Recent publications
Introduction: Childhood adversity is associated with poor physical and mental health outcomes across the lifespan. Integration of health and social care may provide a solution to childhood adversity through practices of better detection and response. There is growing interest in the creation of child and family hubs that integrate health and social care but little literature that describes the development process. Description: We aimed to evaluate and describe the implementation of a co-designed health and social care child and family hub in Victoria, Australia. Rapid ethnographic methodology was used to iterate the hub components. Practitioners and researchers co-created solutions to barriers identified during implementation. Discussion: There were five key learnings: (i) Practice change takes time and intensive coaching, (ii) Lived experience is a powerful motivator for practice change, (iii) Integration of services requires more than co-location to break down silos, (iv) Reflective practice is a key driver of practice change, and (v) Using real time data enabled rapid implementation change and directly informed the development of solutions. Conclusions: Maintaining and developing practice change during implementation requires time and access to a broad range of data to enable iteration and the development of solutions.
This study examined long‐term mediating effects of the smalltalk parenting intervention on children's effortful control at school age (7.5 years; 2016–2018). In 2010–2012, parents (96% female) of toddlers ( N = 1201; aged 12–36 months; 52% female) were randomly assigned to either: standard playgroup, smalltalk playgroup (group‐only), or smalltalk playgroup with additional home coaching ( smalltalk plus ). Multi‐informant data indicated that smalltalk plus had unique indirect effects on children's effortful control, through parents' capacity to ‘maintain and extend’ children's focus during joint interactions. Possible mediating pathways via parent verbal responsivity, home learning activities, and descriptive language use were not supported. When parents received a structured playgroup program with additional home coaching, sustainable benefits were evident in children's self‐regulation, assessed in the early school years.
Teachers play a significant societal role, yet many feel underappreciated, and commonly cite this as a reason for considering leaving the profession. This study investigated responses to the #ThankYourTeacher social media campaign, which was created to generate public expressions of gratitude towards teachers. Data were collected from Twitter, Instagram, a campaign website, and public events and thematically analysed. Orr’s (1992) Head, Heart, and Hands Model of Transformational Learning was used as a framework for understanding the qualities of teachers and their teaching that participants appreciated. Notably, more individuals expressed gratitude for teachers’ motivational and compassionate qualities (Heart) and their enthusiasm and leadership (Hands) than for their subject knowledge (Head). These findings underscore the importance of the teacher-student relationship and relational qualities over subject expertise. This study also highlights the potential for further research into the impacts of practicing gratitude towards teachers and increasing teachers’ sense of being valued and appreciated.
Adolescent e-cigarette use, globally and within Australia, has increased in recent years. In response, public health agencies have called for the development of education and communication programmes targeting adolescents. Despite such recommendations, few rigorous evaluations of such interventions currently exist. The main objective of this study is to examine the potential effect of a text message intervention targeting parents and adolescents on adolescent susceptibility to e-cigarette use (eg, intentions towards using e-cigarettes). Secondary objectives are to (1): examine the effect of the intervention on adolescent e-cigarette and combustible tobacco use and (2) examine the acceptability of the intervention.
Methods and analysis
A randomised controlled trial employing a 2×2 factorial design will be conducted with parent–adolescent dyads (aged 12–15 years). Dyads will be randomly allocated to one of four arms: arm 1—a text message intervention delivered to adolescents only; arm 2—a text message intervention delivered to the parents of adolescents only; arm 3—a text message intervention delivered to both the parents and adolescents; and arm 4—an information only control, consisting of an e-cigarette factsheet provided to parents only. Participant recruitment commenced in March 2023 with the aim to recruit 120 parent–adolescent dyads. Data collection to assess study outcomes will occur at baseline, 6, 12 and 24 months post the commencement of the intervention. The primary endpoint will be 6-month follow-up. The primary outcome will be adolescent susceptibility to e-cigarette use, assessed using validated items. Analyses of trial outcomes will be undertaken under an intention-to-treat framework, with all participants included in the analysis in the group they were allocated.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethics approval has been obtained from the human research ethics committee of the University of Newcastle (H-2022-0340). Findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and at conferences.
