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Die neuartige und freie Lösung DESIGN realisiert einen modernen Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), der den Betrieb unmodifizierter Linux/Windows-Anwendungen ermöglicht und durch den Verzicht auf eine spezielle Client-Software keine Änderungen am lokalen Client erfordert. Die Interaktion mit DESIGN und die Nutzung der integrierten Anwendungen geschehen vollständig über den Browser. Dieser Artikel stellt das moderne Architektur- und Nutzungskonzept des DaaS vor, beschreibt im Detail die Integration verschiedener Funktionen wie persistente Datenhaltung, Drucken oder Sound und erläutert deren charakteristische Performanceaspekte.
Producing and Classifying Knowledge in the Mode of Witnessing. Temporal Perspectives on Coming to Terms with Sexual Violence against Children and Young People
The article focuses on the question of how the testimony of people who experienced sexual violence in their childhood can lead to new and further knowledge. Using the example of dealing with the past violence by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Issues in Germany, historical and conceptual considerations are presented. The focus is on the category of time in three levels of analysis: Firstly, the temporal caesura that occurred in 2010 in dealing with this form of violence will be analysed. Secondly, dealing with the past as a whole and the Inquiry activities will be embedded in the historical context and an analysis of dealing with the past and transitional justice will be presented. Thirdly, selected results on the thematisation of temporal dimensions in reports by victims to the Inquiry will be presented and discussed. Dealing with the past in the mode of witnessing can lead to new insights into the dynamics of violence and shed light on the different sides of victims’ experiences of powerlessness. Ensuring this continues in the future could also be a task for academic publications.
Rauchen ist nach wie vor das größte vermeidbare Gesundheitsrisiko in Deutschland, weshalb eine höhere Erfolgsquote bei der Rauchentwöhnung der Gesundheit aller zugutekommen würde. Um dies zu erreichen, ist eine bessere Kenntnis über Rauchstoppmethoden sowie förderliche und hinderliche Faktoren beim Rauchstopp erforderlich. Daher sollte mit der RauS-Studie untersucht werden, mit welchen Methoden Rauchstoppversuche unternommen wurden, wie hilfreich diese Methoden waren und welche Faktoren dabei als förderlich bzw. hinderlich empfunden wurden.
Von März bis Dezember 2022 wurde eine quantitative Online-Befragung unter mindestens 14-jährigen aktuellen oder ehemaligen Raucher*innen ( N = 6192) durchgeführt.
93 % der Stichprobe haben mindestens einmal versucht, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören. Von den Befragten, die keine E‑Zigaretten/Tabakerhitzer nutz(t)en, ist die „eigene Willenskraft“ die am häufigsten genutzte und als am hilfreichsten wahrgenommene Methode. Von Personen, die E‑Zigaretten/Tabakerhitzer für einen Rauchstopp verwendet haben, werden E‑Zigaretten mit Nikotin am häufigsten genutzt und als am hilfreichsten beurteilt. Gesundheitliche Folgen werden als motivationsfördernd empfunden. An einem Rauchstopp hindern vor allem mit dem Rauchen assoziierte Rituale, während Entzugssymptome eine deutlich geringere Rolle spielen.
Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Fokussierung auf „Nikotinabhängigkeit“ bei der Rauchentwöhnung überdacht und soziale und rituelle Dimensionen stärker angesprochen werden sollten. E‑Zigaretten stellen zumindest für einen Teil der Betroffenen eine durchaus hilfreiche Methode zur Schadensminderung und/oder zum Rauchstopp dar.
We describe the synthesis of the first heteroglycoclusters featuring three distinct carbohydrate ligands. The obtained pair of stereoisomeric glycoclusters were named “focal point enantiomers”, as the configuration of the focal point is the only varying stereogenic element in these molecules. The first pair of such diastereomeric heteroglycoclusters was accessible by an efficient sequence of protection and sequential glycosylation steps utilizing a mannosyl, a N‐acetylglucosaminyl, and a galactosyl donor, respectively, which was applied to a prototype azido‐functionalized tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (TRIS) scaffold molecule. The stereoisomers could be distinguished based on an X‐ray structure of one of the isomeric key intermediates. As previously shown with divalent counterparts, such heterotrivalent cluster glycosides are useful tools for studying the fine‐tuning of carbohydrate recognition. The azido functional group at the focal point of the synthetic scaffold molecule was employed in a conjugation reaction with a linker for further immobilization on a gold surface in order to fabricate glyco‐SAMs (self‐assembled monolayers). A preliminary biological evaluation of the focal point enantiomers was performed in solution using the well‐known model lectin Concanavalin A and the important bacterial lectin FimH.
