Saint Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work
Recent publications
Purpose The voices of children remain overshadowed and marginalized in domestic violence research. Mothers with experiences of domestic violence are central to enabling children’s participation, but few studies focus on their views and perceptions about conducting this research with children. This article addresses this research gap and presents qualitative research undertaken in Australia with mothers on their views about children’s engagement in domestic violence research. Methods Eleven mothers participated in semi-structured interviews. The domestic violence service sector assisted in recruitment by approaching mothers living in a place of safety. Constructivist grounded theory along with interdisciplinary research, which drew on professional perspectives from social work and occupational therapy, underpinned the methodological approach and data was analyzed through a process of thematic network analysis. Results While not against children’s involvement in domestic violence research in principle, mothers reported concerns about whether researchers could safely engage children. The possible adverse consequences from children’s participation meant they were extremely reluctant to provide consent. Mothers expressed anxiety about the potential safety ramifications for children and mothers, particularly if the perpetrator found out about their involvement in research. Conclusions To best enable research, mothers said they needed assurance that the highest level of safeguarding existed, addressing physical safety considerations and emotional, psychological, and cultural safety. Demonstrating that research is trauma-safe, child-friendly, and in the child’s interests is important for gaining mothers’ consent.
A state governed by the rule of law establishes balanced legal relations. This article describes four scientific and theoretical approaches to the concept of legal relations, i.e., legal, subject-object, moral, and socio-psychological. According to the legal approach, legal relations are regulated by law. The subject-object approach defines legal relations as those that occur between subjects who possess certain rights and exercise them in relation to each other or to the objects in the legal field. According to the moral approach, society builds the system of law based on moral principles. This approach offers a step-by-step formation of law in the process of social development. Stage 1 shapes moral norms as a result of direct communication between community members. Stage 2 is associated with the individual assimilation of norms and the formation of morality. Stage 3 presupposes the arrival of legal norms. Stage 4 ends with the legislative consolidation of legal norms. The theoretical analysis revealed four socio-psychological processes in the development of legal norms: a) informal interpersonal communication yields moral norms, b) moral behavior patterns become internal, and moral consciousness appears; c) moral norms are exteriorized in the public consciousness, thus leading to legal consciousness; d) moral norms are legitimized, and legal norms become law. The socio-psychological approach considers such principles of legal relations as the sense of justice and equality.
The article deals with the concept of postgraduate pedagogical education of medical school teachers in the aspect of professionalization of teacher’s personality. The main stages of continuing education of teachers are considered, taking into account their subject-professional basic training (humanitarian, natural, medical and preventive), as well as the position of the teaching staff. The role of curricula for residents, postgraduates, associate professors and professors, taking into account the gradual formation of professional-pedagogical competencies, implemented at advanced training courses and in the additional program of professional retraining “Higher School Teacher” is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the practice-oriented experience of medical school teachers as a conceptually new universal model in the pedagogy of higher medical education, implemented within the framework of the federal state educational standard of higher education and in connection with the solution of problems of training future doctors and health care workers.
The paper considers the basic principles of mediation, its possible goals and part in the legal system. With the help of analysis of the sources and experience of practice, the authors reveal significance of mediation in the context of the legal system and possibilities of its use for effective resolution of disputes of all kinds.
The article attempts to empirically show the possibilities of one of the approaches to solving the problem of developing a value attitude to health. This approach can be carried out by forming a young person's desire to achieve important life goals and increase the meaning of life. In a psychodiagnostic study, the relationship between the individual's intention to realize important life goals and his attitude to health and psychological well-being in the existential sense is traced. It is shown that students who are focused on achieving high-order goals tend to activate the psychological resources of health to a greater extent, highlight the value of health and evaluate their lives as prosperous.
