Indonesia Open University
  • Jakarta, Indonesia
Recent publications
The proposed model of SMIs in conducting internationalization business is to investigate the entrepreneurial orientation and network capital in influencing international business and its impact on business performance in SMIs. This model also uses the size of SMIs as moderator variables that influence the degree of internationalization and business performance. This model can be implemented for research areas of internationalization of small medium enterprises especially for developing country like Indonesia.
A novel beverage with functional potential incorporating cascara (Coffea arabica), roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), and red ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc. var. rubrum) extracts: chemical properties and sensory evaluation Abstract Cascara (Coffea arabica), roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), and red ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc. var. rubrum) extracts are potential sources of bioactive compounds, with promising antioxidant properties. This study aims to evaluate the chemical properties and sensory attributes of a novel beverage with functional potential, incorporating these extracts. A randomized complete design was employed to assess different formulations of cascara:roselle, with the addition of red ginger extract. The analysis included pH determination, total phenolic content via the Folin-Ciocalteu method, antioxi-dant activity using DPPH assay, total anthocyanin content analysis, and sensory evaluation through hedonic testing. The formulation containing cascara:roselle (55%:25%) with 20% red ginger extract showed optimal results, with a pH of 3.83, total phenolic content of 15.53 mg GAE/g, total anthocyanin content of 11.79 mg/100 g, and antioxidant activity of 91.38%. This formulation exhibited enhanced consumer preference in terms of color, aroma, taste, and aftertaste. The findings highlight the potential of this novel beverage, offering both nutritional benefits and strong consumer acceptance. Highlights • Formulation with cascara, roselle, and red ginger extracts achieved the highest antioxidant activity, with up to 93.08% radical scavenging. • Synergistic interactions between bioactive compounds in cascara, roselle, and red ginger significantly enhanced the beverage's effectiveness as a new beverage with functional potential. • The combination of cascara, roselle, and red ginger contributes to a unique and appealing sensory profile Research Discover Food (2024) 4:94 | https://doi.
As global, regional, and national concerns about the future of human life and nature continue to grow, researchers in the field of marketing have contributed to this discourse by conducting various scientific studies on sustainability from a marketing perspective. This research aims to provide a comprehensive overview of green marketing research using bibliometric analysis and network visualization techniques. The bibliometric analysis is applied to provide complete understanding of the core issues, directions, trends, and opportunities in green marketing research. The steps of bibliometric analysis include data collection, article scoping, metadata compilation, and data visualization using Vosviewer. Based on data from, a search for green marketing publications yielded 610 articles. Using bibliometric parameters such as authors, citations, keywords, and country of publication, the research presents a systematic research method for the analysis process. The analysis results reveal that the classification of green marketing research consists of 6 clusters focusing on consumption behavior, behavioral impact, firm innovation and performance, business development, sustainability, and economics.
In comparison to numerous other ASEAN nations, Indonesia continues to be categorized as a country with a comparatively high number of fraud instances. To reduce future fraud cases, particularly in Indonesia, studies that keep concentrating on examining different aspects and techniques useful in identifying different kinds of fraud is still required. The current study aims to examine how political skill and big data relate to fraud detection. A survey with a quantitative focus was employed for this study. The instrument for gathering data was questionnaires. The study’s participants comprised 147 auditors employed with the Financial and Development Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPKP RI) and the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI). In this study, structural equation modeling (SEM), with support from the SmartPLS application, is the method of statistical testing. Based on the findings, political skill has been demonstrated to improve fraud detection. This study further establishes the beneficial impact of big data on fraud detection.
This article employs narrative inquiry to investigate the experiences of an English teacher, referred to as Dede (pseudonym), at a senior high school in West Java, Indonesia. The research question guiding this study is: ‘How does an English teacher in senior high school navigate and adapt his teaching approaches in response to curriculum changes in Indonesia?’ Using a semi-structured interview, this study provides a detailed analysis of Dede’s narratives to uncover the challenges faced by English educators in this setting and to highlight the sources of their motivation and dedication. The research focuses on four main themes: teaching journey; public versus private schools; curriculum stories; and policy and practice. The findings reveal the complex obstacles and dynamic changes in curriculum that English teachers navigate, offering valuable insights into the broader context of senior secondary education in Indonesia. By exploring Dede’s teaching path, this study contributes to the ongoing discussion of effective teaching strategies and the evolving landscape of English language education in West Java.
