National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Recent publications
In this work, a simple and mild process was used to synthesize a series of 2-amino-4,6-diarylpyrimidine derivatives, 1a–1q, whose structures were verified by FTIR, 1D- and 2D-NMR, and HRMS techniques, to investigate and develop anticancer agents. Under microwave irradiation, a two-step process was carried out, consisting of aldol condensation of benzaldehydes and acetophenones to produce intermediate chalcones and ring closure condensation of chalcones and guanidine hydrochloride. Each generated compound's anticancer activity against the human chronic myelocytic leukemia K562 cancer cell line was investigated in vitro to determine the active compounds, which were subsequently evaluated for inhibiting the ABL1 tyrosine kinase. According to these findings, compound 1e demonstrated considerable inhibition against K562 cancer cells and ABL1 tyrosine kinase at IC50 values of 8.77 ± 0.55 μM and 3.35 ± 0.58 μM, respectively. The molecular docking on wild-type and mutant type ABL1 (PDB ID 2HYY and 5MO4) investigation indicated that 1e and 1g interacted with amino acids. It formed stable hydrogen bonds and π–π linkages with crucial residues in the active site of the enzyme. Moreover, the stability of these enzyme–ligand complexes was confirmed using molecular dynamics simulations. These findings suggested that compounds 1e and 1g can be considered promising cancer treatment agents.
Proposed cooling solution on basis of original vapor chamber with plate-fin heat sink is a promising method of solving the heat dissipation problem in high-power electronic devices. CFD simulation of plate-fin heat sink to predict thermal characteristics of different types of plate-cut finning under two ways of heat input to plate-fin heat sink base (direct input and through a top vapor chamber surface as the heat sink base) was performed. It was found that the heat dissipated by the heat sink with plate-cut finning is 82% of required direct heat input. For the heat sink having plate-cut finning with turn of the cut part of finning, the dissipated heat is about 90% at direct heat input from the heat release source and is more than 99% in case of using the top vapor chamber surface as the heat sink base. The fabrication of thin vapor chamber was done for simulation verification. 75 ×\times 75 ×\times 0.81 mm3^3 vapor chamber (working fluid—water, case—copper, wick (70×\,\times \,70×\,\times \,0.05 mm3^3)—pillars) was developed and tested. Thermal resistance was 0.13 K/W. The temperature uniformity of vapor chamber was 1.4 ^\circ C. Maximum heat transfer capacity was 45.5 W. Vapor chamber had good temperature uniformity. Verification confirmed the legitimacy of using the approach for simulation of convective heat transfer of the heat sink.
Bacteria of the genus Glutamicibacter, due to their ubiquity, nutritional versatility, and ability to adapt to environmental stresses, play an important role in natural ecosystems and have been extensively studied. Nevertheless, there remains a significant gap in our knowledge regarding Glutamicibacter phages, particularly in comparison to those of the related actinobacteria. To date, only two virulent phages infecting G. arilaitensis have been described. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the isolation, characterization, and genome analysis of a temperate phage targeting G. halophytocola, an endophytic bacterium known for its plant-growth-promoting effect. The phage Ph-p5, with siphovirus structure, was isolated from soil. It exhibited a long latent period (120 min), a moderate burst size (87 ± 3 PFU/infected cell), and stability over a wide range of pH and temperature. The circularly permuted linear double-stranded DNA genome of phage Ph-p5, comprising 43,694 bp with a G + C content of 57.1%, contains 65 putative protein-coding sequences and one sequence encoding tRNA. Of the identified open reading frames, 33 were of unknown function, while the remaining ones were grouped into functional modules, including structural proteins, DNA replication and regulation, lysogeny, and lysis. The presence of intact lysogeny-related genes, together with the capacity for lysogenisation of the host strain G. halophytocola BIM B-1594, provides evidence that Ph-p5 is a temperate phage. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that phage Ph-p5 belongs to the class Caudoviricetes but exhibits significant divergence from known phages and may be assigned to a new genus, for which we propose the name “Petuglutavirus”.
