Recent publications
We examined the influence of germanium concentration in fiber core on distributed axial strain sensitivity in optical frequency-domain reflectometry based on Rayleigh scattering for single-mode step-index fibers differing in the level of germanium concentration (from 3.6 to 40.6 mol%). We observed a monotonically decreasing dependence of axial strain sensitivity on germanium concentration within a range of 0–3.5 mstrain for uncoated fibers. The lowest axial strain sensitivity of 0.7422 1/strain was obtained for fiber doped with 40.6 mol% GeO2 (UHNA7), compared to 0.7859 1/strain for fiber with 3.6 mol% GeO2 content (SMF-28). We also derived an analytical formula for strain sensitivity in optical frequency-domain reflectometry, explaining the experimental results.
Aging is a multifactorial process that significantly impairs organismal function. Yeast is one of the model organisms used in aging research. Our understanding of the impact of the cell wall on aging remains elusive. Yeast cell wall is a complex and dynamic structure that plays a crucial role in the growth, survival, and aging of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we demonstrated for the first time that the deletion of genes involved in cell wall biogenesis leads to significant impact on aging. In this study, we analysed five deletion mutants: crh2Δ, cwp1Δ, flo11Δ, gas1Δ and hsp12Δ. We showed a correlation between Raman spectroscopy signatures assigned to proteins, nucleic acids and RNA and replicative aging. Using Raman spectroscopy, we also revealed that a lack GAS1 gene results in significant changes in the biochemical composition of the cells that may increase sensitivity to environmental stressors. Our data unequivocally indicate that employing yeast as a model in aging research is appropriate, as long as the factors under analysis are not implicated in cell wall biogenesis.
To fully comprehend host-microorganism interactions, it is crucial to understand the composition and diversity of the microbiome, as well as the factors that shape these characteristics. We investigated microbiome variation using the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea, an invertebrate model in regeneration biology and (eco-)toxicology, by exposing the organisms to various controlled conditions. The microbiome composition exhibited high variability, with most of the bacteria belonging to the Betaproteobacteria. Among the diverse microbial communities, a few genera, such as Curvibacter, were consistently present, but exhibited significant alterations in response to changing conditions. The relative abundance of Curvibacter fluctuated during the regeneration process, initially increasing before returning to a composition similar to the beginning situation. After applying external stress, the relative abundance of Curvibacter and other genera decreased. Variation over time, between different origin laboratories and between individuals, showed that additional, yet to-be-identified, factors of variation are present. Taking all results together, our study provides a solid basis for future research focusing on bacterial functionality in planarians and other invertebrates.
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41598-025-86920-0.
The inferentialism due to Robert Brandom presents a compelling normative-deontic picture of language and discursive practices, and as such it is well positioned to address phenomena like lying. This short work outlines a simple account of how lying can be conceptualized within that framework. To that end, the basic Brandomian position is extended to include a novel type of status– namely, pseudo-commitments, which are unique in their being non-binding. The traditional definition of lying is then given a status-oriented form, such that lying consists in presenting a pseudo-commitment with the intention for it to be attributed as a standard commitment. Importantly, this can be articulated in our scorekeeping practices, which is demonstrated with three example exchanges– one featuring an undetected lie, one featuring a detected lie, and one featuring a bald-faced lie. Though simple, the account works and invites extension to other similar phenomena, like sarcasm, acting, bullshit, etc. The notion of pseudo-commitment may also find application outside of the inferentialist context.
