Forschungszentrum Jülich

Women in Science: Promoting Diversity and Strengthening Talent

14 November 2024
Women are indispensable driving forces in science, whose perspectives and talents enrich progress in research and technology. However, despite great progress, women are still underrepresented, especially in scientific and technical fields.


We are actively committed to a more diverse scientific community in which women have equal opportunities at all career levels.

  • Strategy: The Gender Equality Plan bundles goals, measures and initiatives in five fields of action to give employees equal and fair opportunities to realize their goals and career aspirations - regardless of their gender or sex.
  • Networking: Networks such as FemaleVoice and JuWinHPC (Jülich Women in High-Performance Computing) offer female scientists a platform for exchange and mutual support.
  • Awareness: Training courses on unconscious bias and equal opportunities are designed to promote an open and fair working environment.
  • Support programmes: Excellence programmes and mentoring programmes offer targeted support for young scientists and create a network for exchange and promotion.
  • Compatibility of career and family: Flexible working hours, parental leave and support with childcare help female scientists to reconcile their career with family commitments.
Find out more about successful female scientists at Jülich.

Posted 14 November 2024
Read more from Forschungszentrum Jülich
21 October 2024

Diversity as a Factor of Success in Research

Diversity plays a key role in our excellent research. This diversity ranges from a high degree of interdisciplinarity and a broad spectrum of topics within the three research priorities of energy, information, and bioeconomy to the highly specialized research infrastructures and cutting-edge scientific methods right up to the diversity of our employees.
Debora Wanhoff – Research scientist at the Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics – Engineering and Technology (ZEA-1)
ZEA-1 develops and builds scientific equipment, components, and processes for research that are not available on the market. As a materials scientist, I analyse materials in order to develop new ones and ensure that they are able to fulfil scientific requirements. Our work extends across disciplinary boundaries and all research areas at Forschungszentrum Jülich – from the development of accelerator components to methods for using hydrogen as an energy source. Our diversity is reflected in the various research groups in which we work together, drawing on a wide range of scientific experience and professions. This allows us all to grow – both on a personal and on a professional level. All of this takes place in an environment where flexibility is welcomed and change is embraced.
Dr. Ujjwal Sinha – Research scientist at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
In high-performance computing, particularly in the areas of modular supercomputing architectures and exascale software, diversity is a crucial factor for success. In my work, I focus on the development of scalable computing solutions that facilitate advancements in scientific research and industrial applications. The complex challenges associated with this require collaboration between different teams who can offer a variety of perspectives, expertise, and experience. By promoting partnerships between different disciplines and cultures, we can solve problems better, drive innovation, and develop robust and integrative solutions. Diversity not only enriches our research, but also helps to ensure that our work has a greater and more lasting influence.
Suad Hammoudeh – Research scientist at the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Agrosphere (IBG-3)
As part of the project “Digital Geosystem – Rhineland Region”, I am working on the development and application of a digital geodata infrastructure. Using measurements and simulations, we monitor and forecast complex interactions and feedback loops between geosystems, for example the water cycle, including periods of drought. Our work is application oriented and helps to increase resource efficiency and sustainability, for example in agriculture. A particularly enriching aspect of the project, in my opinion, is the diverse, international team of people from very different cultural and scientific backgrounds and with very different career paths. This diversity fosters a dynamic exchange of ideas and expertise, which leads to a process of continuous learning and personal development. I have become more adaptable as a result of this working environment and I have learnt how to approach complex tasks more creatively and work on them more effectively.
21 October 2024

Career Opportunities for Scientists

Early career scientists make an important contribution to scientific progress through their commitment and innovation. One of our key ambitions at Forschungszentrum Jülich is to provide tailored support and conditions for doctoral researchers, postdocs and Young Investigator Group leaders to enable them to achieve excellence.
Doctoral Research
Over 1,000 doctoral researchers from 50 countries benefit from a close scientific supervision, professional networking and especially the Jülich Centre for Doctoral Researchers and Supervisors (JuDocS), which offers an interdisciplinary training programme, structured project monitoring, advice and support from experienced supervisors. Learn more: PhD at Forschungszentrum Jülich or apply now: PhD positions.
Around 300 postdocs work directly on research topics that add scientific value, while attaining their postdoctoral qualification. They benefit from access to excellent infrastructure, international visibility, and support in their professional development as scientists and in planning their careers. Learn more: Career opportunities for postdocs or apply now: Postdoctoral Positions.
Leadership in science
Those who would like to take on leadership responsibilities in science have a variety of opportunities, such as heading teams, departments, or young investigator groups. Internationally outstanding postdocs can establish their own young investigator groups with transparent career prospects after a multistage selection process. Forschungszentrum Jülich supports them from the application phase, helps to increase their visibility inside and outside the research centre, and fosters connections with university partners. It is also possible to combine a leadership position with a joint professorial appointment at a university. Joint professorial appointments are used to fill institute head (W3), department head, and group leader (W2/W1) positions, linking Forschungszentrum Jülich and its partner universities strategically and personnel-wise.
Learn more about our leadership opportunities and joint appointments or apply now for funding opportunities.
We complement a centre-wide support with programmes of excellence and counselling, for example:
Jülich Excellence Prize: The award honours outstanding young scientists especially for exceptional achievements during their doctorate and early postdoc phase.
Young Excellent Scientist Program: The program promotes participants as outstanding, aspiring early career researchers in qualifying for a leading position in academia through counselling, networking, and increased visibility.
Career Centre & Postdoc Office: Comprehensive support in all career-related issues; measures for career development, advice, orientation, and networking for postdocs and doctoral researchers.
Advisory Services: For international employees on third party-funding, transfer & innovation, reconciling work and family life. · Networking opportunities: Networks in which different groups of people can connect related to professional and personal interests, e.g. software developers (JuRSE), women (FemaleVoice), or LGBTQIA+ and Friends (Rainbow Network).
13 October 2024

Research for a changing society

Shaping change. This is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association with more than 7,400 employees, we conduct interdisciplinary research into a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a sustainable economy.
How is information processed in biological and technical systems?
Our research combines various areas: simulation and data science using high-performance computing, quantum computing, brain research, neuromorphic computing, and research into bioelectronics-based and nanoelectronics-based information technologies of the future. Thanks to our unique computing infrastructure and professional expertise, we make an important contribution to the application of artificial intelligence. We develop reliable, transparent AI tools and foundation models. Our AI expertise is highly sought after in science and industry. Learn more about our information research.
How can we succeed in the energy transition and mitigate the effects of climate change?
Many multidisciplinary aspects are explored – the conversion, storage, and transport of energy as well as its conversion back into electrical energy on the consumer side. The spectrum of research covers the entire value chain – from the fundamentals and the development of suitable materials right up to the energy system level. It also covers the interaction between energy systems, air quality, and the climate. Learn more about our energy research.
How can we facilitate the transition to a bio‐based sustainable economy?
Research on the bioeconomy is aimed at the transition from a crude oil-based to a bio-based economy that uses renewable resources efficiently and sustainably. We explore new value-added processes based on plant raw materials that can be used in agriculture, water management, chemistry, and pharmacy. Learn more about our bioeconomy research.