Shared control in assistive robotics blends human autonomy with computer assistance, thus simplifying complex tasks for individuals with physical impairments. This study assesses an adaptive Degrees of Freedom control method specifically tailored for individuals with upper limb impairments. It employs a between-subjects analysis with 24 participants, conducting 81 trials across three distinct input devices in a realistic everyday-task setting. Given the diverse capabilities of the vulnerable target demographic and the known challenges in statistical comparisons due to individual differences, the study focuses primarily on subjective qualitative data. The results reveal consistently high success rates in trial completions, irrespective of the input device used. Participants appreciated their involvement in the research process, displayed a positive outlook, and quick adaptability to the control system. Notably, each participant effectively managed the given task within a short time frame.
People in crisis sometimes seek professional support, and the relationship between service users and professionals is crucial in overcoming the crisis. To understand the relationship needs of people in crisis, 29 semi-structured interviews with service users were conducted and analyzed using a grounded-theory approach. The findings reveal that people in crisis seek a professional who is there for them, recognizes the crisis as an emergency and a solvable situation, treats them with respect, and offers individual support. Furthermore, there needs to be a general fit between professionals, the support services, and service users for a supportive relationship to be established. However, two main aspects were discovered where service users differ depending on the resources they can access during the crisis: While people with access to many resources seek a rather distant and egalitarian relationship, those with access to fewer resources prefer more intimate and hierarchical relationships with professionals.
Mindfulness-based interventions are promising psychological treatment approaches that may have more substantial long-lasting intervention effects than cognitive behavioral therapy when treating individuals with early psychosis. A pilot study analyzed mindfulness-based inpatient group therapy’s feasibility and potential efficacy (Feel-Good).
This paper explores the subjective experiences of participants in the Feel-Good inpatient therapy group to gain insight into the possible changes brought about by the mindfulness-based intervention.
A semi-structured change interview was used to examine the experience of ten participants who participated in the Feel-Good intervention and the additional qualitative assessment. The interviews were conducted 16 weeks after the Feel-Good group ended (16-week Follow-Up). Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic analysis.
The analysis generated five themes—one about personal changes brought about by the Feel-Good group, three about the group therapy experience, and one about wishes/modification suggestions to change and improve the Feel-Good group. The findings suggested that the Feel-Good group was perceived as very helpful, leading to numerous changes in one’s overall well-being and relation to emotions. However, patients recommended a more directive therapeutic style and reduced time required for study assessments.
Gathering qualitative insight from participants on the Feel-Good intervention revealed meaningful insight into patients’ experience of change processes. In addition, participant suggestions help to improve the intervention and study design to increase therapy attendance rates and treatment satisfaction, potentially increasing treatment effectiveness in the future.
Clinical trial registration, identifier NCT04592042.
Prisons, due to various risk factors, are environments that are conducive to infectious disease transmission, with significantly higher prevalence of infectious diseases within prisons compared to the general population. This underscores the importance of preventive measures, particularly vaccination. As part of the international project “Reaching the hard-to-reach: Increasing access and vaccine uptake among the prison population in Europe” (RISE-Vac), this study aimed to map the availability and delivery framework of vaccination services in prisons across Europe and beyond. A questionnaire designed to collect data on the availability and delivery model of vaccination services in prisons was validated and uploaded in SurveyMonkey in July 2023. Then, it was submitted to potential participants, with at least one representative from each European country. Potential participants emailed an invitation letter by the RISE-Vac partners and by the European Organization of Prison and Correctional Services (EUROPRIS). Twenty European countries responded. Vaccines are available in European countries, although their availability differs by country and type of vaccine. The first dose is offered to people living in prisons (PLP), mostly within one month, COVID-19 is the most widely offered vaccine. In all countries, vaccines are actively offered by healthcare workers; in most countries, there is no evaluation of vaccination status among people who work in prison. The survey shows variance in vaccine availability for PLP and staff across countries and vaccine types. Quality healthcare in prisons is not only a matter of the right to health but also a critical public health investment: enhancing vaccine uptake consistently among PLP and staff should be prioritized.
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Frankfurt am Main, Germany