Recent publications
Helminthiasis is a common infection in both humans and other animal populations and negatively affects the health of the host, causing a range of morbidity and even mortality, especially in young people and those with weakened immune systems. A variety of diagnostic procedures with a number of modifications are available to identify the sources of infection and to assess the epidemiological situation, the effectiveness of parasite control programs, anthelmintic treatment, and the prevention of drug resistance. These can be simple and cheap methods – for example, stool smear examination – or modern highly sensitive methods – for example, PCR analysis. This review attempts to summarize the advantages and limitations of each of these frequently used methods.
This study provides an updated assessment of the taxonomic and molecular-genetic diversity of fish species in the western Chukchi Sea, employing both traditional and modern research methodologies. The research was conducted aboard the Research Vessel Akademik Oparin in 2016, utilizing various collection methods including trawling and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). A total of 486 specimens representing 26 species across 8 families were collected and identified. Among them, 97 specimens were partially genotyped using mitochondrial markers COI and 12S rRNA, with some specimens genotyped for one marker only and others for both. Our results confirm that the Arctic Staghorn Goby, Gymnocanthus tricuspis, remains a dominant species with a high frequency of occurrence. High occurrence was also noted for the Hamecon, Artediellus scaber, and the Shorthorn Sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius. The study further investigates the genetic distances within and among species, highlighting the efficacy of DNA barcoding in species identification. Phylogenetic analysis revealed distinct clusters that correspond to taxonomic relationships. Both 12S rRNA and COI markers were effective in identifying species within closely related groups, but 12S demonstrated superior performance in cases of degraded DNA samples. The efficacy of this marker highlights its utility in augmenting the global DNA barcode library and enhancing large-scale biodiversity assessments, potentially facilitating the transition to next-generation sequencing technologies. Additionally, the use of ROVs marked a non-intrusive advancement in observing fish distribution, complementing traditional capture methods. This comprehensive approach not only enhances our understanding of Arctic biodiversity, but also contributes to monitoring ecological impacts due to climatic changes.
The article presents data on the prevalence of enterovirus meningitis in the Far Eastern Federal District for the period from 2010 to 2023. Enterovirus meningitis was registered in all territories of the Far Eastern Federal District. The maximum incidence rates were detected in Khabarovsk Krai. The maximum indicators for Khabarovsk Krai, statistically exceeding all subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, are probably the result of effective laboratory diagnostics, and not the presence of additional risk factors for the development of the epidemic process. Sakhalin Oblast ranked second, followed by Jewish Autonomous Oblast. In addition, clinical manifestations of enterovirus infection in the form of meningitis were steadily formed only in Primorsky Krai and Amur Oblast. These subjects can be considered as endemic for enterovirus infection, clinically manifested by meningitis. There are no grounds to classify Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Magadan Oblast, Kamchatka Krai and the Sakha Republic as endemic for enterovirus infection manifested by meningitis. In some years, the proportion of enterovirus meningitis ranged from 8 to 58 % of enterovirus infection. Enteroviruses Echo (53.2 %), Coxsackie A (29.8 %) and Coxsackie B (17 %) were isolated from patients. No statistical association of enterovirus meningitis with certain serotypes of the pathogen was revealed. The main age groups of patients with enterovirus meningitis in the period from 2017 to 2022 were children of 3-6 years of age and 7-14-year-old schoolchildren. In the structure of computer patients, they accounted for 28.7-45.2 % and 39.3-62.6 %, respectively. A small proportion of cases (up to 3.4 %) occurred in children under the age of one year. From 3.1 to 14.2 % of the cases were represented by 1-2-year-old children. Persons aged 15-17 years accounted for 0.1-8.3 % of cases in the age structure of computer disease. The long-term dynamics of the incidence of enterovirus meningitis in endemic territories was characterized by the presence of cyclicity.
The magnetotransport and magnetic properties of UT and thin CrSi films are investigated. UT films exhibit quantum magnetoresistance (3–30 K) and out-of-plane ferromagnetism (FM), and thin CrSi films exhibit 3D conductivity and weak FM.
The article notes that increasing the international competitiveness of the university requires the consideration of many factors, including the social environment of the university. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodological approach to assess the impact of cross-cultural features on the students’ attitude toward the social environment of the university as a factor of its international competitiveness. In this study we developed a model of culture that reflects a list of cultural values, the characteristics of the material and institutional environment, which are adapted to the market of educational services of universities. We highlighted the elements of the social infrastructure of the university: housing and utilities, public catering and trade, consumer services, cultural and recreational, sports and fitness, communication. The proposed methodological approach was tested on Chinese and Russian students. The results of the study can be used to develop measures to improve the international competitiveness of the universities.
In this article the authors are analyzing different approaches to understanding of legal precedent as a source of law in formal sense. The authors think that the essence of the precedent should be deeply studied in legal science. As a conclusion authors suggest that there can be distinguished two main models of legal precedent: Anglo-American and civil models. And the role of the legal precedent in each concrete country should be analyzed according to these two models.
