Recent publications
The first Better evidence and RecommendatIons for the next Generation HealTh—BRIGHT symposium was held in Chongqing, China between June 21 and 23, 2024. The symposium did not only showcase the recent progress made by multidisciplinary teams in generating and translating evidence for children's healthcare, guideline development and evaluation, and the utilization of AI applications in pediatrics but also fostered transnational and transregional cooperation to promote the advancement of high‐quality evidence and guidelines in this field. The symposium contributed significantly to the future development and transformation of research endeavors in pediatrics.
- Nadezhda Batkaeva
- Olga Yu. Olisova
- Muslimat Magomedovna Gitinova
BACKGROUND: TLR7(toll-like receptor 7) plays a significant role in the development of inflammation in psoriasis. However, there are very few data on the role of different polymorphic markers of the TLR7 gene in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. AIMS: Study of the role of polymorphic marker rs179009 of TLR7 gene in patients with severe psoriasis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study group consisted of 168 patients (100%) diagnosed with moderate-to-severe and severe psoriasis during the period 2016-2024. The analysis of innate immunity indicators in the study group was performed by obtaining RNA in peripheral venous blood and polymorphisms of the gene recognizing marker rs179009 of the TLR7 receptor were investigated by PCR with TaqMan probes. RESULTS: The main group consisted of 168 patients (100%) with psoriasis. Of these, 45 (26,8%) were women and 123 men (73,2%). The average age of the patients was 54,0 (±14,0) years. The mean duration of psoriasis course was 11,8±0,6 years. The mean PASI value was 17,7 (±7,2). When analyzing the genotypes of polymorphic marker rs179009 in the TLR7 gene in patients with psoriasis of different severity, it was revealed that heterozygote CT was significantly more frequent in patients with mild psoriasis, and homozygote CC and homozygote TT were registered at PASI 10 (p0,05). The C allele of the studied marker was significantly more frequent in patients with late psoriasis debut and late development of psoriatic arthritis (p0.01). In contrast, the T allele was significantly more frequent in patients with early debut of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (p0.01). When analyzing the genotypes of polymorphic marker rs179009 in the TLR7 gene, the occurrence of homozygous CC and TT genotypes was also found to have statistically significant differences. The CC genotype was more frequently registered in patients with late onset of psoriasis and late onset of arthritis (p0.05). In contrast, the TT genotype was significantly more frequently registered in patients with the debut of skin and joint process before 40 years of age (p0.05). CONCLUSIONS: in our study it was found that homozygous carriage of CC and TT genotypes of polymorphic marker rs179009 in the TLR7 gene predisposes to a more severe course of the skin process in psoriasis. Also the presence in the patient of allele C or homozygote CC of marker rs179009 in the TLR7 gene is a predictor of late onset of the skin process and the development of arthritis. While the presence of the T allele or TT homozygote statistically significantly predisposes to early onset of psoriasis and early onset of joint symptoms with the development of psoriatic arthritis.
The study highlights the importance of sustainable development for achieving a sustainable environment, a pressing global issue. BRICS nations have adopted measures such as digitalization, green taxes, green energy, green innovation, and institutional reforms to improve environmental sustainability. For this purpose, this study employed a panel dataset covering 1990–2021. Panel cointegration, 3SLS, Newey West standard error regression, multivariate, mixed, and quantile regression were used to analyze the relationships between these factors, while FGLS, Drisc/Kraay, FMOLS, and DOLS were utilized to verify the robustness of the models. The empirical findings show that these factors positively impact environmental sustainability. Specifically, a 1% increase in the green index improves environmental quality by 1.861%, while a 1% increase in technology usage enhances it by 0.2867%. Additionally, a 1% improvement in institutional quality boosts sustainability by 0.1483%. However, a 1% increase in natural resource rents results in a 0.0505% decline in environmental quality, highlighting the detrimental effect of overexploitation. The study concludes that the key drivers of sustainable natural resource consumption and environmental protection in BRICS are digitalization, institutional quality, and green innovation. To achieve a sustainable environment, BRICS economies must strengthen institutional frameworks, promote green technology, regulate natural resource extraction, and pursue sustainable economic growth.
Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe; its height is 5642 m. The first ascent up to the peak took place in 1829. We repeated the original route aiming at artifacts search and environmental changes observation. We found that overgrazing and deforestation resulted in the extermination of wildlife on the slopes. That remains unnoticed due to the shifting baseline syndrome: the change in the accepted environmental norms along with human generations change. In the past, the slopes were characterized as open areas, but they still contained a portion of arboreal vegetation, the game animals were abundant; nowadays, an open area is a habitat reminding a shortcut lawn. Conservation and restoration measures are neither implemented nor planned. Climbing popularity draws attention away from environmental problems.
The article examines the problems in teaching the Russian language that teachers face when working with medical students studying in an intermediary language. The early stage of language learning for such students causes the greatest difficulty, therefore, the importance of increased attention and the search for additional teaching methods in order to introduce diversity into the learning process and increase motivation to learn is emphasized. The ways of solving such difficulties based on the analysis of their occurrence are proposed. For students whose Russian is not the main language of instruction, the issue of motivation causes the greatest difficulties. The author notes the great role of communication between teachers and students in increasing motivation to study. The issue of the lack of specialized textbooks for such a category of students is also being considered, which significantly affects the effectiveness of the educational process. In addition, the author raises the question of how much a language teacher should know about the material of a medical specialty. Since the main purpose of teaching medical students is the development of early professionalization, a Russian teacher is a guide to mastering medical terminology from scratch, therefore he must know the material to a minimum extent. But in practice, many universities lack the necessary training of teachers and the necessary measures for professional development in the specialty.
Vitamin D plays an import role in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, metabolic processes and the cell cycle.Over the years, the mechanisms of molecular action of vitamin D in various cells, organs and tissues have been well studied. The widespread prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, established on the basis of laboratory diagnostics, has led to the development and implementation of programs for the correction of hypovitaminosis D. However, the question of the clinical effectiveness of these programs remains open. In this article, we review studies and meta-analyses of data that have assessed the preventive and therapeutic efficacy and safety of physiological and high doses of vitamin D.
Introduction. The most popular education in Russian higher education institutions is among applicants from Central Asian countries, including Ka-zakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Students from this region make up more than half of all foreign citizens studying in Russian universities. Changed environmental conditions lead to the development of stressful situations, decreased learning ability and, in the future, the possible development of a number of diseases closely related to the presence of various elementoses. In this regard, in addition to the socio-cultural adaptation of students, it is very important to pay attention to the study of the elemental status of students in the process of their further adaptation to the changed living conditions. The aim of the study – a comparative analysis of the elemental status of first-year students from different climatic and geographical regions of the world who arrived to study in the Russian Federation and students living in the territory of the Russian Federation. Material and methods. From September 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023, a study of the elemental composition of hair was conducted using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in 180 first-year students of RUDN University who had previously lived in the Middle East (60 people) and in the Moscow region (120 people). The age of the subjects was 18–26 years, the average age was 22.7 ± 4 years. Gender differences in the comparison groups were not taken into account. Differences in samples were determined using the Mann–Whitney test for independent samples (significance level p < 0.05). Results. The presented results of a comparative analysis of the content of Zn, Mo, Mn, Cr elements in the hair of students who arrived from the coun-tries of the Middle East, Central Asia and regions of Central Russia during the adaptation period to training in 2023 are characterized by reliable differ-ences in the content of essential microelements in various biosubstrates. Conclusion. The established features of the elemental profiles of students showed that the hair of the subjects reflects the territorial climatic and ge-ographical features of the region of residence of the examined persons.
