Recent publications
This cross-cultural comparative study sought to estimate levels of media trust and perceived media stress and model the associations of these perceptions with coping self-efficacy, positive thinking, and negativity toward heterosexual individuals and society. A total of 1,153 self-identified LGBTQ+ individuals from three countries (Philippines, Hungary, Iran) where LGBTQ+ rights are restricted by governmental actions completed an online survey. Media trust was higher among Filipinos compared to Hungarians and Iranians. Perceived media stress was the highest in the Iranian sample. Mediation models revealed that lower media trust was associated with higher perceived media stress among Filipinos and Hungarians. When coping was added to the model, higher perceived media stress was associated with higher perceived ability to cope with negative attitudes toward LGBTQ+ people among Filipinos, which, in turn, was associated with more positive thinking. By contrast, higher perceived media stress was negatively associated with coping ability among Hungarians, though coping ability remained a predictor of positive thinking. Findings suggest that LGBTQ+ perceptions of the local media—regarding its trustworthiness and distressing nature—can be associated with individuals’ self-assessment of coping abilities, relationships with heterosexuals and society, and positive outlook on life. However, the nature of these associations may
be culture-specific.
Considering the rise of far-right groups in Western countries, we examined whether exposure to media coverage on the far-right is associated with attitudes toward it, using surveys in 15 Western democratic countries (total N = 2,576). We hypothesized that greater media exposure to the far-right will be associated with greater perceived prevalence and acceptability of it, which will in turn be associated with divergent attitudes. On the one hand, greater perceived prevalence may be associated with more unfavorable attitudes toward the far-right (a threat response). On the other hand, greater perceived acceptability may be associated with more favorable attitudes toward the far-right (a normalization response). Overall, there was more evidence for a threat response than a normalization response: media exposure was consistently related to greater perceived prevalence (but not acceptability) of the far-right. This research underscores the importance of studying the consequences of the rise of the far-right.
Dostoevsky’s discourse in The Idiot is aimed—and this is his main artistic task—at developing the artistic language of a previously unknown world, of the singular human experience unfolding within the novel, rather than at conveying a finished, completed plot. The focus of this paper is on the process of constructing this new symbolic language of self-understanding, which can be approached through an analysis of the unique interplay of textuality, visuality and corporeality in this novel and in the genre of the modern novel. This paper shall examine the crucial role played by Dostoevsky’s drawings and calligraphy in the poetics of The Idiot in the context of the genesis of this novel, in order to show that the “ideograms” that appear in sketches and drafts are saturated with metaphorical meaning and thus become text- and plot-forming motifs and discursive signs. This new discourse of the novel incorporates several other literary works at the level of intertextuality (specifically Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Victor Hugo’s novel The Last Day of the Condemned Man), and in this way recalls the genre specificity of the modern novel and the creative processes of text and plot creation.
The role of sleep in memory consolidation is a widely discussed but still debated area of research. In light of the fact that memory consolidation during sleep is an evolutionary adaptive function, investigating the same phenomenon in nonhuman model species is highly relevant for its understanding. One such species, which has acquired human-analog sociocognitive skills through convergent evolution, is the domestic dog. Family dogs have surfaced as an outstanding animal model in sleep research, and their learning skills (in a social context) are subject to sleep-dependent memory consolidation. These results, however, are correlational, and the next challenge is to establish causality. In the present study, we aimed to adapt a TMR (targeted memory reactivation) paradigm in dogs and investigate its effect on sleep parameters. Dogs ( N = 16) learned new commands associated with different locations and afterward took part in a sleep polysomnography recording when they were re-exposed to one of the previously learned commands. The results did not indicate a cueing benefit on choice performance. However, there was evidence for a decrease in choice latency after sleep, while the density (occurrence/minute) of fast sleep spindles was also notably higher during TMR recordings than adaptation recordings from the same animals and even compared with a larger reference sample from a previous work. Our study provides empirical evidence that TMR is feasible with family dogs, even during a daytime nap. Furthermore, the present study highlights several methodological and conceptual challenges for future research.
