros factores asociados. De tal forma, el presente trabajo objetivó analizar brechas que inciden en el entorno institucional del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social (MSPAS). Fue utilizado el referencial teórico de análisis de capacidades institucionales para apuntar principales desafíos a ser enfrentados por la institución en su entorno macro-institucional y micro-institucional. Se argumenta que la poca capacidad institucional provocada por los procesos de ajuste estructural debilita la capacidad de respuesta del MSPAS para la garantía del derecho a la salud, situación evidenciada durante la pandemia por COVID-19. El entorno macro-institucional guatemalteco limita el desarrollo de capacidades institucionales al no contar con una tradición democrática consolidada. Sumado, existe una baja capacidad estatal dada la falta de direccionamiento claro sobre sus objetivos, el desfinanciamiento y el enfoque biomédico-hegemónico del modelo de atención que limita el actuar desde un enfoque promocional de la salud. El presente artículo demostró la existencia de limitaciones al desarrollo de capacidades institucionales y la importancia de fortalecer el campo de políticas, planificación y gestión sanitarias.
The Aberdeen Varicose Vein Questionnaire (AVVQ) is the most widely-used questionnaire to assess chronic venous disease. Because the first item requires patients to agree to draw their veins, its paper form has been called into question leading to the development of a tablet version that has simplified its application. However, the literature still lacks a comparison of these tools.
To compare agreement between scores, questionnaire completion time, and user-friendliness between paper-based and tablet-based versions of the AVVQ.
In a prospective, multicenter trial, consecutive patients were asked to complete paper-based and tablet-based versions of the AVVQ. Scores, questionnaire completion time, data entry time, and degree of user difficulty were compared.
Data were collected from 88 patients, 22.7% had completed primary school and 43.2% had higher education. Most patients (88.6%) reported that the tablet version was easy to use. Median time to complete the questionnaire and compute scores was 4 minutes for the tablet version and 9.5 minutes for the paper version (p<0.001). Mean AVVQ scores obtained by patients did not differ significantly between the two groups (p=0.431).
In this study, paper and tablet versions of the AVVQ yielded similar scores, with the tablet version saving time when considering the entire process needed to apply the questionnaire and compute data.
Resumo: O artigo aborda a relação entre a filosofia da linguagem ordinária de Stanley Cavell - FLO - e a possibilidade de autoconhecimento, através dos usos da linguagem ordinária. Nesse sentido, discutem-se as ideias de normatividade e de responsabilidade pessoal envolvidas na possibilidade de comunicações intersubjetivas, em que usos significativos da linguagem ordinária possam ser compartilhados e das quais resulte autoconhecimento. Assim, analisa-se a concepção cavelliana de FLO, relacionando-a com as condições da expressão subjetiva, um tema central na filosofia de Cavell.
Este trabalho investiga a aplicação do método de Nikiforov-Uvarov na resolução da equação de Schrödinger para o potencial de Kratzer-Fues unidimensional, um modelo amplamente utilizado na descrição de interações e estruturas moleculares. O referido método demonstrou ser eficiente na obtenção do espectro de energia e das autofunções radiais normalizadas de estados ligados. Os resultados numéricos obtidos para as moléculas diatômicas NO e O2 foram consistentes e precisos, especialmente quando comparados ao método de iteração assintótica e à regra de quantização exata. Assim, o estudo reforça a eficácia desse método para análises avançadas de sistemas moleculares, contribuindo para a compreensão de fenômenos químicos e físicos.
Habitat loss can lead to biotic homogenization (decrease in β diversity) or differentiation (increase in β diversity) of biological communities. However, it is unclear which of these ecological processes predominates in human‐modified landscapes. We used data on vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants to quantify β diversity based on species occurrence and abundance among communities in 1367 landscapes with varying amounts of habitat (<30%, 30−60%, or >60% of forest cover) throughout the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Decreases in habitat amount below 30% led to increased compositional similarity of vertebrate and invertebrate communities, which may indicate a process of biotic homogenization throughout the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. No pattern was detected in plant communities. We found that habitat loss was associated with a deterministic increase in faunal community similarity, which is consistent with a selected subset of species being capable of thriving in human‐modified landscapes. The lack of pattern found in plants was consistent with known variation between taxa in community responses to habitat amount. Brazilian legislation requiring the preservation of 20% of Atlantic Forest native vegetation may be insufficient to prevent the biotic homogenization of faunal communities. Our results highlight the importance of preserving large amounts of habitat, providing source areas for the recolonization of deforested landscapes, and avoiding large‐scale impacts of homogenization of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
Melastomataceae comprises to 5,858 plant species across 173 genera globally. Brazil hosts the highest diversity for this family, including 1,453 species, with a great number of endemics. The Brazilian Caatinga is an important domain for Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests, Shrubs and Woodlands in South America, highlighting exceptional environmental diversity and hosting endemic and rare species. While the representation of Melastomataceae in the Caatinga is limited, the colonization of xeric environments by select species has garnered attention. One of these is Pleroma caatingae, a threatened species previously thought to be endemic to the state of Bahia, and recently collected in the Ceará state. This study provides an updated morphological description and uses a predictive Species Distribution Model (SDM) to predict potential species’ distribution and conservation status. The findings not only enhance knowledge of neotropical species distribution patterns, but also highlight the importance of preserving overlooked arid habitats, such as the inselbergs, which harbor intriguing biodiversity as well.