Basic properties of bottom sediments, including organic carbon content, are determined to understand biogeochemical cycles in the marine environment. The samples were collected using a geological column sampler from the upper 10-centimeter layer of the sediments at the depth of 12.2–99.0 m in Kievka Bay in the 83 rd cruise of RV Academician M.A. Lavrentiev. The bottom sediments in Kievka Bay are distinguished by significant content of organic carbon, in the medium to high categories, and high levels of major nutrients in the organic fraction, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Their particle-size composition corresponds mainly to sandy loams, with prevalence of silicon, aluminum and iron in the mineral skeleton that is similar to coastal soils. The content of organic carbon and total nitrogen in the bottom sediments of Kievka Bay correlates positively with the portion of physical clay fraction. The same analytical techniques used for both bottom sediments and coastal soils allow to consider the continental-ocean transition zone as a single system.
Results of a quantitative diving survey of macrobenthos in the Avachinsky Bay at southeastern Kamchatka in October 2021 are presented. The survey was conducted in a year after the harmful algal bloom (HAB) with mass death of marine organisms in certain areas of the coastal zone. The depth range of 4–14 m was surveyed. In total, 92 species of macrobenthos were identified, the average biomass of macrobenthos was assessed in 2768.7 ± 2115.4 g/m ² , and the average abundance — in 2449.9 ± 1502.1 ind./m ² . The species structure of macrobenthos was similar to the results of survey conducted by Kamchatka researchers in the spring of 2021. Significant reduction in the number of species and biomass was detected then for sponges, anemones, gastropods, echinoderms and ascidia and confirmed again by our data. In October 2021, the portion of these taxonomic groups in the total biomass of macrobenthos on solid soils did not exceed 1–2 % that is evident consequence of significant changes in structure of the bottom community caused by mass death of benthic organisms during HAB in the fall of 2020. A year after the HAB, bivalves and polychaetes, as well as red and brown algae occupied the dominant positions in the community in terms of the species number and abundance, whereas pacific mussel Mytilus trossulus dominated by biomass (this species was dominant before the natural disaster and preserved this position) and subdominants were Hedophyllum bongardianum , Thalassiophyllum clathrus (Ochrophyta), Schisobranchia insignis (Polychaeta) and Ptilota asplenioides (Rhodophyta). Increasing in abundance of Amphipoda and Decapoda crustaceans was noted in 2021 relative to 2020.
In this work the method of obtaining composite ceramics based on perovskite and pyrochlore of compositions YxZrxSr1-3xTiO3 (x = 0.1, x = 0.2, x = 0.3) and Y2(ZrxTi)2O7 (x = 1) using the technology of reactive spark plasma sintering has been investigated. A comprehensive study of phase transformations, structure formation and physical and mechanical characteristics of ceramics depending on the ratio of Sr2+/Y3+/Zr4+ has been carried out by XRD, SEM, EDS and “diffraction movie” methods at the synchrotron radiation source. High hydrolytic stability of ceramics is proved and the mechanism of low leaching rate of Sr2+ < 10–7 g cm−2 day, Y3+ and Zr4+ < 10–5 g cm−2 day is described, which corresponds to GOST R 50926-96 and ANSI/ANS 16.1. The results of the work are promising for conditioning of radioactive waste and production of radioisotope products.
In the article the author explores the issue of the genesis of the law as a phenomenon of objective reality differentiating it according to the principle of belonging to the western and the eastern legal tradition. The methodology basis for this research is the analytical psychology conception of Carl Gustav Jung, who considered the collective unconscious to be the basis of the human culture, which has collective, universal and impersonal nature, identical for all individuals of a certain community. We suggest differentiating the western and the eastern legal traditions in accordance with the values of the archetype criterion, which is the dominating cultural idea, and which creates the basic influence on the legal regulation on the whole and, in particular, determines the role of the law in public life and estimation of the law as a value.
Water quality is assessed in some coastal areas of Peter the Great Bay, Japan Sea, by means of microbial indication. In the areas polluted with heavy metals, the number of metal-resistant forms of bacteria in heterotrophic microbial communities varies in accordance with the type and degree of environmental pollution. The heightened numbers of metal-resistant microorganisms in the Amur, Ussuri, and Nakhodka Bays indicate a high degree of anthropogenic load. The heavy industrial pressure is recorded there more than 20 years in such sites as Cape Lagerny and Cape Firsov (at the mouths of Pervaya Rechka and Vtoraya Rechka Rivers in the Amur Bay) and Lazurnaya Bay (in the Ussuri Bay) and extends recently in the coastal area at Bolshoy Kamen (Ussuri Bay), at Cape Tokarevsky (Amur Bay) and Cape Petrovsky (Nakhodka Bay). The waters in the Far Eastern Marine Reserve in the southwestern Peter the Great Bay are quite clean, with the least industrial impact caused mainly by transboundary transfer of pollutants.