The present study reveals an unexpected anomaly observed in the acid‐catalyzed hydrolysis of the 5,6‐O‐isopropylidene group in 3‐O‐protected D‐gluco‐ and D‐allofuranose derivatives. Although the removal of the 5,6‐O‐isopropylidene protecting group is typically rapid and quantitative under acidic conditions, an unexpected inhibition of this reaction is observed for the two C3‐epimers, 3‐O‐imidazole sulfonyl moiety. X‐ray data show a two‐faced imidazole ring orientation in the crystal, while solution state NOE data reveal a critical interaction type between the isopropylidene and the imidazole rings. Advanced conformational searches coupled with ab initio molecular modeling illuminate and explain the NMR and kinetic data and lay the groundwork for the most plausible mechanism of this unprecedented inhibition. These results provide valuable insights into the cross‐coupling of carbohydrate O‐protecting groups and shed light on how specific ring orientations and steric effects can trigger the inhibition of an otherwise easily feasible reaction, such as an acid‐catalyzed hydrolysis.
We investigate the effect of focused-ion-beam (FIB) irradiation on spin waves with sub-micron wavelengths in yttrium-iron-garnet films. Time-resolved scanning transmission x-ray microscopy was used to image the spin waves in irradiated regions and deduce corresponding changes in the magnetic parameters of the film. We find that the changes of Ga⁺ irradiation can be understood by assuming a few percent change in the effective magnetization Meff of the film due to a trade-off between changes in anisotropy and effective film thickness. Our results demonstrate that FIB irradiation can be used to locally alter the dispersion relation and the effective refractive index neff of the film, even for submicron wavelengths. To achieve the same change in neff for shorter wavelengths, a higher dose is required, but no significant deterioration of spin wave propagation length in the irradiated regions was observed, even at the highest applied doses.
Text messages and emails permeate the novels of contemporary Irish author Sally Rooney, shaping the ways in which characters relate to one another while also reflecting the globalization of Irish society through the medium of digitalization. In light of the socialist political positions that some of her principal characters adopt, this article examines digital communication in Conversations with Friends and Normal People with reference to certain concepts of Marx. I address online modes of communication in both novels in terms of Marx’s understanding of relations between workers and machines in the industrial era, Christian Fuchs’ re-articulation of his ideas for the age of digital capitalism, and the critique of empty universalism that Marx directs against the modern liberal-democratic political state. I examine Rooney’s narration of tensions between rural/small-town and urban life in Ireland as part of the online environment through which she addresses these issues. Observing the significance of Edna O’Brien’s The Country Girls (1960) to her first two novels, I stress how important local Irish attachments are to Rooney’s fiction, both as a means of resisting empty universalism and as testimony to human exploitation in the present age of digital capitalism.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with emotion dysregulation (ED) and in ADHD, beyond ADHD and comorbidity severity, ED confers increased risk for negative outcomes. First- and second-line ADHD pharmacotherapy is effective at ameliorating core symptoms and improving cognitive functioning and accumulating evidence indicates primairly in children and adults, active ADHD pharmacotherapy has beneficial effects on emotional symptoms. Gaps in knowledge remain about whether in adolescents, ADHD pharmacotherapy has beneficial effects on ED or about the extent to which effects are apparent for discontinued/ past ADHD pharmacotherapy.
Examined, in N = 297 adolescents (Mage=15.77 years, SD = 1.06; 39.06% girls; n = 86 classified as with ADHD), whether accounting for depression and oppositional symptoms, concurrent and 18-month prospective measures of parent- and self-reported ED (1) differ across adolescents without ADHD, medication-naïve adolescents with ADHD, and ever-medicated (currently or previously) adolescents with ADHD.
In case of parent-reported ED, ever medicated adolescents with ADHD exhibited a decline in ED over time whereas adolescents without ADHD and never medicated adolescents with ADHD exhibited no changes in ED over time. In case of self-reported ED, ever-medicated adolescents with ADHD exhibited lower ED than never medicated adolescents with ADHD and never medicated adolescents with ADHD exhibited greater ED than adolescents without ADHD. Currently and previously (but not currently) medicated adolescents did not differ in ED. Across parent- and self-reported findings, observed pattern of results held when analyses focused on adolescents who did not change medication status between baseline and follow-up.
ADHD pharmacotherapy may have a boosting effect on longitudinal changes in parent-reported ED and a normalizing effect on concurrent measures of self-reported ED in adolescents.
