Federal University of Piauí
Recent publications
Given the importance of family production, our aim was to characterize the productivity and importance of family production during the COVID-19 pandemic in the communities of Engano dos Rodrigues and Lagoa Seca, located in the municipality of Santana do Piauí. Data were collected by monitoring production and sales, from interviews and analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) matrix. The strengths of the activity lie in the diversity of food products and the continuous production of most items, in the organization into an association and the partnerships established, which were crucial at a time of crisis to guarantee the distribution and sale of agricultural products. The weak points are mainly related to the lack of technical assistance. Understanding the dynamics of agroecological family production in times of crisis highlights the importance of institutional support and continuing education for the resilience and sustainable development of rural communities. We also stress the importance of future research focusing on the impact of public policies on family farming in the semiarid region, as well as the effectiveness of different marketing and cooperation strategies among farmers.
This study investigated the association between the ACE (I/D) polymorphism and strength phenotypes in Brazilian male handball players, considering their playing position. A total of 105 male junior handball players and 92 controls were evaluated. The ACE I/D polymorphism was genotyped by conventional PCR followed by electrophoresis in agarose gel. All participants were anthropometrically evaluated and performed the standing long jump (SLJ) and medicine ball throw (MBT) tests. Athletes presented superior performance in the SLJ and MBT tests compared to the control group in all playing posi-tions (p < 0.01). No signiÀcant di򯿿erenceswereobservedingenotype or allele frequencies when comparing athletes and controls or among playing positions. However, asigniÀcantdi򯿿erence was observed whencomparingall athletestocon-trols using the over-dominant model (II +DD vs. ID; p=0.035). Additionally, ID athletes had better performance in the MBT than DD players (p = 0.04), athletes with II +ID and II +DD genotypes exhibited superior performance in the SLJ test (p<0.04), and ID athletes demonstrated increased height compared to II +DD counterparts (p = 0.01). In conclusion, our data showed a potential association between ACE (I/D) polymorphism and overall athletic predisposition in handball players, with no association with playing position.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a neuromuscular disease with an overall incidence of between 1 in 5,000 newborn males. Carriers may manifest progressive muscle weakness, resulting from the progressive degeneration of skeletal muscles, generating cardiac and respiratory disorders. Considering the lack of effective treatments, different therapeutic approaches have been developed, such as protein synthesis and extracellular matrix derivatives that can be used to improve muscle regeneration, maintenance, or repair. At the same time, the use of other anti-inflammatory drugs or biological agents to replace corticosteroids conjugated to these extracellular matrix derivatives may act more effectively in controlling the progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Extracellular matrix-derived peptides (eg laminin-111 derivatives) and the use of essential oils with antiinflammatory activity in polymeric particles for application in the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy are discussed. For this purpose, the literature of patents and scientific articles from 2012– 2024 on LM-111 peptides and Duchenne muscular dystrophy was reviewed. Many patents focus on palliative technologies that seek to prolong the progressive effects of the disease, considering the control of the inflammatory process. The technological and scientific prospecting suggests the need for continuous research on systems that can serve as a treatment for Dystrophy.
In this work, we present and analyze a variant of the classical gradient method in Hilbert spaces for solving vector optimization problems where the objective function is Fréchet differentiable with L-Lipschitz continuous Jacobian map. The proposed algorithm utilizes a hybrid scheme involving a subproblem based on first-order information of the objective function and a projection step onto the intersection of two specific sets, which are constructed iteratively. This projection step ensures that the generated sequence exhibits strong convergence to a weakly efficient solution. Furthermore, a numerical experiment is provided to evaluate the practical performance of the Hybrid Vector Gradient Method (HVGM) based on the developed theory.
Body composition is a determining factor in the physical performance of cyclists, directly influencing efficiency and power during competitions. Understanding these aspects can help optimize training and maximize results. This study aimed to analyze the influence of body composition on physical performance in mountain bike athletes. His cross-sectional study evaluated 83 mountain bike athletes (11 females, 39.60 ± 11.52 years). Body composition assessment was carried out using bioimpedance analysis. Participants performed the standing long jump and handgrip strength tests, to assess their strength of the lower and upper limbs, respectively. Finally, we measured the completion time of a Mountain Bike Marathon, with the distance of 75 km). Pearson’s correlation was analyzed to verify the influence of body composition on race time and physical performance tests. The race time was 168.14 ± 30.85 min. Standing long jump and handgrip strength tests were significantly correlated with all body composition parameters. Additionally, race time was significantly correlated with body fat percentage (r = 0.415, p = 0.000), skeletal muscle mass (r = − 0.427, p = 0.000), total body water (r = − 0.400, p = 0.000), intracellular water (r = − 0.420, p = 0.000), and extracellular water (r = − 0.370,p = 0.000). Body composition has a significant influence on the physical performance of mountain bike cyclists, with body water and muscle mass positively correlated with performance and body fat negatively correlated. A higher percentage of fat results in longer race times, while greater muscle mass and hydration result in shorter race times.
