Recent publications
In this research, A novel approach for optimizing load shedding during power system stress conditions is introduced by combining gravitational search and particle swarm optimization (GSA-PSO) with Deep Learning. This approach aims to determine the most effective load-shedding strategy for specific buses, to prevent revenue loss and voltage instability in power systems. The smallest eigenvalue sensitivity of the load flow Jacobian matrix as an indicator is used to identify the buses for load shedding. Furthermore, inequality constraints are calculated for the current operational state and the anticipated load in the next interval. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, experiments were conducted on two different power systems: the IEEE 30-bus and 14-bus systems. The GSAPSO-Deep Learning approach was implemented in the Python environment. The results obtained using the proposed method were compared with those of other models, as well as their variants, using statistical inference.
In this study, we present a comparative analysis of various trajectory optimization algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) navigating complex environments. The performance of the proposed FOPID-TID based HAOAROA (Hybrid Archimedes Optimization Algorithm-Rider Optimization Algorithm) is evaluated against traditional methods such as A*, JPS, Bezier, and L-BSGF algorithms. The FOPID-TID based HAOAROA approach integrates the advantages of fractional-order control with hybrid optimization techniques to improve UAV trajectory planning. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method carries significantly better performance than the traditional algorithms with respect to trajectory length, smoothness, and overall stability. Remarkably, the FOPID-TID based HAOAROA yields a 10% reduced trajectory length that is smoother than traditional methods while also being more computationally efficient. By using fractional-order parameters, the dynamic response becomes better and better in more challenging environments. This shows that disturbance rejection and control precision using the FOPID-TID based HAOAROA are much superior to the original two subroutines. The applications presented in this study allow future growth in UAV control system improvements and provide proof of concept of hybrid optimization in improving the performance of UAVs in dynamic, complex environments.
Non-adherence to hormonal contraceptives is often due to lack of information, fear of adverse effects, and social and religious stigmas. The aim is to assess the women’s awareness and adherence to hormonal contraceptives among women of childbearing age and also to track the adverse effects of hormonal contraception. A cross-sectional, community-based study involved 80 women who were assessed for the level of women’s awareness and adherence using a validated Arabic questionnaire. Women had moderate levels of knowledge about hormonal contraceptives (46.25%), a neutral attitude level constituted the majority of women’s responses (52.5%), and a good practice level (53.75%). Most of the women (68.75%) had good adherence levels. Higher levels of non-adherence were associated with mood swings (84%) and depression (84%). There was a strong direct correlation between awareness score and higher adherence score. Regarding the education levels of wives, there was a direct significant correlation between awareness scores and higher adherence scores. In conclusion, the women had moderate knowledge, neutral attitudes, and good practices about contraception, mainly due to university education. Adherence to hormonal contraceptives was positively associated with good awareness.
A novel Schiff base ligand derived from 1,2,4‐triazole‐3‐thione was synthesized and complexed with platinum (IV) ion to enhance its bioactivity. Characterization techniques, including FTIR, NMR, UV‐Vis, and mass spectrometry, confirmed the formation of Schiff base molecule and revealed that its Pt(IV) complex has an octahedral geometry. The antibacterial and antifungal activity of the synthesized compounds was evaluated against Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, and Aspergillus flavus, with the metal complex outperforming the ligand. The antioxidant properties were evaluated using a DPPH assay, with the Pt(IV) complex demonstrating superior radical‐scavenging ability. Cytotoxicity studies via MTT assays on MCF‐7 breast cancer cells showed dose‐dependent reductions in cell viability, with the Pt(IV) complex inducing enhanced antiproliferative effects compared with the ligand. DFT calculations were performed to investigate the electronic properties of the compounds, and molecular docking studies were conducted against the alpha estrogen receptor (PDB ID: 3ERT) to predict their binding affinities. The results demonstrated that the Pt(IV) complex exhibited higher biological activity than the free ligand, suggesting its potential as an effective therapeutic agent.
Dietary phytochemical index (DPI) is an inexpensive method for estimating the amounts of phytochemicals in foods. No study has investigated the association between DPI and gallstones disease (GSD). Therefore, we conducted a case-control study in adults to assess the relationship between DPI and the risk of gallstones.
