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The N- is construction has evolved from main clause to parenthetical, and bottom line has even become a mobile marker. The spoken section of COCA shows that left-peripheral bottom line can be surrounded by other extra-clausal expressions compatible with its pragmatic functions (projection, summation/(sub)topic shift, emphasis, epistemic endorsement and objectification). The aim of this paper is to establish whether these categories exhibit ordering preferences. The study reveals that the left periphery can be divided into nine optional slots. The first four slots usually express disjunction with the previous utterance; they include turn-initiators, then discourse connectors, then markers of disalignment, and then attention-getters/(sub)topic shifters. The second part of the left periphery (Slots 5–9) is more argumentative. The fifth slot comprises subjectifiers: expressions of viewpoint meant to attenuate the peremptory tone of bottom line , which occupies the sixth slot. The seventh slot is filled by the stance-marking discourse marker though , and the eighth slot is typically composed of expressions which de-subjectify the upcoming assertion. Finally, the ninth slot is occupied by addresses, which can be used strategically to maintain the recipient in an inferior interactional position. Together, these expressions form powerful rhetorical devices meant to convince interlocutors while preserving their faces.
Resumo: Este artigo explora a dança por intermédio da lente do gênero, utilizando o estudo de caso de Mimosa / Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning, uma performance coletiva concebida por quatro dos mais importantes coreógrafos contemporâneos: Trajal Harrell, Cecilia Bengolea, François Chaignaud e Marlene Monteiro Freitas. Este texto interroga diferentes elementos destacados por essa performance, como a forma pela qual a herança da dança pode dialogar com as perspectivas contemporâneas referentes a questões de classe, gênero e raça, para nos ajudar a compreender melhor a representação da identidade subcultural na dança.
This article explores dance through the lens of gender, using the case study of Mimosa/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning, a collective performance conceived by four of the most important contemporary choreographers: Trajal Harrell, Cecilia Bengolea, François Chaignaud, and Marlene Monteiro Freitas. This text interrogates different elements highlighted by this performance, such as how dance heritage may dialogue with contemporary perspectives concerning class, gender, and race issues, to help us better understand the representation of subcultural identity in dance.
The medieval romance Guillaume de Dole mentions a mysterious queen of Puglia as well as a fairy who are both remarkable embroiderers. Examining the geopolitical situation of Apulia in the 12th and 13th c., the article argues that this surprising promotion of Apulia and its supposed fairies and queens in literature is due to a genuine interest in a region hotly coveted by princes, kings and emperors, but also to the desire to move away from Arthurian romance and explore new imaginary territories.
Drawing on Val Plumwood’s philosophical animism and on the notion of an enriched materialism, this paper argues that experimental film has the capacity to restore a sense of wonder towards the world, potentially inviting its spectator to rediscover the intentionality of more-than-human beings. In this sense, we could talk about animistic film.
This article examines the strategies developed at the local level to strengthen pan-ethnic solidarity within Latino communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. It explores how local organizations and migrant communities may foster a pan-ethnic identity and the subsequent effects on the inclusion process of Latino immigrants with precarious legal status. Based on 87 in-depth interviews, this study offers a novel perspective on integration by focusing on intra-ethnic dynamics within Latino communities, particularly at the local level, rather than broader inter-ethnic or national contexts. The findings highlight the critical role of local contexts in shaping the mechanisms of inclusion for Latino immigrants, revealing the complexities of identity formation under conditions of legal precarity. In particular, they show how in exclusionary contexts, within-group solidarity can be built. This research contributes to broader sociological and political debates on immigrant inclusion, pan-ethnic identity formation, and the influence of local environments in these processes.
The chapter aims to observe some of the forms taken by displacement in a literature that refers to an anxious and disquiet relationship with the world. We present the exemplary case of the French academic novelist of Chinese origin François Cheng. We also look at a writer who calls himself a “frontiersman,” such as Claudio Magris, because his favorite places are metonymic of spaces that are foreign to each other. Finally, we consider the discomfort of disquiet on the basis of two narratives. On the one hand, we examine some aspects of Mathias Énard's novel Boussole, whose action, set in the closed space of a Viennese flat, hosts a whole kaleidoscope of oriental horizons at the same time as the Library of Babel invites itself into the bedroom of an insomniac. Then we take a closer look at Ronald Bonan's story Ambulances, set in Provence, between Nice, Marseille, the Sainte-Victoire mountain and the Mont Ventoux.
To compare the presurgical to postsurgical voice quality (VQ) outcomes of types I, II, III, and VI transoral laser cordectomies (TLC).
Study design
Prospective uncontrolled study.
Multicenter study.
Patients treated with TLC for a cT1 glottic squamous cell carcinoma were recruited from 2 European hospitals. The pre‐ to 3‐, 6‐, and 12‐month post‐TLC VQ was investigated with the voice handicap index (VHI), GRBAS, speech rate, maximal phonation time (MPT), and acoustic parameters. VQ was compared between types of TLC (types I, II, III, VI).
Ninety‐six patients completed the evaluations (16 females). The TLC consists of type I (N = 30), II (N = 27), III (N = 19), and VI (N = 20), respectively. The mean ages of groups ranged from 55.3 to 65.5 years. The VQ significantly improved from pre‐ to 3‐, and 12‐month post‐TLC in types I, II, and III TLC groups. Only grade of dysphonia was significantly improved in type VI TLC after 6‐ and 12‐month post‐TLC. Type VI TLC reported higher values of F0, breathiness, and percent jitter than types I to III TLC 6‐ and 12‐month after the surgery. Percent jitter, F0, and the breathiness were the voice outcomes that highlight the differences in VQ between TLC groups.
The pre‐ to 12‐month post‐TLC evolution of VQ is better in types I‐II TLC compared to types III and VI. Type VI TLC reported the worse VQ at baseline and throughout the follow‐up.
