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Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) richtet sich heute mit vielfältigen Projekten und Bildungsangeboten an unterschiedliche Zielgruppen; seit 2015 werden auch zugewanderte Erwachsene verstärkt adressiert. Der Beitrag setzt an diesem Punkt an und untersucht die BNE-Verständnisse und pädagogischen Ansatzpunkte ausgewählter BNE-Angebote. Dazu wurden mit der Dokumentarischen Diskursinterpretation BNE-relevante Kapitel von fünf Orientierungskursbüchern sowie öffentlich zugängliche Informationen wie Webseiten, Videos, Flyer, Presseinterviews, Projektzusammenfassungen und Handreichungen von zehn BNE-Angeboten ausgewertet. Aus den untersuchten Materialien konnten fünf Diskursstränge rekonstruiert werden, die in diesem Beitrag anhand von fünf Bildungsangeboten, die diese Diskurse repräsentieren, dargestellt werden. Mit Blick auf die verfolgten pädagogischen Konzepte zeigen die Rekonstruktionen, dass die untersuchten BNE-Angebote vor allem ältere pädagogische Ansätze aufgreifen, wodurch neuere Perspektiven auf Bildung und Erziehung in der Migrationsgesellschaft in diesen Bildungsangeboten weitgehend unberücksichtigt bleiben. Auch die BNE-Verständnisse, die den untersuchten BNE-Angeboten zugrunde liegen, divergieren stark und reichen von Umweltverständnissen, die sich auf Mülltrennung und Sauberhaltung der unmittelbaren Umwelt beschränken, bis hin zu umfassenden Auseinandersetzungen mit Nachhaltigkeit, die einem BNE-Verständnis gerecht werden, das auf ergebnisoffene Reflexions‑, Lern- und Bildungsprozesse abzielt und BNE als facettenreiches, mehrdimensionales Lernfeld versteht.
The lipid cis‐trans isomerase (Cti) is a periplasmic heme‐c enzyme found in several bacteria including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a pathogen known for causing nosocomial infections. This metalloenzyme catalyzes the cis‐trans isomerization of unsaturated fatty acids in order to rapidly modulate membrane fluidity in response to stresses that impede bacterial growth. As a consequence, breakthrough in the elucidation of the mechanism of this metalloenzyme might lead to new strategies to combat bacterial antibiotic resistance. We report the first comprehensive biochemical, electrochemical and spectroscopic characterization of a Cti enzyme. This has been possible by the successful purification of Cti from P. aeruginosa (Pa‐Cti) in favorable yields with enzyme activity of 0.41 μmol/min/mg when tested with palmitoleic acid. Through a synergistic approach involving enzymology, site‐directed mutagenesis, Raman spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy and electrochemistry, we identified the heme coordination and redox state, pinpointing Met163 as the sixth ligand of the FeII of heme‐c in Pa‐Cti. Significantly, the development of an innovative assay based on liposomes demonstrated for the first time that Cti catalyzes cis‐trans isomerization directly using phospholipids as substrates without the need of protein partners, answering the important question about the substrate of Cti within the bacterial membrane.
Mit Blick auf den bereits vorhandenen Klimawandel wird deutlich, dass eine möglichst schnelle Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen (THG‐Emissionen) auch im Bauwesen notwendig ist und klimafreundliche Lösungen zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Um eine quantifizierbare Vergleichbarkeit der „Klimafreundlichkeit“ unterschiedlicher Lösungen zu ermöglichen, wurde vom Technischen Ausschuss „Nachhaltig Bauen mit Beton (TA NBB)“ des Deutschen Ausschusses für Stahlbeton (DAfStb) innerhalb von rund zwei Jahren die Richtlinie „Treibhausgasreduzierte Tragwerke aus Beton, Stahlbeton oder Spannbeton (THG‐Richtlinie)“ entwickelt. Die THG‐Richtlinie führt zusätzlich zu den im Bauwesen bekannten Grenzzuständen der Tragfähigkeit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit eine quantifizierbare Anwendungsregel zur Klimaverträglichkeit ein. Durch die in der Richtlinie entwickelten Regelungen und Nachweisformate wird es zukünftig möglich, die im Zuge der Errichtung und Entsorgung eines Betonbauwerks maßgebenden THG‐Emissionen nach einheitlichen Standards zu errechnen und in ein Klassifizierungssystem einzuordnen. Bauherren und Bauherrinnen sowie Planende können durch die Einführung eines Klassifizierungssystems Zielvorgaben zu den zu realisierenden Treibhausgaseinsparungen im Vergleich zu einem Referenzbauwerk bzw. ‐bauteil festlegen. Die THG‐Richtlinie ist ein zentrales Element in der Strategie des DAfStb, die Betonbauweise auch in Zeiten großer ökologischer und technischer Herausforderungen in die Zukunft zu führen. Vielfältige Anstrengungen auf Seiten der Zement‐, Beton‐ und Stahlindustrie sowie der Bauindustrie und auch der Planenden belegen dabei, dass bereits heute praxistaugliche und sichere Lösungen vorliegen, um die THG‐Emissionen der Betonbauweise signifikant zu reduzieren. Große Unsicherheit besteht allerdings im Markt, wie ökologisch und wie nachhaltig derartige Lösungen sind. Neben der DAfStb‐THG‐Richtlinie hat der DAfStb daher vielfältige Dokumente und Hilfsmittel entwickelt, die es Planerinnen und Planern ermöglichen, „ökologische Aspekte“ sicher planbar zu machen [1, 2].