The study was conducted at the general surgical consultation departments of two major multispecialty hospitals in Baghdad: Al-Yarmook and Al Karama Teaching Hospitals. It involved 250 patients with gallstones and 250 controls. DPI was calculated based on data collected from a 168-item validated food frequency questionnaire. Sociodemographic data, physical activity, and anthropometric measures were determined.
In the initial analysis, the highest tertile of total PI compared to the lowest tertile was found to be associated with a lower risk of galleston (OR and 95% CI = 0.61 (0.41–0.93), p for trend = 0.027). This significant association remained even after adjusting for age and sex, and the odds ratio slightly strengthened. In the final adjusted model, which accounted for additional confounders such as physical activity, BMI, smoking, socioeconomic status (SES), and dietary intake of energy, participants in the highest tertile of total PI still had a lower risk of gallston compared to those in the lowest tertile (OR and 95% CI = 0.51 (0.28–0.90), p for trend = 0.031.
We found evidence of a negative relationship between the dietary phytochemical index and the risk of gallstones, even after accounting for potential confounding variables. As a result, it may be advisable to include more phytochemical-rich foods in dietary approaches aimed at preventing gallstones. However, additional studies are needed to confirm the link between the dietary phytochemical index and gallstone.
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is one of the most commonly used theories to explain oral health behaviors. To gain a deeper understanding of the determinants of oral health behaviors, we aimed to design and evaluate the psychometrics of a theory of planned behavior model-based instrument for assessing the determinants of oral health behaviors in mothers of children younger than six years in Iraq.
Questionnaires and guidelines related to the topic were searched in 2023, and the appropriate items based on the domains of the TPB model were extracted. The items were revised and completed to develop the initial version of the instruments. Face validity and content validity of the instrument were assessed. The content validity index (CVI) and content validity ratio (CVR) were calculated subsequently. The construct validity was examined by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Cronbach’s alpha, intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), and percentage of agreement were employed to check the tool’s internal consistency and reproducibility reliability. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 25 and Amos software.
The questionnaire had adequate content validity (CVR ≥ 0.75, CVI ≥ 0.75). The percentage of agreement, Kappa, and ICC coefficients were 57.1–95.3%, 0.52–0.89, and 0.43–0.90, respectively. The p-value for ICC was significant in all cases (p < 0.001).
For the internal stability of the tool to keep Cronbach’s alpha values > 0.7 for all domains, we had to omit three questions from attitude, one from subjective norms, and one from perceived behavioral control. In terms of construct validity, the results were as follows: the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) was 0.942, the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) was 0.900, the Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) was 0.921, and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) was 0.046. These values indicate that the instrument demonstrates appropriate construct validity based on the TPB.
The psychometric evaluation of the designed instrument showed that it was a valid and reliable tool in Arabic-speaking countries for determining child-related oral health behaviors in mothers of children under six years old.
Pupil assessment considered an important stage in the clinical examination to detect wide range of eye conditions, from simple ocular diseases to complex neurological disorders. The physical properties of the human pupil like shape and size can be used as a good indicator of human’s overall health. In the case of eye disease, such as glaucoma, different changes to the shape of the human eye may occurred and hence its ability to move may be infected. For pupil detection, the color of the human skin influences on the manual thresholding and ultimately the need for an automatic thresholding technique is a critical need. The current study used an automatic technique to detect the human pupil through the use of the Iris V3 dataset from the Chinese Academy of the Scientific Research Institute of Automation (CASIA). The technique utilized a combination of threshold and connected component analyses through assuming that the largest connected component within a certain range is the pupil under search. The originality of the current study lies in its flexibility in pupil detection visually with automatic procedure to select the optimal threshold thereby allowing dynamic interaction and the possibility for the user to control, adjust the parameters, and display the results interactively. A calculation of the pupil center and distance are performed and the results revealed a state-of-art performance with an accurate and precise pupil detection.