Trial registration number
The trial was registered prospectively with Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12623000079640).
A sense of school belonging is essential for adolescent development, though there is limited research investigating ways to improve students' sense of school belonging in Qatar. With 116 Qatari secondary school students, the current study explored student perspectives of ways teachers and schools could improve their sense of school belonging. Students responded to a survey including open‐ended questions and a descriptive scale measuring the usefulness of established belonging strategies during remote learning, in‐person, or all the time (both). Encouragement and support from teachers were found to be useful all the time, with school activities during breaks and opportunities to make friends only being useful during school‐based learning. From the examination of open‐ended responses using a hybrid qualitative approach with inductive and deductive coding, two overarching themes each at the teacher‐level and school‐level were found, defined by several subthemes. Belonging practices at the teacher‐level included caring and supportive teachers and teachers treating students as people. Belonging practices at the school‐level included student engagement and a positive and supportive school environment. For Qatari students practices such as prioritising supportive student–teacher relationships, introducing policies which promote a respectful, fair and safe environment, and offering school wide‐extracurricular activities that encourage peer connections are important to develop their sense of school belonging.
Home-based parenting interventions foster positive parent-child relationships and parenting skills that reduce risks to child outcomes associated with social disadvantage. This article extends evidence about the value of one such program — the Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) — through qualitative examination of a new version targeting parents of three-year-olds. Interviews with 102 parents and 10 Coordinators were analysed thematically to explore demand, acceptability, and impact of HIPPY Age 3. Findings from this nation-wide pilot suggest the program is associated with improvements in parents’ awareness of children’s strengths and interests, increased opportunities for parent-child interaction through play-based learning, and enhanced understanding about parents’ role in creating a stimulating learning environment at home. While the extent to which this translates to parent behaviour change and benefits to children requires further examination, this study endorses investment in HIPPY Age 3 as an acceptable and flexible early childhood parenting intervention.
There are free, evidence-based Digital Health Interventions (DHIs) that can help children’s mental health, but few parents use them. We sought to understand what influenced uptake of DHIs by parents of children aged 2-12 years old with a mental health problem. We interviewed parents and analysed data using inductive content analysis. Four factors emerged: i) personal capacity; ii) awareness of DHIs and where to find one; iii) credibility, including trust and endorsement from experts; and iv) the suitability of a DHI to their child’s specific problem and level of need. Incorporating these themes into the design of future DHIs may improve uptake.
Patient navigation (PN) aims to improve timely access to healthcare by helping patients to "navigate" complex service provision landscapes. PN models have been applied in diverse healthcare settings including perinatal mental health (PMH). However, the practice models and implementation of PN programs vary widely, and their impact on engagement with PMH services has not been systematically investigated. This systematic narrative review study aimed to (1) identify and describe existing PMH PN models, (2) understand their effectiveness in improving service engagement and clinical outcomes, (3) review patient and provider perceptions, and (4) explore facilitators and barriers to program success. A systematic search of published articles/reports describing PMH PN programs/service delivery models targeting parents in the period from conception to 5 years postpartum was conducted. In total, 19 articles describing 13 programs were identified. The analysis yielded a number of commonalities and differences across program settings, target populations, and the scope of the navigator role. While there was promising evidence to support the clinical efficacy and impact on service utilization of PN programs for PMH, the current evidence base is sparse. Further research evaluating the efficacy of such services, and facilitators and barriers to their success, is warranted.
Research suggests that challenges associated with raising a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can increase parents’ risk for diminished parenting self-efficacy (PSE) and psychological wellbeing. The present study aimed to explore interrelationships between noteworthy predictors of PSE and parental psychological distress, including parental mastery beliefs and the co-parenting relationship amongst 122 Australian parents of children with autism. Results indicated that greater mastery beliefs and more favourable co-parenting relationships predicted greater PSE, and higher PSE predicted less psychological distress. PSE significantly mediated relationships between mastery beliefs and psychological distress, and between the co-parenting relationship and psychological distress. Findings have implications that can aid professionals to more effectively support parents raising children on the autism spectrum.
Mental health problems, such as behavioural and emotional problems, are prevalent in children. These problems can have long lasting, detrimental effects on the child, their parents and society. Most children with a mental health problem do not receive professional help. Those that do get help can face long wait times. While waiting, parents want to learn how they can help their child. To address this need, we co-designed a new website to help parents find ways of helping their child’s mental health problem while waiting to get specialist help.
To assess the acceptability and feasibility of a new co-designed website, FindWays, through a pilot randomised controlled trial. The protocol is registered with ISRCTN (ISRCTN64605513).
This study will recruit up to 60 parents of children aged two-twelve years old referred to a paediatrician for behavioural and/or emotional problems. Participants will be randomly allocated by computer generated number sequence to either the intervention or control group. Intervention group participants will receive access to the FindWays website to help them manage their child’s mental health problem while they wait to see the paediatrician. Acceptability and feasibility will be assessed over the 4-month intervention through mixed methods including: recruitment, adherence, retention, net promoter score (quantitative measures) and semi-structured interviews to gain an in-depth understanding of parents’ experience and potential adverse effects (qualitative measure). Secondary outcomes measured by parent survey at 4-months post randomisation include child mental health, parent mental health, impact of the child’s mental health problem on their functioning and family, and health service use and associated costs.
Recruitment commenced June 2022 with publication expected in October 2023.
This study will provide novel data on the acceptability and feasibility of a new website co-designed with parents to help them find ways of managing their child’s behaviour and emotions.
The goal of the article is to support the early childhood sector’s efforts to increase the salience of early childhood as a social issue and change policy and practice to better support young children and their families. Cultural models shape how people think about social issues and support solutions. Changing how issues are framed—how they are presented, positioned and focused—can help shift these models and facilitate culture change. Using mixed methods research, we identified cultural models that members of the Australian public use to think about early childhood and compared these mindsets to concepts that the sector seeks to advance. This revealed a set of gaps in understanding that make it difficult for the sector to advance its agenda. We then designed and tested framing strategies to address these challenges and improve the salience of early childhood as a social issue, increase understanding of key concepts and build support for policies, programs and interventions. Findings point to strategies that advocates, service providers and funders can use to communicate more effectively about the importance of the early years.
The media plays a powerful role in shaping health-related attitudes and behaviours. We investigated media reports about children’s independent mobility (CIM) and associations with parental attitudes towards CIM. CIM-related media reports (newspaper, online, television) during a three-month period were extracted from two databases. Concurrent parental attitudes were collected via telephone interview from 1,779 parents of children aged 9-15 years. Media reports were overwhelmingly negative: 94% mentioned only risks and 6% mentioned benefits. There was no association between media reports and parental attitudes. Parental CIM attitudes are often complex and pervasive and may not be shifted by media coverage alone.
Neighbourhood-level factors can exert unique influence on children’s development, independent of individual parent, child, and family factors. We investigated the contribution of neighbourhood socioeconomic status (using government-generated definitions) to directly-observed parent-child interactions among 596 Australian parents and their 7-8-year-old children. Parents’ sensitive responding and parent-child positive mutuality were rated according to the SCARP:7-8 Years (Short Coding of Attachment-Related Parenting). Adjusting for individual family characteristics, multilevel modelling
revealed evidence of an association between neighbourhood socioeconomic status and sensitive responding (β=.10, p=.004) but not for parent-child positive mutuality (β= -.01, p=.90). Tailored, evidence-based parenting supports according to local community need are warranted.
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