Depression is related to a reduced update of negative expectations in response to positive information. Here, we aimed to replicate that cognitive immunization (a cognitive devaluation of expectation-disconfirming information) modulates expectation updating in depression. Further, we examined how other cognitive factors (i.e., memory, interpretation) relate to cognitive immunization.
We examined 139 inpatients (18–75 years) diagnosed with major depression. Participants completed a false-feedback task, in which they received unexpectedly positive standardized feedback. Cognitive immunization was manipulated via text that framed the feedback as particularly valid vs. invalid, relative to a distraction-control group and a no-instruction control group.
There were no significant group differences in expectation updating. One interpretation questions the effect of the manipulation of cognitive immunization, which was not successful according to the manipulation check. The experimental conditions did not differ in their memory or interpretation of the feedback. However, negative interpretations were associated with elevated cognitive immunization.
Our study failed to replicate that cognitive immunization modulates expectation updating in depression - most likely due to the failure of the cognitive immunization manipulation. Future research may need to use a stronger and easier to understand manipulation (e.g., video instead of text; simpler wording) to modulate cognitive immunization successfully.
This paper compares the ability of deep learning and entropic learning methods to predict the probability of the Niño3.4 index being above 0.4° (El Niño), below −0.4° (La Niña) or within both of these thresholds (neutral) at lead times of 3 up to 24 months. In particular, the performance, interpretability, and training cost of entropic learning methods, represented by the entropy-optimal Scalable Probabilistic Approximation (eSPA) algorithm, are compared with deep learning methods, represented by a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) classifier, trained on the same dataset. Using only monthly data derived from a surface-forced ocean model over the period 1958-2018, the problem manifests as a canonical small-data challenge. Relative to the LSTM model, eSPA exhibits equivalent or better performance in terms of area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for all lead times with a smaller computational cost by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Comparisons of AUC with other state-of-the-art deep learning models in the literature show that eSPA appears to also be more accurate than these models across all three classes. Composite images are generated for each of the cluster centroids from each trained eSPA model at each lead time. At shorter lead times, the composite images for the most significant clusters correspond to patterns representing mature or emerging/declining El Niño or La Niña states, while at longer lead times they correspond to precursor states consisting of extra-tropical anomalies. Finally, modifications to the baseline dataset are explored, showing that improvements can be made in the parsimony of the trained eSPA model without sacrificing predictive power.
This chapter provides an overview of the history and main elements of urban regeneration policy in Germany. For more than 50 years, urban regeneration has been a highly regulated and well-funded part of urban planning with a fairly constant development. The various programmes have been continuously supported by national, federal and municipal funds. The more physically oriented regeneration programmes that dominated the 1970s and 1980s were differentiated into special programmes focusing on heritage, centres, social issues, restructuring and others in the 1990s and later. In recent years, urban regeneration policy in Germany has focused on more recent challenges such as climate change, demographic change and social polarisation, all of which have been combined in integrated urban development concepts in line with the objectives of the EU Leipzig Charter.
Wahlversprechen stellen ein wichtiges Element demokratischer Wahlkämpfe dar und ihre Rolle als Bindeglied zwischen Wählerschaft und Regierungshandeln wird im Ansatz der Promissory Representation deutlich. Wahlversprechen haben hierbei eine doppelte Funktion: In prospektiver Perspektive sollte die Partei gewählt werden, deren Wahlversprechen den politischen Vorstellungen einer Wählerin bzw. eines Wählers am nächsten kommt. In retrospektiver Perspektive sollten Parteien, die ihre Wahlversprechen brechen, bei der nächsten Wahl durch Stimmentzug bestraft werden. Es stellt sich jedoch die Frage, ob die Voraussetzungen für das Erfüllen dieser Rolle gegeben sind und Wahlversprechen tatsächlich eine Wirkung auf Wahlentscheidungen haben.