Naturally occurring radioactive gases like radon and thoron in soil are well known to impact air quality, influencing the resident's health in that area. This work measured radon and thoron concentrations in soil and the associated radiation hazard indices using CR-39 detector in Kadhimya, Baghdad, Iraq. The mean radon and thoron concentrations in the area under study were determined to be 295.06 ± 4.00 and 1557.2 ± 29.23 Bq/m 3 , respectively. The average indoor and outdoor annual effective dose, the excess lifetime cancer risk, and lung cancer cases per year per million people due to radon were found to be 7.44 ± 0.10 mSv/y, 1.86 ± 0.03 mSv/y, 3.58 ± 0.05, and (167.49 ± 2.27) × 10 −6 , respectively, and due to thoron, they were found to be 39.29 ± 0.74 mSv/y, 9.82 ± 0.18 mSv/y, 18.91 ± 0.35, and (883.94 ± 16.59) × 10 −6 , respectively. The average annual effective dose to lungs due to exposure to radon was estimated to be 148.88 ± 2.02 mSv/y. The average effective dose in tracheobronchial and pulmonary + pulmonary lymph region, and the effective dose in lungs were found to be 8.93 ± 0.12 mSv/y, 8.93 ± 0.12 mSv/y, and 17.87 ± 0.24 mSv/y, respectively. The total effective equivalent dose caused by radon, thoron, and their progeny tissues ranged from 5.62 to 49.45, with an average value of 15.60 mSv/year. All the evaluated radiation hazard indices exceeded the recommended limits of radiation protection agencies. Radon and its progeny contribute about (44%) to the total annual inhalation dose, whereas thoron and its progeny contribute about (56%) to the total annual inhalation dose. The surpassing of recommended radiation hazard limits for radon and thoron highlights the need for regulatory actions and public health interventions.
Interest has grown in recycled cement powder waste’s application in building projects as a workable, long-term solution to environmental issues. This work presents experimental results investigating the behaviour of plain and fibre-reinforced waste cement paste with different volume fraction percentages of micro steel fibres (1% and 2%), where densified micro silica partially replaces 10% of the waste cement. For each mix, the superplasticiser and water-cement ratios were maintained constant. The study involved a number of studies, including flow table inspections, Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) tests, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray (SEM–EDX) testing, compressive and flexural strength assessments, dry density measurements, and ultrasonic tests. These evaluations aimed to analyse the specimens’ mechanical and physical characteristics thoroughly. The results showed that substituting densified micro fume and micro steel fibres (SF) for a certain amount of cement could improve waste cement’s properties. Using 2% of the micro-steel fibres significantly affected the cement paste’s compressive and flexural strengths. Nevertheless, an investigation revealed that the inclusion of fibres resulted in a reduction in the amplitude of the sound waves and a decrease in the stagnation flow. The SEM–EDX tests revealed satisfactory adherence between the cement paste and SF. This clarifies why adding SF causes the compressive strength to increase.
Writing logical arguments and providing factual evidence is a challenge for many students. This study examines the argumentative essays written by Mustansiriyah University students.The study uses the Toulmin Model to investigate the following quetions: what is the most frequent element of argument structure in the essays of second and third –stages students? , what is the least occurring type of data in both essays of the second- and third -stages students? , and finally, what is the most dominant transition device in the essays of second and third -stage students. This study concludes that results that the fundamental structural components used by Iraqi EFL students in their argumentative essays are claims, data and warrants. Claim and data are the most common components of argument structures in the second and third stage essays. Finally, the study ends with some recommendations and suggestions for further studies.
Gallstones, which are frequently asymptomatic, are a widespread issue worldwide. Gallstones can occur for a variety of reasons, some of which may be related to food, particularly eating too much meat and fats. The study aimed to identify the components of gallstone formation and their concentration ratios, as the chemical composition of gallstones in 50 patients (35 females and 15 males) was examined. This study focuses on the analysis of the accumulated elements that lead to the growth of human gallstones and determines the concentration ratio of each element using LIBS and ICP-MS techniques. Using LIBS and ICP-MS techniques, five common metal elements (S, Al, Ca, Fe, and Ni) were identified as contributing to the growth and formation of human gallstones. The concentrations of the detected metals in the samples were then determined using calibration curves for both techniques. From the results obtained, it was clear that laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has the potential to determine the concentrations of metals in gallstones. However, the correlation coefficient (R²) of ICP-MS measurements was higher, indicating superior accuracy. The excellent accuracy of ICP-MS can enhance the stability and precision of LIBS.