This study investigated the connection between emotional intelligence and burnout through the mediating role of workplace milieu resources (a sense of community and mutual trust between employees) among social care leaders in Hungary utilizing the Job Demand-Resources model as a reference. The study evaluated emotional intelligence across three dimensions: understanding our emotions, understanding others’ emotions, and positive emotional appraisal.
A cross-sectional and quantitative study was conducted from 11th April to 30th November 2019 targeting Hungarian social care leaders. Participants (N = 547) were recruited non-randomly trough a training organized for them. Data collection involved sociodemographic questions, the Assessing Emotions Scale and the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and three saturated serial mediations (ML with percentile bootstrap) were implemented. During the mediations, one dimension of emotional intelligence was used as a predictor in each model with the sense of community and mutual trust as serial mediators, and burnout as the outcome.
The results confirmed the role of the leader’s emotional intelligence in creating a supportive workplace atmosphere and its indirect effect on burnout through these workplace milieu resources, while its direct effect was found not to be substantial. Among the three aspects of emotional intelligence, positive appraisal had the largest effect on burnout.
This study suggests that emotional intelligence’ influence on burnout is mediated by workplace milieu resources. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage leaders to use their emotional intelligence to create a positive emotional atmosphere rather than solely concentrating on emotional comprehension.
Hungarian displays both backness harmony (inherited from Proto-Uralic) and labial harmony, the latter developing in Old Hungarian. This paper sets out to explain the fact that the emergence of labial harmony, i.e., the progressive spreading of the feature [labial] in Late Old Hungarian results from an apparent change in the earlier regressive direction of spreading for the same feature. The question addressed here is what caused the change in the direction of the spreading. The hypothesis advanced is that Early Old Hungarian regressive spreading of labiality did not affect lexical cues, since [labial] was a redundant feature; the spreading was motivated by coarticulatory mechanisms. However, as [labial] became a robust contrastive feature in the Old Hungarian period, it aligned with backness in its spreading direction to enhance lexical recognisability. The argument also implies that while labial harmony owes its origin to a pattern rooted in coarticulatory mechanisms, in its mature form it acquired a superimposed perceptual motivation.
Rewards are essential for motivation, decision-making, memory, and mental health. We identified the subventricular tegmental nucleus (SVTg) as a brainstem reward center. In mice, reward and its prediction activate the SVTg, and SVTg stimulation leads to place preference, reduced anxiety, and accumbal dopamine release. Mice self-stimulate the SVTg, which can also be activated directly by the neocortex, resulting in effective inhibition of the lateral habenula, a region associated with depression. This mechanism may also explain why SVTg suppression induces aversion and increases fear. The translational relevance of these findings is supported by evidence in the rat, monkey, and human brainstem, establishing SVTg as a key hub for reward processing, emotional valence, and motivation.
Miniaturization of next‐generation active neural implants requires novel micro‐packaging solutions that can maintain their long‐term coating performance in the body. This work presents two thin‐film coatings and evaluates their biostability and in vivo performance over a 7‐month animal study. To evaluate the coatings on representative surfaces, two silicon microchips with different surface microtopography are used. Microchips are coated with either a ≈100 nm thick inorganic hafnium‐based multilayer deposited via atomic layer deposition (ALD‐ML), or a ≈6 µm thick hybrid organic–inorganic Parylene C and titanium‐based ALD multilayer stack (ParC‐ALD‐ML). After 7 months of direct exposure to the body environment, the multilayer coatings are evaluated using optical and cross‐sectional scanning electron microscopy. Time‐of‐flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF‐SIMS) is also used to evaluate the chemical stability and barrier performance of the layers after long‐term exposure to body media. Results showed the excellent biostability of the 100 nm ALD‐ML coating with no ionic penetration within the layer. For the ParC‐ALD‐ML, concurrent surface degradation and ion ingress are detected within the top ≈70 nm of the outer Parylene C layer. The results and evaluation techniques presented here can enable future material selection, packaging, and analysis, enhancing the functional stability of future chip‐embedded neural implants.
