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This scoping review elucidates the behavioural trend of ghosting in vocational surroundings. Ghosting originates from private contexts, specifically from the dating sector. Due to power shifts within labour markets, the phenomenon entered vocational surroundings, impeding organisations’ daily operations and recruiting processes. Ghosting describes the behaviour of one party abruptly terminating contact with another party, without providing explanatory information or indications. Disappearing like ‘a ghost’ leaves ghosted parties uncertain about the situation. The current state of research on ghosting in vocational surroundings is sparse, mainly focusing on the candidate perspective to generate insights and enhance understanding. By conducting a qualitative content analysis, this scoping review examines the scope of preceding research, generating a scoping map to demonstrate the coverage of current knowledge on the respective research field, as well as outlining overlaps and gaps. Previous research differs substantially in the scope, with each study covering a different area of ghosting in vocational surroundings. The main overlaps are to be found on the perspective of the candidate side, but working towards various research objectives. The state of research to date is sparse and challenging to compare across studies, therefore examined broader by each research focusing on a different scope.
Nature-based-sports activities and hiking as a current trend have already been the focus of the management of sport destination development. However, there is a lack of research on what makes sport destinations attractive for hikers and how these aspects form destination attachment. This study thus contributes to previous research by examining hikers’ perceptions of factors relating to destination attractiveness and attachment of hiking destinations and by considering hikers’ destination-based emotions as an underlying mechanism. Two qualitative studies following an exploratory perspective show that scenery, amenities and sustainability are most relevant for a hiking destination’s attractiveness and attachment. The quantitative study confirms these factors being important for destination attractiveness and development and further shows that attractiveness drives hikers’ destination-based emotions and resultant destination attachment. Overall, this study contributes to the literature by considering sustainability scenery as relevant for attractive destination development. Resultant outcomes encourage hiking destinations to develop specific products for hikers and consider their needs in terms of nature-based and sustainable hiking products.
Das Projektmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten weiterentwickelt und professionalisiert. Als wesentliche Entwicklungslinie ist die Adoption von Konzepten des traditionellen, agilen und hybriden Projektmanagements aus dem privatwirtschaftlichen Umfeld zu identifizieren. Maßgebliche Treiber hierfür sind die politischen, ökonomischen und informationstechnischen Rahmenbedingungen, die beispielsweise eine intensivierte Bürgerbeteiligung, Transparenz, Nachhaltigkeit, interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit sowie Digitalisierung einfordern. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags wird der aktuelle Entwicklungsstand des Projektmanagements in Deutschland unter Bezugnahme auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt reflektiert, indem Stellenanzeigen der öffentlichen Verwaltung aus dem Jahr 2023 großzahlig analysiert werden (n = 62.080). Als Datengrundlage dienen digitale Stellenanzeigen, die automatisiert aus dem zentralen Stellenportal des Bundes extrahiert wurden. Durch Analyse der Stellenanzeigen werden die unterschiedlichen Berufsbilder für das Projektmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung transparent gemacht und deren Laufbahngruppenstruktur ermittelt. Darauf aufbauend wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle die bestehenden Standards des Projekt- und IT-Managements bei der Rekrutierung von Fachkräften für projektbezogene Berufe in der öffentlichen Verwaltung spielen.
Aims/Purpose: To present a case series of patients with persistent epithelial defects (PED) of different etiologies treated with topical insulin after failure of conventional treatments and evaluate its efficacy.
Methods: We reviewed the clinical history of 17 patients with PED that were treated with topical insulin since 2020, refractory to conventional treatments.
Results: Of the 17 patients with PED that we reviewed, 16 of them achieved reepithelization with topical insulin after failure of conventional treatment. Reepithelization mean time was 29 days (range 6‐60 days). Recurrence of the epithelial defect was observed in 2 patients. None of the patients that achieved epithelization needed extra treatment after topical insulin in order to solve the PED. No adverse effects were reported with the use of topical insuline and it was well tolerated.
Conclusions: Topical insulin is a very effective treatment for reepithelization of refractory persistent epithelial defects with good tolerance, no adverse effects, and good availability and cost‐effectiveness in comparison to other treatments.
References Aynsley TR. THE USE OF INSULIN IN THE TREATMENT OF CORNEAL ULCERS. Br J Ophthalmol. 1945 Jul;29(7):361‐3. doi: 10.1136/bjo.29.7.361. PMID: 18170130; PMCID: PMC513802.