This study investigates the influences of varying laser energies on the fundamental properties of the plasma state include electron density (ne), electron temperature (Te), plasma frequency (fp), and Debye length (λD), among others. This study experimentally generates plasma using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Utilize optical emission spectroscopy (OES) to assess plasma characteristics. Plasma can be generated from solid zinc when a pulsed laser is applied to the foil in ambient conditions at varying energy of 100, 180, and 220 mJ. The spectrum is documented for the zinc laser plasma Nd: YAG at a wavelength of 1064 nm, a frequency of 10 Hz, and a focal length of 10 cm. The plasma Boltzmann plot approach yields upper and lower values of Te at (1.47–2.04) eV, while Stark broadening provides upper and lower values of ne at (11.30–12.1)*1017 cm− 3.
This study looks at how to manufacture cost-effective, sustainable, and high-performance energy storage materials. Although there has been significant development in graphene oxide-based materials, challenges such as the accumulation of graphene sheets, weak cycling stability, and insufficient pseudocapacitive contributions reduce their efficiency, so this work looks to ride these challenges by manufacturing a stable, high-capacity, and environmentally friendly hybrid quaternary nanocomposite γ-Fe2O3/Cr2O3/GO/SA aerogel by using the inexpensive sonication method. The structural and morphological characterization of this hybrid nanocomposite was done using different techniques such as x-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy technique. The capacitive performance was determined using a three-electrode system workstation. This hybrid nanocomposite achieved an excellent specific capacity of 1032 F.g⁻¹ at a current density of 1 mA.g⁻¹, along with a good energy density of 430⁻¹ and a power density of 9110⁻¹, and this means it achieved about a 2.5 times improvement more than traditional GO-based materials. These impressive results belong to the excellent surface area of the γ-Fe2O3/Cr2O3/GO/SA hybrid aerogel, provided by adding two types of semiconductors (γ-Fe2O3 and Cr2O3), which reduces the graphene oxide sheets agglomeration. Furthermore, they also have a multioxidation state that makes them suitable for redox reactions, which leads to the addition of a pseudocapacitive to the overall capacitance. The hybrid nanocomposite also appears to have impressive cycling stability and a high coulombic efficiency of up to 98% after 7000 cycles, making it suitable for energy storage devices.
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the most important fungal species capable of manufacturing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), which are formed through the biosynthesis process extracellular from silver nitrate solution (AgNo 3 ) to the culture medium using a fungal cell filter; this study aims to explore the biosynthesis of AgNPs using S . sclerotiorum .
Materials and Methods
AgNPs were produced by adding AgNo 3 to the culture and then incubating for 72 h at 37°C. The nanoparticles were formed inside the cytoplasm and on the outer surface of the S . sclerotiorum fungus. These molecules were characterized using ultraviolet radiation, and the highest absorbance of AgNPs for S . sclerotiorum fungus was measured at 450 nm. AgNPs were also characterized using infrared analysis (Fourier transform infrared) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to determine the size and crystal structure of these molecules.
S . sclerotiorum is a well-known phytopathogenic fungus with significant potential beyond its role as a plant pathogen. Various isolates of this fungus have diverse applications in agriculture, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. Notably, these isolates have demonstrated potential in reducing silver ions (Ag ⁺ ) to (AgNPs), highlighting their promise in nanoparticle synthesis. In addition, the intensity of the absorption peak associated with the nanoparticles was found to increase over time, further supporting their potential for research and application.
AgNPs produced by S . sclerotiorum is predominantly spherical, ranging from 5 to 50 nm, and are stabilized by a capping agent. These nanoparticles, found mainly on the fungal cell walls, likely result from fungal enzyme activity. Their antifungal properties are due to their interference with microbial DNA and disruption of metabolic processes, highlighting their potential as effective antifungal agents.