Of great practical interest is the possible impact of diet and availability of a number of nutrients on the quality of sleep and the risk of its disorders in children. The review presents information on the relationship of sleep characteristics to the intake of the most important macro- and micronutrients into the body. It discusses the positive effect of amino acids, primarily tryptophan and its derivatives: serotonin and melatonin, on sleep indicators. The possible effects of fats and carbohydrates on the quality and structure of sleep are considered. The significance of the availability of micronutrients, including magnesium, iron, and copper, is analyzed. The role of group B vitamins and vitamin D in improving the quality of a child's sleep is discussed. There is information on the possible pathophysiological and pathochemical mechanisms that form a basis for the relationship of sleep characteristics to the intake of a number of nutrients into the body. The role of breast milk in ensuring the natural ontogenesis of a child's sleep and in improving the quality of sleep is separately considered.
Objective. To assess ART adherence and treatment continuity in young adults living with HIV since birth or childhood in the first years after transition from paediatric to adult service of the AIDS Center, as well as to analyse factors associated with treatment adherence interruption after transition to adult care. Materials and methods. In our study, 86 cases of young people living with HIV since birth or childhood were obtained by chart audit and analyzed, among whom 53.5% were girls and 64.0% lived at home at the time of their 18 th birthday, who have been transferred from paediatric to adult care of the AIDS Center for more than one year. Results and discussion. The majority (92%) of young adults living with HIV since birth or childhood retained in the health care system in the first year after the transition, but only 53–62% were highly adherent to treatment and monitoring for HIV infection in the first years after the transition. Episodes of non-adherence to treatment during childhood and adolescence, «more complex» ART scheme and the lack of adult’s social support at the time of 18 th birthday increase the likelihood of interruption in treatment adherence in the first year after transition to adult care, while the combination of these factors has negative consequences for adherence and continuity of treatment for a longer period of time. Conclusion. Successful transition from paediatric to adult care for patients living with HIV since birth or childhood requires special additional attention of the health care system, contributes to the health protection of each patient, aims to stop HIV in the second generation.
Many infectious diseases still have medical and social significance, the late detection and untimely treatment of which causes persistent health disorders, leading to early disability. Drug therapy has significantly reduced mortality among people on the background or after infections, increasing the duration and quality of life. However, lesions of the nervous system in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), viral hepatitis, new coronavirus and other infections, and related neurocognitive disorders cause great concern, are accompanied by complex and clinically important problems. The authors conducted an analytical review of publications and their own research based on the experience of implementing cognitive training in neurocognitive rehabilitation programs that have proven their effectiveness for patients with cognitive disorders against the background of socially significant infections and comorbid conditions.
The purpose of the research is to peruse the dynamics of the real-life context for young graduates in Russia with regard to socio-cultural, axiological and pedagogical perspectives. Under the pressure from accelerating social demand to stimulate economic advancement, the tertiary education strives to align graduate research programmes with national priorities. Being a part of the Humanitarisation Project of the Industrial University of Tyumen, this research presents an analysis drawn from the perceptions of graduate students in ecology as the key stakeholders in their scientific pursuit.
The social psychology of legal relations is a new scientific field. It develops at the meeting point of social and legal psychology. The main scientific problem in studying legal relations is associated with understanding the essence of law. Two leading directions have emerged in legal science: the doctrine of the natural and the social nature of law. In psychological terms, these doctrines reflect one of the main issues of psychology about the relationship between the biological and the social in the human psyche. The concept of the natural origin of law gives psychologists the opportunity to study law from the perspective of the biological foundations of the human psyche. The concept of the social nature of law (positive law) is linked to social psychology and orients psychologists towards the study of legal relations. In legal reality, there is a close relationship between natural law and positive law, which emphasises the unity of the biological and social essence of human beings. Theoretical analysis of the aspects of legal relations is determined by actual problems. Interest in the problems of legal relations is caused by the need to form a state governed by the rule of law and to establish a new system of legal relations in the global community. The Western legal and social psychology pays not much attention to the legal relations. The article analyses the concept of «legal relations» on the basis of national legal and socio-psychological literature. There is no consensus in jurisprudence regarding the definition of «legal relations». Legal relations are a form of social relations. Problems in the formation of consolidated legal relations are linked to insufficient knowledge in the field of law, especially among young people. When studying legal relations it is necessary to take into account psychological peculiarities of legal behavior. The article examines two socio-psychological aspects of the formation of legal relations. The first aspect is the interrelation of psyche and law, the second aspect is the connection of law with morality and ethics. The unity of law, morality and ethics is determined by the necessity of not only legal but also moral regulation of behavior. Philosophical and legal literature has comprehensively analysed the relationship between law and the human psyche. G. W. F. Hegel emphasised the psychological nature of law, since the phenomenon of law emerges as a result of the spiritual activity of a person. On this basis public legal relations originate. In Russian science, the doctrine of natural law and the relationship between psyche and law was developed by L. I. Petrazhitsky who focused his attention on the study of motives of legal behavior and developed the classification of human emotions. Positive law is psychologically expressed in the concepts of duty, responsibility and obligation. A socio-psychological analysis shows that the structure of legal relations is made up of cognitive, communicative and behavioral components. The social nature of law is determined by the moral foundations of society. Morality shapes the ideal of human behavior, while law determines the requirements for achieving that ideal.