This study investigated the modulation of Eimeria spp. parasite load and its impact on productivity parameters in lambs fed varying levels of babassu by-product (BBP). Twenty-four Dorper × Santa Inês lambs naturally infected with Eimeria spp. were divided into four groups and assigned to dietary treatments with increasing levels of BBP inclusion: Control group (0% BBP; n = 6), G1 (5% BBP; n = 6), G2 (10% BBP; n = 6), and G3 (15% BBP; n = 6). Fecal oocyst counts, dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), and apparent digestibility coefficients were monitored throughout the experiment. Results revealed that 9.5% BBP inclusion was associated with the lowest mean oocyst count per gram of feces, without compromising ADG. Nine Eimeria species were identified, with E. crandallis, E. parva and E. ovinoidalis being the most prevalent. Principal component analysis revealed a negative correlation between Eimeria spp. infection intensity and lamb performance, with higher BBP inclusion levels being associated with improved DMI, ADG, and digestibility. These findings suggest that dietary BBP at 9.5% inclusion effectively modulates Eimeria spp. parasite load in lambs while maintaining productivity. Although the exact mechanisms require further investigation, these results highlight BBP as a promising natural alternative for coccidiosis management in sheep production. This natural, sustainable approach offers a promising strategy for coccidiosis management in sheep, particularly in tropical and subtropical production systems.
Neurodegenerative diseases are a major public health challenge, mainly affecting the elderly population and compromising their cognitive, sensory, and motor functions. Currently, available therapies focus on alleviating symptoms and slowing the progression of these conditions, but they do not yet offer a definitive cure. In this scenario, terpenes emerge as promising natural alternatives due to their neuroprotective properties. These compounds can reduce the formation of protein aggregates, neutralize free radicals, and inhibit pro-inflammatory enzymes, which are crucial factors in the development of neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, terpenes also play an important role in the regulation and remodeling of the extracellular matrix, a key target for improving neuronal functions. Substances such as linalool, pinene, and eugenol, among others, have potential therapeutic effects by modulating inflammatory and oxidative stress processes, the main factors that contribute to the progression of these diseases. Studies suggest that these compounds act on signaling pathways that regulate the extracellular matrix, improving neuronal integrity and, consequently, cognitive and motor function. This work aims to review the potential of terpenes in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, with emphasis on their ability to regulate oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as to remodel the extracellular matrix. The interaction between these mechanisms points to the promising use of terpenes as an innovative and natural therapeutic approach to combat these diseases.
Monitoring biodiversity on a large scale, such as in hydropower reservoirs, poses scientific challenges. Conventional methods such as passive fishing gear are prone to various biases, while the utilization of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has been restricted. Most eDNA studies have primarily focused on replicating results from traditional methods, which themselves have limitations regarding representativeness and bias. In our study, we employed eDNA metabarcoding with three markers (12SrRNA, COI, and 16SrRNA) to evaluate the biodiversity of an 800 km² reservoir. We utilized hydrodynamic modeling to determine water flow velocity and the water renewal ratio throughout the study area. Additionally, we conducted statistical comparisons—rarefaction curves and multivariate methods—among samples as an alternative approach to assess biodiversity representation. The eDNA identified taxa previously documented in the reservoir by traditional monitoring methods, as well as revealed 29 –nine fishes and 20 non-fish—previously unreported species. These results highlight the robustness of eDNA as a biodiversity monitoring technique. Our findings also indicated that by randomly sampling 30% of the original number of samples, we could effectively capture the same biodiversity. This approach enabled us to comprehend the reservoir’s biodiversity profile and propose a straightforward, cost-effective monitoring protocol for the future based on eDNA.
Commonly, decomposition and splitting techniques for optimization problems strongly depend on convexity. Implementable splitting methods for nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization problems are scarce and often lack convergence guarantees. Among the few exceptions is the Progressive Decoupling Algorithm (PDA), which has local convergence should convexity be elicitable. In this work, we furnish PDA with a descent test and extend the method to accommodate a broad class of nonsmooth optimization problems with non-elicitable convexity. More precisely, we focus on the problem of minimizing the difference of convex and weakly convex functions over a linear subspace. This framework covers, in particular, a family of stochastic programs with nonconvex recourse and statistical estimation problems for supervised learning.
Background and Objective Non‐invasive neuromodulation techniques (NIN), such as transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), have been extensively researched for their potential to alleviate pain by reversing neuroplastic changes associated with neuropathic pain (NP), a prevalent and complex condition. However, treating NP remains challenging due to the numerous variables involved, such as different techniques, dosages and aetiologies. It is necessary to provide insights for clinicians and public healthcare managers to support clinical decision‐making. This umbrella review aims to consolidate existing evidence on the effectiveness of various NIN in managing chronic NP. Databases and Data Treatment A systematic search was conducted in the PubMed/MEDLINE database, including meta‐analyses of controlled trials comparing NIN techniques with sham interventions for NP treatment. The quality of included studies was assessed using the AMSTAR‐2 tool and the GRADE system, with effect sizes adjusted to the standard mean difference (SMD). Results The review included 22 meta‐analyses comprising 8151 participants from 214 controlled trials. The most investigated NIN techniques were tDCS and rTMS, with primary targets being the motor cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The findings suggest that excitatory protocols, particularly high‐frequency rTMS and anodal tDCS, are effective in reducing pain intensity in individuals with NP. However, the overall quality of evidence was rated low, primarily due to heterogeneity among studies and small sample sizes. Conclusion NIN techniques show promise in managing NP, with potential benefits in pain reduction. However, further high‐quality research is needed to establish optimal protocols and long‐term effects. Significance Statement This paper consolidates the evidence regarding non‐invasive neuromodulation for the treatment of neuropathic pain, including differentiating the most effective techniques based on the aetiology of pain, and provides clinicians with easy access to this critical information. It also highlights key aspects that require further research in the field of non‐invasive neuromodulation and neuropathic pain.