According to analysts, due to increased consumer demand, from the beginning of the 21st century, poultry production will increase many times by 2030. The planned regulated economy of Belarus, strict adherence to technological norms and rules, uninterrupted supply of poultry with complete feed and high personal responsibility of labor collectives have made it possible to achieve high levels of egg and poultry meat production. The share of the meat market in Belarus is 39.0% owned by poultry products, which have displaced such industries as pig breeding, horse breeding and sheep breeding. With a relatively low number of farm birds of 49.9 million birds, it became possible to achieve the following high results. Meat production per capita in 2023 was 139 kg, with consumption of 101 kg, i.e. an additional 27.3% of meat was produced. At the same time, of the indicated volume, 54.5 kg is poultry meat. The annual overproduction of meat at the level of 20-30% allows us to have additional profits from its sale in markets near and far abroad. A similar situation is developing in egg poultry farming. Over the past year, the production of edible eggs per capita in Belarus amounted to 375 pieces, but their consumption does not exceed 272 pieces. Additional produced products in the amount of 27.5% were sold, first of all, to the market of the Russian Federation, and then to China and other countries. The selection of countries for poultry exports was primarily based on statistical information on per capita production levels. Thus, timely analysis of statistical information makes it possible to regulate investments and predict the profitability of the production of eggs and poultry meat and, if necessary, promptly provide producers with new sales markets without allowing excessive overproduction of livestock (poultry) products.
We address a non-destructive testing of bitumen insulations. A new approach to its in situ monitoring is proposed. It is based on single impact microindentation. To describe the straining process of a bitumen coating, we analyzed Maxwell and Voigt rheological models. It is shown experimentally that Maxwell model suits well for this task. Temporal changes of the rigidity coefficient in the coating depending on the ambient temperature were measured. It has been established that microindentation-based method is effective for the assessment of the insulation aging. Thermal aging experiments and measurements were carried out to confirm the applicability of the proposed approach.
The article is devoted to the problem of translating the philosophical ideas of Immanuel Kant into music; the object of the study is the organ suite “Immanuel Kant” by V. Gorochnaya. This work is being introduced into a scientific context for the first time. On the basis of the connection with philosophy existing in musical art, both in general and direct manifestations, the specificity of the means of musical embodiment of the leading concepts of the great German philosopher, such as “the thing in itself”, “categorical imperative”, “absolutely necessary being”, etc., is considered. The features of the formation, the stylistic orientation of the composition, as well as various means of musical language are revealed, indicating a close relationship with the content components of the main ideas of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, which allows us to consider the work under study as a musical offering to the great philosopher.
This article examines how the debate over KK principle (Knowing that One Knows) introduces the notion of knowledge orders into epistemology, which standardly involves a division into first­ and second­order knowledge. The uncritical understanding of knowledge orders leads to their naive ontologization, which has negative theoretical and practical consequences. One such consequence is the problem of proliferating orders of knowledge, which consists in the fact that if knowledge of a lower order always corresponds to knowledge of a higher order, it is not clear what order is needed to possess first­order knowledge. As a solution, it is proposed to understand knowledge orders as a nominal designation related to the evaluation of the position of knowledge in epistemic history (as this concept is understood by Alvin Goldman).
The article presents the results of a comparative study in the southern agroclimatic zone of Belarus in the taxonomic series of 6 new introduced varieties of highbush blueberry: early ripening – Chanticleer, Hannah’s Choice, midseason – Bluegold, Harrison, and late ripening – Aurora, Rubel, as well as the corresponding to these maturity groups zoned varieties Weymouth, Bluecrop and Elliott structures of correlation links between the levels of antioxidant and enzymatic activity, on the one hand, and 12 indicators of biochemical composition, on the other. Significant genotypic differences in the orientation and strength of these links were revealed due to the individual characteristics of the biochemical composition of the tested objects, indicating a pronounced variety specificity of the analyzed traits. A noticeable similarity was revealed in the representatives of different varietal groups in the spectra of organic compounds most significant for formation of the antioxidant complex of fruits, which was most clearly manifested in early and late ripening varieties and consisted of the dominant role of catechins, tannins, leucoanthocyanins and flavonols, and in midripening varieties – along with tannins and leucoanthocyanins, also free organic and hydroxycinnamic acids. At the same time, soluble sugars and ascorbic acid had the least effect on the antiradical properties of blueberry fruits. A uniform sequence of blueberry taxa was established in the order of decreasing the interaction level of individual components of the antioxidant complex of fruits with the content of organic compounds of different chemical nature with the greatest manifestation of the strongest direct correlation links with sources of antioxidant, peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase activity in the Hannah’s Choice variety, and in the Aurora variety – with sources of catalase and, to a lesser extent, the peroxidase activity against the background of a minimum number of such interactions in the Harrison variety, which was 1.6–2.1 times inferior in this feature to the leading blueberry taxa.