Background Sleep disorders and emotional and behavioral disturbances, including unhealthy eating behaviors, are common findings in obesity. This study aimed to examine possible associations between the above factors in adolescents with obesity using structural equation modeling.MethodsA total of 94 adolescents (30 girls, 64 boys) aged 11–17 (mean 14.9 ± 1.7) years with obesity (ICD-10 code E 66.0) entered the study. The Adolescent Sleep Wake Scale (ASWS) was used to evaluate sleep quality. The Achenbach Youth Self-Report for Ages 11–18 (YSR) questionnaire was used to evaluate emotional and behavioral disturbances. The Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) was used for assessment of eating behavior. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to establish a predictive relationship between the variables under consideration.ResultsThe model in which sleep quality was a predictor of emotional distress and disinhibited behavior (latent variables), and in which the latter, in turn, were predictors of the eating behavior subscales, fit the sample data very well. Poor sleep quality was a significant predictor of emotional distress and of disinhibited behavior. Emotional distress was a significant predictor of emotional and restrictive eating, and disinhibited behavior was a significant predictor of external eating.Conclusion Poor sleep quality may promote unhealthy eating habits in adolescents with obesity, most likely due to mediating effects of emotional distress and disinhibited behavior.
The paper presents the results of the study of the use of services and technologies in distance learning for students. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using distance learning technologies that affect learning outcomes and students' satisfaction with the educational process. The work is relevant to improving the educational process by increasing the effectiveness of distance learning tools and technologies, taking into account their advantages, improving the quality characteristics of the educational process, its elements and the use of optimal technologies for both students and teachers. As part of the preparation of the work, a sociological study of 1,000 university students was conducted, in which the preferences of students in the use of distance learning services, the frequency of their use, the degree of application of such tools by teachers in the educational process were studied. The most popular digital services for distance learning were identified, including the most widely used interactive learning services. Identification of the main negative and positive aspects of distance learning in terms of students. Prospects for the use of digital services in virtual educational environments and meta-universes were shown, as well as the development of electronic didactic means for the implementation of the educational process. The results obtained during the study allow clarifying the attitude of students to distance education, assess the degree of influence of various factors on the effectiveness of distance education. The results can be used to make changes in the current educational process in terms of application or rejection of specific methods and technologies, their adaptation and improvement.
Mental health needs of transgender people in Russia remain unmet and stigmatised as in many other countries around the globe. The aim of this study was to assess the stressors and perceived need for mental health care among transgender people in Russia. A structured online survey was conducted in November 2019. A total of 588 transgender adults (mean age: 24.0 ± 6.7) was included in the final analysis. An overwhelming majority of respondents (95.1%) reported stress in their lives. Financial burden (73.5%), relationships with relatives (59.4%), and intimate relationships (37.9%) were among the most frequently reported sources of stress. Most of respondents (71.8%) indicated that the psychological distress they perceived interfered with their ability to lead a fulfilling social life. More than half of the respondents (52.4%) had visited a mental health professional prior to their gender transition. Virtually half of them (49%) reported problems related to seeking mental healthcare attributed to stigma. Over one third (37.8%) reported taking non-prescription or off-label medications to improve their well-being or mood. Our study confirmed high rates of psychiatric problems in this vulnerable group and problems in help-seeking. The article also discusses the challenges of providing psychiatric care to transgender people in Russia.