Published between 1878 and 1881, the three volumes of Standish O'Grady's History of Ireland comprise a narrative of Irish mythology, driven by the author's conviction that many of the ancient tales were rooted in actual history. Although not immediately felt, the impact of History of Ireland became long-lasting, a point of departure for an array of literary works treating Irish mythological topics during what came to be known as the Irish Literary Revival. This paper addresses History of Ireland from the perspective of O'Grady's background as a student of ancient Greek civilization. It considers the most important comparisons that he drew between Irish and Greek antiquity, including his contention that the seat of the High Kings of Ireland, Tara, was equivalent in symbolism to Mount Olympus in ancient Greece. The paper assesses the strengths, weaknesses and significance of O'Grady's case for considering Irish mythology as approximate to that of the Greeks.
Background: Breastfeeding in Syria is a common practice supported by social norms, family traditions, and cultural values. In Hungary, recent statistics show that exclusive breastfeeding is significantly lower than the recommendation of the World Health Organization. Understanding the perspectives of educated young ladies is crucial for discovering the difficulties of breastfeeding practices within Syrian–Hungarian societies. This study explores the sociocultural factors and their impact on breastfeeding behaviours among female students in Syria and Hungary. Methods: A comprehensive, multi-section questionnaire was administered to 317 students from Damascus University and 303 students from Hungarian universities, designed to assess breastfeeding behaviours evaluated through The Breastfeeding Behaviour Questionnaire (BBQ). Results: The results in both societies showed remarkable awareness and understanding among participants regarding breastfeeding. Traditions and culture affect Syrian society more than Hungarian society; the two societies have restricted responses toward breastfeeding in public and different reactions to breastfeeding in front of males or females. Most students disagree with preferring formula feeding to breastfeeding when it is related to the family or the husband’s desire only. At the same time, agreement with choosing the bottle when the mother returns to work instead of exclusively breastfeeding is valued differently in the two societies. Conclusions: This study elucidates the essential the sociocultural factors influencing breastfeeding attitudes among Syrian and Hungarian female students, highlighting the need for culturally suitable strategies to improve breastfeeding practices in both countries.
Háttér és célkitűzések: A vezetői kompetenciák vizsgálata alulkutatott terület, a rendelkezésre álló szakirodalom sokkal inkább a vezetői személyiségdimenziókra fókuszál, kevéssé a vezetői kompetenciákra. Hasonlóképpen kevés forrás áll rendelkezésünkre a köz- és versenyszféra vezetőivel kapcsolatosan. Jelen vizsgálatban arra vállalkoztunk, hogy összehasonlítsuk a közép- és felső vezetők, valamint a köz- és versenyszféra vezetőinek kompetenciáit. Feltételeztük, hogy a versenyszféra vezetői nagyobb önállósággal jellemezhetőbbek, míg a közszféra vezetőire inkább végrehajtó kompetenciák jellemzőek. Módszer: Vizsgálatunkban 303 felső és középvezető adatait elemeztük 19 szervezetnél (11 a versenyszférában, 8 a közszférában működik). A vezetői kompetenciák mérésére a CAPTain Analízis & Szubjektív Kompetenciatesztet használtuk, amelynek 11 kompetenciadimenziója mentén hasonlítottuk össze a vezetői szint és a szféra közötti különbségeket. Eredmények: Szignifikáns különbséget találtunk a felső és középvezetők között Önállóság, Vezetői stílus, Delegálás, Befolyásolás, Aktuális vezetői képesség, valamint az Önbizalom kompetenciadimenzióiban. A felsorolt dimenziókban a felső vezetők magasabb pontszámot értek el. Szignifikáns különbségeket találtunk a köz- és versenyszféra vezetői közötti is: a versenyszféra vezetői magasabb Önállóság, Delegálás, Befolyásolás, Aktuális vezetői képesség és Önbizalom kompetencia-pontszámokat értek el, mint a közszféra vezetői. Következtetések: Eredményeink alapján elmondható, hogy a felső vezetőkre jellemzőbb, hogy munkájukat általánosabb irányelvek mentén, magabiztosabban végzik, míg a középvezetők nagyobb igényt mutatnak a konkrét instrukciókra. A versenyszféra vezetőire hasonló profil jellemző, ráadásul párhuzam vonható a versenyszféra közép- és a közszféra felső vezetői között.
