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Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender a recepção do fascismo entre os intelectuais ligados à direita católica nos anos 1930, com ênfase nos debates travados na revista A Ordem. Procuramos mostrar como – em uma análise contextual do pensamento político que parte da necessidade de entender como as ideias circulam e são apropriadas e contra que problemas históricos elas são mobilizadas – as fronteiras ideacionais entre conservadorismo, reacionarismo, tradicionalismo católico e fascismo são muito tênues. A ênfase aqui, portanto, é no repertório semântico mobilizado pelos atores. Ao fim, o artigo pretende compreender as afinidades entre essas linguagens políticas para produzir uma teorização do pensamento reacionário de modo mais amplo, que não leve em conta apenas as suas manifestações paradigmáticas do Norte, mas que seja capaz de pensar a crítica das direitas à democracia a partir da experiência de recepção e circulação dessas linguagens políticas no Sul global.
Resumo Nesta nota técnica apresentamos um dos principais legados empíricos da pesquisa sobre propaganda das candidatas/dos candidatos a Deputado Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral (HGPE) no período de 1998 a 2018. Trata-se de introduzir e descrever o processo de coleta dessa base de dados, os procedimentos utilizados ao longo do tempo para a sistematização das informações e os possíveis usos de dois bancos de dados vinculados à pesquisa: o primeiro possui como unidade de análise os programas eleitorais gravados no período; e, o segundo, possui como unidade de análise os/as candidatos/candidatas, contabilizando o tempo (em segundos) de aparição no HGPE; desempenho eleitoral de cada candidata/candidato (votos e resultado final); financiamento de campanha e outras características políticas, sociais e demográficas. O banco apresentado abarca nada menos do que 9.433 programas eleitorais gravados à noite, dos quais participaram 1.774 candidatos/candidatas.
In this technical note, we present one of the main empirical legacies of the research on the electoral campaign of candidates for Federal Deputy in the state of Rio de Janeiro during the free time granted by the government for electoral propaganda (Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral − HGPE) from 1998 to 2018. The aim is to introduce and describe the process of data collection for this database, the procedures used over time for the systematization of information, and the potential uses of two databases linked to the research: the first analyzes the electoral programs recorded during the period and the second the unit of analysis is the individual candidates, coding the time (in seconds) of appearance in the HGPE, the electoral performance of the candidates (votes and final result), campaign financing, and other political, social, and demographic characteristics. The database includes 9,433 electoral programs broadcasted in the evening, in which 1,774 candidates participated.
Dementia is an emerging public health issue resulting from population aging and epidemiological transition. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the living networks woven by a user with dementia and her family in the path of seeking health care and support, through the existential connections established in their journey, from the perspective of a guiding team. To achieve this, a qualitative cartographic approach was applied using techniques such as focus groups, analyzer flowchart, and field diary. The analysis of the results allowed identifying home visits as a tool of soft technology in the movement of living networks and the need for ongoing education to ensure the comprehensive care of users with dementia syndromes. It is concluded that there is a need to better articulate care technologies in order to make actions more effective.
Aged; Dementia; Community networks; Delivery of health care; Education, continuing
Ctenomys talarum (Talas’ tuco-tuco) is a subterranean rodent from South America that inhabits sand dunes in the Atlantic coast of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although these animals primarily conduct their activities in underground environments, surface excursions, mainly for foraging and dispersal, have been observed. The primary mode of locomotion for these subterranean rodents is walking or trotting; however, the specific gaits they employ remain poorly understood. The present study aims to describe the gaits and locomotor performance of C. talarum and to compare with that of others rodents. Five adult females (mean body mass: 109 g) were put inside a Plexiglas chamber containing a treadmill and then filmed with a high-speed camera during exercise. The following parameters were analyzed: stride duration, length and frequency (Hz); duty factor; and speed (cm/s). Speed varied between 27.08 cm/s and 94.12 cm/s. Trot was the only symmetrical gait performed. Asymmetrical patterns (16.55%) resembled a trot-like gait. Stride frequency and length were both highly correlated to speed. Preference for trotting is probably related to gain in stability since this gait was found to occur in a broad range of speeds while exhibiting very stable support patterns. The lack of aerial phase during fast locomotion–namely “grounded-running”–is typical of small mammals, whose crouched and plantigrade posture tend to prolong the stance phase. It was found that digging adaptations influence how stride length and frequency relate to speed. C. talarum must perform a higher stride frequency to reach an equivalent speed to that of the surface-dwelling rodent Cavia porcellus. The maximum relative running speed (body length/s) observed in C. talarum was lower than the expected value for a rodent species of similar body mass. Although predominantly underground, tuco-tucos also depend on the epigeous environment, which partially explains the retention of the generalized locomotor traits shared with surface-dwelling small mammals.