Aksi Kamisan merupakan aksi damai yang dilakukan secara rutin pada hari kamis setiap minggunya sebagai bentuk protes kepada negara atas pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan kekerasan yang dilakukan tanpa penyelesaian dan kata maaf. Aksi Kamisan merupakan bentuk tekanan kepada pemerintah untuk bergegas menyelesaikan berbagai kasus pelanggaran HAM yang tidak juga menemui jalan terang. Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi Kamisan sebagai sebuah gerakan kolektif yang menekan pemerintah untuk bergegas menuntaskan sejumlah kasus pelanggaran HAM yang terbengkalai . Aksi Kamisan menggunakan bentuk demonstrasi damai sebagai bentuk protes kepada negara sekaligus menunjukan penghormatan kepada korban tanpa melibatkan kekerasan. Pasang-surut gerakan telah dialami oleh gerakan ini selama 17 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pemdekatan studi kasus. Data primer yang berasal dari wawancara dengan keluarga korban, Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan, dan akademisi. Daftar pertanyaan disusun dengan menggunakan pertanyaan terbuka. analisis meliputi pengelompokkan hasil temuan menjadi tema atau kategori, dan interpretasi makna dalam bentuk deskriptif..Hasil penelitian menunjukan Aksi kamisan merupakan gerakan kolektif untuk melawan ketidakadilan dalam penuntasan pelanggaran kasus HAM di Indonesia. Memakai sejumlah simbol sebagai identitas gerakan. Berakar pada keterikatan emosional dan solidartas antar para peserta aksi utamanya terhadap para korban dan keluarga yang tak juga mendapat penyelesaian yang adil. Meskipun tekanan yang diberikan kepada pemerintah memenui penolakan yang berujung pada impunitas.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Return on Asset dan Debt to Equity Ratio terhadap Harga Saham dengan Kebijakan Dividen sebagai variabel intervening pada perusahaan subsektor Batu Bara yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Asia Tenggara periode 2012-2023. Data yang dikumpulkan merupakan data sekunder dengan metode dokumentasi berupa laporan tahunan perusahaan. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu teknik purposive sampling dan diperoleh 10 perusahaan sebagai sampel dengan total 120 data penelitian. Alat analisis yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis adalah SPSS 24. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu Regresi Linier Berganda, Uji Parsial dan Analisis Jalur. Hasil penelitian secara parsial menyimpulkan bahwa Return on Asset berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Harga Saham. Debt to Equity Ratio berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap Harga Saham. Kebijakan deviden berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Harga Saham. Return on Asset tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kebijakan Dividen. Debt to Equity Ratio berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap Kebijakan Dividen. Secara memediasi Kebijakan Dividen tidak mampu memediasi pengaruh hubungan Return on Asset terhadap Harga Saham dan Kebijakan Dividen tidak mampu memediasi pengaruh hubungan Debt to Equity Ratio terhadap Harga Saham. Limitasi penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan sebagai berikut: cakupannya hanya mencakup perusahaan Batu Bara di Bursa Efek Asia Tenggara dari 2012-2023, data sekunder mungkin bias, sampel hanya mencakup 10 perusahaan, dan alat analisis terbatas pada regresi linier berganda serta analisis jalur.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) influences many activities and aspects of daily life including the higher education environment. AI in education has become vital for educators and researchers. There is a rising debate regarding the positive advantages and how higher education institutions adapt to changes in the learning perspectives of students. Educators use the implementation of AI in higher education to guide teachers, improve instructional systems, and make administrative decisions that shape higher education policy. The purpose of this research is to investigate how educators and policymakers can utilize AI and adapt it to the learning aspect. A total of 351 respondents participated in an online survey, and the proposed hypotheses were evaluated using a structural equation model (SEM-PLS). The study revealed that (1) users’ attitudes toward the adoption of AI are positively influenced by performance expectancy and effort expectancy, and negatively influenced by perceived risk; (2) Facilitating Conditions exert a positive influence on Effort Expectancy, but a negative influence on Behavioral Intention; (3) Users’ attitudes toward the adoption of AI have a positive impact on behavioral intention; and (4) Behavioral intention positively influences the adoption of AI in higher education. The model is expected to assist policymakers in accelerating the acceptance of AI in higher education. Moreover, AI is still new and needs to be researched further by academics regarding its use in the education sector.
The learning management system (LMS) is claimed to be a crucial strategy for creating successful e-learning and teaching methods, enhancing students’ learning satisfaction and achieving academic outcomes. Although the Indonesia Open University has implemented e-learning innovation through LMS in higher education, it has not gained popularity. Hence, the present research aimed to investigate the updated DeLone and McLean information system (IS) success model on the effectiveness of LMS implementation, focusing on system quality, information quality, service quality, perceived usefulness and user satisfaction. A total of 386 respondents from undergraduate and postgraduate programs were selected through stratified random sampling. Subsequently, research data were collected through online survey questionnaires administered to students enrolled at the Indonesia Open University. Structural equation modeling with AMOS version 24 software was deployed to analyze data and test hypothesis. Findings revealed that the updated DeLone and McLean IS success model had a positive and significant influence on the effectiveness of LMS. Therefore, the top-level management of the Indonesia Open University and decision-makers in the Indonesian government could provide a better LMS practice environment infrastructure utilizing the updated DeLone and McLean IS success model.
Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana), recognized for its low-calorie, sugar-free attributes, and various health benefits, has potential applications beyond human consumption, particularly in agriculture. This study explored the potential uses of Stevia in both agricultural and healthcare contexts by examining its plant-inhibitory, cytotoxic, and antioxidant effects. The methanolic extract of Stevia leaves was fractionated into hexane, ethyl acetate, chloroform, and water fractions. These fractions were then subjected to the bioassay analyses above and underwent identification of their chemical constituents. The results indicated that the ethyl acetate fraction demonstrated significant inhibitory effects on weed germination and growth of Beggars tick (Bidens frondosa) (100% inhibition at 1000 ppm of dose). This fraction also exhibited the highest antioxidant activity, total phenolic, and total flavonoid contents (IC50 DPPH = 18.67 μg/mL, 103.50 mg GAE/g fraction, and 410.16 mg QE/g fraction, respectively). In contrast, the chloroform fraction showed the highest cytotoxic effect (LC50 = 700.01 ppm) in the brine shrimp (Artemia salina) mortality evaluation. Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation among plant inhibitory effects, antioxidant potentials, and phenolic/flavonoid contents of Stevia. FTIR spectra confirmed the presence of phenols and nonpolar components in the ethyl acetate and chloroform fractions. In addition, GC-MS analysis successfully identified Stevia’s key constituents, including tetracontane, hexadecane, hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester in the ethyl acetate fraction, and spiro [4.5] decan-7-one and 6-hydroxy-4,4,7a-trimethyl-5,6,7,7a-tetrahydrobenzofuran-2(4H)-one in the chloroform fraction. This study underscores the potential of S. rebaudiana as a source of natural antioxidants and herbicides, offering valuable insights into its diverse applications in agriculture.
This study highlights the role of internal government audits in enhancing e-budgeting practices in the Bengkulu City Government. Using a qualitative approach with a case study design, data were collected through semi-structured interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis. The findings indicate that the digitalization of internal audits using the Data Collection System (DCS) enhances transparency and accountability in regional financial management. However, challenges include the quality of uploaded data, limited skilled human resources, adequate technological infrastructure, and resistance to change from employees accustomed to manual systems. Recommendations include continuous training enhancement and effective change management strategies to optimize e-budgeting implementation. Further research in other regions is recommended to share best practices and improve public financial management.
Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a crucial aspect of corporate operations. This study examines the impact of environmental uncertainty, industry competition, and firm complexity on Enterprise Risk Management implementation and firm performance in the Southeast Asian mining industry. Utilizing data from 205 mining companies listed on Southeast Asian stock exchanges from 2016 to 2022, the analysis employs panel data regression methods. The findings reveal that environmental uncertainty does not significantly affect ERM, while industry competition positively influences ERM but negatively impacts firm performance. Firm complexity positively affects both ERM and performance. ERM mediates the relationships between industry competition, firm complexity, and performance, while intellectual capital moderates the effect of ERM on performance. These results underscore the strategic importance of integrating ERM practices and developing intellectual capital to enhance firm performance amidst competitive and complex business environments. The study contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence on the nuanced relationships between these variables in the context of the Southeast Asian mining sector and offers practical insights for policymakers and industry leaders.
This qualitative study examines the historical context and implications of women’s empowerment in rural Gorontalo, Indonesia, focusing on the Quran Completion tradition. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with elderly women, religious figures, and traditional practitioners of the Quran Completion tradition. The findings indicated that despite Indonesia’s independence, women in rural areas faced significant limitations during the study period. Adolescent girls were confined to household activities and were prohibited from pursuing formal education outside their homes. Interestingly, this tradition predates the official discourse on women’s empowerment, initiated by the Indonesian government in 1972. It served as a symbol for parents to showcase their success in educating their daughters and gradually encouraged women to assume public roles, demonstrating their Quranic recitation skills, and boosting their confidence to participate in public spheres. Psychologically, the Quran Completion tradition played a pivotal role in enhancing women’s self-assurance and fostering their active engagement with society. While this empowerment pattern was widespread among Gorontalo women in the past, the present-day practice of the Quran Completion tradition has undergone significant changes. It is now primarily observed during wedding ceremonies by a limited number of individuals dedicated to preserving Gorontalo’s culture.
