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Daily deals platforms (DDPs) are perceived as an attractive means for hospitality merchants to acquire and retain new customers and generate ancillary revenues. However, these potential benefits come at the cost of steeply discounted prices and high commissions. How could hospitality merchants decide if working with DDPs is beneficial to their firm’s financial performance? This longitudinal study aims to investigate the impact of DDP on merchants’ performance by comparing DDP and non-DDP customers on key performance indicators, analyzing the benefit of product bundling, and potential cannibalization effects. The results show that DDP guests contributed lower revenues, had shorter lengths of stays, longer lead times, lower retention, and less positive reviews than their non-DDP counterparts. In deciding to work with DDPs, hoteliers must consider the opportunity cost of their choice because the expected vital benefits are more likely to be attained by non-DDP customers. Unexpectedly, DDP and non-DDP guests do not switch channels, and cannibalization is negligible. At the macro level, channel migration indicates that DDPs have contributed more bookings over the study period and become a more important channel in the channel mix.
This book offers an up-to-date collection of works on metaphors in the area of organization studies. The mission of the book is to increase the interest for metaphor-based and metaphor-oriented research within the area of organization studies; further knowledge on “metaphor” can help to increase the potential of metaphor in organization studies. The book acknowledges the usability of metaphor and metaphors in the area of organization studies and also acknowledges the existence of, explores, and suggests solutions to challenges that metaphor use comes with, in order to stimulate further use of both metaphor and metaphors in organization studies. The book is an effort to offer a smorgasbord of current (at the beginning of the 2020s) works that in one way or another use metaphor or metaphors in the study of organizing and organizations. Some of the contributors are well established within the area of metaphor in organization studies, many of them having played major roles in the development of the field throughout the years. Others have more recently begun using metaphor and metaphors in their studies of organizations and organizing. The book contains, within the area of organization studies—broadly defined—chapters offering theoretical considerations on metaphor; chapters exemplifying the use of metaphors in organization studies; chapters discussing methods for using metaphors in research; chapters dealing with the use of metaphors in teaching as well as in practice; and chapters offering various perspectives on metaphor.
Pang donglai Business Group is a regional retail enterprise. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the situation of the Pang donglai Business Group in the local market, find the main reasons why the group cannot expand, analyze the group's disadvantages and provide solutions. Propose specific strategic management strategies for the development of the group to help the group achieve better development, and also provide solutions and reference examples for local enterprises that encounter similar situations or have corresponding problems. By researching and comparing the strategies of other retail companies, and analyzing Pang donglai's corporate values, the authors point out that regional retail enterprises need to have clear goals and positioning to target corresponding customer groups in the current market environment to compete with foreign and large domestic chain retail groups. Combined with the local business environment, strengthen trade relations with farmers, abandon customer groups in first-tier cities, and develop markets in rural areas.
Developing a so-called "green economy" garners more support in the current climate of uncertainty and danger. Since the beginning of the 21st century, we have recognized that the drive to develop the economy causes irreparable harm to the planet's ecosystem. After the Covid pandemic, a new intermediate industry, the biopharmaceutical industry, has emerged to reduce the tension between the human ecology and the earth's ecosystem. This industry devised a successful response to the health, economic, and social issues of the pandemic age. This paper aims to examine the financial performance of two renowned biopharmaceutical companies, Pfizer and Moderna, which have been permitted to distribute the mRNA vaccine worldwide. This paper concludes the investigation into the stock performance of these two companies prior to and throughout COVID. Besides, examination of the technology market index, market volatility, and investor sentiment reveals the various fluctuations. In addition, the data reveals an effect of contagion between the two enterprises and the technology market. Thus, the research gives useful information for the development of public health economics, policy, and administration.
This paper uses data from the 2021 Swiss edition of the Gault&Millau food guide to analyze the probability with which restaurant owners decide to share their wine list with the public. This is an important question relating to the amount of information circulating in markets characterized by information asymmetry in the context of experience and credence goods. We find that restaurant owners are more willing to share wine lists with others if competition is limited or their wine list does not contain idiosyncratic information that competitors may use strategically. Interviews indicate the challenge for restaurants to balance the risk of sharing information with competitors and the opportunity to attract wine lovers by revealing an appealing wine list. We also show that this decision depends on cultural considerations.
