Dow Chemical Company
  • Midland, United States

Evaluation of AFFINISOL HPMCAS HP Polymers in Hot Melt Extrusion Applications

9 November 2017
Authors: Kevin O’Donnell, William Porter III, Wes Spaulding, Florin Dan, T. Fowler, Britt Venchura

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the performance of AFFINISOL™ HPMCAS HP polymers in hot melt extrusion with regards to both extrusion performance, and performance of the resulting solid dispersions. Furthermore, this study was performed to determine differences in dissolution performance between solid dispersions prepared with HPMCAS HP and standard grades of HPMCAS as well as differences in thermal properties between the two polymer types.

To learn about our methods and see the results, click on the right for a free download of the full study.

Solve your solubility enhancement challenges
Dow Pharma Solutions experts studied the dissolution performance between solid dispersions in holt melt extrusion to identify the highest performing solution. Download the technical paper to learn more.
Posted 9 November 2017