TPS-3R (Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Reuse Reduce Recycle) memiliki peran strategis dalam upaya reduksi sampah yang masuk ke TPA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis model, alternatif dan prioritas strategi perbaikan kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan TPS-3R Kenanga. Metode analisis yang digunakan antara lain matriks SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results) dan matriks QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). Hasil penelitian memberikan rekomendasi strategi bagi TPS-3R Kenanga dalam memperbaiki kinerja pengelolaan lingkungannya dengan model strategi pertumbuhan, khususnya konsentrasi melalui integrasi vertikal. Alternatif strategi terincikan berdasarkan urutan prioritas antara lain marketing door to door; sosialisasi dan penguatan partisipasi pelanggan; penjaringan aspirasi masyarakat umum dan lembaga lain; sosialisasi profil dan marketing berbasis media; dokumentasi kinerja, perencanaan program dan pembukaan saran masukan; monitoring dan evaluasi 3R dan PHBS tingkat rumah tangga; penguatan kerjasama dengan lembaga kemasyarakatan lain; optimalisasi program peningkatan reduksi sampah; publikasi kepuasan pelanggan, anggaran, dan program kerja; implementasi CSR kepada masyakarat atau wilayah setempat; optimalisasi peralatan eksisting; penambahan peralatan pendukung reduksi sampah; pencatatan volume sampah harian dan evaluasi reduksi sampah bulanan; serta survey kepuasan pelanggan. Implementasi urutan prioritas tersebut terbagi dalam jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diadopsi sebagai bahan kebijakan untuk TPS-3R lain yang memiliki karakteristik sama dengan lokasi penelitian.
The small and medium industries are key to improving national and global economies and yet the industries are faced with many challenges in accessing global markets, building global networks and cooperation, and accessing technology. To this end, this study aims to analyze the export development strategy of small and medium industries in Indonesia. The study applied an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) by formulating it based on priority factor weights condition, competition, demand condition, and associated supporting industry. In the study, primary data were sourced by giving questionnaires to exporters in small and medium industries, government agencies, academics, trade experts, importers, and Indonesian trade representatives. The empirical strategy revealed that the priority weight of the small and medium industry export development factor was the demand condition factor with a consistency index of 0.007 showing consistent results as it falls below the 0.1 threshold index. The results of the priority weighting of the small and medium industry export development strategy are the development of a marketplace with the results of a consistency index analysis with a value of 0.05 which shows consistent results because the consistency index value is below 0.1. The study further recommends that the government needs to conduct more in-depth research on the nature of consumers at home and abroad. Innovating products by following market developments will help producers attract more consumers. Governments can play an important role in increasing the level of quality and complexity of a country’s comparative advantage.
During colonial government, large plantations in Indonesia used indigenous peasants as unskilled laborers. In 19th century, the government began to pay attention to empower indigenous peasants by the establishment of agricultural extension service. One important thing was how the success of agricultural extension program can sustain the Indonesian economy that occurred after the Second World War. However, very little writing in detail about the history of empowerment activities conducted in agricultural extension. Therefore, this paper is expected to fill the vacant historiography. It is intended to analyze the birth of agricultural extension and the efforts made by the agricultural extension services to empower indigenous peasants. By using the history method, the sources used in this study were colonial archives, journals, or magazines published in the period 1900–1945. The findings indicated that through the agricultural extension services, the government provided guidance to indigenous peasants in the form of providing superior seeds, as well as guidance in the use of technology and agricultural economics. In 1894 the export value of indigenous agricultural products was only 11%, however in 1937 it increased significantly to 45.8%, indicating that indigenous agriculture can support the economy of the colonial when facing the crisis. This means that indigenous peasants can be empowered through agricultural extension services. The success of extension model carried out in the colonial period which empower peasants to became independent and had a better quality of life, was adopted continously until Indonesia became independent.
The business model and consequently, the bank’s risk exposure significantly depends on the source of capital (Riabichenko et al., 2019). This research uses vector error correction model (VECM) data analysis to investigate the influence of capital adequacy ratio (CAR), non-performing loans (NPL), loan to deposit ratio (LDR) on the level of credit distribution at commercial banks in Indonesia. Using secondary data, research data was processed using the EViews 12 application with the research population being banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019–2021. The research results show the variables CAR, NPL, and LDR have a significant effect on long-term credit distribution. In addition, the NPL variable significantly influences the credit distribution variable in the short term. The Granger causality test result shows that there is no two-directional causality relationship between the independent variables CAR, NPL, and LDR on the credit distribution variable. The results of this research are in accordance with financial intermediation theory, where the theory explains that savings and loans with high leverage can reduce the possibility of default (payment failure).
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Adhi Susilo
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Andriyansah Andriyansah
  • Management Of Faculty Economics
Shine Pintor
  • Department of Economics
Zainur Hidayah
  • Faculty of Economics
Jakarta, Indonesia