Introduction. In previous years, RUDN University conducted a comparative analysis of the ionomic profiles of first-year students from Africa, Central Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, China and others, but a comparison of the elemental status of first-year RUDN University students from the Middle East and the Moscow region has not been described in the literature. The purpose of the study is to study the relationship between the ionomic profile of hair of first-year RUDN University students from the Middle East and the Moscow region with the natural and climatic conditions of the living environment. Material and methods. In the period from September 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023, a study of the elemental composition of hair was carried out using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in 180 first-year RUDN University students who previously lived in the ME countries (60 people) and in the MR (120 people) aged 18–26 years. The average age of the subjects was 22.7 ± 4 years. Gender differences in the comparison groups were not taken into account. Results. It was found that in the ionic profile of the hair of students who arrived from the Moscow region, the predominant macroelements are calci-um, magnesium, essential microelements manganese, cobalt, iron, toxic microelement mercury, and potentially toxic microelement tin. In the ionic profile of the hair of students who arrived from the Middle East, the predominant elements are sodium, essential microelements molybdenum, silicon, toxic microelements thallium, cesium, antimony, tungsten, beryllium, conditionally essential and potentially toxic microelements arsenic, rubidium, nickel. Conclusions. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the content of 22 elements in the hair of first-year RUDN students from the Middle East and the Moscow region during the adaptation period to study in 2023. The features of the elemental profiles of students were established, it was shown that the hair of the subjects reflects the territorial climatic and geographical features of the region of residence of the subject.
Introduction. The most popular education in Russian higher education institutions is enjoyed by immigrants from Central Asian countries, including Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. They account for more than half of all foreign citizens studying in Russian universities. Changed environmental conditions lead to the development of stressful situations, decreased learning ability and, in the future, the possible development of a number of diseases closely associated with the presence of various elementoses. In this regard, in addition to the socio-cultural adaptation of students, it is very important to pay attention to the study of the elemental status of students in the process of their further adaptation to the changed living conditions. The purpose of the study – comparative analysis of iron, copper, cobalt content in hair, blood serum and urine of students from Central Asian countries, the Middle East and Central Russian regions during the adaptation period to study. Material and methods. In the period from September 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023, a study of the elemental composition of hair was conducted using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in 180 first-year students of RUDN University, who previously lived in the countries of Central Asia (170 people), the Middle East (60 people) and in the regions of Central Russia (120 people) aged 18–26 years. The average age of the subjects was 22.7 ± 4 years. Gender differences in the comparison groups were not taken into account. Differences in samples were determined using the Mann–Whitney test for independent samples (significance level p < 0.05). Results. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the content of iron, copper, chromium in the hair, urine and blood serum of students who arrived from the countries of the Middle East, Central Asia and the regions of Central Russia during the adaptation period to study in 2023. Features of the elemental profiles of students were established. Conclusions. It is shown that the hair of the subjects reflects the territorial climatic and geographical features of the region of residence of the examined persons. Despite statistically significant differences in the content of iron, copper, chromium in the examined students of different regions, their elemental profile did not affect the objective medical indicators (heart rate, saturation level, hemoglobin index).
Thyroglobulin is a major autoantigen to which autoimmune response, destroying the thyroid gland in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is directed. To detect a pathological autoimmune response to thyroglobulin, as well as the successful induction of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis, thyroglobulin carrying thyroiditogenic epitopes is necessary. It is not known which features of thyroglobulin structure determine the presence of thyroiditogenic epitopes and can serve as markers of their presence. We compared structure of thyroglobulin bearing thyroiditogenic epitopes (freshly isolated thyroglobulin) and thyroglobulin which had lost thyroiditogenic epitopes (lyophilized thyroglobulin). Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to elucidate the structure of thyroglobulin. The markers indicating the presence of thyroiditogenic epitopes on thyroglobulin are the vibrations of diiodotyrosine, monoiodotyrosine/diiodotyrosine relation in the range of 0.24–0.43 (95% confidence interval) and relatively high (> 32%) α-helix content. The loss of thyroiditogenic epitopes on thyroglobulin is associated with a weakening or complete disappearance of diiodotyrosine oscillations and a decrease in the proportion of α-helices in secondary structure. Thyroglobulin extracted with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) added is characterized by the same relatively high monoiodotyrosine/diiodotyrosine relation and low proportion of alpha helices as thyroglobulin without thyroiditogenic epitopes. Therefore, serine protease inhibitor PMSF is not suitable for extraction of native thyroglobulin bearing thyroiditogenic epitopes. FTIR spectroscopy can be used to detect thyroiditogenic epitopes on thyroglobulin.