The traditional use of plants of the Cinnamomum genus dates back to traditional Eastern medicine for millennia and they have also been used in Western integrative medicine practices, especially for their anti-inflammatory activity. In the context of chemical diversity, the absolute majority of species in this genus have cinnamaldehyde as the majority component, which in turn holds the title of the active ingredient, whose biological effect profile has already been demonstrated in numerous experiments in acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. In this context, the objective of this research was to investigate how cinnamaldehyde can influence inflammatory phenomena. To this end, the data search was carried out in Pub- Med, SciELO, and LILACS databases using the following descriptors: "cinnamaldehyde OR cinnamaldehyde" and "inflammation". Next, the methodological quality of the selected articles was checked, excluding repeated studies, which were purely in silico and not relevant to the construction of this research. The findings showed cinnamaldehyde to modulate the inflammatory response by inhibiting pro-inflammatory mediators and important signaling trajectories, including NF-κB, NLRP3 inflammasome, TGF-β/Smads, and the NRF2/ARE antioxidant pathway. Cinnamaldehyde's scope of investigation also involves aspects of translational science, exhibiting therapeutic effects in human models, which suggests that it may have clinical relevance. The data support that cinnamaldehyde is a promising candidate for development as a treatment in inflammatory pathologies.
Dementia affects 55 million people globally, with the number projected to triple by 2050. Statins, widely prescribed for cardiovascular benefits, may also have neuroprotective effects, although studies on their impact on dementia risk have shown contradictory results. In this systematic review and meta‐analysis, we searched PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. We assessed the risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and vascular dementia (VaD), with subgroup analyses by gender, statin type, and diabetes status. Fifty‐five observational studies including over 7 million patients were analyzed. Statin use significantly reduced the risk of dementia compared to nonusers (hazard ratio [HR] 0.86; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.82 to 0.91; p < 0.001). It was also associated with reduced risks of AD (HR 0.82; 95% CI: 0.74 to 0.90; p < 0.001) and VaD (HR 0.89; 95% CI: 0.77 to 1.02; p = 0.093). Subgroup analyses revealed significant dementia risk reductions among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (HR 0.87; 95% CI: 0.85 to 0.89; p < 0.001), those with exposure to statins for more than 3 years (HR 0.37; 95% CI: 0.30 to 0.46; p < 0.001), and populations from Asia, where the greatest protective effect was observed (HR 0.84; 95% CI: 0.80 to 0.88). Additionally, rosuvastatin demonstrated the most pronounced protective effect for all‐cause dementia among specific statins (HR 0.72; 95% CI: 0.60 to 0.88). Our findings underscore the neuroprotective potential of statins in dementia prevention. Despite the inherent limitations of observational studies, the large dataset and detailed subgroup analyses enhance the reliability of our results. Future randomized clinical trials are necessary to confirm these findings and enlighten clinical guidelines. Highlights Largest meta‐analysis to date on statins and dementia risk, including 55 studies and more than 7 million patients. Statin use linked to lower risks of all‐dementia, AD, and VaD. Numerous significant subgroup results highlight statins' diverse neuroprotective effects. Findings support statins as a public health tool, especially in low‐income countries. Future research should explore the impact of statins across diverse patient populations.
This work experimentally explores the induction of resistive transitions in a metal through the magnetic proximity effect, focusing specifically on the transitions in the electrical resistance of copper induced by the magnetic transitions of copper oxychloride. The findings unveiled a sharp drop in the electrical resistance of the conductive channel within the metallized regime, precisely coinciding with the magnetic transitions of copper oxychloride. The study’s findings align with prior research on spin resistivity in frustrated antiferromagnet, and this phenomenon can be attributed to the induction of triplet states within the metallic layer via the magnetic proximity effect. These insights hold the potential to unlock new avenues for the investigation of spintronic devices and magnetic interface phenomena.
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3,578 members
Felipe C Carneiro
  • Departamento de Biologia
Boniek Venceslau da Cruz Silva
  • Centro de Ciências da Natureza
Dalton Dittz
  • Departamento de Bioquímica e Farmacologia
Gardenia de Sousa Pinheiro
  • Departamento de Física
Mailson Fontes de Carvalho
  • Campus Senador Helvídio Nunes de Barros
Teresina, Brazil
Head of institution
Gildásio Guedes Fernandes