Detecting Salmonella in foods is topical due to the known cases of salmonellosis epidemics. Immunochemical methods including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) have been widely used in Salmonella detection. Traditionally, ELISA of Salmonella is based on detecting lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is considered to be the main structural component of the outer membrane of the cell of Gram-negative bacteria. Core (conservative LPS element common to all Salmonella ) and O-antigen (hypervariable LPS element) are available for interaction with antibodies. It was shown using commercial MAb 5D12A (to the core of LPS) or MAb 10D9H (to the common epitope of the O-antigen of Salmonella serogroups A, B and D) that in the Salmonella culture obtained during sample preparation, traditional for the analysis of these bacteria in foods, LPS is present mainly outside cells, in the medium (no less than 90 %). It has been found that the addition of centrifugation to the standard sample preparation procedure to separate bacteria from the medium and a subsequent analysis of the medium can expand the test-system working range towards lower LPS concentrations and increase the analytical sensitivity. It has been shown that immobilization of the bovine serum albumin (BSA)-LPS conjugate in the wells of a microplate immunosorbent allows one to obtain a more homogeneous coating than immobilization of LPS itself. We have elaborated 2 test systems for Salmonella detection in foods by competitive ELISA of LPS secreted in medium. In each of the two test systems, the BSA-LPS conjugate is immobilized on the solid phase, and in the liquid phase there are either MAb 5D12A or MAb 10D9H. The sensitivity of the analysis for each test system is 10 ⁵ CFU/ml. The test system based on MAb 5D12A is advan tageous since it allows detecting all Salmonella regardless of serotype.
The article analyzes the results and achievements of scholars the Department of Humanities and Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2021–2024. The work denotes unparalleled and the most important fundamental studies that reveal rich historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of Belarusian people. Authors also show the place and the role of social and humanitarian sciences in Belarusian society. The work stresses that the main objective of the research of scholars­humanists is not only the defence of the historical legitimacy of the Belarusian statehood and national­state interests of the Republic of Belarus in the world community, but also the preservation of the spiritual, material, historical and cultural values of Belarusian people and the strengthening of both: the country’s international prestige and Belarusian humanitarian science. And finally, the paper presents quantitative results of the research and the most significant practical achievements of scholars accomplished in the recent years. Promising directions of scientific research in the social and humanitarian sciences are outlined.
The Polesie State Radiation and Ecological Reserve (PSRER) has been operating since 1988 within the Belarusian sector of the evacuation (exclusion) zone after the Chernobyl accident. The specific composition of radionuclide fallout, the presence of fuel particles in ecosystems and the high density of radioactive contamination of the soil determined the “reserve” status of PSRER and long-term strategic aspects of its development. The key objectives of creating PSRER are to implement a set of measures to prevent the removal of radionuclides beyond its territory, the study of the state of natural plant complexes, wildlife, radiation and environmental monitoring, and radio-biological and radio-ecological research. At the same time, despite its high conservation potential, PSRER is not a specially natural protected area (SNPA). The article presents the results of analysis of the compliance of the PSRER territory with the general and special criteria for selecting natural territories for SNPA granting, established by Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Specially Natural Protected Areas”. There are compelling reasons for giving this natural territory the status of SNPA with the category of a reserve: the territory meets 5 general criteria (criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.7) and all 3 special criteria presented for declaring natural territories a reserve.
The article presents the results of study of the fatty acid composition of seed lipids of two basil species du ring the period of 2020‒2023. Species specificity and variability in the content of oleic and α-linolenic acids were noted. The predominant fatty acids in the seed lipids of holy basil ( Ocimum tenuiflorum L.) are α-linolenic (more than 56 %) and linoleic (more than 20 %) acids, and in the seed lipids of common basil ( Ocimum basilicum L.) ‒ α-linolenic (about 47 %), oleic (about 21 %) and linoleic (about 20 %) acids. It was found that in 2022 (the lowest amount of precipitation for the period from May to August compared to 2020, 2021 and 2023), the content of linoleic acid increased: the coefficient of variation (CV) was 9.40 % for holy basil and 7.34 % for common basil, and the content of α-linolenic acid decreased: CV was 4.34 and 6.39 %, respectively, for holy and common basil. In 2023 (the smallest temperature deviations for the period from May to August from the climatic norm), an increase in the content of palmitic and stearic acids and a decrease in the content of linoleic acid were observed for holy basil, and an increase in the content of α-linolenic acid for common basil was seen. The both types of basil have the lowest oleic acid content in 2023.