Objective: determining the most appropriate machine learning method to solve the problem of drug prescribtion for children, evaluating its performance and potential for implementation into scenario modeling systems of the pharmaceutical care structure.
Material and methods. The study was based on data on drug prescription for children from medical information systems of Moscow clinics for the period from January to December 2023 including information about patients, the date of treatment, diagnoses, prescribed medications and the doctor's specialty. Preliminary data processing enabled to extract additional features and define the process as a multi-label classification task. The following model architectures were developed and validated: fully connected neural network (FCNN), convolutional neural network (CNN), One-vs-Rest (OvR) classifier, eXtreme gradient boosting classifier (XGBC), and random forest classifier (RFC). The models were evaluated using area under curve (AUC) of receiver operating characteristic (ROC), F1-measure metrics and Custom Accuracy metrics.
Results. The XGBC model showed the best results for all tasks and metrics. After optimizing the model and dataset, the AUC ROC reached 0.9993, the F1-measure was 0.8318, and its own accuracy metric was 0.8548. The model effectively predicted the prescription of drugs with similar pharmacological effects, allowing us to evaluate the structure of pharmaceutical care within a specific scenario. Optimization of the data and model has increased the accuracy of predictions up to 85%.
Conclusion. The XGBC model proved ti be the most appropriate for solving the problem of scenario modeling of drug prescribtion. The identified problems with predicting similar drugs validate the demand for further improvement of the model and data. Concurrently, the results obtained attest the potential of integrating machine learning methods into scenario modeling systems for pharmaceutical care.
Due to non-vascularized and aneural structure, articular cartilage has limited self-repairing capacity. The aim of this study was to investigate the revitalization of inflammatory injured articular cartilage matrices by human nasal chondrocytes (hNC).
Materials and methods
Cartilage matrix was prepared by devitalization of articular cartilage samples obtained intraoperatively from an adult patient undergoing knee joint replacement. hNC were obtained from native tissues by enzymatic digestion with further expansion over two passages. The obtained nasal chondrocytes were used to seed decellularized scaffolds, which were then cultured in vitro for 7, 14, or 21 days in chondrogenic medium. Migration was observed by histologic staining with fast green, safranin-O, and hematoxylin and scanning electron microscopy. Biochemical analysis was performed to determine the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and DNA content of the cartilage using dimethylmethylene blue and CyQuant Cell Proliferation Assay Kit.
We seeded healthy and inflamed cartilage with nasal chondrocytes and found that the cells actively invade mainly pathologically altered cartilage. The results of biochemical quantitative analysis showed that the amount of DNA significantly increased by day 7 and decreased by day 14, while the quantitative values of GAGs had the opposite trend. Histological staining showed that cartilage formation occurred on day 7, intercellular spaces were filled with de novo synthesized cartilage matrix with significantly low GAG content on day 14, and newly formed GAG-rich cartilage was observed on day 21. The obtained data on cartilage regeneration were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.
Our preliminary results showed that human nasal chondrocytes are capable of infiltrating the pathologically altered extracellular matrix of articular cartilage damaged by arthritis, thereby promoting its repair to a physiologically relevant state.