According to recent meta-analyses, emotional intelligence can significantly predict academic performance. In this research, we wanted to investigate a particular group of students for which emotional intelligence should be crucial. Namely, we examined whether emotional intelligence, conceptualized as an ability, uniquely contributes to academic performance in hospitality management education beyond fluid intelligence and personality.
Using a battery of tests and questionnaires in an online survey, we analyzed if fluid ability, the Big-Five personality dimensions, and ability-based emotional intelligence predict six module grades in a sample of N = 330 first-semester students at a Swiss-based hospitality school.
We found that the ability to manage other people’s emotions is more predictive of module grades than fluid ability if the courses involve substantial parts of interactive work. Complementarily, the more a module focuses on theoretical knowledge or abstract subject material, the more fluid ability predicted performance. Other abilities and factors – emotion understanding, emotion regulation, the students’ age, conscientiousness, and openness – predicted performance only in specific modules, hinting that the didactic methods and grading procedures are complex and involve various skills and dispositions of the students.
Given that the hospitality education and industry are buzzing with interactions with peers and guests alike, we provide evidence that interpersonal and emotional competencies are vital to hospitality curricula.
This paper proposes an approach to determine efficient release prices on the Bordeaux en primeur (primary) market. The model exploits information from the secondary market to estimate efficient release prices. We apply the model to a representative sample of wines from the 2021 vintage. The results show that most chateaux released their wines at prices that were too high. The median overpricing is 5.2% but exceeds 30% for some wines. This situation may be partially attributed to excessively uniform pricing caused by the tendency of chateaux with similar status to release their wines at similar price levels.
In this study, we explore the “why?”, and “how?”, monitoring the pH of the fetal scalp is used, and show its limitations. In addition, we review the development of new devices based on the modern physics and nanomaterials serving this topic. Most of the works we found in our search have focused on improving the prognostic of fetal heart rate monitoring, because it is the “golden standard” in determining fetal distress. Although the best-known screening method, it can only provide limited information about the actual status of the fetus. The best predictive assessment, with the highest reproducibility, states that a normal fetal heart rate is indicative of a healthy baby. However, its excellent sensitivity is much reduced when identifying the actual “distress”. This is when second-line monitoring methods come into play to guide the diagnostics and direct the obstetrician towards an action plan. Although a historic method, fetal scalp pH sampling is still under review as to its efficiency and place in the current obstetrics. Continuous surveillance of the fetal parameters is important, especially for the fetuses undergoing intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR). Since fetal scalp blood sampling is still under research and is a randomized controlled trial, which compares the relevance of pH and lactates to the obstetrical situation, the maternal-fetal medicine could greatly benefit from the introduction of engineered nanomedicines to the field.
Hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) has gained popularity in the last decades, as it represents a feasible, well-tolerated, and minimally invasive method of evaluation of tubal patency in cases of infertility. The purpose of this study was to communicate the technical tips and tricks based on our experience in performing HyFoSy, with the aim to improve the feasibility, to reduce the pain, and to evaluate pregnancy-obtaining rate after procedure.
Our observational study includes 672 patients from infertile couples who underwent HyFoSy for tubal patency evaluation. During HyFoSy, tubal pathway and patency as well as the level of pain were evaluated. A telephonic questionnaire was conducted in order to assess the pregnancy obtaining rate in the first 3 months and more than 3 months after the procedure.
The median age in our group was 33.5 years. Most of our patients (61.16%) underwent HyFoSy in the 8-10 days of the menstrual cycle. Tubal patency was present bilaterally in 86% cases, unilaterally in 11% of patients, and was absent in 3% of cases; 75% of patients related absent or tolerable pain, 17% described HyFoSy as a painful procedure, and 8% experienced extreme pain. After HyFoSy, pregnancy was naturally obtained in 10.86% of cases within the first 3 months after HyFoSy.
HyFoSy represents a useful, easy to use, and painless tool in female infertility evaluation and should be considered as a complementary method of the transvaginal ultrasonography, completing the genital tract imaging with information about the hidden part of the standard examination: tubal patency. HyFoSy provides information about patency, caliber regularity, pathway, and occlusion location of the fallopian tubes; therefore, it should be introduced along with transvaginal ultrasound as a first-line infertility exploration method.