The article presents the results of a longitudinal study of young people belonging to the category of generation Z. The study was conducted over a period of 3 years, starting in 2019, and was devoted to studying the formation of social characteristics of generation Z under the influence of socialization in the digital environment. The study also included a comparative analysis of the younger and older age groups in Generation Z, who are now high school students and students. The results of the study showed that the younger representatives of generation Z have a more pronounced desire for individualism and self-organization on the Internet. The social characteristics of generation Z must be taken into account when organizing online learning.
The article discusses the main problems and trends in the development of modern aesthetic education in Russia. It is noted that Russian aesthetic education is currently undergoing a number of positive innovative transformations associated with the processes of strengthening the virtual component in artistic culture and the social sphere. A number of scientific events, such as international conferences and the Russian Aesthetic Congress, held over the past five years, have served as an active incentive for the development of theoretical and practical aesthetics and aesthetic education. The current trends of modern aesthetics are identified: neuroesthetics, cultural aesthetics, environmental aesthetics, somaesthetics and synesthetic area, which have a stimulating effect on the development of aesthetic education. The special role and prospects of using synesthetic methodologies in modern aesthetics and aesthetic education are indicated, since in the conditions of digitalization of culture, synesthesia as a phenomenon of nonverbal associative thinking becomes one of the main means of preserving the integrity of world perception, an important method of developing flexibility of thinking and the ability of imagination.
Digital civilization, affecting all aspects of life, is actively entering the social sphere, providing a higher level of social activity. In this regard, the use of digital technologies is being updated, contributing to a change in the ways in which knowledge, skills, and professional competencies are created, formed and transferred. The digitalization of the education system and the creation of a digital space of the university is associated with a new vector of Russia's development. In this vein, the system of personnel training is being improved in order to develop the social basis of the city, its social cluster, as well as for the most important function of the welfare state - supporting social "risk groups" in need of additional social protection. The digitalization of education gives an additional impetus to self-organization initiatives, promotes the development of modeling and forecasting. When selecting the content of education, the structural units of the content are ordered, forming the integrity and completeness of the module. Digitalization develops not only vertical, but also horizontal connections of the educational environment of the institution, which is especially important for social specialists, in whose practice the use of an interdepartmental approach is one of the requirements of professional activity in working with “risk groups”. The most pressing problems that require innovative consideration in the preparation of future specialists are the following: organization of social services for elderly citizens, people with disabilities, families with children and in need; assistance in adaptation and socialization of people who need social support in the process of rehabilitation, adaptation, education, vocational training and employment.
Introduction The majority of researchers agree that transgender people have an increased burden of mental disorders compared to the general population. However, it is strongly suggested that transgender people still do not receive mental health care that they need. Objectives To assess the mental health care needs of transgender people living in Russia. Methods An anonymous online survey was conducted throughout November 2019. 588 transgender adults living in all Federal Districts of Russia (mean age 24.0±6.7) were included in the final analysis. Results It was found that 308 respondents (52.4%) had visited mental health professional prior to gender transition. 150 people (25.5%) reported to had been diagnosed with a mental disorder before gender transition, and a further 77 respondents (13.1%) indicated that they had been diagnosed with a mental disorder after transition began. 157 people (26.7%) received treatment from a mental health professional. 222 respondents (37.8%) had experience of taking medication off-prescription to improve mental wellbeing. 464 people (78.9%) reported being in need of psychological care. 289 people (49.1%) indicated that they were experiencing barriers in obtaining psychiatric (psychotherapeutic, psychological) care, which was associated with a perceived need for psychological support (OR=4.33 [95% CI: 2.49;7.80], p<0.001), being diagnosed with a mental disorder prior to gender transition (OR=2.19 [95% CI: 1.30;3.77], p=0.004), poorer housing conditions (OR=0.86 [95% CI: 0.79;0.93], p<0.001). Conclusions Our research shows that there is a high perceived need for qualified mental health care for transgender people in Russia. Disclosure No significant relationships.
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Saint Petersburg, Russia