Taking as its starting point a controversy over the interpretation of a poem by Chénier in which some readers saw the representation of a rape, this article examines the historicity of the signs of female sexual consent and the issues of a literary reading that allows for confusion and vacillation, characteristics that are conducive to education in a sexuality that is itself based on consent.
A typical modern power system is a multilayer network consisting of a power network coupled with a communication network, namely, a cyber–physical power system (CPPS). Some previous research methods that were applicable to single-layer networks (such as power networks) are not applicable to current CPPSs. In this article, we first establish an importance evaluation model for the lines in the power network and the nodes in the communication network of a CPPS. Then, the key nodes and lines in the CPPS are evaluated from three perspectives: network information, network properties, and network structure. Two algorithms are proposed, from network information and network property perspectives. Ten indicators are also formulated from a network structure perspective. Finally, the results of analyzing the correlations between indicators under these three perspectives using Kendall's tau-b show that the important lines and nodes in the different networks are different and that the most effective method of importance evaluation is based on information fusion from the network information perspective. The results also show that the research significance of investigating CPPS network node importance based on a Barabási–Albert communication network is greater than that of analyses based on Watts–Strogatz and Erdös–Rényi networks. The results can provide a good understanding of the operating status of a power system to help reduce the probability of system faults, thereby providing support for future intelligent and autonomous power systems.
To assess the opinion, practices, and challenges of international key opinion leaders about two minimal invasive surgical techniques in supraglottic laryngeal tumours: transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) and the transoral robotic surgery (TORS).
Design of a questionnaire composed of seven sections and fifty questions covering descriptive data of participants, practitioners experience procedural sequences, considerations related to airways, feeding, and voice, intraoperative haemorrhage, postoperative management, and a comparative analysis of TLM and TORS in treating supraglottic laryngeal cancer.
A total of 27 head and neck surgeons replied to the survey. The experts had an average experience in laryngeal surgery of 20.0 ± 9.4 years, ranging from 5 to 36 years. We noted a significantly shorter installation time in TLM compared to TORS (19% of experts estimated the installation time of over 20 min with TLM vs 44% with TORS; p = 0.02). According to complications, the experts considered that bleeding was the major concern with supraglottic laryngeal surgery, especially intraoperative bleeding in TLM (52% in TLM vs 26% in TORS) (p = 0.09) and postoperative bleeding in TORS (56% in TORS vs 44% in TLM).
The experts did not identify a clear superiority of one technology (TLM) over the other (TORS). The two techniques seemed equivalent to the experts, except for the control of intraoperative haemostasis and visualisation of the surgical field, where TORS was perceived as superior to TLM.
Democracy as a concept has often been confronted to a plethora of adjectives that at the same time determine and alter its meaning. The adjectives direct, representative, liberal designate contemporary forms of democracy without being exclusive, cumulative, or accessory the one to another. If it is widely accepted—at least from a legal point of view—that representative democracy is the dominant form of exercising power, we can still find expressions of direct and liberal democracy within national constitutions, namely through mechanisms such as the referendum for the former and the protection of the rule of law for the latter. Nonetheless, a new tendency seeks to affix adjectives to the term “democracy” that would not only alter its meaning but even go beneath the essence of democracy as a political regime, based on the electoral moment and ensuring fundamental rights and the rule of law. Therefore, the terms illiberal democracy, defective democracy, electoral democracy, hybrid democracy indicate a rather not exhaustive list of a regime that obeys formally to the democratic criteria but fails to fulfil the essence of democracy. Whereas legal scholars and political scientists have suggested that we are heading towards the transformation of Law as we know it, others have rather addressed the “end of Law”. Is the phenomenon of illiberal democracies a new constitutional phenomenon or is only part of a more profound process of the transformation of Law?
Early‐onset psychotic disorders include the prodromal phase and the first‐episode psychosis (FEP). They constitute a high‐risk period for suicidal behavior. Early intervention for psychosis (EIP) consists of intervening as early as possible. The effectiveness of early intervention on overall prognosis has been reported in numerous studies, and EIP services are emerging worldwide. Several authors report an improvement in suicidal behavior, but no study has looked at all the data.
Aims of the Study
The aim of work is to study whether early intervention for psychosis has an impact on deaths by suicide and suicide attempts, and study which intervention methods have an impact on suicidal behavior.
By respecting the PRISMA criteria, previously declared on PROSPERO, by exploring 5 medical databases (PubMed, Cochrane, PsycINFO, Scopus, Embase), from their creation dates, published until 20/02/2023, in English, we carried out a meta‐analysis. The articles selected had to deal with the EIP and deaths by suicide or suicide attempts. Our primary outcome is the deaths by suicide and the secondary outcome the suicide attempt.
The exhaustive search identified a total of 2310 references. Nine articles were included. Their intervention modalities were pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, case‐management, or related services, and psycho‐social therapies. Our meta‐analysis shows that early intervention for early‐onset psychotic disorders is associated with a statistically significant reduction by a third in deaths by suicide (ORa = 0.66 (0.49–0.88), p = 0.005) and by a third in suicide attempts (ORa = 0.66 (0.50–0.86), p = 0.002), with non‐significant heterogeneity. Sensitivity analyses excluding the study with statistical difficulties due to the absence of an event and studies with a high risk of bias point in the same direction, that is a statistically significant reduction and non‐significant heterogeneity.
The literature shows that early intervention programs are associated with positive impact on deaths by suicide and suicide attempt. This is the first meta‐analysis of early intervention in early psychotic disorders and its impact on suicidal risk. The deployment of EIP should be supported worldwide in order to intervene as early as possible and prevent the risk of suicide.
Trial Registration: PROSPERO CRD42022366976
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Paris, France