Graphical Abstract
The paper propose the method for solving the Euler-Lambert problem proposed by V.A. Egorov and based on the works by D.E. Okhotsimsky, devoted to the analysis of a set of flight trajectories between two given points in the central Newtonian field. When considering the Euler-Lambert problem as the inverse problem of ballistics (dynamics), we have succeeded in developing a new effective method for determining the orbit corresponding to a given flight time. It is logical to name this approach the Okhotsimsky-Egorov method. In the considered approach, the parameter of the set of flights is the initial flight-path angle. The advantages of the proposed method are the limited and understandable structure of the domain of definition of solutions, the simplicity and clarity of the algorithm, and the clear dependence of the solution on the initial velocity. It enables a qualitative analysis of flight trajectories and the construction of effective numerical methods. To solve the Euler-Lambert problem Halley's numerical method was used. A computational complexity analysis of considered algorithm was carried out and demonstrated its high efficiency.
Actuality. Antibiotic resistance includes the unjustified use of topical antibacterial agents.
Objective. To study the frequency of topical and systemic antibacterial drugs among adults with symptoms of otorhinolaryngological diseases over the past 6 months and the role of physicians in prescribing antibacterial drugs.
Methods: online questioning of adults. The data from a survey of 111 respondents aged over 18 years were analyzed. A group (61 out of 111) of respondents (54.96%) experiencing symptoms of otorhinolaryngological diseases and using medications 6 months before the survey was conducted was identified.
Results: 31.15% of respondents took systemic antibiotics. Of all respondents who received a systemic antibacterial drug, only 14 out of 19 (73.68%) took it as prescribed by a physician and 1 (2.38%) was prescribed by a pharmacist. At the same time, the respondents used all topical antibacterial drugs — 4 cases (6.6%) without the recommendation of a physician or pharmacist.
Conclusion. The prevalence of topical antibacterial drugs for the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases among the study population was low, but the frequency of their use without the appointment of a specialist was high.
Improvement of the clinical outcomes of newborns with hospital-acquired infections requires microbiological monitoring to ensure timely initiation of appropriate empirical therapy. In our study we investigated the patterns of pathogens responsible for hospital-acquired infections in neonatal intensive care units and assessed the levels of antibiotic resistance among these pathogens. The study included 4,891 samples from newborns. Gram — positive microflora was found in 55.9% of the samples and gram-negative — in 44.1%. The antibiotic resistance profile revealed high resistance to penicillin-based antibiotics among staphylococci. Gram-negative microorganisms remained sensitive to most antibacterial drugs.
Introduction. Economic barriers, uneven territorial distribution of pharmacy organizations, and insufficient efficiency of drugs supply chains hinder the accessibility of drugs and the timely receipt of pharmaceutical care (PC) by patients worldwide. The digital transformation in healthcare, accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis, necessitates the adaptation of PC practices to meet modern patient needs. Objective of the study. To develop and validate a procedure for the interaction between a clinic and a pharmacy to facilitate data exchange through an interface, enabling the pharmacy to receive data for forming an assortment of drugs adapted to the characteristics and behavioral trends of the main target audience. Material and methods. The study utilized anonymized data on drugs prescriptions by physicians from the medical information system of a network of medical organizations in Moscow for the period from January 2018 to December 2023. Data preprocessing was conducted, followed by the training of a machine learning model using the LightGBM algorithm. The predictive performance of the model was assessed using MAE and RMSE metrics. Results. An analytical interface for the interaction between the clinic and the pharmacy was developed, incorporating a predictive model for forming the drugs assortment. The model effectively accounts for seasonal trends, patient demographic characteristics, and other key factors influencing drugs demand. The average MAE and RMSE values were 1.27 and 1.68, respectively, indicating high model accuracy. Conclusion. Implementing the developed interface allows the pharmacy to form drugs assortment tailored to the real needs of patients, contributing to optimized inventory management, reduced risk of shortages and overstocking, enhanced accessibility of PC for children, and increased economic efficiency of the pharmacy. The integration of big data technologies and machine learning opens new prospects for the personalization of medical and pharmaceutical care.
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Moscow, Russia