In this paper, we study the mean reversion behaviour of NAV spreads for a global sample of 219 listed real estate stocks. We find NAV spreads for companies trading at a high discount to mean revert fastest. Remarkably, we also provide evidence that online search attention impacts the mean reversion speed of NAV spreads: Stocks with lower levels of online search attention mean-revert significantly faster than those with higher levels. Our global research setting allows us to show that a country’s average NAV spread has an impact on the NAV spreads of individual stocks. Ultimately, we find that the NAV spread of companies receiving high levels of online search attention has a disproportionately high impact on the NAV spreads of other companies.
True umbilical knot (TUK), although not a commonly encountered pathology, hasan important psychological burden on the mother and obstetrician. It has an extremely low prenatal ultrasound diagnosis rate, despite its adverse perinatal outcomes when unknown. We conducted a retrospective observational analytical study on a 7-year period (2015–2021), including all pregnancies overseen by a single fetal-maternal medicine specialist for monitoring and delivery. We analyzed the prenatal detection rate and correlations between prenatal diagnosis of TUK and pregnancy outcome in terms of associated maternal and fetal factors, time and mode of delivery, fetal weight at birth, maternal level of stress, and iatrogenic prematurity. We compared our results with an electronic search of the literature to study the relationship between TUK and prematurity. We prenatally diagnosed 16 TUKs, and there were two false positives and two undiagnosed knots. All of those women had birth at term. The main finding of the review was a small number of studies that included enough cases for analysis. The prematurity rate due to TUK is 14.2%, significantly increased compared to the general population. An umbilical artery flow velocimetry notch in twin pregnancies complicated by TUK was an important ultrasonographic finding. We consider intrauterine fetal death exceptional, and the main adverse neonatal outcome is due to iatrogenic prematurity caused by maternal anxiety of knowing the prenatal diagnosis and mode of delivery. The elective method for diagnosis should be the second-trimester ultrasound scan using three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and cesarean delivery for a good neonatal outcome. Pregnant women should be counseled to understand the implications of iatrogenic prematurity, especially respiratory distress syndrome, to ensure these infants are delivered at term.
Hemivertebra is a common cause of congenital scoliosis and results from a lack of formation of one-half of the vertebral body. This condition is very rare and can present as solitary or as a syndrome component: i.e., the split notochord syndrome, which often implies vertebral defects, from a bifid vertebra to hemivertebrae, or fused vertebrae. We describe a case of supernumerary lateral hemivertebra detected prenatally at 12 weeks of gestation and the ultrasonography specifics that lead to early and accurate diagnosis, monitoring during pregnancy, and follow-up at the 4-year period. The case is presented to specify the importance of an early assessment of fetal spine and diagnosis of various conditions, including hemivertebrae, considering the significant association with other anomalies (cardiovascular, urinary, skeletal, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems), which are most commonly involved. Moreover, the need to counsel future parents on the risks implied by this anomaly is important for the obstetrician. We underline the inclusion of these types of congenital conditions in high-risk pregnancy because of the frequent association with high cesarean delivery rates, growth restriction, delivery before term, and higher morbidity rates.
Aim. Because the COVID-19 pandemic is a topic of interest in the literature due to its information dynamics and,
also, to its impact on the population health status; we wanted to highlight the connection between pandemic and
lifestyle, with an emphasis on eating habits.
Material and methods. A questionnaire with 20 items about sociodemographic data and information about eating
habits was distributed.
Results. Data collected reflected how COVID-19 pandemic influenced the employment status, level of income,
smoker status, consumption of fruits, vegetable, candies, sweets, chocolate and fast-food of the respondents. The
reported dietary changes were reflected both positively by more regular meals, a slight increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, lower consumption of fast food and higher cooked food, and negatively by a higher
intake of sweets, candies and chocolate and as a result of an increasing in the habit of compulsive eating.
Conclusion. The trait that easily weighed on all the activities of this period is the perceived level of stress and anxiety.
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Lausanne, Switzerland