Zagon IS et al. Use of topical insulin to normalize corneal epithelial healing in diabetes mellitus. Arch Ophthalmol. 2007 Aug;125(8):1082‐8. doi: 10.1001/archopht.125.8.1082. PMID: 17698755.
Diaz‐Valle D et al. Topical insulin for refractory persistent corneal epithelial defects. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021 Sep;31(5):2280‐2286. doi: 10.1177/1120672120958307. Epub 2020 Sep 21. PMID: 32951459.
Diaz‐Valle Det al. Comparison of the efficacy of topical insulin with autologous serum eye drops in persistent epithelial defects of the cornea. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022 Jun;100(4):e912‐e919. doi: 10.1111/aos.14997. Epub 2021 Aug 18. PMID: 34407296.
Wang AL et al. Use of Topical Insulin to Treat Refractory Neurotrophic Corneal Ulcers. Cornea. PMID: 28742619; PMCID: PMC5633504.
NaPier E et al. Neurotrophic keratopathy/ current challenges and future prospects. Ann Med.. PMID/ 35243932; PMCID/ PMC8903790.
Amidst the growing complexity and uncertainty of today’s operating environments, traditional binary thinking—reducing choices to limited “either/or” decisions—often falls short. To address these nuanced challenges and the conflicting opportunities and threats shaped by diverse stakeholder perspectives, a radically more sophisticated approach is needed. This paper introduces The Möbius Paradigm, a transformative approach which transcends outdated paradigms through systems thinking. By embracing Möbius infinity loop pathways, leaders inspired by radical empathy can transcend simplistic dichotomies, adopting a more holistic and sustainable framework for resolving complex dilemmas. The study highlights the critical challenges faced by choice-makers navigating diverse perspectives within complicated environments, emphasising dynamic stakeholder relationship management as essential for successful leadership. It offers practical examples of how Möbius Mindsets, Logic, and Thinking can be applied to multifaceted scenarios, fostering inclusive, adaptive, and conscious solutions. By integrating awareness of underlying values in choice-making, the Möbius Paradigm enables profound change, bridging the major divides of our time. This approach promotes the realisation of sustainable outcomes, enhancing well-being in business and beyond.
Industrial firms build their respective value chains by purchasing and tailoring core software to their specific business scenarios. Software functional testing is an indispensible element in the software implementation cycle. To achieve the two major aims of the functional testing, namely effectiveness and economics, business specialist, requirements analysts and the testing team should work together closely. To perform the functional testing, business requirements must be extracted and a number of recommended black-box testing methodologies should be used. Successful testing activities should enlist the support from test plans and test tools.
Today’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises are confronted with the IT-reality, the resource-reality and document-reality. Introduction of software systems and thus performing software testing have long become an indispensible necessity for a firm’s survival. A number of suggestions relevant to the practice are advanced by this paper, targeting at conducting successful software testing. A minimal set of business information must exist. Operational software testing should be supported by a software-based testing tool that provides a number of essential technical features. Seamless communication among participating departmental areas is another key success factor.
While capturing software requirements of business process, multinational firms are confronted with the fact that their business operations are scattered over a number of national markets. This paper suggests the approach of central-local-central loop to tackle the contextual complexity. First, Business process information is elicited, analysed and elaborated at the central headquarters. Second, requirements engineers must validate the centrally documented requirements at the local national markets where the application will ultimately be deployed. Empirical experience shows that observation, apprenticing and online-interview are effective field elicitation methodologies if they are applied in a combined and balanced manner. Third, the adapted, changed and added information shall be satisfactorily verified centrally and agreed upon by local and central product champions and decision makers.
Can regional integration policies enhance the efficiency of urban innovation? To this end, this study employs a multi-period PSM-DID approach based on data from 285 prefecture-level cities in China from 2004 to 2020 and a quasi-natural experiment on regional integration in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region to assess the impact of the implementation of regional integration policies on the innovation efficiency of cities. The results show that (1) the impact of regional integration policies on urban innovation efficiency (TE) is positively facilitated.(2) This paper further discusses the impact of regional integration policies on innovation efficiency by taking into account the upgrading of industrial structure in Chinese regions and using industrial structure upgrading as a moderating variable, and the results show that upgrading of urban industrial structure enhances the impact of regional integration policies on urban innovation efficiency.(3) Based on the perspective of heterogeneity, in cities with smaller population size, lower economic development level and weaker transportation accessibility, regional integration policy has a more significant effect on the enhancement of urban innovation efficiency, which shows that regional integration policy can effectively bring into play the technological diffusion effect of the central cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing.
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