Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden
Recent publications
Motivated by the exceptional optoelectronic properties of 2D Janus layers (JLs), we explore the properties of group Va antimony-based JLs SbXY (X=Se/Te, Y=I/Br). From the Bader charges, the elec-tric dipole...
We present a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the structural and electronic properties of a van der Waals heterostructure composed of CdS and α-Te single layers (SLs). The investigation includes an in-depth study of fundamental structural, electronic, and optical properties with a focus on their implications for photocatalytic applications. The findings reveal that the α-Te SL significantly influences the electronic properties of the heterostructure. Specifically, the optical properties of the heterostructure are notably dominated by the contribution of α-Te. The layer-resolved density of states analyses indicate that the valence and conduction bands near the Fermi level are mainly determined by the α-Te SL. Band edge analyses demonstrate a type-I band alignment in the heterostructure, causing charge carriers (electrons and holes) to localize within α-Te. The electronic properties can be further modulated by external strain and electric fields. Remarkably, the CdS-α-Te heterostructure undergoes a transition from type-I to type-II band alignment when subjected to biaxial strain and an external electric field. This may be interesting for the application of the heterostructure for photocatalysis.
Das Verbundverhalten zwischen Bewehrung und Beton sowie die Betonschädigung sind entscheidend für die Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Bauteilen. Die Prognose von Verformungen, Rissabständen und -öffnungen in Strukturen unter Zug- und Biegebeanspruchung stellt aufgrund des Schädigungsverhaltens des Betons sowie seines nichtlinearen Verbundverhaltens eine Herausforderung dar. Die Studie ist auf die experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung von Betonstrukturen ausgerichtet, die mit mineralisch gebundenen Carbonfasern (MCF) bewehrt sind. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, numerische Struktur- und Materialmodelle zu definieren und zu validieren, die eine präzise Vorhersage des Trag-, Verformungs- und Rissbildungsverhaltens MCF-bewehrter Bauteile ermöglichen. Im Folgenden werden die eigens durchgeführten experimentellen Dehnkörperversuche sowie der 4-Punkt-Biegezugversuch dargelegt. Der Beschreibung der experimentellen Untersuchungen folgen die Definition und die Erläuterung der numerischen Modelle, die in dieser Studie zugrunde gelegt werden. Abschließend werden die Modelle danach bewertet, wie gut sie die experimentellen Versuche wiedergegeben. Durch Definition und Validierung numerischer Struktur- und Materialmodelle für MCF-bewehrte Betonstrukturen sollen die Berechnung und die Bemessung ermöglicht werden, um die Anwendung des innovativen Bewehrungsmaterials in weiteren Bauteilen zu fördern.
Hypospadias occurs sporadically in male livestock and is characterized by a non‐fused urethra during fetal development. In this study, perineal hypospadias, a bifid scrotum, penile hypoplasia, and bilateral abdominal cryptorchidism were diagnosed in a neonatal Holstein male calf. Septicemia was also suspected due to hypothermia, blurred conjunctivae, and loss of sucking and swallowing reflexes. Gross pathology revealed that both testicles were located intraabdominally caudally to the kidneys. Histopathological examination of the hypospadias showed a urothelium‐lined mucosal fold and parts of the corpus cavernosum penis and prepuce in the subcutis. Whole genome sequencing was performed on the affected calf. Analysis of short‐read coverage depth along the chromosomes identified an entire extra copy of chromosome 26. Based on the comparison of available variant calling data from the sire, the identified trisomy 26 is due to non‐disjunction of homologous chromosomes during the generation of paternal gametes. We have shown for the first time an association between bovine hypospadias and trisomy 26, which adds to the understanding of variation in fetal male sexual development.
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1,797 members
Dirk Reichelt
  • Computer Science
Stephan Kopf
  • Faculty of Spatial Information
Mario Neugebauer
  • Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics
Verena Ibl
  • Faculty of Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry
Roland Stenzel
  • Electrical Engineering
Dresden, Germany
Head of institution
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Salchert