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a problem that arises from microvascular complications with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). It especially denotes the deterioration of renal function. Adropin, a regulatory peptide hormone, has attracted interest for its potential role in regulating metabolism, specifically glucose metabolism and insulin resistance.
To assess Adropin’s role in the identification and severity of T2DM nephropathy.
A cross-sectional study which involved an 88 patients with DN was conducted in the National Diabetes Center/Mustansiriyah University during the period from October 2023 to April 2024. Body mass index, blood analysis for sugar levels, lipid profile, renal function test, and albumin to creatinine ratio in urine were conducted. In addition, the content of human adropin was evaluated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Much more fasting blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin, insulin, homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance, cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very LDL, urea, and creatinine were found in the microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria groups of DN patients than in the normoalbuminuria group. The amount of adropin in the blood was lowered in people with microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria (245.91 ± 59.47 and 179.86 ± 51.96 pg/ml, respectively) than in people with normoalbuminuria (377.97 ± 98.69 pg/ml) as well. While the subject attempts to identify the difference between the groups of DN, adropin works very well and is very sensitive.
This study establishes a correlation between reduced adropin levels and impaired kidney function in individuals diagnosed with T2DM. Adropin content in the serum is able to serve as a biomarker for the early recognition of DN, by its role in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance.
Missed miscarriages (MMs) occur when an embryo without a cardiac pulse or gestational sac is not expelled from the uterus. Fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF-21), a member of the fibroblast growth factor family, plays an important regulatory role in metabolism, primarily in glucose and lipid metabolism.
The aim of this study is to investigate whether serum levels of FGF-21 are associated with MM in 8–14 weeks of gestation.
Materials and Methods
This case–control study consisted of 88 pregnant women; they were divided into two groups: healthy pregnant (HP), composed of 40 women with a normal viable pregnancy at 8–14 weeks of gestation with mean age (29.07 ± 6.96 years); and study group that included 40 women with MM diagnosed by ultrasound at the same gestational age (GA) with mean age (28.27 ± 7.74 years). Demographic criteria and maternal serum FGF-21 levels were recorded for comparison. ELISA technique was used to measure FGF-21 in circulation.
This study revealed a statistically significant increase in serum levels of FGF-21 in MMs (142.47 ± 48.036 pg/ml) compared to normal pregnant women (87.9 ± 30.86). The cutoff point was ≥149.97, with high sensitivity (73.2%) and specificity (97.9%). There was no significant correlation between FGF-21 levels and age, GA, body mass index, or gravidity.
The MM group’s serum concentrations of FGF-21 were markedly elevated within a time frame of 8–14 weeks compared to the HP group, suggesting its involvement in the development of MM. Based on the findings, FGF21 demonstrates a remarkable capacity for diagnosing MM.
Implicit biases involve associations outside conscious awareness that lead to a negative evaluation of a person based on individual characteristics. Early evaluation of implicit bias in medical training can prevent long-term adverse health outcomes related to racial bias. However, to our knowledge, no present studies examine the sequential assessment of implicit bias through the different stages of medical training. The objective of this narrative review is to examine the breadth of existing publications that assess implicit bias at the current levels of medical training, pre-medical, graduate, and postgraduate. Protocol for this study was drafted using the Scale for the Assessment of Narrative Reviews (SANRA). Keyword literature search on peer-reviewed databases Google Scholar, PubMed, Ebsco, ScienceDirect, and MedEd Portal from January 1, 2017, to March 1, 2022, was used to identify applicable research articles. The online database search identified 1,512 articles. Full screening resulted in 75 papers meeting the inclusion criteria. Over 50% of extracted papers (74%) were published between 2019 and 2021 and investigated implicit bias at the post-graduate level (43%), followed by the graduate level (34%), and pre-medical level (9.4%). Fourteen percent were classified as mixed. Studies at the medical and medical graduate level identified an implicit preference towards white, male, non-LGBTQIA+, thin, patients. Study findings highlight notable gaps within the sequential assessment of implicit bias, specifically at the pre-medical training level. Longitudinal epidemiological research is needed to examine the long-term effect of implicit biases on existing healthcare disparities.
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