The aging population and the rise in chronic diseases are linked to a higher number of elderly individuals with impairments. These individuals often depend on family caregivers for basic daily activities, which can impose a significant burden and increase the risk of violence against them.
To assess the effectiveness of itinerant community caregivers (ICC) in reducing burden, depression and risk of violence among family caregivers of impaired elderly (FCIE), while also increasing their social support.
Randomized controlled trial with 38 pairs of elderly people and their caregivers. For six months, twice a week, the ICC spent three hours with the elderly, completing tasks given by the FCIE. The primary outcomes were reduction of at least one level in the burden, and or in the risk of violence against the elderly. The secondary outcomes were a decrease in depressive symptoms and/or an increase in social support. Multiple log binomial regression models were used to assess the relationship between the predictors and the response variables.
In the FCIE group, most individuals providing care were women who spent over 16 hours each day in the task of caring for the impaired elderly, with most falling between the ages of 41 and 60. Over half of them were children of the elderly participants. In the intervention group, there was a significant decrease in the likelihood of violence against the elderly, with a 10-fold reduction. However, other endpoints did not present significant changes.
The involvement of an ICC in the care of impaired elderly can contribute to reducing domestic violence by FCIE.
To investigate the development of dentinal microcracks resulting from the progressive enlargement of the buccal canals of maxillary molars with and without the MB2 canal employing instruments with the same tip and four different tapers.
Twenty maxillary molars with ( n = 10) and without ( n = 10) the MB2 canal underwent micro‐CT scanning. Their mesiobuccal and distobuccal canals were sequentially enlarged using nickel–titanium instruments with sizes 25/.03, 25/.05, 25/.06 and 25/.08v. Subsequent scans were conducted after each canal enlargement. The preoperative scans were coregistered with their respective datasets, and the cross‐sectional images were carefully examined to identify dentinal defects. This process, conducted twice at two‐week intervals, involved two examiners. Intra‐ and inter‐examiner calibrations were validated using the Kappa index. The incidence of microcracks was reported as a percentage frequency.
The intra‐ and inter‐examiner Kappa values were 0.85 and 0.88, respectively, indicating excellent agreement. Dentinal microcracks were detected in 1206 out of 42 975 cross‐sectional image slices (2.8%). Molars with MB2 canal exhibited more slices (4.5%) than teeth without MB2 (0.9%). Every dentinal microcrack observed in the images after root canal preparation was already present in the corresponding images taken before root canal preparation.
The progressive enlargement of root canals using instruments with different tapers did not induce the formation of new dentinal microcracks in maxillary molars, regardless of the presence of the MB2 canal.