The negative health impacts of extreme heat exposure can be mitigated by incorporating hyperlocal biometeorological observations into heat action planning, emergency responses, and heat-reducing urban design. A significant portion of outdoor human heat exposure is radiative, but it is often overlooked due to the absence of affordable, accurate, and user-friendly sensors. We developed a two cylinder anemometer and radiometer (CARla) consisting of unheated and heated gray components, which quantifies wind speed and the total radiation absorbed by the human body. The spectral properties of the gray coating match the standard short- and longwave absorptivity used in mean radiant temperature (MRT) calculations. We optimized the geometrical parameters of the cylinders, including height, wall thickness, and side-mounting, to minimize errors in MRT and wind speed measurements. Experiments were conducted across 15 outdoor sites in Tempe, Arizona, during the record-setting heat wave from August to October 2024. Results demonstrated that the MRT measured using CARla closely matched those measured using 3-way net radiometers. The average error in MRT using the new compact system was 1.3 ± 2.2 °C across a wide MRT range (20 to 75 °C). CARLa represents a significant improvement compared to other low-cost radiometers. The average difference between the CARla and ultrasonic anemometers for wind speed was − 0.05 ± 0.36 m·s−1 in the 0.25 to 3 m·s−1 range, comparable to standard low-cost anemometers. We integrated the CARla sensor with an Arduino-based logger, creating a cost-effective and accurate tool for broadly characterizing human exposure to extreme heat.
Within the framework of concept “spent adsorbent-to-photocatalyst conversion” clinoptilolite with sorbed of transition metals cations—silver, copper, manganese and chromium were tested for photocatalytic degradation of rhodamin B as a typical organic water pollutant. The physicochemical characteristics of these spent adsorbents were studied using XRD, UV-Vis and XPS spectroscopy, potentiometric titration and adsorption-desorption of nitrogen. It was established that the introduction of these cations into the clinoptilolite skeleton by ion exchange does not lead to the formation of a separate metal phase, but contributes to the formation of a meso-macroporous structure and the narrowing of the band gap (doping effect). As a result, such doped clinoptilolites have a higher photocatalytic activity under visible irradiation compared to the initial clinoptilolite, which is minimally active due to the presence of iron impurity. Therefore, a facile way of using the spent clinoptilolite adsorbents for photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants of water under visible illumination is proposed. The novelty of the obtained results is manifested in two aspects: scientific—the photocatalytic activity of clinoptilolites with a low content of doping transition metals (0.3–0.5%) under the action of visible irradiation, and practical—the possibility of using spent clinoptilolite cation exchangers for water purification from pollutants.
Habes esse moderatum (addito salis grano). Response to Reviews of Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii [Introduction to the Methodology of History], ed. by E. Domańska, J. Pomorski (Warszawa 2022) published in „Przegląd Historyczny” (CXIV, 2023, 4) The paper was prepared as a part of the Forum for Discussion on the textbook Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii (2022). As the author of one of the chapters in this book, I respond to specific critics’ allegations. Then, in relation to the one of the reviews, I raise the issue of science fiction literature as a part of methodological reflection. I also comment on the concept of the textbook itself, indirectly claiming that this work and the current discussion around it, could be the topic of the contemporary metascience and philosophy of the humanities. I also propose reconsidering the idea of a permanent debate forum for historians and methodologists, where all the differences are investigated in order to find mutual connections and dependencies. Consequently I defend the conciliatory perspective in multidisciplinary historical research, and therefore – the pragmatic attitude in disputes and reconciliation.
The hydrophilic character and the protection against pathogen proliferation are the most pivotal characteristics of leathers intended for medical purposes. To achieve these goals, dispersions of TiO2 particles incorporating three different formulations of biomimetically synthesized silica xerogels were tested. Emphasis has been given to the role of single and dual solvents employed. Microbiocide capability was induced by benzalkonium chloride along with silver nanoparticles. Particular emphasis should be given to hyperbranched poly(ethylene imine) multifunctional roles. Spontaneous mineralization of silver ions is realized in the dendritic cavities. In parallel The same polymer acts as a matrix that interacts with the hydrogen bonding network of orthosilicic acid directing and facilitating gel formation. Furthermore, it contributes to both hydrophilicity and antimicrobial properties. Gel formation and subsequent drying occur in the pores of the impregnated TiO2 substrate. The resistance of the leathers to fungal and bacterial infections and biofilm formation was assessed against Klebsiella Pneumoniae,Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis,Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans. The affinity to water was proved by the contact angle method. The proposed treatment is a prospective environmentally friendly replacement to the standard finishing process of medical leathers.
W powszechnym ujęciu najważniejszym celem operacyjnym stawianym przed polityką migracyjną jest zarządzanie strumieniami migracji międzynarodowych w taki sposób, aby osiągnąć cele strategiczne na niwie społecznej, gospodarczej lub politycznej. Przedmiotem takiej polityki, a jednocześnie jej autorem, głównym aktorem i wykonawcą jest państwo. Polska w połowie dekady lat 20. XXI wieku znajduje się w sytuacji głębokiego zapóźnienia, jeśli chodzi o konstruowanie tradycyjnej polityki migracyjnej. Aby wykorzystać rentę zapóźnienia, warto jako jeden z celów polityki migracyjnej wskazać wspieranie rozwoju regionalnego. Polityka ta powinna być ukierunkowania na wzrost najważniejszego z kapitałów rozwojowych – kapitału ludzkiego – a jej kluczowym elementem powinien być system zachęt administracyjnych dla imigrantów nakłaniający ich do zamieszkania w regionach wymagających szczególnego wsparcia.
In this study, a relationship between climate indices (local - air temperatures, and wide-scale - North Atlantic Oscillation) and first arrival dates (FAD) of a short-distant migratory bird, the Common Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) at a breeding site in SE Poland (Lublin) was investigated. Temporal patterns of FAD on a multi-year scale (20 years within 39 years between 1982 and 2020) were also studied. Additionally, correlations between mean air temperature at Lublin and sites along the spring migration route with various distances from the breeding site and various time lags were searched for. A significant temporal trend in arrival dates was found, indicating the advancing of FADs by 9.5 days compared to the 1980s. It was found that FAD in the studied period was affected by North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in February and among daily indices by mean air temperature in Lublin 12 days and by NAO − 7 days before arrival. As expected, the highest correlation between air temperatures in Lublin and sites along the spring migration route of the studied population for locations < 500 km from Lublin and a few days’ travel before arrival were found. Studying FADs and climatic indices in the breeding areas and en route of migration helps to understand factors affecting the phenology of spring avian migration.
Allergic diseases have escalated to epidemic levels worldwide, impacting nearly 30% of the global population. Fungi are a significant source of allergens responsible for up to 6% of respiratory diseases in the general population. However, the specific cause of respiratory allergies often remains unidentified. This study aimed to investigate the potential of two common rust fungi, Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae and Phragmidium rubi-idaei, to trigger a proinflammatory response in vitro models representing the upper and lower respiratory tract.
Materials and Methods
The BEAS-2B and A549 cell lines simulated upper and lower respiratory endothelial cells. The cytotoxicity of fungal extracts was evaluated using MTT and flow cytometry assays. Cell reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was measured via flow cytometry, while ELISA tests quantified the production of proinflammatory cytokines. Immunofluorescence techniques were employed to assess cell integrity markers.
Extracts from T. pruni-spinosae and P. rubi-idaei significantly stimulated the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and GM-CSF in both cell lines, all of which are associated with the development of allergic responses. The increase in these cytokines and the elevated ROS production were linked to the disruption of epithelial cell junctions.
The findings suggest the potential of T. pruni-spinosae and P. rubi-idaei extracts to collectively disrupt the epithelial barrier in the upper and lower respiratory tract by inducing proinflammatory cytokines and the production of reactive oxygen species and metalloproteinases. Although none of the above parameters was spectacularly high, all of them together could cause a decrease in the presence of tight junction proteins, such as E-cadherin and occludin, in epithelial cells.
The Pareto distribution and its generalizations are commonly used in modeling different phenomena in economy and natural sciences. In this paper we consider an array of i.i.d. random variables which have an asymmetric Pareto-type distribution and prove the strong exact law of large numbers for extremal statistics taken in each row in the case when the length of the rows tends to infinity, the case of fixed length of the rows is also considered. As a tool we prove a general exact law of large numbers for nonidentically distributed random variables with the left tails dominated in a sense by the right ones.
For centuries, various species from the genus Alchemilla have been utilized in traditional medicine worldwide. Among them, Alchemilla vulgaris L. (Rosaceae) stands out as a promising herbal drug candidate due to its phytochemicals displaying anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
In our study, we investigated the interaction between the human gut microbiota and lady’s mantle herb extract (AV) following the biotransformation of the extract’s constituents and their impact on colorectal cancer cells (HT-29) and normal CCD 841 CoN epithelial cells. The A. vulgaris herb metabolites were obtained by incubating the extract (AV) with human fecal slurries from three healthy donors (D1, D2, and D3).
After incubating the AV extract with the human gut microbiota (AVD1-AVD3 samples), thirty-three metabolites were detected and characterized by LC-MS. Among them, one was identified as urolithin C. The AV and AVD1-AVD3 extracts and their metabolites exhibit various levels of antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities against cancer cells. Their biological effect might be linked to the changes and direct activity of bioavailable metabolites. Samples from AVD1, AVD2, and AVD3 increase the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released from damaged colon cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner. At 250 μg/mL, AVD1, AVD2, and AVD3 elevated the LDH level by 12.6%, 25.3%, and 30.0%, respectively. The biotransformed samples also showed significantly higher antiproliferative activity than the AV extract. The most active sample from donor 3 (AVD3) reached IC50 = 471 μg/mL.
The differences in anticancer effect might be linked to the changes and direct activity of bioavailable metabolites. The non-transformed AV extract affected neither normal nor cancer colon cells, indicating the beneficial effect of the biotransformation procedure on the anticancer properties of the evaluated extracts. The above results clearly indicate that microbial metabolism is a crucial factor that is potent in altering the biological activity of lady’s mantle extract.
Tygodnik Powszechny was one of the most important ideological periodicals in the Polish People’s Republic, and among the non-censorship ones, it had the greatest margin of freedom. It was a magnet around which Catholic activists gathered, standing on the grounds of acceptance of post-war reality, justifying their stance with political realism, described as neo-positivism. They formed the ideological and political milieu of Znak. An important place in their political thought, formulated in this aspect above all by Stanisław Stomma, Stefan Kisielewski and Antoni Gołubiew, was given to the evaluation of events from the Polish past, especially from the late 18th century to the present times. Particularly important was the analysis of the Polish national uprisings that provided arguments for conciliatory and rational attitudes. Over time, however, the group and Stomma himself began to nuance their stance, adopting the thesis of the need to take into account the beliefs prevalent in society, which influenced the stance taken by Stomma and the Znak movement in 1976.
The achievement of selectivity in the formation of cubic diamond is challenging due to the emergence of competing phases such as its hexagonal polymorph or clathrates possessing similar free energy....
Introduction: Our study focused on the functioning of family caregivers of individuals with dementia attending day care centres. The main aims of the study were: (1) to compare self-regulation and depressive symptoms in caregivers of relatives with dementia and individuals who are not caregivers; (2) to evaluate the impact of self-regulation on depressive symptoms and grief in caregivers of relatives with dementia; (3) to estimate relationships between self-regulation, depressive symptoms, caregiver grief and support provided to individuals with dementia. Material and methods: The sample consisted of 30 family caregivers of persons with dementia attending day care centres and controls who were not caregivers (n = 32). The Depression Assessment Questionnaire (DAQ), MM Caregiver Grief Inventory (MM-CGI-50), and some subscales from Berlin Social Support Scales (BSSS) were administered. Results: Family caregivers obtained significantly higher scores than controls in global index of DAQ and in some depression dimensions. The regression analysis showed that caregiving redounded to higher intensity of thoughts about death, pessimism, and alienation, guilt and anxiety. The moderating effect of caregiving on the relationship between self-regulation and depressive symptoms such as cognitive deficits and energy loss was found. There were significant correlations between self-regulation and emotional, informative and buffer-protective support. Conclusions: Caregiving for a relative with dementia, even when the regular external assistance is received, poses a risk of impairing emotional functioning. Self-regulatory capacity of the caregiver appears the relevant factor both buffering against depressive symptoms and increasing the readiness to provide different types of support for care recipients with dementia.
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Lublin, Poland