Plant pigments are diverse natural molecules involved in numerous biological functions such as development, growth, and metabolism. As plants age, not only new organs will be formed, but also, they will acquire the necessary pigments in response to the environment and endogenous programming in order to achieve reproductive success. Among the endogenous cues, the small RNAs (sRNAs), an endogenous group of ubiquitous regulatory molecules, may regulate the pigments‐associated biosynthetic pathways at posttranscriptional level. Although plant pigments and sRNAs have been comprehensively studied in several processes throughout the entire plant cycle in model and nonmodel species, connections among these central players must be revised. Studying these complex networks allow us not only to know the progress that has been made in this area, but also generate research questions to be explored in order to unravel novel mechanisms for improving plant yield; therefore, in this review we have summarized the emerging roles of sRNAs‐regulated nodes in mediating plant pigmentation‐associated biosynthetic pathways, focused on chlorophylls, flavonoids, carotenoids, and betalains. In addition, we discuss perspectives related to the manipulation of those genes associated with plant pigments for obtaining genetically improved plants.
The bryophytes of the Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Parque das Neblinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil: IV Bryophyte Workshop of Brazil). In November 2022, the IV Workshop of Brazilian Bryophytes took place, celebrating 200 years of bryophyte studies in Brazil. The date commemorates Raddi’s publication in 1822 and the birth month of Aloysio Sehnem, the first Brazilian to study bryophytes. Seventeen bryophyte enthusiasts participated in practical activities using samples from the SP herbarium and collecting in the Parque das Neblinas, located between Mogi das Cruzes and Bertioga, São Paulo State, Brazil. The park covers an area with Ombrophilous Forest and Eucalyptus plantations. 381 species of bryophytes were found, with Lejeuneaceae being the most diverse family, with 83 species, and Pilotrichaceae with 20 species. Twenty-four species are new records for the State of São Paulo. 38% are exclusive to the Atlantic Forest, and 12% are endemic to Brazil. These results highlight the importance of Parque das Neblinas for the conservation and future studies of bryophytes.
Atlantic Forest; floristics; hornworts; liverworts; mosses
Over the last two centuries, since the treatment of Leguminosae in Flora Brasiliensis, many new legume species and genera have been described, adding to the accumulated body of knowledge on species’ circumscriptions and distribution, published in monographs, taxonomic revisions and regional floristic treatments of specific Brazilian phytogeographic domains. The Flora do Brasil 2020 project was a collaborative effort conducted between 2008 and 2020 to meet the targets set by the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, an initiative of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The project aimed to inventory and revise the taxonomy of all plant species in Brazil, including Leguminosae. The monograph of the legume family was carried out by a team of 102 taxonomists (10% of the project’s total), who worked towards updating and verifying the taxonomy of these plants in an online platform. Information on the life forms, substrate, endemism level, and geographical distribution for all accepted taxa were provided, alongside morphological descriptions, identification keys, images of herbarium specimens and field photographs. In this work, we have extracted from the Flora do Brasil 2020 project the legume data consolidated on December 31st, 2020 to provide an overview of the species diversity of Leguminosae in Brazil and its distribution across phytogeographic domains. The results revealed that the family is represented by 220 genera, of which 19 are endemic, and a total of 2901 species (1576 endemic). After fully monographing 210 genera (95%), we showcased Leguminosae as the most diverse family in the country, representing 6% of the total vascular plant species documented in the Flora do Brasil 2020. The species are found in all phytogeographic domains, exhibiting a wide range of life forms. The Mata Atlântica and Caatinga domains together contain the largest number of endemic legume genera in Brazil, most of them monospecific. A discussion on the conservation status of the Brazilian legume species is also provided. Knowledge of the Brazilian flora is continuously advancing, particularly with regards to Leguminosae, demanding regular taxonomic and nomenclatural updates. Current collaborations have greatly improved our understanding of legume diversity and distribution, providing evidence to inform conservation prioritization and action for the Leguminosae in Brazil’s megadiverse flora.
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Feira de Santana, Brazil
Head of institution
Evandro do Nascimento Silva, Ph.D.