Species delimitation has always been a challenge for taxonomists and for Leishmania studies there is no exception. Herein we attempt to display the usefulness of the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase I–coI in classical and barcode-based approaches for Leishmania characterization. A total of 228 samples were analyzed, comprising 28 Leishmania related taxa, mainly from cultures of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation`s Leishmania Collection. Primers were designed for amplification of coI; sequences were analyzed by distance-based indicators and both the Neighbor Joining and NeighborNet as species grouping techniques. Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery was applied to define species delimitation while for the character-based analysis a software for Barcoding with Logic formulas was employed. Final sequences of 486 bp with 238 parsimonious sites were aligned and edited. Robust groups were formed for most of the genus species, distinctive nucleotide positions in the barcode sequence were observed for 11 of them. A good agreement between the techniques applied and the original characterization was observed. Few species were not distinguished by coI: (i) L. (V.) peruviana, L. (V.) lindenbergi, and L. (V.) utingensis; (ii) L. (L.) venezuelensis and (iii) L. colombiensis and L. equatorensis with identical sequences. Some of these taxa have been, at one time or another, classified as controversial and, for most of them, a higher number of isolates should be studied to properly infer their taxonomic status. CoI represents a mitochondrial target that stands out as a taxonomically important asset with multiple advantages over other genes. This paper corresponds to the first report of coI analysis in Leishmania, a potentially advantageous target for the characterization of this parasite.
The chronic inflammation present in aged individuals is generally depicted as a detrimental player for longevity. Here, it is discussed several beneficial effects associated with the cytokines that are chronically elevated in inflammaging. These cytokines, such as IL-1β, type I interferons, IL-6 and TNF positively regulate macroautophagy, mitochondrial function, anti-tumor immune responses and skeletal muscle biogenesis, possibly contributing to longevity. On the other side, the detrimental and antagonistic role of these cytokines including the induction of sarcopenia, tissue damage and promotion of tumorigenesis are also discussed, underscoring the dichotomy associated with inflammaging and its players. In addition, it is discussed the role of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and other cytokines that affect aging in a more linear way, such as IL-11, which promotes senescence, and IL-4 and IL-15, which promotes longevity. It is also discussed more specific regulators of aging that are downstream cytokines-mediated signaling.
Resumo Este ensaio reflete a interface Cinema-Educação frente ao engajamento epistêmico e subjetivo que a prática cinematográfica e a política educacional assumem em uma perspectiva eurocêntrica. O estudo assume a perspectiva cartográfica como método e desenvolve-se por meio de questionamentos feitos às próprias práticas do autor como educador em oficinas de cinema para escolas, buscando explorar, com isso, a naturalização de modelos colonizadores nesses processos. A principal referência é o pensamento desenvolvido por autores da rede modernidade/colonialidade, que denunciam a Modernidade como uma construção simbólica e histórica nascida da violência colonial. Dentre as conexões que resultam da cartografia traçada, revela-se a aprendizagem inventiva como uma política fundamental para o enfrentamento da problemática em questão.
Resumo O entendimento do comportamento à força cortante de vigas de concreto armado, especialmente as vigas de concreto reforçado com fibras de aço (CRFA), ainda é um desafio para a comunidade científica, devido à complexidade do comportamento dos materiais. No entanto, a evolução da técnica de correlação por imagem digital (CID) permitiu a obtenção de dados experimentais fundamentais para a modelagem do comportamento mecânico do CRFA, contribuindo para um melhor entendimento do problema e dos mecanismos resistentes à força cortante. Neste sentido, o presente estudo avalia oito vigas de concreto armado, com e sem fibras de aço, utilizando a técnica CID para quantificar os mecanismos resistentes, com foco nos modelos que podem representar a contribuição das fibras. Os resultados revelaram que os mecanismos preponderantes no comportamento à força cortante foram o engrenamento dos agregados e as fibras de aço. Este estudo representa um avanço no entendimento mais racional do comportamento à força cortante, assim como identifica lacunas que requerem estudos mais aprofundados, como a influência das fibras em todos os mecanismos resistentes e a formulação da contribuição das fibras de aço.