Modern data on dynamics of structure and abundance of zooplankton communities in the epipelagial layer of Pacific waters at the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka are presented on the data collected in summer of 2004–2023. On the background of changing environmental conditions, the portion of small- and medium-sized zooplankton is increased recently, mainly due to increasing abundance of moderately cold-water copepod Oithona similis and hyperiid Themisto pacifica . Among the large-sized zooplankton, increasing abundance of warm-water copepod Eucalanus bungii and decreasing number of cold-water Neocalanus copepods (especially N. cristatus ) is observed. Inter-annual fluctuations of the total zooplankton stock did not exceed 3 times, while the biomass of some taxonomic groups varied in 4–9 times. The total biomass of zooplankton, which forms the basis of food base for fish and squids, is assessed as (96 ± 6).10 ⁶ t in the 0–50 m layer and (90 ± 6).10 ⁶ t in the 50–200 m layer. In summer, nekton consumes a small part of zooplankton production in this season ( ¹ / 27 ). The studies of fish and squids consumption of zooplankton in the North-West Pacific did not reveal its significant dependence on the changes in structure and abundance of zooplankton communities, possibly related with oceanographic regime changes.
Species composition, abundance, ecological structure and spatial distribution of macrobenthos are considered in landscape and ecological conditions of the Astafiev and Srednyaya Bights in the eastern part of the Far Eastern Marine Biosphere State Nature Reserve. The main types of landscapes are identified on the data of landscape profiling. Granulometric composition of soils and organic matter content in the bottom sediments are analyzed. A total of 77 species are found in the macrobenthos of both bights. There are 28 species of epibenthos (similarity between bights by Jaccard index is 93 %) and 53 species of infauna (similarity 23 %), including 4 species common for both biotopes. Different ecological processes in the bottom-macrobenthos system occur in these nearby bights that affects biological diversity, abundance and structure of soft-soil benthos. Despite geomorphological similarity of the bights, the bottom environment in the Astafiev Bight is more enriched in organic matter, but taxonomic composition and abundance of infauna is poorer there. Bulk release of terrigenous matter from the eroded shore of Gamov Peninsula to this bight after rains destabilizes and jeopardizes its bottom environments and prevents formation of biologically stable, diverse and abundant benthos. In the neighbor Srednyaya Bight with a less erosive coastline, the bottom sediments are formed by marine processes mostly, so the macrobenthos on soft soils is distinguished there by great biodiversity. The epibenthos in both bights has no such differences and is represented by the most common species for Peter the Great Bay.
The study explore machine learning (ML) techniques to predict temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectra in colloidal CdSe nanoplatelets (NPLs), leveraging polynomial regression models trained on experimental data from 85 to 270 K spanning temperatures to forecast PL spectra backward to 0 K and forward to 300 K. 6th-degree polynomial models with Tweedie regression were optimal for band energy () predictions up to 300 K, while 9th-degree models with LassoLars and Linear Regression regressors were suitable for backward predictions to 0 K. For exciton energy (), the Lasso model of degree 5 and the Ridge model of degree 4 performed well up to 300 K, while the Tweedie model of degree 2 and Theil-Sen model of degree 2 showed promise for predictions to 0 K. Furthermore, a GA-based approach was utilized to fit experimental data to theoretical model of Fan and Varshni equations, facilitating a comparative analysis with the ML-predicted curves.
The phenomenon of shape anisotropy predominantly constitutes the principal factor influencing effective anisotropy, serving as a significant determinant of the magnetic characteristics of one-dimensional ferromagnetic nanostructures, materials that hold substantial promise for a diverse array of applications in the domains of electronics and biomedicine. However, it is noteworthy that effective anisotropy may be modulated through the manipulation of various other forms of anisotropy, thereby facilitating the tuning of the magnetic properties of nanowire arrays without necessitating alterations to their spatial curvature. In this study, we elucidate the characteristics of nanowire arrays with varying lengths and compositions, which have been electrochemically synthesized utilizing identical porous templates. Through a range of experimental methodologies, we establish a correlation between atypical magnetic behavior and the underlying morphology and crystalline structure of the nanowires. We attribute the pronounced magnetostatic interactions observed within cobalt (Co) nanowires to the presence of significant local uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy, along with a nanostructure oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the nanowire. Furthermore, we examine the repercussions of substantial discrepancies in the lengths of iron (Fe) nanowires on the magnetostatic field distribution. Our analysis employs mean field theory, incorporating the contributions of various anisotropies present within the system, as well as the non-uniform lengths of the nanowires. Ultimately, through micromagnetic simulations, we investigated the stray fields present within the nanowire array and delineated how strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy and the variability in length affect their spatial distribution.
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Vladivostok, Russia
Head of institution
Nikita Yu. Anisimov