In the Republic of Belarus, crop yields have increased 3.5–5 times over the past 60 years due to the combined result of work in the field of breeding, mechanization of fertilizers and chemical plant protection products application, which is a significant achievement of science and practice [1, p. 28]. One of the main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers is considered to be the payback of 1 kg of NPK, which should be at least 8 kg of grain or 10–12 feed units by all crops on arable land [2, p. 113; 3]. To achieve such results, spreaders must perform high-quality distribution of mineral fertilizers within the established agrotechnical deadlines. The criterion for assessing the quality of the distribution of mineral fertilizers over the field area is the coefficient of variation, which is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the average dose. In addition to uniform distribution over the field area, high-quality incorporation of mineral fertilizers with tillage tools is also essential. As for the timeliness of applying the specified doses of fertilizers within the established agrotechnical deadlines, the most important factors here are the availability of equipment at farms during the busiest period and provision of high-performance fertilizer spreaders. It should be considered, that agricultural chemicalization machines are used from early spring to late autumn, and their annual load exceeds the same indicator for other agricultural machinery. In addition, the operation of fertilizer spreaders involves interaction with aggressive media, which imposes appropriate requirements to ensure their reliability. It should be noted that currently unmanned aerial vehicles are beginning to be actively used to introduce chemicals [4, p. 2]; publications on the development and testing of nanofertilizers are increasingly appearing in the scientific literature [5, p. 319]. In this regard, in order to determine further trends in the improvement of technical means for fertilization, it is necessary to analyze the main stages of the development of these technical means and identify the distinctive stages of their improvement.
The aim of the article is to determine the main ways of formation of the synanthropic population of Tetrapoda in residential areas in the south-west Belarus based on our research results and literature data. The results of studies on the structure and dynamics of the population of Tetrapoda on the lands of settlements and adjacent territories of the south-west part of Belarus (Brest region) are summarized. Ecological features of the emergence of regionally new species are considered. The main ways of formation of the synanthropic population of Tetrapoda (geographical, landscape, stationary (ecotopic), exanthropic) in residential areas are determined. Over the last decade, a five-fold increase in the number of new species of the synanthropic ecological complex of Tetrapoda has been observed in residential areas in the north of the Brest region compared to the south-west of this region.
Here we present the results of genetic analysis of an artificial deer population, inhabiting an enclosed territory near Lida. The analysis was aimed at determining the precise origins and genetic characteristics of the population and disco vering presence of any gene flow between the artificial population and the wild deer of the region. We employed mitochondrial control region haplotypes analysis to identify origins and possible matrilineal hybrids, and hybrid classification of migration analysis based on microsatellite data to discover hybrid specimens and gene flow, respectively. We have determined that the artificial population in question belongs to the species Cervus canadensis sibiricus , or Altai wapiti, originates in the South Altai region, and possesses mediocre genetic diversity as can be expected from a population of this size. While singular results of hybrid analysis seem to indicate a possibility of rare interbreeding between escaped wapiti and wild deer, there are no indicators of any substantial gene flow from the artificial population into the wild, but we believe that it still warrants additional attention in order to prevent undesirable introgression.
The article analyzes the results and achievements of scholars the Department of Humanities and Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2021–2024. The work denotes unparalleled and the most important fundamental studies that reveal rich historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of Belarusian people. Authors also show the place and the role of social and humanitarian sciences in Belarusian society. The work stresses that the main objective of the research of scholars­humanists is not only the defence of the historical legitimacy of the Belarusian statehood and national­state interests of the Republic of Belarus in the world community, but also the preservation of the spiritual, material, historical and cultural values of Belarusian people and the strengthening of both: the country’s international prestige and Belarusian humanitarian science. And finally, the paper presents quantitative results of the research and the most significant practical achievements of scholars accomplished in the recent years. Promising directions of scientific research in the social and humanitarian sciences are outlined.
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775 members
Vitaliy Semenchenko
  • Scientific and Practical Center for bioresources
Vasili M. Katarkevich
  • B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics
Saiko Alexander
  • Scientific-Practical Material Research Centre
Sergei Alekseevich Zolotarev
  • Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics
Bronislav E Kashevsky
  • A.V.Lykov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer
Minsk, Belarus
Head of institution
Vladimir G. Gusakov .