When a nonnative species remains in an invaded community for some time, long-term effects on community diversity and ecosystem functioning are expected, as are changes in trophic interactions between species. The blue soft coral Latissimia ningalooensis, presumably of Indian Ocean origin, was first detected in the wild in the tropical southeast Atlantic in Brazil in 2017. This study provides the first information on the trophic relationship that has developed between L. ningalooensis and 29 other benthic marine species in a food web on shallow tropical rocky reefs which have been invaded. The difference in species composition of invaded areas and control areas was also assessed. L. ningalooensis showed δ¹⁵N values close to those of macroalgae, suggesting that its symbiosis with zooxanthellae represents an essential source of energy in addition to the suspension feeding. An apparently opportunist-generalist consumer, the arrow crab Stenorhynchus seticornis showed values of δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N aligned as a probable consumer of L. ningalooensis. The difference in species composition between invaded and control areas and an increase in the abundance of L. ningalooensis in shallow areas suggests that a mechanism exists which will allow its further expansion into more favorable locations, so we encourage management such as continuous monitoring of the invaded area and eradication.
Resumo Este estudo se propõe a narrar práticas de cuidado de profissionais de saúde a mulheres em uma emergência de uma maternidade pública na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Por meio da observação participante, buscou-se compreender o que mobiliza os profissionais nos encontros com as mulheres e seus acompanhantes e como realizam seus atendimentos. Buscou-se dar visibilidade a aspectos deste encontro não percebidos. Em formato de narrativas, o artigo aponta os seguintes processos encontrados no cotidiano das práticas de cuidados: Invisibilidade - Ninguém percebe e Silenciamentos - Sabe que é errado. São questões de tensionamentos sobre o não dito, algo que se encontra naturalizado no cotidiano, somente possível através do estranhamento daquilo que era familiar, sendo esta vivência um espaço de repensar nossas próprias posturas.
Resumo A presente investigação objetivou discutir o conhecimento sobre a infecção pelo Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) e suas Representações Sociais (RSs) segundo graduandas em Enfermagem. O estudo de caráter qualitativo, com suporte teórico-metodológico na abordagem processual da Teoria das Representações Sociais, foi realizado em uma instituição de ensino superior pública, carioca, com 30 estudantes do curso de Enfermagem, sexualmente ativas. Para isso, coletaram-se dados de caracterização e procedeu-se à entrevista individual em profundidade entre março-agosto/2020 e à análise de conteúdo temático-categorial. O grupo social era predominantemente de heterossexuais; com companheiro; idade 21-24 anos; residiam com os pais e eram católicas; 20% afirmaram já terem tido IST e destas, 10% mencionaram o HPV. A categoria “Conhecimento das graduandas sobre a infecção por HPV” foi constituída por 23% do total das Unidades de Registro (URs), sendo 502 URs e nove temas, emergindo as subcategorias: 1- Conhecimento das graduandas sobre o HPV; 2- Manifestações clínicas e consequências da infecção pelo HPV e 3- Aspectos associados à infecção pelo HPV. O conhecimento de graduandas de enfermagem acerca da infecção pelo HPV e as RSs atribuídas por elas denotam que estas guardam nexo com o conhecimento acadêmico, característico do processo de formação de profissionais da área de saúde, mas também com o contexto sociocultural e de gênero.
The present investigation is aimed at discussing nursing undergraduates' knowledge of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection and its Social Representations (SRs) he qualitative study, supported theoretically and methodologically by the procedural approach of the Social Representations Theory, was conducted at a public higher education institution in Rio de Janeiro with 30 sexually active nursing students. To this end, characterization data were collected, in-depth individual interviews were conducted between March and August 2020, and a thematic-categorical content analysis was conducted. The social group was predominantly heterosexual, with a partner, aged 21-24 years, living with their parents, and Catholic. Twenty percent reported having had an STI, with 10% of these indicating HPV. The category 'Undergraduates' Knowledge about HPV Infection' comprised 23% of the total Registration Units (RUs), encompassing 502 RUs and nine themes. The following subcategories emerged: 1 - Undergraduates' knowledge about HPV; 2 - Clinical manifestations and consequences of HPV infection and 3 - Aspects associated with HPV infection. The nursing students' understanding of HPV infection and the social representations they attribute to it reflect both academic knowledge, characteristic of their health professional training, and influences from their sociocultural and gender contexts.
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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil