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The title compound is a germanium-based hybrid metal halide that represents a less-toxic alternative to more popular lead-based analogues in optoelectronic applications. {(2-IC2H4NH3)2[GeI4]}n is composed of infinite inorganic layers that are formed by [GeI6]⁴⁻ octahedra connected in a corner-sharing manner with four equatorial I atoms. The organic (2-IC2H4NH3)⁺ cations interleave the inorganic layers. There are two types of 2-iodoethylammonium cations, with synclinal and antiperiplanar conformations. The organic cations interact with the inorganic layers through hydrogen bonds and I⋯I contacts. The crystal under investigation was twinned by a 180° rotation around [100].
The assessment of bridge structures is not only relevant, but also an integral part of effective infrastructure management aimed at ensuring safety, convenience and comfort for citizens. Many bridges have been destroyed due to imperfect design, the use of low-quality materials, and inappropriate construction methods. Consideration of natural and human factors in the design, construction and operation of bridge structures is key to ensuring their safety, durability and long-term performance. Any defects require careful monitoring, assessment and timely repair to ensure the safety and reliability of bridges. Various methods are used to inspect bridge structures. Inspection methods can be used individually or in combination to obtain comprehensive information on the condition of bridge structures and take the necessary measures for their maintenance and repair. In work to determine the stresses in a bridge, we use the finite element method (LIRA 9.4 R3). The inspection of the bridge's structures revealed a number of defects resulting from corrosion processes, operational factors and certain structural deficiencies. To ensure the durability of the bridge structures, it is necessary to reconstruct the bridge.
In the context of a full-scale war, new needs and issues arise in Ukraine's educational and scientific sectors. The article aims to study the characteristics of financing Ukraine's educational and scientific sphere. The study used general scientific methods of statistical analysis and systematisation of the results of studying the state, structure and features of financing Ukraine's educational and scientific sphere in the conditions of war. The article highlights the latest trends in changing the directions and approaches to financing Ukraine's educational and scientific sphere in the context of war. The study demonstrates the ability of the government and local authorities to provide financial support for this sector in the context of a full-scale war. In general, expenditures on education and science decreased only in 2022, both at the expense of the state and local budgets. Instead, in 2023-2025, the amount of planned state budget expenditures on education and science in Ukraine is growing. The work's practical value lies in highlighting the status and trends of financing the education sector at the expense of the state and local budgets and identifying the peculiarities of the structure of expenditures on education of the state and local budgets by level of education.
The problems of stress corrosion or hydrogen blistering of gas pipelines are relevant and require careful study of the causes and factors that cause this type of corrosion-mechanical destruction of pipelines. The analysis of numerous publications on this problem revealed contradictions of information regarding the mechanism of stress corrosion and a lack of experimental materials on the substantiation of the nature and peculiarities of the nature of destruction on gas pipeline networks. Systematic experimental studies using different brands of pipe steels allowed to determine the brands of steels, which according to their characteristics are the most resistant to VBR in harsh operating conditions, including even in the most aggressive NACE environment with H2S and CO2 additives at a pressure of 10-15 atm. Moreover, the experimental studies were as close as possible to the operating conditions of pipelines of the gas transportation network. The obtained results of experimental studies can serve as a basis for developing methods of technical diagnostics and forecasting the actual state of pipelines, which will significantly prevent the occurrence of sudden destruction caused by stress corrosion. The influence of the service life of gas pipelines on the degree of flooding and microhardness of pipe steels was established, which made it possible to substantiate the embrittlement of the metal with the increase of service life. The values of impact toughness on samples with sharp and round notches and the amount of work of crack growth depending on the service life of the pipe steels were determined, which made it possible to choose steel grades characterized by the highest resistance to brittle fracture. It is shown that with the service life, the destruction occurs according to a brittle mechanism, which is confirmed by the increase in the share of the fibrous component in the fractured samples after impact tests. It was established that the lowest corrosion rate is possessed by new grades of improved steel grades 20А and 08 KhMChA.The PRFNV parameter proposed in the paper makes it possible to assess the susceptibility of pipe steels to stress corrosion cracking and provides an opportunity to regulate the corrosion crack resistance of pipelines by metallurgical methods.
The current paper focuses on the processes which bring about the formation of water-resistant polymer-containing film coatings based on contact-condensation binders. With the aid of complex physical-chemical investigations, the interactions in the polymer silicate systems and especially those which are stipulated by the structure state of silicates have been studied. These silicates are represented by highly dispersed, amorphous or sub-microcrystalline phases. Established that, the properties of coatings, namely, increased water and atmospheric resistance, are determined by formation of chemical bonds in the system “Polyvinylacetate-calcium silicate hydrate”. Exposed the differences in the processes of structure formation, depending on the special features of the mineral components. The interaction activity of calcium silicate hydrates, to a cernain extent is higher than for the unhydrous analogues of the stable crystalline structure. Presented the experimental results of the developed contact-condensation binders for composite materials based on industrial waste products, particularly, red bauxite slime. Therefore, the technological processes for production of such binders are based on the methods which enable to synthesize materials with the given structural features. Hence, the present research is directed to the development of new white and coloured painting materials.
The problem of protecting people and increasing the safety of technical equipment in situations of combat, emergency and other unforeseen extreme situations caused by a mechanical blow has always been, is and will be relevant. In the material-related aspect, the problem of developing shock-resistant materials is now transformed into the requirements of the present to create multifunctional composite panels and protective structures on their basis. Due to the fact that the experimental achievement of the required durability and reliability of products is a complex technical task (the solution of which requires large energy and financial resources), an important role is obtained by simulating the processes occurring during their operation, which gives recommendations on the correct choice of materials developed composites. In this work, the behavior of composite materials that are in a closed space under the influence of high-speed dynamic load is studied. The purpose of the work is to develop composite materials for light shockproof protective structures and to determine the nature of the packaging, the features of the structure and the level of their physical and mechanical properties. Conducted calculations of economic effect on the results of research.
This article is devoted not to urbanized territories, but to rural territories. It turned out that when considering this term, there is a need for an in-depth study of the origins of the formation of the concept of "village". Historically, a village is both a diversity of resources and a place of production capacities and agricultural products. The village has always been a mirror of the spirituality of peoples, traditions and reflected its national exclusivity. The village is rich in natural biodiversity and cultural heritage. All this requires the need to study, develop and improve rural territories. But it turned out that in the Ukrainian legislation the concept of "rural territories" is not officially approved. The term is used in state acts, but its definition in the legal field is not officially. This concept has been studied by many scientists in different fields of scientific activity. The term "rural territories" is used in various concepts and development strategies, for example: "Draft Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Territories of Ukraine for the Period up to 2030"; in the legal field; in political slogans, etc. The term "rural territories" is used, but unfortunately, it has not yet been officially enshrined in law. And this has led to many problems, such as: confusion in the theoretical aspect, corruption schemes at the practical level, incorrect interpretation in regulatory documents, and with all this, the failure to allocate funds due to the uncertainty of the object, which leads to the decline of rural areas. But there is a fact of population migration from urbanized cities to the hinterland (villages, suburban areas, etc.). This is explained by poor ecology, the inadequate condition of Ukrainian cities, the development of viruses (Covid, hepatitis, etc.) in cities with a population of over a million, and military actions. Therefore, the article discusses some of the positive aspects of living in rural areas, and also studies the problems that a modern resident may face. Domestic and foreign researchers helped to understand the question of what "rural territories" are and what characterizes them. The article provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the definition of rural areas from different scientific points of view. There are many definitions in different countries. They vary depending on the economic, social, demographic and political characteristics of the states. In the article, we also gave our individual definition of the term "rural territories " from the point of view of a new look at town planning science. We consider it important to pay special attention to the development of rural areas in the urban development aspect. This study can help the Ukrainian Legislation and regulatory framework to achieve success in the tasks set on the topic of regional development. And it can also become a good foundation for subsequent scientific works.
In today's world, where the use of information technology and geographic information systems is gaining particular relevance and becoming an integral part of many industries, including land management and cadastre. The implementation of the national geospatial data infrastructure in Ukraine was a response to changes in economic conditions, societal needs for all types of geographic information, technological capabilities and integration into global and European geospatial data infrastructures. The relevance, reliability, completeness, integrity, accuracy, validity and officialness of geospatial data are critical to ensuring effective land management. An important aspect of creating geodata sets is responsibility for their quality and reliability. Responsible persons involved in the creation and management of geographic information resources must comply with standards and requirements that ensure data reliability. The article analyzes the types of geospatial data that reflect various aspects of land use restrictions according to the legally defined composition of geospatial data. The article also considers holders of thematic geospatial data responsible for creating and updating geospatial data sets and metadata, taking into account their industry affiliation. The analysis of the holders responsible for creating and updating geospatial datasets and metadata for the above thematic data on restrictions revealed that the main ones are the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre and the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine. According to the results of the research, it was found that a certain list of restrictions mandatory for registration in the State Land Cadastre is not included in geospatial data and the main geodata sets directly related to land use restrictions names: “nature protection areas and objects” (9), ‘types of land use’ (17), ‘territorial zones, zones of regulation, restrictions on land use and accounting units’ (24), ‘world heritage sites, their territories and buffer zones, cultural heritage sites’ (34). The main geoinformation resources for their creation are the state land cadastre and urban planning cadastre.
It was established that the plastic deformation of the thickness reduction of the rupture edges for economically modified steel 06G2AB is 12–20%. The change in the deformation of the thinning of the pipe walls and the width of the plastic deformation zone from the speed of viscous failure in a pipe with a diameter of 800 mm was experimentally determined. In the process of researching the propagation of fractures as a result of pneumatic tests of pipes at the test site, the width of the plastic zone and the speed of crack propagation were determined, as well as the fibrous component in the cross section of the pipe wall and the value of the Sharpe impact viscosity, which deepen our understanding of the kinetics of the destruction of gas pipelines during long-term operation in real load conditions. It is known [1–5] that in recent years the productivity and length of the constructed pipelines have continuously increased, the diameter of the pipes and the working pressure have increased.
The implementation of alkali-activated Portland cements (or alkali-activated slag cement as per the Ukrainian National Standard DSTU B V.2.7-181:2009) in materials for repair and retrofitting (repair concretes and mortars, shotcrete concretes, reactive powder concretes) is effective is due to their conformity with modern trends in construction. The actuality to produce of alkali-activated Portland cements using the one-part technology causes the application of sodium silicate as the most effective activator in a solid aggregate state. Application of proposed alkali-activated Portland cements in mentioned materials for repair and retrofitting requires finding ways to maximize early strength. The factors affecting early strength were determined using alkali-activated Portland cement based on sodium metasilicate pentahydrate. Modification of alkali-activated Portland cement with a complex additive of the system “surfactant – salt of a strong acid” resulted in an increase in strength from class 42.5 N to 42.5 R due to a reduction in water content and an increase in the crystallization of hydrates. The application of a complex additive also ensured the extension of initial setting time from 30 min up to 40 min and the final setting time – from 40 min to 50 min. An additional increase in the activity of the cement aluminosilicate component was achieved by increasng the specific surface area and introducing nanosilica. The combination of these recipe and technological factors resulted in a rapid-hardening alkali-activated Portland cement with a strength class of 52.5 R.
The development of reactive powder concretes based on alkali-activated cements for the construction and protection of critical infrastructure is of worldwide importance for improving the safety of their exploitation. The factors influencing the kinetics of strength gain and drying shrinkage of reactive powder concretes using sodium silicate pentahydrate as an alkaline activator were determined. It was shown that increasing the ratio of alkali-activated cement to sand from 1/3 to 1/1 and using the activator in the liquid state increased the concrete strength gain: the compressive strength was 52.3 MPa, 85.0 MPa, 100.6 MPa, and 116.7 MPa at 1, 3, 28, and 90 d. The ratio of compressive strength to flexural strength was in the range of 5.3…5.9 after 28 d, indicating high fracture toughness of the concrete. Higher content of alkali-activated cement caused a decrease in the influence of sand granulometry on concrete strength. This was due to “floating” placement of aggregate in the cement matrix. The introduction of fine calcite as an additive ensured to reduce the shrinkage of concrete by 1.3…1.5 times at 90 d due to the densification of the microstructure and the intensification of crystallization processes. The implementation of these measures resulted in high strength alkali-activated cement reactive powder concrete of strength class C80/95, high fracture toughness, and reduced drying shrinkage.
The relevance of the issues studied in this article is due to the need to form an efficiently functioning system of regulating forensic expert activity in general and its individual components, in particular, financial support, taking into account positive foreign experience. The author proposes to introduce separate budget programmes for state specialised institutions of each state agency, which will help to resolve the issues of proper funding and justification of expenditures, and will serve as an anti-corruption factor. Attention is focused on the need to develop a unified methodological approach to calculating the number of forensic examinations. The author emphasises the importance of summarizing the financial statements of state specialised institutions engaged in forensic activities and making them available to the public. It is stated that there is an urgent necessity to find reasonable opportunities to expand the financial autonomy of state specialised institutions. The author proves the need to include forensic experts in the list of persons obliged to file declarations and introduce financial monitoring of forensic experts’ lifestyle. The author concludes that it is expedient to introduce a mixed system for determining the cost of forensic examinations.
The main goal of this study is the need to solve the problems of safe and effective development of airport infrastructure, since the implementation of effective international and European standards, transformation and modernization of airport infrastructure is one of the directions of Ukraine’s work in the process of implementing international and European standards, as well as in the development of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The authors used the method of analysis of the global reporting format to find out the requirements of the acts of international and European civil aviation organizations in the conditions of restoring the safety of civil aviation of Ukraine, compliance with standards and recommended practices regarding the certification of airport activities. Paths are defined recovery infrastructure of Ukrainian airports after the cessation of Russian military aggression, which caused horrible destruction, in particular, in the airport industry, the requirements for accreditation of airports, existing facilities on the territory of the airport were analyzed. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors carried out a thorough analysis of the requirements of international and European civil aviation organizations for airport activity, directions for certification of airports after the end of the war, which would contribute to the economic development of the state. The experience of Ukraine’s cooperation with international and European civil aviation organizations in the field of airport certification should contribute to the restoration of state’s capabilities for the safety of civil aviation flights.
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