The paper reviews and summarizes the historical research that has been carried out in recent decades to explore the connections between esotericism and psychology while highlighting the typical historical and contemporary ways in which psychology and esotericism are linked. This examination underscores why academic research on esotericism is relevant to psychology, including why a substantive definition of esotericism made within the context of psychology is essential. Based on the sources currently at our disposal, it is asserted that the influences of esotericism have never been peripheral to psychology. The foundations and basic features of “esoteric psychology” unfolding within various theoretical frameworks are described. With this paper, the author aims to contribute to the emergence of a critical yet open and flexible discourse that recognizes the impact of esotericism on psychology and is ready to evaluate these influences in an objective way.
Silicon integrated circuits (ICs) are central to the next-generation miniature active neural implants, whether packaged in soft polymers for flexible bioelectronics or implanted as bare die for neural probes. These emerging applications bring the IC closer to the corrosive body environment, raising reliability concerns, particularly for chronic use. Here, we evaluate the inherent hermeticity of bare die ICs, and examine the potential of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a moisture-permeable elastomer, as a standalone encapsulation material. For this aim, the electrical and material performance of ICs sourced from two foundries was evaluated through one-year accelerated in vitro and in vivo studies. ICs featured custom-designed test structures and were partially PDMS coated, creating two regions on each chip, uncoated “bare die” and “PDMS-coated”. During the accelerated in vitro study, ICs were electrically biased and periodically monitored. Results revealed stable electrical performance, indicating the unaffected operation of ICs even when directly exposed to physiological fluids. Despite this, material analysis revealed IC degradation in the bare regions. PDMS-coated regions, however, revealed limited degradation, making PDMS a suitable IC encapsulant for years-long implantation. Based on the new insights, guidelines are proposed that may enhance the longevity of implantable ICs, broadening their applications in the biomedical field.
It has been clearly demonstrated over the past years that control theory can provide an efficient framework for the solution of several complex tasks in epidemiology. In this paper, we present a computational approach for the state estimation based reference tracking control and historical data reconstruction using nonlinear compartmental epidemic models. The control model is given in nonlinear input-affine form, where the manipulable input is the disease transmission rate influenced by possible measures and restrictions, while the observed or computed output is the number of infected people. The control design is built around a simple SEIR model and relies on a feedback linearization technique. We examine and compare different control setups distinguished by the availability of state information, complementing the directly measurable data with an extended Kalman filter used for state estimation. To illustrate the capabilities and robustness of the proposed method, we carry out multiple case studies for output tracking and data reconstruction on Swedish and Hungarian data, all in the presence of serious model and parameter mismatch. Computation results show that a well-designed feedback, even in the presence of significant observation uncertainties, can sufficiently reduce the effect of modeling errors.
The Italian-born ballerina, Claudina Couqui (1835–1913), performed as a guest artist in numerous cities, including two appearences to Pest during the 1860s. Her first performance in 1863 was preceded by great anticipation, and after receiving an enthusiastic reception, she returned to the National Theatre the following year. This study seeks to explore the context of Pál Gyulai’s lesser-known–and, to our knowledge, only–ballet-related dramaturgical work through the lens of the guest performances of the ballerina who had come from Vienna. The investigation is justified by the fact that Gyulai’s critical writings and theatre reviews primarily focused on dramatic productions. However, Couqui’s guest performances required the clarification of some fundamental questions: What role did ballet play among theatrical genres? Where did it stand in relation to drama and opera? And what expectations did contemporary theatre critics and dramaturgists have regarding the genre? Furthermore, what could Gyulai have known about the ballet productions in Pest at the time, and to what extent? Addressing these questions requires an examination of the reception of specific ballet productions.
The only complete copy of Tamás Balásfi’s Epinicia Benedicto Nagi known today is preserved among the old books at the Batthyaneum in Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár). This work was published in Pozsony in 1616. According to current knowledge, only three copies of this small volume, consisting of about forty pages, have survived. The copy in the Hungarian National Library is missing the entire first sheet (A), including the title page and dedication, as well as two pages from the end. This small book is particularly significant for the study of Péter Pázmány’s controversial writings before his archbishopric, representing the final piece in a series of polemics (1614–1616) written against the Lutherans of Western Transdanubia. Pázmány became archbishop in 1616 and was either unable or unwilling to continue engaging in this controversy, leaving Tamás Balásfi to conclude the polemic on his behalf. At the end of this paper, I will provide a transcription of a missing part from the Budapest copy: the Latin dedication at the beginning of the book.
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Budapest, Hungary