Recent publications
Fluoromethyl triflate (superfluoromethyl, SFM, FH2COSO2CF3) and fluoromethyl fluorosulfonate (magic fluoromethyl, MFM, FH2COSO2F) are two easily synthesized, highly effective and non‐ozone depleting fluoromethylation reagents. They are analogous to the well‐known and widely used methylation reagents H3COSO2CF3 and H3COSO2F. Both SFM and MFM have been fully characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy (¹H, ¹³C, ¹⁷O, ¹⁹F, ³³S). Their structures have been determined in the solid state on in situ grown crystals by X‐ray diffraction and in the gas phase by electron diffraction. The fluoromethylation efficiency of SFM and MFM was shown by reactions with chalcogen nucleophiles of differing nucleophilicity. All fluoromethylated products were isolated as pure compounds and characterized by NMR and vibrational spectroscopy, as well as in some cases by single crystal X‐ray diffraction.
Carbon nanostructures of various shapes are among materials that have been extensively studied due to their unique chemical and physical properties. In this paper, we propose a new geometry of carbon nanostructures known as molecular carbon catenoid to compare with theoretical catenoid found from minimising the Willmore energy functional. Since applications of this structure include electron and molecular transport, this paper mathematically models the energetic behaviour of an atom and a spherical molecule entering a catenoid using the Lennard-Jones potential and a continuum approach. The suction energy is also obtained to determine the size of catenoid suitable for encapsulation of various structures. Results shown for theoretical catenoid using continuum modelling approach are found to be in good agreement with numerical simulations for molecular carbon catenoid.
Cadmium (Cd) is a highly harmful pollutant that poses a serious threat to human health. The liver is the primary organ for Cd accumulation, and Cd-induced hepatotoxicity has been shown to be strongly correlated with an oxidative imbalance in hepatocytes. Our previous studies in the eukaryotic model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed that not only co-treatment but also pretreatment with aqueous Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf extract (AMOLE) effectively mitigated Cd toxicity by reducing intracellular Cd accumulation and Cd-mediated oxidative stress. In this study, we therefore investigated the preventive effect of AMOLE against Cd toxicity in human HepG2 hepatocytes. The results showed that, similar to the case of the yeast model, pretreatment with AMOLE prior to Cd exposure also significantly inhibited Cd-induced oxidative stress in HepG2 cells. Untargeted LC-MS/MS-based metabolomic analysis of AMOLE revealed that its major phytochemical constituents were organic acids, particularly phenolic acids and carboxylic acids. Additionally, DPPH-HPTLC fingerprints suggested that quercetin and other flavonoids possibly contribute to the antioxidant activities of AMOLE. Based on our findings, it appears that pretreatment with AMOLE prevented Cd-induced hepatotoxicity via three possible mechanisms: i) direct elimination of free radicals by AMOLE antioxidant compounds; ii) upregulation of antioxidant defensive machinery (GPx1, and HO-1) via Nrf2 signaling cascade to improve cellular antioxidant capacity; and iii) reduction of intracellular Cd accumulation, probably by suppressing Cd uptake. These data strongly suggest the high potential of AMOLE for clinical utility in the prevention of Cd toxicity.
In this paper, we use direct algebra and improved generalized Riccati equation methods to investigate optical soliton solutions to the Chavy-Waddy-Kolokolnikov model for bacterial colonies. The model is effective at phototaxis, which is the generation of bacterial aggregates that move toward the light. The model’s solitary wave solutions are obtained using the direct algebra and Ricatti equation methods, which take into account the minor perturbations of the linear case as well as the regimes of pattern generation and instability. For each case, we determined the dynamic of optical soliton solutions for the model, which includes hyperbolic, periodic soliton solutions for the linear case and stationary spike-like solutions for the nonlinear case. The methods produced several types of hyperbolic, periodic, and exponential solutions for this model that were not previously specified in the literature. We also presented the 2D and 3D graphs to show the kink, bright, and dark solitary wave structures with suitable numerical values. The obtained solutions will be of great importance in chemotaxis and phototaxis bacterial adaptations.
Chalice‐shaped tridentate poly‐Lewis acids (PLA) based on the tribenzotriquinacene (TBTQ) scaffold have been synthesised. Stannylation of the alkyne units, attached via phenyl‐spacers to the benzhydrylic positions to the TBTQ scaffold, with Me2NSnMe3 afforded the trimethyltin substituted TBTQ derivative. Replacement of these tin functions with other elements resulted in rigid boron‐ and aluminium‐functionalised PLAs. More flexible PLAs were obtained by hydrometallation reactions of the terminal alkyne groups of 4b,8b,12b‐tris((ethynyl)phenyl)tribenzotriquinacene. The resulting poly‐Lewis acids were tested for their acceptor abilities in host‐guest experiments with suitable bases. Preliminary tests with pyridine led to the synthesis of a large tridentate base with three pyridyl groups attached to a TBTQ backbone. Complexation of this Lewis base with the PLAs resulted in the formation of aggregates, which were studied in solution in more detail by ¹H DOSY NMR experiments regarding their size. Further experiments were performed with the tridentate bases 1,4,7‐trimethyl‐1,4,7‐triazacyclononane and tris((dimethylphosphino)methyl)phenylsilane.
Simulation is an important learning activity in nursing education. There is little knowledge about dialogue and communication between students and facilitators in a virtual simulation setting. The current study, conducted in Norway, explores the dialogic teaching approaches applied by facilitators in a virtual classroom and adapt an analytic tool from a physical classroom in lower education to a virtual classroom in higher education.
Sixteen virtual simulation sessions of groups with nursing students were video-taped. The videos were coded with a coding scheme developed for physical classrooms and adapted to the virtual setting. The dialogic approaches from the facilitator were analysed using descriptive analysis.
The most frequently used approaches from the facilitator were categorised as asking (“Big questions”) and listening (“Wait time after a question”). The most frequent pattern seen in the use of dialogic approaches fall under the category listening.
The coding scheme is suitable to analyse facilitators' dialogic approaches in a virtual setting in nursing education. Further research should examine how the facilitator can strategically deploy dialogic approaches in other types of simulations with students.
The coding scheme was developed from lower to higher education, and from a physical to a virtual setting.
Transformations have successfully outperformed a significant role in solving differential equations and have been applied in large-scale aspects of science. Fareeha transform has been illustrated effectively in data compression based on containing more information of the transform. In this paper, we expand the fractional Fareeha transform in the Caputo derivative sense combining the Adomian Decomposition Method to seek the solutions of fractional differential telegraph equations. The results of practical utilization have also been significantly shown successful in solving fractional telegraph differential equations.
In this article, we analyze a rate of attraction of poles of an approximated function to poles of incomplete multipoint Padé approximants and use it to derive a sharp bound on the geometric rate of convergence of multipoint Hermite-Padé approximants to a vector of approximated functions in the Montessus de Ballore theorem when a table of interpolation points is Newtonian.
Het belang van gezondheidsbevordering bij mensen met een psychische aandoening en/of een licht verstandelijke beperking in de langdurige zorg is groot. De sociaal werker en verpleegkundige hebben beiden een rol in gezondheidsbevordering bij deze doelgroep. Uit praktijksignalen blijkt dat professionals hierin knelpunten ervaren. Literatuuronderzoek naar deze knelpunten leverde geen resultaten op. Om te onderzoeken welke knelpunten professionals tegenkomen in het werken aan gezondheidsbevordering in de ambulante setting, is aan de hand van zes interviews een verkennend kwalitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd. De resultaten geven inzicht in persoonlijke en omgevingsfactoren die een rol spelen, in het spanningsveld dat professionals ervaren tussen eigen regie en professionele verantwoordelijkheid, in de wisselende aandacht die gezondheidsbevordering krijgt vanuit de organisatie en in de begeleiding van de professionals. In het algemeen wordt gezondheidsbevordering gerelateerd aan fysieke gezondheid, wat vragen oproept over de kennis over gezondheidsbevordering en de (brede) visie op gezondheid. Ook geeft het onderzoek inzicht in de knelpunten die in de samenwerking worden ervaren, onder andere de uitdaging om als professional aan de juiste informatie te komen, het geringe contact met andere disciplines en het samenwerken binnen de versnipperde financieringsstructuren. Dit verkennende onderzoek geeft het signaal dat meer praktijkgericht onderzoek naar gezondheidsbevordering bij deze doelgroep nodig is.
The aim of this study is to gain empirical knowledge about how the Bible functions in the context of Protestant Christian primary schools in the Netherlands. It presents the results of an empirical explorative and qualitative study on the perceptions of teachers and school administrators (directors and internal supervisors) on the goals of Bible use in Protestant primary education, as well as the roles of teachers and pupils, and how these can be understood in terms of religious pedagogical models and theories. Five small focus group interviews with teachers and six interviews with school administrators revealed a variety of goals teachers hold regarding Bible use in education and a variety of divisions of teacher–learner roles in this regard. The findings also show some particular characteristics when compared with secondary schools.
In this article, we analyse WhatsApp interactions in a youth care setting. In family-style group care, young people temporarily live in the family of professional foster parents (PFP), while they regularly visit their birth parents (BPs). Our data consist of instant messaging of 11 pairs of PFPs and BPs during 2 months. Using Conversation Analysis (CA), we focused on the social interaction between BPs and PFPs, achieved in and through multi-modally constructed sequences of updates—responses. First, updates are used by BPs in the context of the transfer from the child from/to the PFP marking the transfer of responsibility for the child. Second, PFPs use images as updates to provide BPs quasi-primary access to the experiences of the child. Third, updates are given or elicited in the context of prior problems. Across these functions, we observe that while BPs work to display responsibility, PFPs subtly empower BPs as parents.
In Open Dialogue, sharing of reflections by professionals constitutes an important contribution to promoting a polyphonic dialogue between participants. In the inner dialogue, past and future influence the present moment. In this study, we explore the influence of sharing or withholding reflections by professionals on the interplay between inner and outer dialogue. A case study was used with a multi-perspective methodology, which combined video recordings of a network meeting and interviews by using video-stimulated recall with the clients separately, and social workers together afterward. We found that the sharing of reflections by professionals stimulates the inner dialogue and creates an opening for sharing these in the outer dialogue. In addition, we observed that when reflections are withheld, the client's inner dialogue still continues, but their inner dialogue was not shared in the outer dialogue.
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