Standardized methods for generating angle-dependent, bidirectional, solar-optical properties for complex fenestration systems do not exist, which means that energy and daylight evaluations in building performance simulations often suffer from major inaccuracies. This position paper provides an overview of state-of-the-art data-driven methods for characterizing light scattering properties of fenestration materials and blind systems (e.g. fabrics, metal slats, patterned glazing), validation via laboratory, simulation and field tests, and salient issues in support of standardization of such methods via the International Standardization Organization (ISO). The ISO standard is intended to provide the fundamental underpinnings for recently mandated daylight standards that rely on bidirectional scattering distribution function data for climate-based daylight modelling and building performance simulations.
In this study, we undertake an extensive analysis of YouTube channels that reference research publications in their video descriptions, offering a unique insight into the intersection of digital media and academia. Our investigation focuses on identifying the actors behind YouTube channels that reference scholarly publications, and analyzing the types of content these actors share. Specifically we are interested in three principal aspects: the background of YouTube channel actors, their thematic focus, and the nature of their operational dynamics, specifically addressing whether they work individually or in groups. Our results highlight a strong emphasis on content related to science and engineering, as well as health, particularly in channels managed by individual researchers and academic institutions. However, there is a notable variation in the popularity of these channels, with professional YouTubers and commercial media entities often outperforming in terms of viewer engagement metrics like likes, comments, and views. This underscores the challenge academic channels face in attracting a wider audience. Further, we explore the role of academic actors on YouTube, scrutinizing their impact in disseminating research and the types of publications they reference. Despite a general inclination towards professional academic topics, these channels displayed a varied effectiveness in spotlighting highly cited research. Often, they referenced a wide array of publications, indicating a diverse but not necessarily impact-focused approach to content selection.
The very new evolution towards 6G networks necessitates a paradigm shift towards unified 3D network architectures, encompassing space, air, and ground segments. This paper outlines the conceptualization, challenges, and prospects of such a transformative architecture. We outline the foundational principles, drawn from standardization endeavors and cutting-edge research initiatives, to articulate the envisioned architecture poised to redefine network capabilities. Driven by the need to enhance capacity, increase data rates, support diverse mobility models, and facilitate heterogeneous connectivity, the conceptual framework of a unified 3D network is presented. The focus is on seamlessly integrating diverse network segments and fostering holistic network orchestration. In examining the technical challenges inherent to the realization of a unified 3D network, we outline our strategies to address mobility management, handover optimization, interference mitigation, and the integration of distributed physical layer concepts. Proposals encompass federated learning mechanisms, advanced beamforming techniques, and energy-efficient computational offloading strategies, aimed at enhancing network performance and resilience. Moreover, we outline compelling utilization scenarios and highlighted promising avenues for future research. INDEX TERMS 6G, Non-terrestrial networks, mobile communications, 3D networks, interference management , handover strategies, distributed PHY techniques.
The transition from planar (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) magnetic nanostructures represents a significant advancement in both fundamental research and practical applications, offering vast potential for next-generation technologies like ultrahigh-density storage, memory, logic, and neuromorphic computing. Despite being a relatively new field, the emergence of 3D nanomagnetism presents numerous opportunities for innovation, prompting the creation of a comprehensive roadmap by leading international researchers. This roadmap aims to facilitate collaboration and interdisciplinary dialogue to address challenges in materials science, physics, engineering, and computing.
The roadmap comprises eighteen sections, roughly divided into three parts. The first section explores the fundamentals of 3D nanomagnetism, focusing on recent trends in fabrication techniques and imaging methods crucial for understanding complex spin textures, curved surfaces, and small-scale interactions. Techniques such as two-photon lithography and focused electron beam-induced deposition enable the creation of intricate 3D architectures, while advanced imaging methods like electron holography and Lorentz electron Ptychography provide sub-nanometer resolution for studying magnetization dynamics in three dimensions. Various 3D magnetic systems, including coupled multilayer systems, artificial spin ice, magneto-plasmonic systems, topological spin textures, and molecular magnets, are discussed.
The second section introduces analytical and numerical methods for investigating 3D nanomagnetic structures and curvilinear systems, highlighting geometrically curved architectures, interconnected nanowire systems, and other complex geometries. Finite element methods are emphasized for capturing complex geometries, along with direct frequency domain solutions for addressing magnonic problems.
The final section focuses on 3D magnonic crystals and networks, exploring their fundamental properties and potential applications in magnonic circuits, memory, and spintronics. Computational approaches using 3D nanomagnetic systems and complex topological textures in 3D spintronics are highlighted for their potential to enable faster and more energy-efficient computing.
We use a microeconomic approach to analyze the effects of minimum wages. Agents are allowed to have different productivities at different principals as well as different costs of working. We obtain several new and interesting effects. Minimum wages could influence the generated surplus when leaving employment unaffected, and destroy jobs that generate relatively high levels of surplus when affecting employment. Furthermore, minimum wages could harm agents even if these stay employed, while principals could benefit from them. We provide a complete characterization of the effects and show that these hold independently of the specific bargaining procedure and information structure.
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Kaiserslautern, Germany
Head of institution
Prof. Dr. Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter